#welcome to night vale


((AAAAAAAAaack. Ok. Idea about ep.38 and ep.37 after having too much champagne. So yes. Spoilers for Orange Grove under the cut))Ok. So. We obviously have a problem with impostors/doubles, that I think started back with the whole funky reading of Joseph Fink’s thing at the beginning of the show several eps back. LAST ep we had someone buy Cecil as lot 37. When we had the whole weird thing happen with impostor!John Peters in the radio booth, I kind of wonder if we got the real Cecil back after the scuffle. Despite all the adorable Cecilos things we had going on before and after that. (the cuteness factor is unbearable here by the way. Ugh. Too.Cute.)

SO. What if whoever bought Cecil is actually keeping the real Cecil safe somehow through this whole thing?

Also Strex ordering the sheriff’s secret police around? Do not like. If they make a cannon mention of Strex owning anything GNVMC related my ‘noooooooooooooo!!!’ will be heard half way through the state.

But yeah. I don’t think we’ve heard the last of whoever bought Cecil in ep.37. Or trouble with impostors we don’t even know are currently impostors. Maybe it won’t actually end up being a bad thing?

Also don’t forget: Writing utensils are still forbidden, as is the majority of knowledge inclu

Also don’t forget: Writing utensils are still forbidden, as is the majority of knowledge included in the above lists. 

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If you hear the following strange sounds echoing about town, do not be concerned. It is merely the Earth making New Year’s resolutions about you.

Do not ask what these resolutions are. It’s better that you not know.

Plates lay half empty on the table. Scraps of brightly colored paper skitter across the floor of their own accord. Tinsel has ended up in places that tinsel was never meant to be. The sound of a choir plays softly, somewhat warped from an unseen speaker. The inhabitants of the house are nowhere to be seen- it is safer that way. Take heart. It is only 10 hours until midnight.

Happy holidays from the Greater Night Vale Medical Community. May you survive to see the new year.

Do not concern yourself unless you begin to hear ‘Carol of the Bells.’ They have not bro

Do not concern yourself unless you begin to hear ‘Carol of the Bells.’ They have not broken their silence for you. They are calling out to something much more malevolent. 

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Hark how the bells, sweet silver bells. All seem to say- BELLS DO NOT TALK. They do not. Do not listen to the bells. They only tell lies and do not exist. Do not let their tintinnabulation fool you. That is not a bell you hear. It is the laughter of the Eldritch being that has tricked you into believing that it is a small, harmless musical instrument. 

98% of the universe is invisible. That thing you told yourself you didn’t see? It’s there. Watching. Waiting. Relying on the fact that although you know it’s there, you will never see it coming. 

After several unfortunate confection related incidents, candy canes are now considered deadly weapons. As such, you must have a concealed weapons permit to have them in your possession. Those who wonder why this has come to pass have clearly never eaten a candy cane, and would never be approved for a permit in the first place.

As always, we wish you happy holidays, and hope that you survive to see the new year. 

Come they told me, pa rum pum pum pum. These newborn things to see, pa rum pum pum pum. With fangs and tentacles, pa rum pum pum pum. Wait. Why are you bringing me here? Why are they playing drums and salivating? I don’t think this is how a nativity play is supposed to work.  

It takes approximately eight minutes and twenty seconds for the light of the sun to reach earth. If the sun were to suddenly go out, you would be blissfully unaware for eight minutes. Has the sun continued to shine for that length of time?

Assuming that the sun has risen at all today in Night Vale. Let us assume for the sake of this exercise that life as we know it is not being purchased by an all consuming corporate and literal monster. That angels still protect Old Woman Josie (but do not exist, naturally). That the very laws of physics have not fled in terror of what horrid fate awaits this town should something not change soon. Let us assume all of that.

Excellent. You’d better start that timer again. You never know which eight minutes of sunshine may be your last. 

