#we are a crowdsourced search engine



Hello OFMD fandom! This is a bit of a shot in the dark, since I honestly don’t know the, like, normal way of meeting somebody for this purpose and have no clue if I will get any responses to this but I thought I’d give it a try. I am a fic writer who has written 5 works of pure smut in various fandoms each <6000 words. Recently I wrote a stede/ed fic (this one) that inspired me to want to write a longer, plottier sequel with angst and romance and character development and all that good stuff. I’ve never tried anything like this before. I would really like to meet somebody who either has written something along these lines or is an avid reader of such things to be a sounding board/source of advice for me to work out a plan for this fic. With like, the understanding that I intend for it to be pretty self indulgent and want to have fun first and foremost, but also challenge myself a bit. Whatever I can offer in return I am happy to, whether it’s to do the same for you or actual editing/proofreading or lil commissions or anything like that! Thanks for reading!

Hi everyone! My friend Scallop is looking for a beta reader for her Our Flag Means Death fan fiction. It’s Blackbeard / Stede, is kinky, is up on Ao3.

If you have experience in [checks notes] reading slash, please talk to her. She’s fun to speak to and a good writer. One of my best friends ever, we talk every day (thanks pandemic), so it would also be a favour for me!

Goodbye 2020. To kick out last year, here is my “gender politics” playlist.

Yes, I now use my Creative Arts to make YouTube playlists. Instead of writing. Sorry. Being an extrovert made indoor cat does weird things to you.

If you like music and \like\hate have strong feelings about gender, you will probably like this playlist, about gender as expressed and considered in music. Mostly music videos, all arranged for narrative, and compiled and edited by me, Alison.



…tumblr wont let me link the playlist as a video or make the playlist photo a link. imagine seeing images and hearing music at the same time.)

If you like this YouTube collage, you may enjoy the other ones on my channel. There are many, but I’m prob proudest of Deutsch Musik, if you like foreign languages, and American Values. gender politics is 150 songs long, so feel no need to watchtotheend,but at least give it 6 songs to decide.

And if you like it, please lmk <3

YouTube hacks,

- On foreign-language videos, or vids containing foreign langs, press c for [captions],

- in the queue, On the lefthand side of the video is a ||| icon that lets you drag it in the list, and on the right is a trashcan to delete it from queue,

- but if you want to add a vid to your own damn queue, you have to copy the list to yourself. lo siento,








Your stripper name is sexy + last thing you googled

……….sexy koi fish……..are you JOKING??????????????


Sexy should I come out to my parents


..sexy gulper eel

sexy inevitably definition

Sexy who was Confucius’s teacher?

Less grammatical but more sensible than the one before it - Sexy Yiwu County

(I still want to know who Confucius’s intellectual influences were, though. There were a ton of philosophers in the Spring and Autumn. Surely he at least had Sophist-equivalents he admired…)








when i was 12 i got banned from yahoo answers and when i emailed support to be like “what did i do??” i got a really vague answer that just said “you know what you did” and it still haunts me to this day

When I was 10 I was in a AOL chatroom for kids and we were all making this Homer Simpson face (8^(|) but this one girl Crystal forgot to put the nose in the face so I said “You forgot the nose crystal” and I immediately got booted offline and no one in my family could log on. My Mom talked to someone from AOL and they said I was trying to sell drugs to minors because I said “nose crystal”

When I was like 10 I roleplayed with people on Neopets, completely innocent stuff like ‘high school AU’ or ‘wolf AU’ and the like. I made a thread called ‘See the Sea Hotel’ and it went on for a few replies until I randomly got my account frozen and after explaining to my mom for a good 30 minutes that ‘frozen’ didn’t mean the computer wouldn’t respond, she got on to try and send an email to Neopets’ staff and they said that ‘hotel’ was a restricted word because it included ‘ho’ in it

I had a similar experience around that age with an online music game called Audition.

I said something like “Can I get the speed to 2x speed?” and it automatically changed my message to “Can I get the **** to **** ****?”, and a moderator saw that modified message and suspended my account for offensive language.

It turned out that I couldn’t say ‘speed’ because it had ‘pee’ in it, and I when I contacted support to say it was a mistake on their part and asked if I could be unsuspended, they said that I was also writing numbers, and writing numbers was strictly forbidden just in case they were a phone number.

I remember playing Phantasy Star Online back in like 2001 - it was one of the first console MMOs, if I remember correctly - and you didn’t get banned for saying “bad words”, but they did get censored. their list of inappropriate words was….extensive, and one in particular created a real problem for people trying to make plans to play together. because of course the most common day of the week to do that would be Saturday, right? but. that has the word “turd” in it. so. every time. you tried to say “do you want to play Saturday”. it would say. “do you want to play $%&@%#+%”. and the other person is just. sitting there. wondering. what the fuck did you just ask them to play

This is called the Scunthorpe Problem and it always cracks me up.

This shit used to be annoying as hell.

@argumate I think I once heard you go on the Chinese internet? Do you know of any similarly funny stories from their censorship regime?


I used to think that folks going “aha, I am right-clicking your NFT” in an effort to taunt NFT purchasers were making fools of themselves because who is able to make copies of a particular image is completely unrelated to what NFT vendors are selling, but then NFT purchasers responded by actually getting mad about people right-clicking their NFTs and demanding that major NFT exchanges implement some sort of “right-click protection”, so apparently it’s clowns all the way down.

