
Hygiene poster from 1945.

Hygiene poster from 1945.

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i forgot the furnace guy was coming today. right. so i answer the door and im in my dino pajamas right out of bed and when hes working on the furnace he fucking. he cuts his finger on the furnace. so i take him into the bathroom to do some first aid bc its looking pretty bad and i forgot about the fucking. shadow the hedgehog nice cock sign on my wall. so im standing there. cringing out of my mind. what an impression. youre maintenancing someones furnace qnd you hurt your finger and this person is very adamant about first aid protocol and you walk into their bathroom and just see this shit. what the fuck

ID: an image of a blue-ish green tiled bathroom wall with a paper taped behind the toilet. The paper has printed on it "NICE COCK" in all caps, superimposed over an image of shadow the hedgehog. End ID.
ID: A screenshot of a reblog from the tumblr notes of this post. The tags from tumblr user neonkoii read "#this reads like a 50k post. End ID.

dont do this to me


I personally saw this go from 500 to 7000 in a matter of hours

I have a friend who is an HVAC guy and I asked him once while he was fixing our furnace, what the weirdest thing he’d ever seen on the job was and he rattled off a dozen stories, including:

  • People answering the door naked
  • People answering the door in full gimp suits, having either been interrupted because they forgot the appointment (funny) or dressed up special for him (bad)
  • woman with 200+ cats (called animal control, later adopted one of the cats)
  • house full of rotting food and garbage
  • House expiriencing Major Structural Failure. “Ma'am we gotta leave the roof’s about to fall in”
  • people who sit and watch him work without talking (talkers are fine, just don’t get in the way. Silent people are either suspicious or horny)
  • “people leave dildoes and bongs other paraphenelia out all the time. like not on purpose. Just forgetful like. Mostly I worry about thier hygene.”
  • That time the client had a heart attack while he was working there
  • That time a client went into labor while he was there
  • the guy with a basement dedicated to Alex Trebek/Jepoardy. “Like, it was perfectly clean. And really well done. He had a working board and stands n’ shit. but like. Too many pics of Trebek, you know?”
  • Client that kept offering him Homemade Blood Sausage. “Not like hannibal, she was a little old lady from France, so it was an, whatsit, ethnic thing? Really nice of her. But also, no.”

So I would like to reassure you that “NICE COCK” Shadow The Hedgehog is not the weirdest thing the guy saw that week, but it might have been the funniest.

applebees that gives you diarrhea



JK Rowling said on twitter that she kept the secret that Nagini was an Asian girl turned into a snake against her will for 20 yrs.  Tbh I think she’s just full of shit and made it up years after the books concluded so she stays relevant by retconning the lore just like how she stated that wizards would shit themselves instead of using toilets like civilized people and use magic to clean their crap. 

#discourse    #unsanitary    


you look cute with my blood dripping out of your mouth and off your fingertips

#unsanitary    #i guess    
“I Have A Cold” Pride Flagusing this post as a sorta announcement that any requests we get will have“I Have A Cold” Pride Flagusing this post as a sorta announcement that any requests we get will have

“I Have A Cold” Pride Flag

using this post as a sorta announcement that any requests we get will have to wait for 1-2 weeks until this cold clears up

dark red - nyquil

pink - your poor overused nose

white - tissues

orange - the vitamin c you desperately need

dull yellow - gross color for sickness

shitty blue - blue for sleep but it’s an ugly blue bc you don’t sleep well

ugly green - gross color for sickness

7 stripes for all the worst days of this disease

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big fan of tags being visible in notes because when your posts blow up they can turn into petri dishes filled with some truly deranged shit


@ my fellow decepticons

Please do not piss over com links

attention fellow decepticons, it has come to my attention that you all are PISSING over your com links. I’ve caught both high and low ranking members, even my second in command, pissing over com links so loud, you can hear it in the mic. Please stop this I don’t want to have to start offlining bots. We also DO NOT need to know what color the piss Is, or what energon you drank to get said piss color Is. And no, I will not make a “Piss Link” This Is the last warning to my fellow decepticons, or I will offline you.

costhys-stims: costhys-stims:emilydougherty Please credit me if you use these!If anyone wants to




Please credit me if you use these!

If anyone wants to see an extremely cursed edit of the last gif I’m willing to oblige but i warn you it looks like actual, literal shit and might be nauseating to look at

Okay I’m about to show y’all an atrocity but again I’m gonna warn you it literally looks like smearing literal actual shit (also one of the filters made it blurry and that might be headache-inducing)

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#unsanitary    #nauseating    #eye strain    


no you dont understand, i’m obsessed with him


Sorry I feel like no one is talking about how the dinosaurs look at the stars I nearly cried at that part can you imagine that like obviously we see it in modern animals too but god for us all to be looking at the same starry night for guidance to find a place we could find safety in? A place to call home, even if temporarily?? I’m going to shit.

when you delete all your drafts should be automatically posted, like when a corpse shit themselves after death



Guys, this is hands down the best name generator in existence, and I’m ashamed that no one here has shared it.

I’ll start, mine is:

Snotty Toiletpants.



imagining a guy who counts the mold growing in his apartment as a houseplant

#emmett    #txt it    #unsanitary    
why the fuck why what’s their health inspection score how does the FDA allow this to what exte

why the fuck why what’s their health inspection score how does the FDA allow this to what extent do they think salt is self-sanitizing are they perhaps thinking of bleach how do you “wipe down” a wall of salt do you wipe it down between every fucking customer how many licks does it take to get on the Center of Disease Control’s shit list

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#unsanitary    #hygeine    #restaurant    #cursed    