#why am i all of them


Types of people - tarot cards

The major arcana


The fool - taking a strangers hand, mumbling in the dark, childish promises, breathtaking naievity, unnoticed potential, carefree laughter

The magician - determined work, self assured confidence, showing off party tricks in crowded rooms, unique manneurisms, self respect

The high priestess - meditation in daylight, instinctive choices, overwhelming thoughts in the middle of a crowd, nodding to yourself

The empress - staying up all night texting lovers, vases of flowers, pet bunny rabbits, crystals and lipstick on every surface

The emperor - powerful voices, structured timetables, post it note reminders, deleting pictures to forget the memories, authority

The hierophant - gentle encouragement, loving vines, lawful good energy, sensible evaluation and healthy mindsets, relieved smiles

The lovers - sneaking out the window to meet strangers, heated looks, hard choices and harder consequences, pros and cons lists

Justice - karma, minor inconveniences, the butterfly effect, regretful longing, derserving praise, unexpected gifts, self satisfaction

The hanged man - complex situations, breakdowns on the kitchen floor, cutting out toxic people, starting fresh, difficult choices

Death - endings, new year new me, pamper days, new hairstyles and shopping trips, outstretched arms and the joy of freedom

Temperance - laidback attitudes, making plans in the middle of the night, patient explanations, evolution of the mind, neutral good alignment

The devil - powerless sobbing, refusal to believe in hope, intense fear of letting go and moving on, blank stares and miserable eyes

The tower - starting again, watching flames dance, strengthening weaknesses, destructive smirks, that feeling of dread in your stomach

The star - hope of healing, herbal teas and soothing voices, blind leaps of faith into welcoming arms, deep breaths, optimism

The moon - self doubt and hidden fears, subconsious nervous habits, learning to accept your flaws and be free, self care and confidence

The sun - confidence in decisions, promotions and certificates, confident walks, optimistic outlooks, counting blessings, success

Judgement - repentance, self evaluation and acceptance of mistakes, honest vulnerability, second chances, reconnecting with old friends

The world - wise eyes and knowing stares, serenity, complete fulfilment, excitement for what’s coming next, always learning
