#writing prompt


“You are very brave… I’ll let you live.”

Title: Double Identity

Prompt: Palette

AU: Yugo - Yuna AU (An AU where Yugo loses a bet and has to go to a party dressed as a girl, however, with his fake gender, Yugo and Yuri end up falling for each other.) 

Summary: After getting to know each other well during a party, Yuri invites Yuna out on a date, however, Yuri doesn’t realize that he actually invited Yugo in a wig.

Shippings: Pawnshipping (Yugo x Yuri)

Yugo swore he would never do it again. It was a one time thing. The results of a bet he made with Rin. An inside joke that only they would know about.

So why was he in the cosmetics aisle, trying to decide between two different makeup palettes like some over anxious teenage girl getting ready for a date?

Because that's exactly what he was doing.

Yugo bites his lip, now wishing that Rin was here. She knew more about makeup than him. She was the one who had done his makeup in the first place.

“Well, well, I didn’t know the store changed its animal policy.” A smooth voice said that made Yugo’s heart stop. 

“Great Obelisk, no." Yugo thought to himself as he slowly turned around. Standing behind him, a shopping basket tuck under his arm, was Yuri. 

"Good evening, Pogo. Have you lost your master?” Yugo gritted his teeth. He really didn’t need this right now. 

“I’m not a dog, you moron!” He snaps. He hurriedly tosses one of the palettes into his cart, however, Yuri saw it.

“And what’s this now? Buying makeup?" 

"N-not for me! For Rin!” Yuri smirks. 

“I never implied it was for you. Why so defensive?” Yugo’s face grew hot. 

“B-because….shut up!” Yugo then turned and practically ran off all the meanwhile Yuri is chuckling.

“Good talk, Pogo!”

How he actually manage to get a date with that asshole without him realizing that it was actually him under the wig Yugo would never understand.

Why he was even going through with it was another matter entirely.

Title: A Promise

Prompt: Jewelry

AU: Pawn Marriage AU (An AU where Yuri proposes to Yugo.)

Summary: Yuri and Celina shop for a gift for Yuri’s boyfriend.

Shippings: Pawnshipping (Yugo x Yuri)

“I honestly can’t believe you two are still together after he said no." 

"Just because he said no to my proposal doesn’t mean he doesn’t love me, Celina.” Yuri said to his sister, his eyes drifting to different items in the display case. “He’s just not ready for marriage." 

"But why?”

“He’s afraid of it."  


“Celina, he’s been married three times before. His first wife died in a car accident and his second wife cheated on him.”

“What about his third wife?” Yuri shrugs.

“Husband, actually, and no one knows. He just up and left him without any explanation." 

"That’s terrible." 

"This is why I have to be patient with him. Married or not, I still love him. And although it is a shame he said no, I don’t love him any less because of it.” Celina stared at her brother for a moment before smiling and shaking her head.

“He really isn’t just a toy to you, is he?” Yuri pauses for a moment.

“He never was. Yugo’s different.” Suddenly, Celina grabbed his shoulder and steered him away from necklaces he had been looking at. 

“Well, since you’re actually serious about this guy, I know just the thing.” Celina took Yuri to a different part of the jewelry store, to a large glass display full of rings.

“Celina, I already told you. Yugo-”

“These aren’t engagement rings, dummy. These are promise rings.” Yuri raised an eyebrow.

“Promise rings?”

“Unlike engagement rings, a promise ring is upholding a promise of some kind. It doesn’t even have to be a promise of marriage if Yugo is still too uncomfortable for that. It could just simply be a promise of love.” Yuri looked back down at the display and smiles.

“Dear sister, this may have been the only good idea you’ve ever had." 

"I get them every once and in a while.”

Title: Grateful Seasons

Prompt: Seasons

AU: High School AU (Yuya and friends all attend the same high school.)

Summary: How friendship turned to love across the seasons.

Shippings: Counterpartshipping (Yuya x Yuto) / Mentions of Bardshipping (Sylvio x Lulu)


Yuya first met Yuto during the beginning of the school year. At first, Yuya didn’t even know the boy even existed until he accidentally dropped his pencil on the floor and lean down to pick it up, only to stop short as another hand beats him to it. 

“Here you go.” He was holding his pencil out to him, a charming smile on his face.

“Oh, thanks.” Yuya said, taking it. 

