



by @ jaymintaylor on tiktok

video description: A cell phone video pointed at the shadows of two people standing on a lawn.

Cameraperson: “Jaymin. Which way did he go?”

The person on the left adjusts their stance and clothing in such a way that their shadow ceases to resemble a human and perfectly forms an upward-pointing arrow. The cameraperson dissolves into laughter.



kisses you with tongue



So I was donating blood and was thinking of an AU where Billy knew he was Captain Marvel, knew how to access his powers but retained nothing of Marvel’s memories. A consequence of the magic is that the human mind can’t comprehend it so Billy transforms and essentially blacks out until he changes back. I can only imagine the sheer frustration of Bill having No Idea what he was up to as Marvel. His street buds think he’s the biggest Cap fanboy because he’s constantly tracking down down info on the heroes fights and missions in a desperate bid to understand. 

Marvel himself would be Billy but maybe he too has a hard time connecting to his mortal self’s memories. He knows he’s from Fawcett City, that he struggles and barely scrapes by under difficult circumstances but he really can’t recall any details or information about Bill’s life. He may even forget that his true self is child. Pretty ironic if Cap is voting down introducing child sidekicks to the League.

Freddy is shaking Billy down for info about what the Justice League is like and Bill is red faced from frustrated tears because he knows Nothing. He knows via interviews that the JLA loves Marvel, trusts him and talks to him alot but he doesn’t remember. Superman probably told Marvel his identity but does Bill know? Nope and its incredibly annoying.

#at some point the secrets out #billy has to change back mid mission for that sweet sweet giant pillar of lightning #wakes up briefly as himself in the middle of a Thing #goes Um Wtf is Going On I Think Maybe I should Shazam Again #later the justice league approaches him #youre a kid???? you are a child??? why did you lie to us????? >:0 #cap: wtf are you talking about why would i be a child

Superman:you’re a child? why didn’t you tell us?

Captain Marvel: wait, I’m a child??


Captain Marvel: oh my god i’m a child!! this explains somuch


Captain:thank you for telling me, this is a huge help

Superman:you’re… welcome??


I’m so, sosorry you had to find out like that…”

I really hope these kids will be okay :( for now have a bonus:


anyway to reiterate cuz some people still want to act confused: TSA are not “service workers” cops are not “service workers” they are not your working class allies they are the FEDS and their priority is to protect property for rich white people lmao they will happily tear gas and beat the shit out of striking workers and protestors while their fascist little police “union” covers up any and all misconduct, shootings, police brutality, and stands in the way of all abolition efforts. hell, even the slightest reform efforts. literally just google “police union” and you will find hundreds of articles about how they excuse and defend all police misconduct and incidents of brutality. while rates of union membership have dropped by half nationally since the early 1980s, to 10 percent, higher membership rates among police unions give them resources they can spend on campaigns and litigation to block reform. a single New York City police union has spent more than $1 million on state and local races since 2014. all of this while they violently suppress any and all of YOUR efforts to unionize and strike for better pay or working conditions. stop licking the boot and doing free PR for a fuckin terrorist organization

geniusbee:geniusbee: ive been watching batman the animated series recently, nostalgia! it’s the on



ive been watching batman the animated series recently, nostalgia! it’s the only superhero content i can get into, but i ofc gotta make it gayer 

a sequel … engagement announcement

Post link



“oh homeless people are just gonna use your money to buy drugs” and? and?? the government uses my tax money to buy bombs and cops, you think I care if someone in a shitty situation uses money I gave them to feel marginally less shitty? fuck off!

I’m looking at a lot of replies to this and some people really don’t get what this is like.

For context; I’m a recovering poly addict (somebody who was addicted to multiple different substances). For those who are nosy, it was alcohol and opioids.

I was also *technically* homeless for a period. I was lucky to be able to couch surf but there was definitely days where I had no idea where I was going to stay, and constantly had to rely of the kindness of others. I was on welfare at the time, but not much.

