#venus x kunzite

crystaldream-art:夢を見ていた 銀と金の世界で


夢を見ていた 銀と金の世界で

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It’s not perfect but here we are

Please do not repost!



I don’t know what it is like to love someone, who the world tells me I am not supposed to love.

I can’t imagine how hard it must be to love someone I am afraid to kiss on the street.

But I do know what it is like to love someone who I cannot be with.

I know how it feels to have my brain tell me one thing, and my heart another.

To live with the knowledge that if circumstances had been different, I would be with the one I love.

I do know there re all kinds of barriers to love.

I do believe the world needs less of them.

~Lang Leav


Details! I didn’t mean for this to become *a thing* but here we are (again.) Hope you enjoy ☺️ as always please don’t repost without my permission! Reblogs are love


Permission to upload this was given by the artist (©). **Please, rate and/or bookmark her works on Pixiv/FB too**[Please do not repost, edit or remove credits]


***Please do not repost or use my art without my permission rebloggers are welcome!***

bowldeepfannish:Ta-da! Our Senshi Shitennou Bang @ssminibang mods are the loveliest. Hence they get


Ta-da! Our Senshi Shitennou Bang @ssminibang mods are the loveliest. Hence they get gifts from their grateful minions ^3^

Suggested by @venuscrescent (bless thee lovely!), a fanart for MinakosAino’s Venus/Kunzite Silver Millennium oneshot The Night Of Sevens, with a touch of mythology remix and (artistically licensy not too messy ) dribbling down of pomegranate juice XD.

Art and fic are linked at AO3 here https://archiveofourown.org/works/29102457 

Dear MinakosAino/Flor aka  @leondaltons ( a rose by any other name… ;p ) muchas gracias for steering our ship(s) year after year and securing a lively yet comfortable journey and safe yet naughty haven in the wide and occasionally tumultuous Sailor Moon fandom seas!

Art tweethere

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by DracheaRannakyou can find the wip of this art here

by DracheaRannak

you can find the wip of this art here

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crystaldream-art:愛と美の女神からのキスKunzite X Sailor Venus“Kiss from the Goddess of Love and Beauty”



Kunzite X Sailor Venus

“Kiss from the Goddess of Love and Beauty”

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crystaldream-art:My most favorite pairing in Sailor Moon : Kunzite X Venus I really enjoyed drawing


My most favorite pairing in Sailor Moon : Kunzite X Venus

I really enjoyed drawing this couple

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“I wouldn’t dream of it,” Kain assured her with a small, fond smile. She wasn’t wrong, he hadgotten hurt, and it was uncomfortable at best at this point. More than that, really, was just exhaustion. So, he allowed her to walk him home.

He gave himself time to get a shower and something to eat as well as a full glass of juice to try and boost his energy levels a bit. From there, it was a long conversation with Mamoru, and he was grateful it was early enough in the day that he still had time to contact the others.

How they had come to find each other again - how they had been irresistibly drawn to each other, before Beryl and then after, the only ones who could even begin to understand - had to be the work of whatever power had brought them back to life (the Princess, he would bet, and he was not a betting man.)

It was enough that they had known each other for some time, learned to trust each other again. Because saying there was “hesitation” on their part to meet the reincarnations of the women they had once loved was beyond an understatement.

Jaden was, perhaps not entirely incorrectly, convinced he’d take a fireball to the face on arrival. There would definitely be a burn between he and Rei, of that he was certain. All that was in question was the nature of it.

Zane took immediate refuge in the fact that they had a goal. This was more than just a meeting, more than even just trying to make nice before their prince’s wedding. There was a new threat, and they were - Minako aside as Venus - the only ones with powers left.

Nathan was ominously silent for such a usually emotional man. But he agreed to meet, and that would have to be enough.

They talked late into the night, and it was indeed early morning when Kain was finally able to catch a few scarce hours of sleep.

It was early in the morning when the blond idol arrived at the studio, getting ready to record a song or two. The girl was exhausted, couldn’t sleep much and thought about the reunion and Reis’ words all night. She really wanted everything to go well, after all this wasn’t just a normal reunion, their enemies were back too and they had to figure out what to do now that only she was able to transform. 

It still felt so surreal to her that she reached her eternal form, the warmth she felt, that power.. it was so overwhelming but nice and it was all because of him

Looking at the time her eyes widened, it was already noon. She had been at the studio for too long and decided to take a break to give Kain a call and ask how things went with the guys. She was curious after all.

