#my uquiz


here’s a uquiz I made!! I hope you enjoy it <3



which one of my favourite movies/series are you

includes: kill your darlings, normal people, star vs the forces of evil, over the garden wall, fifty shades and lalaland

gender neutral questions and no open text ones :)

hope you like it!!!



Guess what…

Yeah… new quiz made in the middle of the night..
It’s called “Which character from Russian literature are you”. It has quite a few interesting characters, some of which are not so popular. So, you might find a new read or educate yourself on Russian lit a bit. (haha it rhymes)

Hope you enjoy, i tried to make it aesthetic and with a modern twist for the characters.

The link is in the reblog!!!!!


Guess what…

Yeah… new quiz made in the middle of the night..
It’s called “Which character from Russian literature are you”. It has quite a few interesting characters, some of which are not so popular. So, you might find a new read or educate yourself on Russian lit a bit. (haha it rhymes)

Hope you enjoy, i tried to make it aesthetic and with a modern twist for the characters.

The link is in the reblog!!!!!

Uquiz for life

So….I made a new uquiz called “the extended version of the academia quiz” for all of you beautiful people of Tumblr. I’ve seen a post a long time ago where someone wanted a quiz with all the academias. Here you go!!!! There are 11 different results to tell which one you are. (P.s I’ve worked on this one for a whole week….check it out please) 

The link is in the reblog ;) 

I’m really into uquizes now, so today at 3 am I made a fun little quiz called ‘what kind of academia are you’. It’s just for fun and has only two results (light and dark dah) but if you like it I can make an extended version for every academia and core. The link is in the reblog xoxo

Hey, I just made my first uquiz out of complete boredom. It’s called “which one of my dream love scenarios you’re going to have” (ye the title is long I know), I’ve spent the whole day making it and the results are really detailed I felt like I was writing a prompt. So if you’d like to try it out the link is in the reblog