I was trying to get sober while couch surfing and holy fucking shit, it’s hard, I don’t think anyone understands how hard it is. I was fortunate to be able to lay on a warm couch and have withdrawals and even then, it was hard. That added stress of knowing that I was going to have to move on to the next kind person in my life was an extra layer to add onto how fucking sick I was. A lot of people don’t understand the physical aspect of drug use. My first night I spent violently shaking and clinging to a toilet bowl, wondering if I was dying.

I cannot even begin to fathom what it is like for those living on the street going through withdrawls. Hungry, cold, sleeping in a tent or on a cardboard box or on the god damn ground. I do not blame a single person for using money I give to avoid that. That is not a situation where it is reasonable to ask people to get sober. It’s just not.

Support homeless addicts, unconditionally, or don’t bother pretending like you care about them. Take the niciesties out the fucking door. If your criteria for helping homeless people includes “sobriety” then you don’t actually care.


“Tabitha the cat works as a resident vet nurse”















EVERYBODY knows (or should) that you DO. NOT. STOP. in Vidor, Texas. 

It’s best to just run out of gas elsewhere. Whatever you do, black folks, DO NOT STOP IN VIDOR, TEXAS. 

There’s a good chance you’ll get lynched or just come up missing - and I’m not joking.

also do NOT stop in Harrison, Arkansas!!!! (relatively close to OK and MI) a nazi town with a BIG KKK organization.

Reblog To Save Life

Okay but like reblog to LITERALLY SAVE SOMEONE’S LIFE

Please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please puHLEAAASSEEEEEEE BE SAFE

They are called sundown towns and there are a LOT of them in the US.


This website has a clickable map where you can see suspected and confirmed sundown towns by state, as well as information about whether these attitudes are historical or current.

Reblog for the link

reblog for the link


Please stay safe


I am poc too and i am scared for my LIFE when i go to the south. please stay safe.

I am not poc but I know this could save someone’s life. Please reblog and spread the message.

My obligatory addition to this every time it crosses my dash, because I know the link is definitely missing ones in my own (northern) state and there are some in this thread not on the above link either - thread by LeVar Burton with a LOT of replies from people naming the sundown towns near them:


I have to reblog this - my god, please do everything you can to keep yourself self!

America terrifies me sometimes

@wholesome-dragon-lady same and I live in this hellhole

luchsyy: oc dump but this time it’s dedicated to TWO (2) OCs!!!!  [applause]luchsyy: oc dump but this time it’s dedicated to TWO (2) OCs!!!!  [applause]luchsyy: oc dump but this time it’s dedicated to TWO (2) OCs!!!!  [applause]


oc dump but this time it’s dedicated to TWO (2) OCs!!!!  [applause]

Post link


doodles of T nd gabe on aggie

click on for better quality!





I feel like I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again and probably elaborate later but adoption is not a “solution” to abortion. Pregnant people are not incubators that exist for adoptive parents, babies forced to be alive should not be commodities to buy and sell. Private adoption agencies have lobbied for right wing anti-choice policies and politicians because they know they will profit off that that. You’ll hear “there’s an shortage of babies to adopt” because in America it’s completely normalized to sell children and if that leaves an icky taste in your mouth it’s because at the end of the day it’s simply true. And they price those children by race and gender, it’s wrong, but it is simply a fact.


I feel like it should be said America is one of the only countries this is normalized. A lot of people from other countries would give us a horrified look because this sounds beyond the pale and dystopian. But for some reason we’re made to believe it’s normal. And that’s not to dunk on my fellow Americans as much as point out that we’re fed propaganda to believe this is normal when it is in fact a hold over by private adoption agencies from Georgia Tann stealing + profiting off of the human trafficking of children.

In Ireland, where abortion was strictly illegal from 1861 up until the referendum to repeal the 8th amendment in 2018, The Catholic church profited massively from the combination of massive social devastation they created re: pregnancy outside of marriage and the legal forcing of pregnancy through institutions called Mother and Baby Homes.

“Fallen women” would be sent here to be hidden away from public scrutiny, and they were forced into unpaid labor under brutal abuse in laundries or other labor that the church-run homes would take the profit from.

But relevant to the above point specifically, the homes also made money hand over fist via the human trafficking of babies to adoption rings, mainly in the US. Babies were either outright stolen from women, or those incarcerated in the homes were coerced into giving their children to the nuns through tactics of relentless shame, abuse, and ostracizing.

