

they think you’re like a piece of cake that you can just discard when completely full.

Just because you’re a girl doesn’t mean you should wait for a prince, you can do anything by yourself.

How would I be okay while all my body hurts inside and all my outside is falling apart?

“Favorite pastime” 2021 @fatehavtarsinghOpenSea Link⬇️https://opensea.io/assets/0x495f94

“Favorite pastime” 2021 @fatehavtarsingh

OpenSea Link




When sound waves of tranquil melodies. When with a warm rain you watch the sunset of an entire era. When what’s gone forever will leave its mark. The feeling of joy and acceptance. When the endless movement forward returns to the starting point to begin again.

JPEG, 33 MB, 8000x6000 px, 300 dpi, PNG, 100 MB, 8000x6000 px

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gerard way pc wallpaper

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