Dialing his number, she got a small cup of coffee from the vending machine. “Kain..” she smiled when he finally picked up. “I didn’t just wake you up, did i?”


Kain appreciated the contact after all this; he didn’t blame Rei, not in the slightest, but the reminder of what damages they had wrought hurt.

As it should, a dark voice whispered in the back of his mind. It sounded uncomfortably like his past self. He wasn’t going to examine it too closely.

He took a slow, steadying breath, squeezing Minako’s hand gently. “I… would appreciate time to talk to Mamoru, yes. But I don’t intend to overstay my welcome here. We’ll find somewhere else to speak with each other.”

Mamoru didn’t catch the whispers, didn’t even try, but was having thoughts similar to both Minako and Kain. “Let me see Usako home, and then… if you’re up for it, Kain, I’d really like to talk.”

Kain didn’t bristle, exactly, but he held himself with more care, determined not to show weakness to his prince. Mamoru or Endymion, he would always be his prince. “Of course. I’ll give you a text so you have my number and you can call at your convenience.”

Mamoru nodded, content with this arrangement. “Alright, thanks… maybe I can help iron things out a little, with the others, before tomorrow.”

Kain hummed noncommittally. “It may be best to let me speak with them. This will take some care…. For now, I suppose I ought to see myself out.”

Minako listened to Kain and Mamoru’s little conversation then fully turned her attention to the silver haired mail when he mentioned he would leave now. She got up on her feet almost immediately and looked at him. “I will go with you..” she told him, not wanting to let him walk all the way home when his energy got drained only a few moments ago. She wasn’t going to risk him getting hurt.

“I will see you guys tomorrow, take care you two. Oh and Kain?” Usagi looked at the taller male and smiled softly. “It was good to see you again.” 

The idol smiled at her friend and nodded at the others, excusing herself as she took her partners hand and walked out of the Shrine with him. “Are you okay? I know today was a lot.. and you got hurt because of me. Im so sorry..” she sighed softly and gave his hand a soft squeeze. “I will walk you home, thats the least i can do and before you try to stop me- don’t.” a soft smile formed on her lips, letting him know that she was still her stubborn self after all and she wouldn’t leave him alone in a situation like this. 


Princess Mars loved Jadeite,” Kain corrected gently. “Rei - if I may use the name, I’m sorry I didn’t catch your last - she isn’t Princess Mars, not really. She’s lived a whole other life, with new experiences that have shaped a new person. And the same goes for Jaden. Much of who he is now reminds me of Jadeite… but they’re not the same person, not now. Not anymore than any of the rest of us are who we were back then. And it’s not fair to assume the same bonds will automatically be there, just because two out of six pairs were drawn to each other immediately.”

He cleared his throat, looking away to gather his thoughts. “I had to get to know them twice. Once, when we drew together before…” a subtle pause of discomfort “she came back into our lives, and brainwashed us. And then again after that, as we tried to come to terms with our memories of the past, and what we had just done in the Dark Kingdom’s service.”

He looked up, first to Mamoru, then to Usagi, dark eyes earnest and praying for understanding. “We hurt them, in ways you two never hurt each other, not really. Bonds were tested, and if some of them broke… that’s no more than we deserve. Regardless, new ones need formed.”

Only then did he look to Rei. “I’ll be honest, none of us expected to be forgiven, let alone even have the chance to find out if we were. He’s not expecting you to love him. But… I do think that perhaps it would be best to at least meet each other again. If it’s intolerable, then that’s that. If it’s tolerable, it still only need be for group events. No one is saying any of you ever have to be alone with any of us, or like us.”

Mamoru hummed quietly, drawing Kain’s attention immediately. “I think, perhaps, we need to be more practical. While I appreciate how gentle you’re trying to be with this, Kain… the fact is that Mina is now the only one here who can transform and we have a new enemy. For the sake of protecting our home, we need you four. Especially if any of you can fight while we can’t.”

Rei turned her attention to Kain as he spoke and she had to admit she was surprised about his words and how understanding he sounded and she appreciated that he knew how she felt, she just feared to fall for the same guy again and then in the end get hurt. She didn’t want the past to repeat itself.. it was painful once, she wasn’t sure if she could do it all again. But this wasn’t just about her, both Mamoru and Kain were right, this meeting was necessary to protect their home. 