Three screenshots from the RTE website. The first reads: "Shockingly, he discovered that Ireland was, in the words of one civil servant, even regarded as a "hunting ground". It was a country where childless couples could fly in from abroad and “obtain” a child born in any number of the various institutions with little or no formalities. According to Mr Milotte, up to 15% of all the children born each year in mother and baby homes were "trafficked" to the United States. He reported that, as well as those children adopted through official channels, thousands more were taken out of the country "without sanction or public recordkeeping" and handed over to foreigners." If the scale of illegal adoptions could be regarded as the last of the Catholic Church's dirty little secrets, it was — in effect - one that was hiding in plain sight.

The second screenshot reads: "The Irish Times reported in October 1951 that in the previous year “almost 500 babies were flown from Shannon for adoption". It reported that in the first week of October that year alone, some 18 "parties" of children departed from the airport, exceeding the number of official "adoption passports" issued to let adoptive parents take children out of Ireland. In 1952, the year before the Adoption Act came into force, a German newspaper reported "1,000 children disappear from Ireland" It claimed that many were “sold" on the US's "thriving baby black market".
The third screenshot reads: "It said the going price for a child at the time was $3,000, or €23,980 in today's money. When the story was challenged in Irish diplomatic circles, a desire for a retraction of the story from one senior official was soon abandoned when they received a message from the DEA in Dublin that "no action is required, especially as the article is largely correct". Later, in February 1955, an American newspaper wrote about adoptions under the headline "50 American couples buy Irish babies through international adoption ring". It claimed the couples were paying up to $2,000 - €15,845 in today's money - per child. When the article was discussed at government level, a Department of Justice official reportedly advised the story "could not truthfully be refuted".

Forced pregnancy will always stand to profit someone, and US adoption rings and their religious fundamentalists partners already have a rich history of profiting off of stealing children — born from both forced and chosen pregnancies — from indigenous, incarcerated, poor and working class women of colour, and women and pregnant people at the sharp edge of imperialist and neocolonial exploitation.


‘i built a giant pterodactyl death-robot because my wife left me’ fatherand'i tried to attack my ex with animatronics to bring him back’ daughter

trust me it has perfect sense

fearsomestudies:[ a sort of preliminary design, things may change, for one i still cant decide on vi


[ a sort of preliminary design, things may change, for one i still cant decide on visible respirator or not… but i hope he’s recognizable! ]

Post link



“Nonbinary people don’t owe you gender neutrality” means “nonbinary people can have full beards and look 110% masc and not tuck and still be nonbinary” just as much as it means “nonbinary people can have long hair and wear makeup and have boobs and still be nonbinary”

Nonbinary does not mean “feminine lite” it means “nonbinary”

This post was specifically aimed at the INTENSE double standard within the community.

I can’t even think of a fluffy way to say this but if a nonbinary person is masculine presenting without being gnc in some way, they’re thrown under the bus. By transphobes, by allies, by the community. 99% of comments or replies to a post about nonbinary gender presentation are always some flavor of “let nonbinary people be feminine” Which is good!

But when every discussion and every post and every media portrayal is “feminine person that wears fancy makeup and either binds or wears sports bras” it’s a problem!!! Just get it out of your head that nonbinary is “woman lite” or “gender neutral afab” or “masc but only if they’re super gnc about it”



No fr this is the last colored sketch for a little while.



Best Eddie design is always when they make Eddie smuggy

If he doesn’t look like knife cat every few panels then what’s the point?




if youre so freaked out by regular gay sex acts and kinks that you make bullshit jokes like “im homophobic now” when you encounter something you personally dont like maybe you should. take a step back and examine that. or at least shut up and stop making it other ppls problem

and just in general like internet gays will call feminine gay guys fruits and say shit like that to or about total strangers and… how is that much different than a homophobic straight person saying that. sure make those jokes about yourself and with your friends who r cool with it but being gay doesnt make it okay to say homophobic shit to other gay people

and yeah before you ask i actually DO think its that deep


Getting cozy by the fire.
