#what am i doing wrong



No, you guys don’t understand how much I love this game.

I have this antelope-like lazy villager, and he went to the museum. And then. He starred at the megaloceros. Because he’s some sort of deer ancestor. Ancient horn buddy.


He. took. his. place. On the phylogenetic tree. He seemed so happy.

I love this so much.

We live in a world where we judge not by the content but by the shell. I recently found myself in this, judging by the social look instead of the beautiful intent. Not bothering to listen to the words or the meaning, sticking my nose up at the idea of something nor my style. Forgetting myself, forgetting you can have meaning as well as a trendy beat. You can be passionate about something without having to give up on you even if it isnt exactly societies expectation. We too often get stuck in our preconceived idea of what passion is meant to look like. It isn’t always that indie soulful band singing their hearts out to a small crowd. Or the young woman in the back of the coffee shop typing furiously at her keyboard about equality. It can look like perky trendsetters pondering on our reality over a bubbly beat. We talk about breaking the molds everyday, only to ironically create more molds on who is allowed to break those molds.

Other than a couple of leftovers from a previous batch, no one has commissioned me in months. If you have seen my commissions page and chosen not to commission a painting from me, please reply to this post or send a private message or an ask to let me know why. Possible answers could be:

- You don’t like my art style

- You do like my art style but do not want to pay for art from me

- You want a commission but don’t think my art is worth the price

- You like the art style but don’t think I can paint the subject that you want (please specify the genre/subject)

- You want a commission but don’t have disposable income at the moment to commission me specifically

- You want a commission but don’t have the income to commission anyone in general

- You have compared me to other commission artists and chosen to commission one of them instead

- Other (again, please reply to this post or to me directly to give me feedback)

–Wings & Strings
