#weirdling witch

Oh my goodness, I have so many sigils to catch up on posting! Sorry for my long absence, life has a

Oh my goodness, I have so many sigils to catch up on posting! Sorry for my long absence, life has a tendency of forcing me into cycles of hermithood from time-to-time. 

Servitor sigil for health, beauty, power, strength and femininity- essentially, she embodies and bestows empowered femininity. Inspired by the goddess Sekhmet

Commission for Liz Leon

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 Glyph of the MothCommission for itsalostgirlthingMoth magic is about transformation, mysteries and

Glyph of the Moth

Commission for itsalostgirlthing

Moth magic is about transformation, mysteries and the occult, and in
many cultures moths have associations with the spirits and world of
the dead. They are tied to both darkness and light, and can serve as
guides through one and into the other.

I’m currently accepting sigil commissions for $25 dollars each. Please message me if you’d like to request one :)

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