#i was wrong




i’m just sitting here dying of laughter thinking about McGonagall looking over Harry in first year like yeah the kid gets into some dangerous shenanigans but it always seems to be for a greater purpose and his heart’s in the right place and he’s so sweet and quiet usually, clearly he takes after his mother Lily thank goodness this is good this boy is good 

and then dead ass one year later kid shows up to school crashing into a tree with his bestie in a flying car instead of just owling the damn school that they’d missed the train and she’s just like DING DONG I WAS WRONG

First Year: “I hope he’s like Lily”

Second Year: “Sweet fuck he’s James.”

Am I the only one who thought shuckle evolved into torkoal, or what?

You ever take a peak into the tumblr side of a fandom just to see what’s going on and you just:


this is what it feels like to be insane

i thought it was going to be car insurance AD….

#i was wrong    #am a fool    

We live in a world where we judge not by the content but by the shell. I recently found myself in this, judging by the social look instead of the beautiful intent. Not bothering to listen to the words or the meaning, sticking my nose up at the idea of something nor my style. Forgetting myself, forgetting you can have meaning as well as a trendy beat. You can be passionate about something without having to give up on you even if it isnt exactly societies expectation. We too often get stuck in our preconceived idea of what passion is meant to look like. It isn’t always that indie soulful band singing their hearts out to a small crowd. Or the young woman in the back of the coffee shop typing furiously at her keyboard about equality. It can look like perky trendsetters pondering on our reality over a bubbly beat. We talk about breaking the molds everyday, only to ironically create more molds on who is allowed to break those molds.






The struggle of our generation.

“I’m being oppressed by physics and medicine. I shouldn’t have to change my habits to avoid a problem.”

The only thing missing is the dyed hair and problem glasses.

195 lbs is just 88 Kg, median height is 5'3 (160cm).

So yes, it is a problem that medicine should solve, this pills are used in traumatic cases, a woman who’s raped shouldn’t have to revive trauma by the insertion of a IUD just because she’s overweight, or just 20cm taller and healthy weight.

I’m assuming there’s some actual medical and scientific reasons some birth control methods are not allowed or not recommended for extremely overweight women. It’s very easy for some idiot on Twitter to say what people ‘deserve’ and ignore any difficulty that may be in place.

We also don’t know what birth control, specifically, Bryan is talking about, or the height and health of the woman or women Bry is talking about. That’s the fun thing about vagueposts.

Its a combination of hormones, dosage and no one knows.

Also they’re talking vaguely because they’re correct that this applies to almost all contraceptives. Which they say. In the last line of this very short tweet.

Regardless its not exactly a bad ask to want to be able to have safe sex regardless of weight. This is a stupid thing to get defensive over.


I’m not defensive. I’m offensive. I’m criticizing Bry’s ignorance of the elephant in the room. Physics doesn’t care about what people deserve or want, and Bry presents no evidence there’s some sort of willful discrimination going on.


Paul McCartney and Jane Asher in Bangor, Wales, 1967

Via @_beatleswomen_ on Instagram

if i fell apart would you stay? - ̗̀ inktober day 1 ̖́-

if i fell apart would you stay?

- ̗̀ inktober day 1 ̖́-

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