#income inequality




genuine props to this publication for finding such a stark, simple, provocative way to say… all of it

get yourself a raise!

Imprisonment rates are higher in more unequal countries

Source: Wilkinson and Pickett, The Spirit Level

Societies with wider income differences need nore “guard labor”

Source: Bowles & Jayadev, NYT 2014

Homicide rates are higher in more unequal US states and Canadian provinces

Source: Daly M, Wilson M, Vasdev S. Income inequality and homicide rates in Canada and the United States. Can J. Crim 2001: 43:219-36


every day i get a little madder about the ‘dream job’ narrative… all i want is to have a job that benefits society somewhat, doesn’t abuse me, and lets me live a happy life outside of my job lol. jobs should not be (and arguably can’t be) cosmic destinies and identities


i think that unless you have experienced life while being actually dead broke or near it at least once, its hard to really grasp at how, in many places but in america in particular, ‘having money’ is the access card that allows you to participate, materially, in being fully human. even in non-crisis situations, situations where a paycheck is on the way, you have enough of some kind of food to make it, and you aren’t in any danger of losing shelter, even if you hardly spend any money when you do have it, the state of being completely without money is a state of  being hyperaware, constantly, of how much smaller your world is all of a sudden and how many basic aspects of mobility and enrichment are off limits to you. its profoundly psychologically agitating to self worth and well-being even sans the trauma of worse states of deprivation, and i don’t think a lot of people who have lived comfortably without this experience understand that there’s a critical difference between ‘having less money’ and ‘having no money’ when talking about related issues.




Okay also I’ve been driving electric cars long enough now to be really emphatic that the fact that they’re not all automatically built with solar panels in the roofs is a scandal.

And somehow almost every time I tell anyone this they roll their eyes and attempt to explain to me that this would not create a perpetual motion machine because of the limitations of the area relative to the power draw of the motor, which is incredibly annoying because that’s not the point.

Yes it’s possible that driving in the sunshine with a solar collector dripping into the battery would net you a little more mileage on that trip before needing recharge, but the usefulness of a solar-topped electric car is that if you drive it someplace–say, to work–and leave it outside in the sun all day, you’ll definitely have more range available by the time you’re ready to head home.

Also if you fuck up your calculations because of the inefficiency induced by cold weather or something and get yourself stranded without anywhere to charge, like halfway up a mountain or, more likely, six miles from home, you can call for rescue or walk away, come back later, and it’ll be able to move again.

This is important because unlike running out of gas you can’t really go get some electricity.

like imagine if some of the energy that turns into face-melting air when you first turn the AC on was stored as electricity instead of going to waste

Imagine if electric cars were designed and sold on their merits as practical devices and not toys for the rich.

Saw this comic on Facebook

Panel 1: A big cake on a table on a table has been cut into two slices–a very small one, labelled “pobres” (the poor) and a very large one, labelled “ricos” (the rich). Two people on the poor side look angrily at the man on the rich side.

Panel 2: The rich man has taken a knife to cut the already small “pobres” (poor) slice in half, now marked “izquierda” (the Left) and “derecha” (the Right). The two poor people are now looking angrily at each other while the rich man knowingly smiles.

seymour-butz-stuff: progressivepower:Whipe that stupid look off your face Mitch. Oh wait, that’s jus



Whipe that stupid look off your face Mitch. Oh wait, that’s just his face

Put a black cloak on him and he’s something something something dark side something something


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I mean Jesus fucking Christ this is not right

My friend told me the best example to explain the vast difference between a million and a billion

“A million seconds ago was last week. A billion seconds ago we were still dealing with the Soviet union.”

This is why when we talk about “rich people” who aren’t paying taxes or who are wasting money, we’re not talking about the person who makes 1 or 2 grains of rice worth of money a year. We’re talking about the person who makes the giant fucking Costco sized pile of rice.

The tiktok is from spring 2020. His current net worth is 188 billion

Eat the rich.

We need to lower income inequality. Help us do this by signing our ‪#‎wageratio legislation petition

We need to lower income inequality. Help us do this by signing our ‪#‎wageratio legislation petition https://www.causes.com/campaigns/77701-tie-companys-workers-highest-earnings-to-lowest-salaries 

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This inequality between wages and productivity shows how CEOs take income for themselves that’s righ

This inequality between wages and productivity shows how CEOs take income for themselves that’s rightfully earned by their employees, while hurting the economy in the process. This is why we need #wageratio legislation. This will limit CEO pay based on how well they pay their workers. Sign the petition and reblog to spread awareness!


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saywhat-politics: “All Americans are entitled to live healthy and decent lives.”This is why we nee


“All Americans are entitled to live healthy and decent lives.”

