#image warning





Alright y’all It’s time to settle this debate; is captain Rex a natural blonde or not?

Please reblog with your reasons for why or why not, I really wanna get everyone’s thoughts on this!

Rex is a natural blond in canon, but not in legends.


-there’s that one cadet with blond hair and do we really think the kaminoans are letting 6 year old cadets dye their hair?

-Rex’s hair is buzzed super short so unless he dyes his hair like once a week he’d have roots showing all the time

-his hair is still blond even at the end of the kadavo arc and the umbara arc, both of which took place over enough time for his hair to have grown out at least a bit and I seriously doubt he had access to hair dye during those arcs

-wasn’t he still blond when he showed up in Bad Batch?? Do we seriously believe that Rex was THAT dedicated to his look?

Why he’s not a natural blond in legends:

-that one clone wars novel where Rex dyed his hair blue to support some space sportsball team and then felt self-conscious and dyed it blond again.

-though it’s been a while since I’ve read it so I forget if it’s explicit that the blond was a result of dying initially

Karen Traviss said he bleaches his hair so he Absolutely Does Not



Wait I remembered another good ship dynamic

ID: a digital drawing that reads “Haven’t actually interacted in canon but it came to me in a vision” it then has two simple drawing of people facing away from eachother

End ID


Translation from aurebesh:

  1. they suck
  2. they suck
  3. they suck
  4. they suck
  5. they suck
  6. they suck
  7. they suck
  8. they suck

Echo is only terribly embarrassed, but he does agree with Fives’ sentiment.

nonasuch: thebluthcompany:May the fourth be with you. and also some money



May the fourth be with you.

and also some money

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mushroom chat just dropped

I want to log on to the mushroom chat so bad


Day #1 of trying to understand what the fuck a background is

Click for moderately better quality//don’t repost










So when Earth gets its own permanent superstorm like Jupiter’s Great Red Spot and it makes it so the tropics are basically no longer habitable by humans is it going to have one of these random old-person hurricane names

How fucked up would it be if they chose your first name for that storm

Like you’d pretty much have to change it, right? The storm’s not going away and keeping your name would be in pretty poor taste, I’d think

in a Young Adult novel it would just be called The Storm

In a Terry Pratchett novel it would just be called Alfred. Not Hurricane Alfred, or Tropical Storm Alfred, just Alfred. This might be brought up once by a naive, sympathetic viewpoint character, but some wiser (for certain values of wise) character will admonish them for discrimination against natural phenomena, and noting that we would never call a human “Human Jim”. Later in the story, the Alfred’s individuality and relatability will be a significant plot point.

in a cyberpunk novel it would be the second half of an ordinary word, with an apostrophe at the beginning. the ‘phoon, the ‘cane, etc.

goddammit you’re absolutely right

“In a cyberpunk novel”

As if half the english-peaking internet doesn’t already call The Plague “the ‘Rona”

etc., etc.

[id: A picture of Captain Barbossa from Pirates of the Carribbean, edited to look cyberpunk with neon edging on his clothes and a holographic visor over his eyes.

The caption reads: “You best start believing in cyberpunk dystopias, you’re in one”. end id.]



Ok so we all love a hyperfixation but does anyone else ever avoid certain things because you feel like you don’t have the time to be fixated on that, or that you aren’t in the right headspace for this to become your latest obsession





woah dude….. your hurt sound is vaguely sexual….. im trying to kill you but im. im getting a bit flustered

who is leon dbd

ok i looked up leon dead by daylight and omfg why does he… wh…. why does he sound like that

this literally is not an exaggeration


librafolie:Important information for writers who aren’t British but like to try to sound British in


Important information for writers who aren’t British but like to try to sound British in their British-y fanfiction 

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