#wheel of the year



Welcome to the annual Witchblr fight of “Ostara isn’t real Gardner made it up”

Was Ostara most like made up whole cloth in the 20th century? Yes.

Do I give a shit and should you? No.

All holidays are made up and time is an illusion. It’s the Vernal Equinox, there’s more sun and it’s getting warmer. I slept with my window open last night and I don’t need to put on shoes to go outside.

Have a holiday! Tell seasonal depression to get hit by the door on the way out.


Mabon is the holiday of The Great Harvest, and it’s the Autumn Equinox.

Colours - orange, brown, ochre, all colours of the season

Altar/Home Decorations - orange candles, fallen leaves, pine cones, acorns, chestnuts, wheat, nuts, hazelnuts, apples and anything that’s in season where you live (in Italy we have figs, peaches, plums and grapes)

Something to eat - apples, apple pie, hazelnut pie, almond cookies, anything listed above that is in season, honey, milk, coffee and hot tea

Things to do - set new goals, forgive someone who did you wrong, meditate, cook something, try to be kinder and nicer (the season for anger and revenge will come, but this time of the year it’s easier to find peace)

// Mabon is September 22nd (2017) //


During September, collect some fallen tree leaves and write them down your wishes for the rest of the year.

Do you promise yourself to study harder?

Do you want to start exercising?

Do you want to sign up to new courses?

Maybe develop some skills?

(Use a black-ink pen to write on your leaves, you can also write sigils) Keep your leaves on your altar or on your bedside table, if you are a secret witch.

Then, during the Mabon night, burn your leaves to release the energy of your wish. If the leaves can’t be burn, then bury them outside.


Mabon is the second harvest festival in the Wheel of the Year that is celebrated on the autumnal equinox. 

Make apples into bowls! Carve out an apple so that the filling is gone and all that is left is a thick bowl-shaped apple shell. You can put small plants in these, offerings to spirits or deities, or you can place a candle inside. Put it on an altar or windowsill and it’s complete!
Donate food! If you have food to spare, donate some to a local food pantry. Also, if you have pet food or toys to spare, donate to those to a local animal shelter! Mabon is a great holiday to give back and donating what you can is a wonderful way to celebrate the equinox!
Burn bad habits! Literally. If you have a fireplace or somewhere where you can safely burn things, write down your bad habits and throw them in the fire. Then write down good habits you wish to have and hang it near the fireplace or on the fridge if you don’t have a fireplace. This season is all about change, so burn away the bad and work towards positive change!
Spend time with friends and family! Surround yourself with good company and have a fun time! You can visit an apple orchard, watch a movie and eat sweet treats, spend time in the living room together, enjoy a meal with each other, and more.
Bake and share! Apples are an ideal ingredient for homemade goods this time of year. Share your homemade treats with friends, family, or share them with a deity or spirit as an offering. Not only will you get to enjoy your goodies, but your loved ones will, too!
Visit the deceased. Gather some fallen leaves (or flowers if you prefer), acorns, and pine cones and adorn the deceased’s grave with them. You can also light a candle for them and pray or talk to them. Take time to remember them on this holiday.
Harvest and take care of your plants! Gather your herbs or take extra special care of your plants. You can use your harvested materials right away, dry them out, and/or store them away for later use! If your plant is not ready to be harvested, treat it to some new soil or fresh water!
Make or buy wine! Unless you’re underage or an alcoholic. Otherwise, get or make some wine and celebrate! Who doesn’t like to get a little drunk on holidays?
Take time to bask in nature! Winter is coming soon and those walks in the park won’t be as pleasant. Spend some time in the woods, an apple orchard, a lake, or just in your backyard and embrace what nature has to offer!
Meditate or do some spells for balance! Mabon is an ideal time to perform spells that help balance your life. You can also meditate to relieve stress or whatever it is you like to do to relieve stress. Take time to relax and take care of yourself this holiday!

wiccawitchtraining: Celebration of Mabon✨ Ritual of burning “the harvest”:fallen leaveswoodpinwiccawitchtraining: Celebration of Mabon✨ Ritual of burning “the harvest”:fallen leaveswoodpin


Celebration of Mabon

Ritual of burning “the harvest”:

  • fallen leaves
  • wood
  • pine cones
  • flowers
  • nuts

(I found them all while walking my dog on our favorite path in the woods)

After the ritual, I dug a hole and buried the ingredients while thanking the earth for the beautiful summer I had.

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