“I understand and I’m okay with meeting him. I will be there tomorrow evening.” the raven haired girl nodded at her friends, assuring that she would do her best and not let her feelings get in the way. 

Usagi watched Rei with a worried expression. She understood how Rei felt, Mamoru too had fallen for the darkness more than once and it pained her to see him like that, to have to fight against him but at the end she knew that their love was stronger than that and she hoped her friend would realise that soon too. 

Minako sat there, a little confused about the deep conversation they just had. It looked like both groups had to still get used to everything, heal from the past and maybe make new memories. “Well, i guess the reunion is going to be tomorrow evening at Makoto-chan’s Cake Shop.” she spoke the words but didn’t sound as excited as she was before, she was worried now. What if it really was just her and Kain that got lucky.. she didn’t want her friends or even the other men to get their feelings hurt.  

She faked a smile then leaned closer to Kain, whispering to him. “Don’t you.. want some alone time with Mamoru? You two should maybe talk a little.. and not just about this matter.” 

She reached for his hand and gave it a soft squeeze, nodding at him. 


“We’re fortunate it worked,” Kain said. He hesitated to say lucky. Lucky dismissed the power of their bond, put it up to chance. He had come very deliberately to protect her, and she had, in turn, protected him, pulling on strength no one had thought she still had.

Or so he had gathered, from her lack of transformation until that moment. Surely if she could have defended herself sooner, she would have. Soldier of Love she may have been, but she’d never shied from a fight. He’d always admired her strength and tenacity…

But now wasn’t the time for that, even if he hadn’t missed the tender look passing between Mamoru and Usagi.

“It remains to be seen if that’s a consistent requirement, of course,” Kain said, shifting a little in an effort to feel more grounded from the dizziness of being drained. He watched Mamoru track the movement, lips pursed, then looked away, grateful he wasn’t saying anything. They needed to strategize, not fuss over his momentary weakness. “But… just so I understand, the rest of you no longer have the power to transform?”

That… could be a problem. At least until they figured out how they were supposed to get theirpowers back. As far as he knew, he was the only one of the former (was it really former?) Shitennou who still owned a sword…. or a physical weapon at all, really.

How much of their powers remained, as well, was also in question. They hadn’t thought they’d need to fight again, and so he had been very remiss in pushing about what skills remained. Obviously, that was going to have to change.

“After Sailor Moon sealed Chaos away, we lost the power to transform. Our transformation pens just disappeared but it looks like new powers are waiting for us.” Makoto explained and wondered how she could reach her eternal form. It looked like it had something to do with their past life lovers but she wasn’t sure if the same thing would happen for the other girls too or if it was just Minako who got lucky. 

“Maybe we should hurry up with the reunion a little. I think the others should meet the boys too. I just have a feeling things will get clearer if we meet up as soon as possible. I will even cancel all my schedule for it.” Minako suggested, deep down she knew the other three men were the answer to everything. “What do you guys say?” she looked over to Usagi and Mamoru. 

Usagi looked at her fiance for a moment then nodded, agreeing to what the other blonde girl suggested. Their wedding was very soon and they still had a lot to do but this was more important right now. “What about tomorrow evening? I know you all are busy with your own lifes but everyone could finish their jobs and we could just meet up at Makoto’s cake shop right when shes closing. That way no one has to cancel anything.. Ami and Mamoru can leave the hospital after work, Rei and Minako too.. now the question is, if the guys could make it?” the soon to be bride asked as she looked over to Kain. 

The soldier of Love liked the idea, but she noticed that someone wasn’t as excited as she was about the whole reunion. “Rei-chan.. whats wrong?” she called her out after noticing that she looked rather uncomfortable about this whole thing. 

“Nothing.. it’s just..” she hesitated, a little surprised that the other noticed that something wasnt right. “Okay, look.. i just don’t think I can trust them. Am I happy that they are alive? yes.. hell i was so happy to hear that they were all well.. but i don’t want to get hurt again. I was fine telling myself that i dont need anyone, that i dont need a man by my side and i have to admit for a moment when Minako told us that they were alive, i was thinking about a future with himbut-”

“Rei-chan.. but you loved Jadeite.” Usagi stated and frowned at her friends confession.

“Yes.. there was a time I was deeply in love with him but he betrayed us and im not saying i didn’t forgive him, i did.. but.. i don’t think I can trust them again. I don’t think I could go through the same thing again.”