And that was the start of their friendship.


“Are you sure you’re not cold, Yuya?” Yuto asked his friend on their way to school. It had snowed about 3 or 4 feet last night and more of it was still raining down on them. To Yuya’s disappointment, school hadn’t been closed for the day and so he was forced into the cold.

“H-ha, honestly, who can be warm in this weather?” Yuya shutters, burying his hands deep into his jacket’s pockets which had little to no effect. “But I’m fine, Yuto. I’ve been through worse.“ 

"How come you’re not wearing any gloves? Don’t you have any?” Yuya shakes his head.

“My mom doesn’t have the money for them right now.” Out of the corner of his eye, Yuya saw Yuto’s eyes sadden. “B-but like I said, I’ve been through wayyy worse. I remember one time me and Sylvio got caught in the biggest rainstorm of the year with no raincoats or anything." Yuya laughs at the memory. "And only because Sylvio wanted this new video game that just-”

Yuya is cut off as Yuto grabs his hand and slips on a black glove. Yuya blinks, realizing that it was Yuto’s glove.

“Uhh…Yuto?” Yuto takes off his other glove, grabbing Yuya’s other hand, and slipping that one on too. 

“There. That should help.” Yuya flex his fingers experimentally. He hadn’t had gloves since he was young and it felt a bit strange wearing someone else’s. 

“Yuto, I really don’t need them. I told you, I’ll be-” Yuya was again cut off as Yuto wraps the red scarf he had been wearing around Yuya’s own neck. 

“You won’t be fine. You’ll catch a cold in this weather." 

"And what about you?” Yuya pulled the scarf down a little to free his mouth. 

“My jacket’s a lot heavier than your’s and I’m used to cold weather. Besides, I would never forgive myself if you got sick.” Yuya smiles, his friend’s words warming him better than any clothing.

“Thanks, Yuto." 


"AHCOO!” Yuto sneezes hard into his elbow. A white tissue was immediately handed to him which he takes and blows into it hard in an attempt to unclog his nose. “My pollen allergy will be the death of me, I swear.”

“You know, I think my mom might have some medicine for allergies.” Yuya said from beside him, pausing the movie they were watching.

“She does?”

“I think so. Let me go get some.” Yuya said before jumping off the couch. He returns a moment later with a tiny cup in hand, filled with a sticky purple liquid. “I will warn you, it taste pretty foul.” Yuya said, wrinkling his nose.

“I’ve taken so much medicine over the years for these damn allergies, it hardly affects me anymore.” Yuto said before swallowing down the bitter medicine. He gives the cup back to Yuya who disappears, probably to put the cup in the kitchen sink to be washed out.

When Yuya doesn’t come back after a few minutes, Yuto calls out to him.

“Yuya? Is everything okay?”

“Oh! Everything’s fine! Just making something!” Yuto wonders what Yuya could be up too and was surprised when he came back with a tray in hand. On it was a bowl along with a spoon. “Here ya go!” Yuya says cheerfully, handing the tray to Yuto. 

“Soup? For me? Y-Yuya, you didn’t have too.” Yuto said as Yuya returns to his spot beside him.

“I know, but I wanted too. You take care of me all the time. It only seems fair that I return the favor.” Yuya smiles. Finding Yuya’s smile infectious, Yuto couldn’t help but smile back.

“Thank you, Yuya." 


It was the last day of school before the start of summer break. Yuya knew he should be happy about this, but he just couldn’t find the energy. Not after the terrible news he had just found out about.

Yuto liked someone else.

It was during homeroom. Since school was pretty much over with everyone, including the teachers, were just lying around. Chatting, making plans for the summer, signing yearbooks, that sort of thing. At one point, Yuya spotted Yuto sitting in the far back of the classroom with Shay and Sylvio, two guys Yuya was also friends with. 

Just as he was opening his mouth to greet them he got close enough to hear their conversation.

"Honestly, I don’t know why you both care so much, but if I had to date anyone in this class, I guess it would be Lulu.” Yuto answers. At that moment Yuya froze. 


Yuto would date…Lulu?

It made sense though. Lulu was pretty much the whole package. She was one of the most beautiful girls in school, had high marks on all her classes, and to top it all off, she was probably the kindest person in the entire school. Who wouldn’t want to date her? Yuya could actually see her right now. Chatting with her friends in the front of the room, completely unaware of the currently conversation between Yuto and his friends.

