#weird girl


I am your worst nightmare, but if you see me with the right eyes you could appreciate the love that I have deep inside.

IG: @doctoragris

Quiero un ramo de pupas y vomitar mientras me dicen que me amaran hasta que mi cuerpo se comience a pudrir

Im SO so so attracted to girls that are just themselves. Girls that don’t shave. Girls that are loud. Girls that get muddy and dirty without a care. Girls that don’t back down during a confrontation. Weird girls. Girls that eat sloppily. Girls that guys complain about “being too much of a tomboy.” Girls that will ramble on about the things they’re interested in because they’re so passionate about it. Girls that others think are cringy. Girls that will poke fun at me. Girls with rooms that are always messy. Creepy goth girls that emanate “don’t fuck with me” energy. Just….omg girls
