#warhammer 40k

warhammertrials:Here we have it ladies and gentlemen, Tau are officially getting some seriously cowarhammertrials:Here we have it ladies and gentlemen, Tau are officially getting some seriously cowarhammertrials:Here we have it ladies and gentlemen, Tau are officially getting some seriously co


Here we have it ladies and gentlemen, Tau are officially getting some seriously cool looking terrain.


Defence lines

Gun turret (tower?)

Xenos terrain? People said it was impossible.

Post link


Four flavors of “Erebus is going to have a horrible, terrible, just straight up not a good day”.
Fuzzes, my beloveds…

A fun fact I have recently found out is that there is actually a canonical cabal of four different greater daemons doing daemon shenanigans together. Quadrifold Abominatum.


Yeah Space Marines are nice but remember that this is what you would get in a ship of Luna Wolves:


They are husky in human form. Only such drama queens could have started the Heresy just because ‘daddy is not paying me enough attention’