It all made sense. 

Him and Yuto have been friends since the start of the school year.

And they would stay as friends. Why would it be any other way?

His heart heavy, Yuya slowly turns away from the group and walks over to the teacher where he asks permission to use the bathroom. Once granted, Yuya quickly leaves. 

“Yuya?” Yuya jumps at the voice, hurriedly wiping his tear stained eyes on his arms. Yuto duck under the staircase that Yuya was hiding under and sat down beside him. This spot beneath the staircase has always been Yuya and Yuto’s little getaway from the boring drag of school. It was a quiet place where hardly any teachers or students came around so they could just sit and relax. “Yuya, have you been…crying? Is everything okay?" 

Yuya wishes that Yuto would just go away, but he knew that wasn’t going to happen. He forced a big smile on his face.

"I-I’m fine, Yuto. I’m just a little sad that the school year is ending is all. As much as a pain school was, we made a lot of memories here.” Yuto frowns and shakes his head.

“Yuya, I’ve known you for too long. This isn’t a sentimental cry. You’re really upset about something. Please tell me what it is." 

"It’s nothing, Yuto." 

"If it was nothing you wouldn’t be underneath the staircase, crying.” Yuto wraps an arm around his shoulders as a gesture of comfort which Yuya accepts, leaning onto his shoulder. “Did someone hurt you?" 

”…Yes, but not on purpose.“ Yuya sighs.

"Who was it?” Yuya stayed quiet. “Can you at least tell me what they did?” Yuya’s face flush red.

“Yuto, we’re…we’re best friends, right?” Yuto looked at Yuya confused.

“Of course we are.”

“So no matter what happens we’ll always be friends?”

“Always.” Yuto’s hand grabs his’s, giving it a reassuring squeeze. Yuya closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.

“Okay. Okay.” Yuya summons up as much courage as he could. “I heard you talking to Sylvio and Shay, about how you would date Lulu.”

“O-oh. You heard that?" 

"Yeah. And Lulu is a great girl. You and her would make a cute couple. P-probably the cutest in the school. And you’re already close with Shay.” As Yuya continue to ramble, Yuto realized what Yuya was so upset about. 

“Yuya…do you like me?” Yuya jumped away from Yuto, blushing heavily.

“L-like isn’t exactly the word I would use.” Without saying another word, Yuto grabbed Yuya’s hand and pulled him out from under the staircase. “Y-Yuto?”

“We gotta go see Shay and Sylvio. I wasn’t being completely honest when I said that.” Yuto paused for a moment. “And I want you to hear it.” Yuya blinks, not quite understanding the full weight of Yuto’s words.

When they got back to the classroom Yuto poked his head inside and called out to Shay and Sylvio. Once all of them were outside in the hall, Yuto shuts the classroom door for privacy. 

“What’s up, Yuto?” Shay asked.

“Yuya, have you been crying?” Sylvio asked, noticing Yuya’s red eyes.

“I’m fine, guys. Really.” Yuya said.

“Shay, Sylvio, remember when you asked me who would I date? Well, I lied about that." 

"Ha! Knew it!” Shay cheers. He then sees the strange stares the others were giving him before coughing awkwardly into his hand. “I mean, continue." 

"Don’t get me wrong. Lulu deserves a good guy, but that guy just isn’t me. I only said that because I knew that if I told the truth, you both would pressure me to ask him out. I only said Lulu because I knew Shay would never let anyone date his sister, and Sylvio, you were already crushing on her.”

“Wait, what?!” Shay sent a sharp glare at Sylvio, who begins to sweat.

“Oh, Yuto, you’re so funny.” Sylvio laughs, smacking Yuto’s back a bit roughly. “But you clearly have no idea what you’re talking about." 

"For your sake, he better be.” Shay mutters. 

“Guys, please.” Yuto pleaded, his own face redden. “I’m sorry that I lied, but the one I truly love is Yuya.”

“M-me?!” Yuya stammers, his face now red enough to match his hair. Yuto ducks his head down shyly. 

“I’m really sorry, Yuya. I didn’t say anything because I was afraid you wouldn’t want to hang out anymore if you knew.” At first, Yuya just stared at Yuto before finally breaking out into a fit of laughter as well as shedding a few tears at the same time. “Y-Yuya?” Yuto cups Yuya’s face so that their eyes would meet. 

