#wedding fluff


“I’ve never seen you look this happy,” Shoto’s mother said softly as they swayed together on the dance floor, the song they’d chosen for their mother-son dance ringing in Shoto’s ears.

“I’ve never been this happy,” he agreed. “Our family is finally together without Endeavor’s shadow hanging over us, and I’m finally married to the love of my life. This is the happiest day of my life.”

“Good,” his mother replied, tears threatening in her voice. “Happiness is all I’ve ever wanted for you.” Neither of them spoke again after that, and when the song and their dance came to an end, Shoto’s mother stood up on tiptoe to kiss him on the forehead, then moved to his side, out of his line of sight.

“He’s waiting for you,” she murmured in his ear, turning him to face toward the chairs set up around the edge of the dance floor. There sat Izuku and Inko, side by side, having finished their own mother-son dance not long before. Both wore identical expressions, with beaming smiles and shining eyes. As Shoto and his mother approached, they stood, and when they finally met each other at the edge of the dance floor, Inko pulled Shoto into a rib-crushing hug, with a surprising amount of force considering she only came up to his shoulder. 

“Welcome to the family,” she whispered.

“Thank you,” Shoto replied, “but I hope you know that I’ve considered myself part of your family for a long time now.”

“Of course,” Inko said tearfully. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.” Shoto smiled down at her, heart swelling with love for the woman he was thrilled to now call his mother-in-law. 

“Mom,” Izuku cut in. “Could I steal my husband for a little bit? I believe we’re owed our first dance.” 

“Oh, yes, of course,” Inko replied with a wet sounding laugh. “I’m sorry. Sometimes I forget myself in my old age.”

“It’s okay, Mom,” Izuku said, leaning down to give her a kiss on the cheek before reaching over to take Shoto’s hand in his. 

“Are you ready?” he asked softly, emerald eyes locking with heterochromatic ones.

“You know I’d follow you anywhere, and into anything,” Shoto replied. “For better or for worse.”

“Till death do us part,” Izuku answered, leading him out onto the dance floor. They began to move together as the music started, tracing slow circles across the floor while keeping to a waltz step, as Izuku had insisted that anything more complex would inevitably cause him to trip over his own feet. Shoto didn’t care. The complexity or lack thereof of the dance didn’t matter, only who he was doing it with, and he couldn’t have asked for a better partner, in this dance or in life.

With the hand that was held in Izuku’s, Shoto twirled him, and as he reeled him back in, he saw that his eyes were shining with tears and his cheeks were wet with them.

“Why the tears, my love?” he murmured, cupping Izuku’s face between his hand and brushing his tears away with the pads of his thumbs.

“Tears of joy, I promise you,” Izuku replied with a wet laugh, like his mother’s earlier. “This is the happiest day of my life.” 

“Mine too,” Shoto agreed. 

“Midoriya,” Izuku muttered, apparently to himself. “Shoto Midoriya.” He laughed. “I still can’t quite believe it.” At that, Shoto couldn’t not kiss him, and they finished their dance swaying together while mid lip-lock.

Later, they sat at the sweetheart table, recieving well wishes and congratulations. There were quite a lot of those, as it turned out, from quite a lot of people- All Might, Aizawa and Present Mic, Ururaka, Shinso, and the Bakugos, even Katsuki, who, despite his glowering and grumbling, clearly held true, friendly affection for Izuku and was happy for him, congratulating him by growling, “You two idiots deserve each other,”

Last came Fuyumi and Natsuo, Fuyumi pushing her husband Tensei in his wheelchair while his brother followed in their wake.

“Welcome to the family,” Fuyumi murmured to Izuku, echoing Inko’s sentiment to Shoto from before, letting go of Tensei’s wheelchair to pull Izuku into a hug.

“It’s great to have you,” Natsuo said when they pulled apart, clapping Izuku on the shoulder. Tenya, ever their stiff and formal class rep, despite the fact that they’d all graduated years ago, touched his fists together and bowed to Izuku, saying, “It’s an honor to have you as a brother-in-law.” Izuku beamed at all of them, eyes shining.

“Thank you all so much,” he said. Shoto leaned over and pressed a kiss to his cheek, overcome with joy himself.

“How did I manage to get married before you, Natsu?” he teased, fixing his gaze on his brother. “Didn’t you start dating your girlfriend when I was in high school?”

“Give me a break, you had a head start!” Natsuo exclaimed, playacting at being offended. “You’ve known Izuku for longer than I’ve known my girfriend.”

“I absolutely have not,” Shoto countered. “You two were dating at the beginning of my first year, I’m almost certain.”

“We’ll get here soon, I promise,” Natsuo said with a conspiritorial smile that made Izuku gasp aloud and Fuyumi squeal and immeditately begin pestering Natsuo for details.

After that, the group dispersed, leaving the newlyweds to spend time alone with each other, which they did happily, the crowd and rest of the world falling away until it was just them two. But every time a slow song played, they got up to dance, swaying together in gentle circles, and the night was filled with love and laughter and a joy too great to express.

Love Conquers All.
PG, Wille/Simon, romance/fluff, future fic (part of the Interview-verse).

When Prince Ludvig finished speaking, […] it was finally Simon’s turn. He stood by his seat between his husband and the Prince Consort, waiting for the applause to die down and for a microphone to be placed in front of him. He still looked a little nervous, but not overly so that an untrained eye might catch it.

