#virgil maro


Today is the 2091 birthday of the greatest poet!

(I still love to draw him this way)

Publius Vergilius Maro

70 B. C. (15 oct.) - 21 B. D. (21 sept.)

I was inspired by the new song “Inferno” and made a few fast sketches.

In a twisted AU espirials are demons:

Vergilius - archdemon of warped reality

Gideon - demon of injustice

Hippocrates - demon of inhuman experiments

Vitruvius - demon of destructive progress

Homer - demon of cataclysms.

I tried to participate in mermay this year.

Sea monk Vergilius (Osteoglossum)

Sea travelers Roman (Marble gourami) and Alik (Clownfish) with domestic manatee.

The magnificent sea count Oravius (Eel) and his future appearance (sea priest Oravius) with his armed cap-a-pie minion Roman (his Galaxy form)

Personally day three - Pride

Vergilius the aravana

I hope, I can do it till the end
