#wip snippet



Is anyone writing a novel / short story?  Please share an excerpt from your WIP

 An excerpt from one of my Greek mythology retellings, The Prince and The Sun:

“Why does it hurt so much?”
Leto was reminded suddenly of a time, aeons ago, during his brief childhood, when Apollo had nicked his arm on the sharp tip of an arrow. The graze had nearly healed by the time he had arrived in front of her, tears streaking his face like the ichor streaked his skin, the flesh already knitting itself back together. But he had buried his face in her lap and cried until the soft cotton of her chiton was damp and stained. All the while she had murmured soothingly, her fingers stroking through his golden hair, her heart aching for her child who had just realised for the first time that the world could hurt.
But this was no wound of flesh, no pain of the sort that a mother’s comfort could lessen. This cut deeper, and Leto did not know how to heal a broken heart.

Last Line Tag IV

Thanks for the tag @emelkae (sorry this has literally taken me weeks!)

Okay, this one is from a ~new wip~ set during the Scottish Witch Hunt of 1597:

She wasn’t one of them, not any more: she was a witch, or so they said, and what courtesy or clemency could they owe to a witch?


Find the Word Tag

Thank you for the tag @fiercely-raging-writer

Crash(fromOur Forgotten Devils)

I take another worried glance over my shoulder. “Can’t you go any faster?” I ask.

“Not unless you want me to crash!” Alex says sharply.

The car pulls out and speeds up until it’s driving alongside us. I try to get a look at the driver, but the windows are tinted so dark I can’t see a thing. Whoever’s driving, they turn inwards, pushing hard into the side of us.

Burn(ed)(from Our Forgotten Devils)

“You look so much like your father.”

Abruptly, Alex drops her hands as if they’ve burned him. His flinch is slight but clearly visible nonetheless.

Scent(from Our Forgotten Devils)

Beneath the pervading scents of sandalwood and frankincense lies something else, something that I can’t quite place, but it makes me wrinkle my nose in disgust all the same. I feel like I should recognise it, but it’s too faint for me to determine what it is.

FuriousFury(from a micro-wip titled Clytemnestra’s Confession)

I needed to be over there, needed to see her, hold her, needed to snatch the dagger from Agamemnon’s hands and plunge it into his chest. But Achilles held fast, stubbornly refusing to let me go. I struggled and fought in vain until all my fury drained away and I slumped forwards, sobbing. When he finally let me go, I collapsed.

Open tag!

Excerpt from Sunlit Mage chapter 4.Fellas, is it gay to obsess and feel jealousy over a guy who best

Excerpt from Sunlit Mage chapter 4.

Fellas, is it gay to obsess and feel jealousy over a guy who bested you one (1) time?

Post link
Snippet from JELLIE chapter 45. Or, the one where I roast Nate Fairweather and Elise Jamieson all in

Snippet from JELLIE chapter 45. Or, the one where I roast Nate Fairweather and Elise Jamieson all in one fell swoop.

Post link
Meet Sol, Finnian’s teammate from the flying team. They only came to me this afternoon, but I think

Meet Sol, Finnian’s teammate from the flying team. They only came to me this afternoon, but I think I’m keeping them.

Post link

He was just about to head off to the locker room and change into his racing clothes when something caught his eye. A movement in the air, a blur, a shadow; and before he knew it he had paused, turning back towards the racing grounds to watch.

The sky was blue. The air was clear, and far above him, a person darted through the skies. Speeding through the course, dodging the obstacles, the slim figure seemed to be riding on the wind itself, pressed close to the broomstick in a flawless, elegant form. The rider had their broom under perfect control, all but dancing through the air, completing the obstacle course with weightless grace while still radiating a fierce, burning ambition.

Finnian stood mesmerized, his own errand forgotten. The world came to a standstill, and even his breathing paused, his whole self, his entire being focused only on the solitary rider alone.

Pleasing descriptions aside, I love this bit because Finnian’s first impression of his future arch-rival that he’s gonna spend half the book hating is that he’s basically enamored with him. It’s so deliciously ironic and insulting and honestly, he’s such a brat that he deserves it.

