
donaldtrumpispresidentdealwithit: This man was once the darling of the leftists (and small-governmen


This man was once the darling of the leftists (and small-government, privacy-minded libertarians who still like him). When he rightly exposed the criminal corruption of the Bush administration and awakened people who were unaware of the death and destruction being signed off on their behalf in Iraq and Afghanistan, Democrats championed him.

When he exposed Putin’s dirty laundry, the media largely ignored it.

But, when he exposed the corruption of the Democratic Party with emails given to him ultimately through Seth Rich, the Democrats started incorrectly calling him a “Russian agent.”

This man has sacrificed so much of his own life’s happiest moments to give everyone more transparency in a world full of duplicitous, deceitful governments.

Now, his Internet access has once again been cut off. It has been 1 month.

Never forget the role Wikileaks has played in exposing corruption.

Not once have they ever lost a court case against their many enemies.

Why? Because they vet their sources and the information they put out.

They don’t publish lies. They don’t defame. They don’t risk their solid reputation.

That makes them very powerful in a way no authoritarian regime can ever be.

Protect WikiLeaks and Julian Assange.

(For those who might shoo in with the “rape and malesting allegations” Assange was accused of - these were dropped.)

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Cool news of the day: The Guardian has hired Chelsea Manning as an opinion columnist on the topics o

Cool news of the day:The Guardian has hired Chelsea Manning as an opinion columnist on the topics of war, gender & freedom of information on Tuesday.

Manning, a former Army intelligence analyst, was convicted in 2013 and is serving a 35-year term for releasing classified national security materials to the public via WikiLeaks. She will write from prison in Ft. Leavenworth, but will not be paid for her work.

Although The Guardian is far from a perfect publication, this will elevate Chelsea’s voice & experiences to a worldwide audience. Can’t wait to read her first piece!

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El montaje contra Assange está a punto de consumarse y hay muchos cómplices La semana pasada, un edi

El montaje contra Assange está a punto de consumarse y hay muchos cómplices

La semana pasada, un editorial del periódico británico The Guardian contó una de sus típicas falsedades: que Assange había buscado asilo en la embajada de Ecuador en Londres para huir de una acusación de violación en Suecia

Seguir leyendo: https://is.gd/CrxCSC

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“Even if journalists who published WikiLeaks’ leaks are not summoned by an American grand jury, the intimidation of Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning will be enough. Real journalism is being criminalised by thugs in plain sight. Dissent has become an indulgence.”

John Pilger, journalist

 Swedish Supreme Court refuses to withdraw Assange arrest warrant The Supreme Court in Sweden has re

Swedish Supreme Court refuses to withdraw Assange arrest warrant

The Supreme Court in Sweden has rejected Wikileaks founder Julian Assange’s request to cancel a warrant for his arrest following complaints of sexual misconduct against him in 2010.

Assange, who has been hiding in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London to avoid extradition to Sweden, was accused in 2010 by two Swedish women of committing rape and assault. The Australian was granted asylum inside the embassy in 2012 to avoid being sent to Stockholm for questioning.

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“Wet Works” 2017

“Wet Works”

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“(´ω`)eeping( ・∀・)ngel” 2017

“(´ω`)eeping( ・∀・)ngel”

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A Spanish Court Calls: Mike Pompeo, We Want You

A Spanish Court Calls: Mike Pompeo, We Want You

On June 3, Judge Santiago Pedraz of Spain’s national court, the Audienca Nacional, issued a summons for former CIA director and US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to testify in an ongoing investigation into the conduct of private security firm UC Global and its founder, David Morales.
The security firm is said to have been hired by US intelligence operatives to monitor Julian Assange and his…

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