#weirdest way to make friends


Welp. I’m back. Lemme say, it’s been eventful. It started out normal, I stopped by a 7/11 for a Slushy when this dude decides to rob the store and holds the clerk and I hostage. If you’re a regular Gothamite, it’s honestly normal for that type of stuff.

Anyways, the crook was actually pretty chill, he let me drink my Slushy but this is when it starts getting wack. The police arrive, they start doin’ the lil back n forth. Then, both cops just dropped. There was no injuries, bullet holes, they straight up fell unconscious. I looked at the clerk, the clerk looked at the crook and the crook looked at me. The crook proceeds to grab a bunch of candies/snacks, stuff it in his car and drag BOTH of us in his car and speeds away. The crook ended up being a really nice guy, made pit stops at our houses and we went Camping for the rest of the week. The clerk is very good at making fires for camping and weaving baskets out of the branches he found from the ground.

Buuuut yeah- the crook technically didn’t commit a crime ig, as he never took the money from the register and the Clerk said the candies/snacks were on the house? Idk bro.
