#white rock lake


I graduated from college and that little room of equipment they call a gym is no longer a real option. I have also exhausted all my free memberships in the area and am facing the reality that a gym membership is not in the cards for me in the foreseeable future. 

Cold weather, less daylight, and my work schedule have made it hard to rely on running outside for cardio. But I do what I can. 

I love bundling up and braving the elements, but there are those days I am just not down. To make up for my lack of consistent cardio, I try my best to walk more often, and do more at-home workouts in my free time. Even a few 15-minute sessions a day. 

Finding a beautiful walking or hiking trail is also a wonderful thing. 

Clickhere, and here, for a couple of my at-home workouts that require little to no equipment. 

An object in motion stays in motion. So get moving!

Last weekend Andrew and I drove down to Austin for no reason other than the fact that we missed it and needed a change of pace for a whole 30 hours. We managed to clock quite a few miles purely wandering the city and hiking around the greenbelt and Lady Bird Lake.


Texas’s summer heat puts such a damper on my willingness to step outside for more than the 45 seconds it takes to walk to my car. For some, the cold probably has a similar effect, but I love it.

Getting outside in the chilly fresh air, wandering, and exploring -especially when you get to look forward to a hot cup of coffee afterward (or before) (or both) - is so rejuvenating. 


After graduating from college, moving, getting engaged, looking for a new job, applying to graduate school, it seems like getting outside offers the most continuity. Oddly. I can count on the crisp air on my cheeks, the excitement from discovering a new place to explore, the imaginary lives i make up for people when i walk past an especially adorable home… 

Whether it’s hiking in California or making my way an 1/8 of the distance around White Rock Lake or having my fiancé bring me to the dried riverbed at the Greenbelt Trail, it all feels like home somehow.



And I usually get to explore with my mountain man by my side, which makes life all that much sweeter.

the title is no indication of the content of this post, and the content of this post has nothing to do with anything, and in that way, it’s fitting

What is a girl to do when she lives less than a mile away from Trader Joe’s and realizes that the only meals she cooks for herself come with instructions “Add two tablespoons water, heat, stir, let cool”

Less of food and more of people and events, my photography has taken me outside the kitchen, and it’s been an exciting venture.

“Dallas-based photographer and stylist” yada yada yada

Not giving up hope, though, that I will be back in the kitchen soon. The holidays are fast-approaching! Which means I will be trying my hand at some break-and-bake cookies, tasting whipped cream out of the can, and testing egg nog/rum ratios. Sure to report on all that ends jolly and good. 

In the meantime, check out my the new instragram @beckelyco page! Especially if you are in the Dallas area! I would love to meet up with other creatives

Follow me on Instagram: @ksalom | YouTube: Katherine Michelle | iChive: @ksalom | Snapchat: ksalom |

Follow me on Instagram: @ksalom | YouTube: Katherine Michelle | iChive: @ksalom | Snapchat: ksalom | Twitter: @katherinesalom | MANsports.com 20% off code: KSALOM

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