So…I know I said I’d be more active on here again, and then I disappeared. I’m sorry. Update schedules are still my foe and my enemy and keeping me captive. HOWEVER, I’ve also been working on a fun new thing in my downtime, enjoy some out-of-context quotes:

  • Their debut album, Sad Boys Take Over Your Radio Station, had been a surprise hit. With their sophomore album, Not Every Long Sentence Is A Song Title (Sometimes, They’re Album Titles), they had become household names, playing themselves firmly into the hearts of gloomy teens and nostalgic twenty-somethings everywhere.
  • Sky was intimidatingly broad and sturdy, […] but about as dangerous as the average tree. He just stood around the landscape and sometimes rustled in the wind, unless he suddenly and randomly decided to drop a branch on you.
  • Attractivewomen, of course. The rest of his identity would have to stay home tonight, sleeping in the closet where it belonged.
  • And Zeke had already done his damnedest to follow the directions the nice lady at the information counter had given him—hell, he had even gone back and asked again, not that it had gotten him anywhere except on her nerves.
  • For a second he wondered if this was their meet-cute and she would ask him to get coffee together now. But just as he prepared to embrace his new rom-com existence, she had already turned and rushed off to disappear in the nameless, faceless crowd.
  • Someone should invent an improved death glare, Neo thought irritably as he watched her try to decide between various identical-sounding beverages. The kind that also worked without eye contact. Was there such a thing? If there was, he would pay good money for someone to teach him.
  • As far as he was concerned, being fawned over was better and cheaper than therapy.
  • Oh no. Thank goodness. But also, oh no. He appreciated not having to deal with this lunacy alone anymore, but out of all his bandmates, did it really have to be Zeke?



For the lovely @meetmyescapingthoughts I made a playlist based on their new WIP Earth Alpha which looks so cool and im really excited for Here is the Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0TLOwJ0LMzlUgCPnb9KGLt?si=mfFI6sC1Te-L5Lgy3Hfkfw

My editing skills are shit so excuse the picture for the playlist…

I also wrote these two “incorrect quotes” (honestly just random conversations they had) based on your old WIP The Not So Ordinary Tale of Dani Swann:

Ben: Listen to me

Callie: Yes?

Ben: When I say don’t investigate, what do you say?

Callie: I will not investigate-

Ben: Good

Callie: without Dani. *nods*

Ben: NO-!

Callie: I’m glad I met both of you

Dani: Aww thank you-

Ben: As you should, if you didn’t I 100% believe you would still be in a ditch


Callie: I just fell.

Ben: In a ditch?

Callie: I was looking for-

Ben: No let me, her super ultra rare Flinstones doll. And not even a person, it was just Dino.



Callie: I WAS 10!

Dani: *laughing*

Dani: Do you ever see someone and think, “What the fuck?”

Ben: Welcome to Little Silver

and yea so hope u enjoy it!

Oh My Gooooooood ! Thank you so much ! This is so amazing !
I can’t wait to listen to the playlist as I suffer through world building for Earth Alpha !
Thanks againnn ! The notion of someone actually Perceiving any of my WIPs is honestly heartwarming by itself.

Last Line Tag 30

Thanks for the tags @nectargrapesand@did-i-do-this-write! From Masks and Trust (to no surprise, because Shiny).

The entirety of Vega sinks, tungsten anchors plummeting to the sea floor.

Because she can see it, now. The point Celeste is making. It’s chills her ache enough that it withers, too worn and shriveled to hurt.

It’ll make her guilt for leaving worse, if she forgives her. And there’s logic to it. What would it say, if one of the most beloved heroes forgave one of the worst villains? It’s reasonable, that line of thought, and it’s dull arrows shooting clean through her shoulders.

“It makes you forgiving,” she tries to argue, her voice damp with the weakness of it. “What’s more heroic than that?”

Tagging (no pressure and anyone feel free to hop in): @magefaery@canonicallypuzzled@carefulpyro@northernrosewritingsand@onceuponanaromantic

Last Line Tag 29

Thanks for the tag @thanatostouch! Have the last lines from Mask and Trust (the coffee shop arc/piece, still. They are refusing to shut up and part ways).

Vega nods, pinned in place by the weight sitting heavy on her chest. “Good,” she says lightly. “That’s—” she stumbles over the delicacy of structuring her tone so it doesn’t come across too hard. “I’m glad,” she says, “that you can appreciate the gesture.”

Celeste offers a wavering smile. “Of course. I always appre…” reality striking her expression, memory igniting at mention of remembrance and the past. What’s left of the gentle atmosphere saps through the hesitance. She clears her throat. “I’ve always seen your kindness.”

Vega’s lips press flat as she inclines her chin just barely enough to classify being a nod, weak acknowledgement to the statement that may no longer ring true — is she still seeing it now, even through her fear? Will she still see it tomorrow and in the rest of whatever future is left (because the certainty has melted, is lost as if it was never around, cotton candy in a downpour).

