#is this nsfw


Peridot: Hey can you take something real quick?

Lapis: Your V-Card.

Peridot: Ye-Wait what?

Lapis: What?

Happy birthdubs, Kev! I was torn between titties and Kanaya but eventually I said fuck it so here ha

Happy birthdubs, Kev! I was torn between titties and Kanaya but eventually I said fuck it so here have both.

Ok so now that you’ve seen this you can go back to your drunken naked parties or whatever it is you had planned for the day ;D

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Goodbye 2020. To kick out last year, here is my “gender politics” playlist.

Yes, I now use my Creative Arts to make YouTube playlists. Instead of writing. Sorry. Being an extrovert made indoor cat does weird things to you.

If you like music and \like\hate have strong feelings about gender, you will probably like this playlist, about gender as expressed and considered in music. Mostly music videos, all arranged for narrative, and compiled and edited by me, Alison.



…tumblr wont let me link the playlist as a video or make the playlist photo a link. imagine seeing images and hearing music at the same time.)

If you like this YouTube collage, you may enjoy the other ones on my channel. There are many, but I’m prob proudest of Deutsch Musik, if you like foreign languages, and American Values. gender politics is 150 songs long, so feel no need to watchtotheend,but at least give it 6 songs to decide.

And if you like it, please lmk <3

YouTube hacks,

- On foreign-language videos, or vids containing foreign langs, press c for [captions],

- in the queue, On the lefthand side of the video is a ||| icon that lets you drag it in the list, and on the right is a trashcan to delete it from queue,

- but if you want to add a vid to your own damn queue, you have to copy the list to yourself. lo siento,



@entraum​     (    ‘     a  very  intentional  nude.     ‘   )


he  had  requested  it  in  jest ,   never  expecting  for  there  to  be  not  one ,  not  two  but  three  very  naked  images  of  isaac  sent  his  way.    especially  given  that  isaac  is  well  aware  of  the  fact  that  stiles  is  currently  sitting  having  dinner  with  his  dad.   the  same  dinner  that  he  chokes  on  once  opening  the  messages.  

[   isaac  ❤️   ]   ;   if  your  intention  was  to  murder  me  you  almost  suceeded,

[   isaac  ❤️   ]   ;    fuck.  how  am  i  supposed  to  concentrate  now  ?

he only rational response to a sarcastic request for nudes (including what isaac perceives as achallenge in the form of   ‘it’s not like you’re gonna) is to send nudes.  tauntingonly means he’ll send an extra,  and a third for good measure to seal the deal —  just in case the first two hadn’t gone through of course.  the fact that his boyfriend is at dinner (and with his dadno less ) is just icing on the cake.  pictures clearly show just how much the other is missing out on right now,  and soworth it.

[ stiles ]    :    tsk.  you shouldn’t be looking at lewd pics while you’re eating dinner.

[ stiles ]    :    you’re not.  wish this was your mouth on my dick instead.  ❤️


ppl will be like “megatron killed people” and ill be like his cock is huge how can you be mad at him

thcrsthry:happy birthday, trashykawa. goodbye, trashykawa.


happy birthday, trashykawa. goodbye, trashykawa.

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