Some more small thing about Night Vale.



fuck all of u bitches with bad taste welcome to night vale did not have THE MAIN CHARACTER, THE NARRATOR, say hes in gay love at first sight with another man in goddamn 2012 when the best you could get was, like, glee, for you to say its only legacy is that some ppl r being cringe abt horror. fuck you.

people’s standards have dropped so fucking low n some of u have never had that experience of listening to the pilot for the first time and hear cecil wax poetic about how handsome and mysterious carlos is and have it be completely normal and expected! do you know how unprecedented that was? do you know how healing it was to hear gay love being talked about with such candor and without shame, without restraint?

wtnv was incrediblyy ahead of the curve in a lot of ways and it continues to be almost a decade later and i REFUSE to let yall slander it like this. it isnt even a horror podcast it’s a comedy with horror elements but it was never meant to be scary. the way that wtnv also does satire so well n the scathing critiques of contemporary society (esp the surveillance state)….. just say u never understood what it was (is & continues to be) abt and go lol no need to embarrass urself

and you see. the thing is. i remember being here. i remember when ppl were scared wtnv wld just be another bury your gays story. and i remember when the 1 year anniversary episode came out and EVERYONE being shocked that not only did nobody die but cecil and carlos rly got together! and i rmbr when wtnv topped the charts week after week after week following that and it was THE fiction podcast and it was THE podcast in general for so long until its popularity gradually lessened and people started to look at other things and listened to other podcasts.

but you cannot look at wtnv which was literally genre-defining in its ingenious storytelling and everything else and say its legacy is that ppl think trees with eyes are the epitome of horror.

i wont allow it.

they’re literally celebrating their 10 yr anniversary this year n they never dropped the ball, not even once. your faves could never. i need u to apologize to jeffrey cranor and joseph fink rn for this slander.

I’m so sorry to everyone who followed me for fanart LOL Did I ever tell y'all I take requests and commissions??

Dude I just listened to Night Vale ep 99, Michigan, and bruh. What an excellent end, I really loved it. I really liked the weather, too!



fuck all of u bitches with bad taste welcome to night vale did not have THE MAIN CHARACTER, THE NARRATOR, say hes in gay love at first sight with another man in goddamn 2012 when the best you could get was, like, glee, for you to say its only legacy is that some ppl r being cringe abt horror. fuck you.

people’s standards have dropped so fucking low n some of u have never had that experience of listening to the pilot for the first time and hear cecil wax poetic about how handsome and mysterious carlos is and have it be completely normal and expected! do you know how unprecedented that was? do you know how healing it was to hear gay love being talked about with such candor and without shame, without restraint?

wtnv was incrediblyy ahead of the curve in a lot of ways and it continues to be almost a decade later and i REFUSE to let yall slander it like this. it isnt even a horror podcast it’s a comedy with horror elements but it was never meant to be scary. the way that wtnv also does satire so well n the scathing critiques of contemporary society (esp the surveillance state)….. just say u never understood what it was (is & continues to be) abt and go lol no need to embarrass urself

and you see. the thing is. i remember being here. i remember when ppl were scared wtnv wld just be another bury your gays story. and i remember when the 1 year anniversary episode came out and EVERYONE being shocked that not only did nobody die but cecil and carlos rly got together! and i rmbr when wtnv topped the charts week after week after week following that and it was THE fiction podcast and it was THE podcast in general for so long until its popularity gradually lessened and people started to look at other things and listened to other podcasts.

but you cannot look at wtnv which was literally genre-defining in its ingenious storytelling and everything else and say its legacy is that ppl think trees with eyes are the epitome of horror.

i wont allow it.

they’re literally celebrating their 10 yr anniversary this year n they never dropped the ball, not even once. your faves could never. i need u to apologize to jeffrey cranor and joseph fink rn for this slander.

the strexcorp arc has a special place in my heartthe strexcorp arc has a special place in my heartthe strexcorp arc has a special place in my heart

the strexcorp arc has a special place in my heart

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i feel like a failure of a gay but im sorry i could NOT get into Welcome to Night Vale. I was so confused im sorry its just not for me- i think my lesbian card has been revoked.