This is why we need to lower income inequality. Help us do this by signing our ‪#‎wageratio‬ legislation petition https://www.causes.com/campaigns/77701-tie-companys-workers-highest-earnings-to-lowest-salaries

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This inequality between wages and productivity shows how CEOs take income for themselves that’s righ

This inequality between wages and productivity shows how CEOs take income for themselves that’s rightfully earned by their employees, while hurting the economy in the process. This is why we need #wageratio legislation. This will limit CEO pay based on how well they pay their workers. Sign the petition and reblog to spread awareness!


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Help us decrease the massive income inequality in America. Sign our petition to make sure that execu

Help us decrease the massive income inequality in America. Sign our petition to make sure that executives can’t earn too many times more income than their lowest-paid workers. #wageratio https://www.causes.com/campaigns/77701-tie-companys-workers-highest-earnings-to-lowest-salaries

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This week we received a response to a letter we sent to Senator Richard Bloomenthal (D-CT). This inf

This week we received a response to a letter we sent to Senator Richard Bloomenthal (D-CT). This information and more is now available on the new “Influential Supporters” page of our site. http://wageratio.tk/

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This inequality shows the unjustifiable difference between CEO pay and their workers’ pay. This is w

This inequality shows the unjustifiable difference between CEO pay and their workers’ pay. This is why we need #wageratio legislation. This will limit CEO pay based on how well they pay their workers. Sign the petition and reblog to spread awareness!


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Help us reach out to the US Congress in support of a law that limits a company’s highest-earner’s pay to a multiple of the lowest earner’s pay, with increased multiples for larger companies. Basically, this would be a law that says the rich shouldn’t be allowed to make an unreasonably larger amount of money than the poor at their same company.

Help Us Reduce Income Inequality. If you’re interested, contact us on social media or at [email protected]

Learn more about the petition: http://wageratio.tk/

Even if you don’t have the time to get involved, please reblog this to spread the word.

If you want to help us out, we can send you information that can help you write your letter to congress. If you would like to help in a different way, please let us know.

With drastically rising income inequality, we need wage ratio legislation now to help solve this pro

With drastically rising income inequality, we need wage ratio legislation now to help solve this problem. Visit wageratio.tk for more information

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Help us reach out to the US Congress in support of a law that limits a company’s highest-earner’s pay to a multiple of the lowest earner’s pay, with increased multiples for larger companies. Basically, this would be a law that says the rich shouldn’t be allowed to make an unreasonably larger amount of money than the poor at their same company.

Help Us Reduce Income Inequality. If you’re interested, contact us on social media or at [email protected]

Learn more about the petition: http://wageratio.tk/

Even if you don’t have the time to get involved, please reblog this to spread the word.

As workers become more productive, they should be rewarded with wage raises. Since we’re not s

As workers become more productive, they should be rewarded with wage raises. Since we’re not seeing this in America, we need #wageratio legislation. Sign the petition https://www.causes.com/campaigns/77701-tie-companys-workers-highest-earnings-to-lowest-salaries

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Check out the #WageRatio demonstration at Syracuse University today if you’re nearby. Learn moCheck out the #WageRatio demonstration at Syracuse University today if you’re nearby. Learn moCheck out the #WageRatio demonstration at Syracuse University today if you’re nearby. Learn mo

Check out the #WageRatio demonstration at Syracuse University today if you’re nearby. Learn more at http://wageratio.org

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 This is why we need Wage Ratio Legislation. Let’s limit excessive executive earnings as compa

This is why we need Wage Ratio Legislation. Let’s limit excessive executive earnings as compared to their workers’ wages. http://wageratio.org/

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Iowa Caucuses & Primaries


We would like to thank you all for supporting our fight for fair wages. Tomorrow is the Iowa Caucus, and other primaries are soon afterwards. We would like to endorse Bernie Sanders for president, as we believe that his policies are the best for the working people of America. Although he is losing the race for the Democratic nomination, Bernie consistently is improving his base of support, and is only 3% behind in Iowa. If all of us go to the polls and vote for Bernie, our strength in numbers (over 1000) can get him closer to being the next president of the United States.



Share of U.S. income going to middle class falling dramatically; 43% in 2014, down from 62% in 1970: http://www.pewsocialtrends.org/2015/12/09/the-american-middle-class-is-losing-ground/

Post originally from Wagemark

salon: Pretty soon, millions of American workers will know exactly how much less money they earn tha


Pretty soon, millions of American workers will know exactly how much less money they earn than their corporate bosses, as the Securities and Exchanges Commission voted in favor of a new rule today that requires every publicly traded company to regularly disclose the pay ratio between top company executives and their employees.

Although CEO pay is already revealed in a company’s annual proxy statement, this new rule will force corporations to assess and disclose the ratio of a chief executive’s compensation to the median compensation of their employees, starkly illuminating income inequality company-by-company.

Rule requiring companies to disclose CEO-to-worker pay ratio is “an important step,” 2016 hopeful says

An important step on the road towards enacting Wage Ratio Legislation. Learn more at wageratio.org

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