#worker rights

Today’s pose: corpse pose. In the last six months, 1200 workers died in unsafe Bangladeshi gar

Today’s pose: corpse pose. In the last six months, 1200 workers died in unsafe Bangladeshi garment factories where US clothing is made. Athleta/Gap, sign the Bangladesh Fire and Building Safety Accord and stop the killing!

Help us Twitterbomb Athleta today: http://99pickets.org/bangladesh

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drug tests are evil btw and they should be illegal.

“but what if a school bus driver comes to work high” well they could also come to work drunk and literally nothing is stopping them from doing that besides their own judgement. so.

 Many of us are aware of the stories of harmful working conditions in the games industry (mass layof

Many of us are aware of the stories of harmful working conditions in the games industry (mass layoffs, crunch, harassment, etc) but a better space *is* possible and it starts by us putting in the effort to make that change. This Thursday, we’ll be joined by Emma Kinema and Kristen Perez. We hope to see you there!
#hotline #helpline #goodtipsforhardtimes #game #games #videogames #union #unions #workerrights #workplacesafety #unionizing #unionize #organized #organizing #voltage #voltageentertainment #visualnovel #writing #codecwa #cwa #tech #techwork #techology #techjobs #gamejobs

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