#victim mindset


Advice for today: treat yourself as if you’re your friend.

We treat our friends better than we treat ourselves.

We listen to them, comfort them, provide them solace; we engage with them, and be their support.

Yet when it comes to ourselves, we can’t seem to provide the same.

What are some steps to treating yourself better and being comfortable in who you are?

  • Create a personal SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats).
  1. What are your good qualities (integrity, good listener, loyal friend, etc.)?
  2. What are your weaknesses (lazy, bad temper, reckless, etc.)?
  3. Whatopportunities do you have coming up where you can shine (exams, job interview, meeting with someone important)?
  4. And what are your threats (i.e., what’s stopping you from being better?)

Without acknowledging the good AND the bad about yourself, you won’t be able to accept yourself. 


  • If you’re new to being committed to yourself, don’t be harsh on yourself. Being honest with yourself is a process, and the process includes messing up.
  1. Setone personal commitment a day. ONE. It could something as easy as putting on a mask. It could be cooking a meal. It could be going for a walk. It has to be only for you.
  2. Whatdoes not include as personal commitment? Homework, work, priorities that are directly related to your career and home, etc.
  3. Here’s how you should plan it : the commitment you pick shouldn’t be dependent on any other factor apart from you. Putting on a clay mask doesn’t affect your grades. Doing deep breathing for 5 minutes doesn’t clean your room - both activities involve 100% YOU.

Tough pill to swallow:

You are responsible for your happiness, regardless of the situation you’re in.

You are responsible for your health and well being, regardless of the money you have.

A permanent victim mindset does not fix problems.

It only makes you vulnerable, irresponsible and a dependent human being.
