#water scrying



The art of mirror gazing (scrying) is called, a term that refers to the use of reflective surfaces.

Scrying is the art of obtaining clairvoyant visions. Is used to connect with spirit and ‘see’ beyond the physical realm and into the minde eye, where the subconscious knowledge sits without ego or judgements for clarity and guidance.

Common methods use one of the four elements as a scrying medium. It’s best to choose the element suited to the type of visions you are hoping to get from the scrying.

As a portal into other realms, it can also be used to aid astral travel, and during ritual to communicate with your deity.

Scrying can be practised at any time, but best results are often gained in the quiet of night after the hustle and bustle of the day’s activities. It is not necessary to construct a fully consecrated circle for scrying: it is enough to simply create your sacred space by visualizing a circle of white light surrounding and purifying the appointed working area.

In a quiet darkened room, place your object of choice on a table or altar. Light a candle, one on each side of the object, but in such a position they don’t reflect on the mirror’s surface, and if you wish, burn an appropriate blend of incense to stimulate the psychic senses. Switch off all other light sources except for the two candles, and seat yourself comfortably in front of the object.

Take a few minutes to relax while you tune into the atmosphere created. When ready to start, first ground and centre yourself, then call your guides or guardians ( or the universe) to protect the work from unwanted or misleading influences.

To begin, when looking at the object try not to just stare at it, but look through its surface as if gazing into a dark and endless tunnel. After awhile, images and colours will begin to take form, they may even appear and take shape outside the mirror surrounding it on all sides.

When you first start scrying be patient, keeping your first sessions to about 10 to 30 minutes, and gradually work it up to hour-long sessions as you learn.

The art of scrying is interpreting what you see in the images and colours as they take form. This in a way it is a little like dream interpretation, and initially you may wish to consult one of the many books on the subject to help define the images you see.

At the end of the day however, the real interpretation will be what those images mean to you personally.

After you have completed your scrying session, re-ground yourself and close your sacred space.

You may wish to keep a journal and note down any visions you received during your session and later compare them with a list of dream interpretations. The more you practice, the more familiar the images and their meanings will become, but you may need to meditate on them for awhile to reveal any hidden meanings.

In conclusion, there are many different ways and methods of scrying in addition to the one above, so it pays to experiment and use what works best for you. Whatever tool or method you use, be it your own personalized mirror, a crystal ball, or simply a dark bowl of water; it can with time and patience become a font of wisdom and knowledge.

Believe in your abilities and may you find what you seek.

Hello everyone! I apologize for my absence lately, senior year of my undergrad program…busybusybusy! 

I hope you all had a wonderful Beltane, danced the Maypole, drank some mead, and had a lovely time. As you may have noticed…the full moon is on its way, so let’s get down to business.

This year the Dyad (may) Moon is on May 10th.  It is also reffered to as the flower moon. What is the Dyad moon?

It is a time forinspirationand cleansing. Purify yourself and your space. Many people use this time to contact the divine, whether it be through meditation, offerings, scrying, or whatever your preferred method is.

It is a great time to cleanse your altar and your tools. Try full moon water scrying, or try a new tarot spread, like the onehere(from innerselfnotes).

Once again, happy belated Beltane, and please have a safe and happy esbat! Blessed be, my friends!

(photo credit: moon,tarot)


Water scrying is the art and practice of gazing into water to see the future or receive a vision. Water scrying is a great way for clairvoyants to develop their skills, but can also be done by anyone. -Mod J

  1. To start, you are going to need a bowl or something that holds water. Preferably the bowl or water holding object should be a solid color inside so you don’t get distracted by patterns. Black, white, or a metal bowl are ideal because these are colors that are easy to gaze at for extended periods but any solid color should work.
  2. Fill the bowl with water
  3. Now set up your space. It helps to turn off the lights and have a candle or a few around the bowl giving some light but not close enough that you see the reflection in the water.
  4. Now this is the hardest part, gaze into the water in the bowl and let your eye lose focus. Your vision might get a little blurry but try to fight the urge to look around and refocus your vision. After a while of doing this you might be able to correct the blurriness without losing focus on the water. Around this point when your gaze softens some kind of vision should appear in the water.
    It’s important to understand that what you see might be a real depiction of what your scrying for/about but it’s more common for you see symbolic images instead. Learning to translate these symbols takes some time and practice so keep working at it.

    Another thing to note is that you might feel like your mind is just making you see things in the water that isn’t there, and i guess on some level that is correct. The water it’s self isn’t what’s producing the vision, you are receiving because you asked to, and are using the water and bowl as tools to help perceive it.

Here are ways to help enhance your water scrying that i know of:

  • You can charge your bowl over night with tea made from certain herbs. I like to steep some mugwort and lavender in my bowl to charge it while i sleep and empty it in the morning.
  • You can a few drops of essential oils to your bowl while scrying, or before to help charge the bowl and water’s energy. The oily surface can also help keep you from getting distracted and gives your eyes something to focus on.
  • Another way to prevent distraction is to put a small crystal at the bottom of the bowl around the center. It gives you a fixed point to look at, but I’ve noticed for me that is often cut off some of the vision and everything will move around the crystal rather then appearing in the whole bowl.
  • Using your bowl for offerings. I find this helps charge and enhance my scrying bowl’s energy by putting offering in it when i work with other spirits and deities.
  • Sometimes it can also help to instead of building up the energy in the bowl do a cleansing and put some salt water in the bowl to soak.
  • You can also use moon water, sun water, or any magically enhanced water that might be specific to the type of reading you are doing. I find moon water is always good for all water scrying.

If you try water scrying and find it doesn’t work for you that’s alright. It’s not for everyone, and even those who do it regularly have off days where they can’t get anything to come through. So give it a few tries before you decide if it’s something for you. Good luck with your scrying! -Mod J
