#visual survial


Hello there,

I just added the second set of emotional abstracts and drawings. I did these more than 10 years ago. Still working on more (lol). I plan on having the book done with drawings and other chapters of dialog. It has been a rewarding endeavor and I am still learning and drawing (better) than I think I ever had. 

I hope that you enjoy the drawings and that they enlighten you to what an emotion can look like, especially, through the eyes of a cancer patient, survivor, or cured,

Thanks for the support.



Cancer is like being in a fish bowl. It leaves you feeling exposed and trapped within an environment where everyone can see. It’s like your life is on display. You no longer have any privacy and your space is filled with the pressure of the world barring down on you. You swim around in circles, never making it anywhere. Knowing that there is a war going on in your body and physically you don’t know how to fight it. The treatments kill every living and deadly cell in your body making you feel like an empty shell (the fish bowl). Mentally your exhausted and all you can concentrate on is the pain (the rocks at the bottom of the fish bowl) and it is debilitation because you’re not strong enough to fight or just don’t care to fight anymore. Spiritually, you’re hurt and don’t know anything other than pleading for your life. You can go to the top of your fish bowl for a small breath, but you still cannot get out. Gotcha!


Life happens! No one knows exactly what their future holds. Of course, we can plan and hope that our lives will be full and successful. However, remember you are not the one in control. We may have goals and aspirations of what our life should be, but we need to understand that change can and will happen. So when being diagnosed with cancer it enters your life and tries to destroy everything we thought we could do. Now life changes and we have to adjust the way we live and come to the realization that life will never be the same. It’s like an unseen force that takes over and we become a shell of who we used to be. We can no longer interact with society and time feels fleeting. Yet, we need to remember and focus on the fact that we are still here; we are still alive and fighting for the right to survive. Though no one likes changes, sometime change is necessary. Not exactly because of cancer, but something to remind us that we should strive for a better life and never give up on our dreams. Maybe, even create new dreams. Cancer can either be a set back, a complete road block, or a reminder of how precious life really is.
