#video warning



The phandom as the night winds down


“Mimi Made Burgers” - a redub of “Untucked”

credit goes to roemservice on YouTube



[video description: the video begins with a shot of a news channel on a tv screen with the headline, “toilet paper prices expected to go up.” offscreen, a voice says, “aw, shit,” in a southern accent. the camera pans to the speaker, a middle-aged man with a prosthetic arm and leg, as he says, “Here we go again.” the video wavers and a harp sound effect plays to indicate a flashback. the video cuts to the same man behind a truck, holding up a package of toilet paper, his arm and leg obscured by the truck. he says, “Makenzie, I got some!” and then steps out from behind the truck, revealing his prostheses, and says, “But you’re not gonna believe what it cost me.” end video description.]


The highest-end hunters tend to hide themselves the most.

Did I ever show you guys this nonsense? I can’t remember

i had stuff typed up but i accidentally deleted it when i realized i hadn’t @ ed u .

@jamb3d i hope u have tumblr on ur phone still lol

but happy (early) bd!!! ily and i’m sorry this is messy. i wanted 2 make u an edit but u never talk abt ur favorite characters smh



This is it this is my magnum opus audio design is my passion

i defy anyone who tells me this is not the original audio

A WIP on a painting! :-0 it’s about grieving after losing a beloved pet - I’m anxious to finish it


The phandom as the night winds down