“I…I’m just so happy.” Yuya smiles, wiping his tears. “I loved you for so long a-and I was too scared to tell you anything, because I was afraid you would…” Yuto wraps his arms around Yuya, hugging him tight to his chest.

“I love you too, Yuya.” Yuto whispers.

“Well, I’m happy for ya, Yuto, but this is getting a bit too sappy for me. Let’s go, Sylvio. We have a nice little talk of our own-”

“Oh! What was that? On my way, Sora!” Sylvio calls before hurriedly reentering the classroom. Shay rolls his eyes and follows him, shutting the classroom door behind him. Eventually Yuya and Yuto pull away from each other.

“S-so does this mean we’re…?” Yuya begins timidly. 

“Dating?” Yuto finishes. “I think so. I-I mean if you want too!” Yuya grab both of Yuto’s hands and smiled up at him.

“I would love that.” Yuto smiles back and leans down, gently pressing their foreheads together.



“Can I kiss you?”

“Yes. Please.” The kiss was short and brief. Just a soft graze of lips. But it was everything to them. “Thank you, Yuto.” Yuya murmurs breathlessly into his neck. 

“No, thank you, Yuya. For being apart of my life.”

Title: For The Love Of Ice Cream

Prompt: Ice Cream

AU: Canon Aftermath AU (Following the canon storyline, the Dragon Boys try to find a way to separate themselves.)

Summary: Being a soldier from Academia, Yuri never got the pleasure to try ice cream. Yuya and the other Dragon Boys decide to fix that.

Shippings: Light Dimensionshipping (Yuya x Yuto x Yugo x Yuri)

“Okay…favorite food?” Yuya asked the blue sky. To anyone nearby, it would have looked that Yuya was talking to himself but in reality, he really wasn’t.

[“Favorite food? I would have to say…Lulu’s chicken soup.”]

(“Chicken soup? That’s your favorite food?”)

[“It’s not just any chicken soup. It’s Lulu’s special recipe. No one knows it, not even Shay.”]

“Really? Oh, wow. It must be pretty special then. I wonder if she would make some for us?”

[“Of course she would. Lulu loves to cook for others. Once we get this whole mess sorted out, I’m sure she’ll make some for everyone.”]

(“Okay! Okay! My turn! My favorite food is ice cream!”)

“Ice cream? What flavor?”


[“Oh, mine’s vanilla.”]

(“Really? Vanilla is too plain for me.”)

“I like strawberry! It’s so good! What about you, Yuri?”


“Yuri?” Yuya tilted his head further back to see his Fusion counterpart laying on the grass behind him, facing away from them.

(“Eh, you fell asleep or something?”) Yugo ask, tilting his head to the left to stare at Yuri’s shoulder.

{“What is the point of all this?”} Yuri’s voice was bitter. {“We’ve already tried three times and nothing has changed!}

"Yuri! Don’t say that!” Yuya gasp, sitting up. “That’s just quitter’s talk!”

[“Yuya’s right, Yuri.”] Yuto sat up as well. {“We can’t give up hope yet.”]

(“And you heard Leo! The only reason we’re together is because our souls don’t…uhh…they don’t…”) Yugo turned to his other counterparts. (“What was it again?”)

[“It’s because our individual souls can’t differentiate from each other, therefore we can’t separate.”] Yuto answers patiently.

“That’s why we’re doing this. If we find out a little bit more about each other then our souls should be able to tell each other apart.”

{“And you actually think this is gonna work?”}

(“Of course it will! It has too! But it won’t work if you keep on being a sour puss about it!”)

“Please, Yuri! We already swore to keep things one hundred percent honest with each other!” Yuya pleaded.

[“And we’re alone. That’s the reason Yuya came all the way out here.”] Yuto gestures at the empty field they were lying in. [“Anything we share here will be for our ears only. No one else’s.”] The boys waited a few seconds.

{…I don’t have a favorite flavor of ice cream, or a favorite food. We ate the same thing everyday at Academia.“}

("W-what?! You can’t be serious! Didn’t you…? I don’t know! Get special treatment or something at Academia?”) Yugo asked.

