



With a powerful swing, Anakin disarmed her of one of her twin lightsabers, but Ventress was able to recover and force him back with a powerful burst of telekinesis.

“As much as I’m enjoying this little dance of ours,” Ventress announced, backflipping away from Anakin, landing with a crouch. “I didn’t summon you here to fight.”

Anakin rolled, recovering from Ventress’ Force push. “Oh? So what’s the occasion?”

Ventress summoned her other lightsaber and deactivated them when she had both in her hands. “Blackmail, of course. I have a proposition for you.”

Anakin barked out a laugh. “What could you possibly have to blackmail me with, Ventress?”

“I might have heard rumors of an illicit secret romance between a certain Jedi Knight and a Senator…” Ventress sneered. “Oh…imagine the headlines.”

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