{I would hardly call it ‘special treatment’. I was trained personally by the Professor so that he could use me. I had my room all to myself only because all the other kids were too scared of me.“} Yuri shut his eyes, lost in his memories. {"But we all ate the same meal for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.”}

“So you never had anything else to eat, except what Academia served you?”

{“It’s not like I’ve had a chance to try-”}

(“Why didn’t you say anything?!”) Yugo shouted, jumping up. (“Me and Rin never had a lot of money and even we had the chance to try ice cream! You’re seriously telling me you never had ice cream?! Like…at all?!”)

{“Fusion, you know I don’t like repeating myself.”} Yuri said, glancing at Yugo through one eye. For the first time since Yugo and Yuri have met, Yugo ignoring the blatant mispronounce of his name and turned to Yuya.

(“Yuya! We need to go!”) Yuya smiles, knowing what Yugo was talking about.

“Sure! All this ice cream talk got me hungry.” Yuya said, standing up. Yuri finally sat up, staring at his counterparts confused.

{“What are you talking about?”}

(“What does it look like?”) Yugo smiled at him. (“We’re getting you some ice cream!”)

Yuya enter the chilly parlor and raced up to the display case where all the flavors had been set out. The woman behind the counter smiled at him warmly.

“Hello and welcome to Sweet Scoop, how may I help you?”

“I"m just going to bowser for a few moments, if that’s okay with you.”

“Of course. Take all the time you need.” Yuya return his gaze to the flavors.

“Alright Yuri, which one do you want to try?”

{“Must I?”}

(“Yessss! You have too!”) Yugo whined.

[“Come on, Yuri. Yuya’s doing a good thing for you. You can at least try it.”] Yuto urged. Yuri lets out a sigh but does start to look through the flavors.

“Found any?” Yuya asked after a bit of silence. Yuri just shrugs.

(“Seriously?! I already see like four flavors I want to try! We’re going to be here for hours at this rate!”)

{“Well you’re the ones who insisted I try. I already told you I didn’t want too.”} Yuto stared at Yuri for a moment before he lean down and whisper something into Yuya’s ear. Yuya looked at Yuto to Yuri before smiling and nodding.

“Hey, Yuri. How about you get Neapolitan? It has vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry so you can try the three basic flavors in one shot.”

{“Fine. Whatever gets us out of here quicker.”} Yuri muttered. Yuya order a cup of Neapolitan and once it was paid for he headed towards the far corner of the shop, furthest away from people. Yuya set the cup and spoon on the table in front of him and closed his eyes.

“Alright Yuri. Switch with me.” When the eyes open again they were pink instead of red. “Dig in, Yuri.” Yuya smiled, now a specter. Yuri took the spoon and dab at the ice cream, casting occasional glances at his counterparts. Seeing that Yuri wasn’t comfortable with them watching him eat Yuya continued their conversation from before, this time, asking what their favorite animal was.

As the three counterparts got back to chatting, Yuri turned his full attention to the cold treat in front of him. He tried the vanilla first, placing a small spoonful into his mouth and swallowing. He then tried chocolate, then strawberry, before eating the entire thing.

(“Well?”) Yugo asked once Yuri was done. (“What did you think?”) Yuri stared at the empty cup for a moment, thinking. (“Chocolate’s the best, right?!”)

{“…I like Neapolitan.”}

[“So you like…all of them? Really?”] Yuto raised an eyebrow.

“I…didn’t expect that.” Yuya said, scratching his head.

{“Each has its unique taste. One wouldn’t be the same without the other.”} Yuri stood up from the chair. {“I’m getting another cup. Yuya, it’s on you, right?”} Yuri gave Yuya a cheeky grin while Yuya just sighed.

“And there goes my allowance.”

(“Hey guys? Now…you might think I’m crazy but uhh…I don’t think Yuri wants to separate.”) Yugo said, keeping his voice low so that Yuri wouldn’t hear him.

[“No. You’re not crazy. I’m thinking the same thing as well.”]

“But why? I thought he would want to have his own body back.”

[“That’s what I’m not sure about.”]

(“Should we ask him about it?”) Yuto shakes his head.

[“He already has trouble opening up to us as it is. There’s no way he would tell us.”]

“Give him time. He’ll open up. I’m sure of it!”

(“Yeah! Oh, and one more thing, Yuya?”)


(“Can I get some ice cream too?”) Yuya lets out another long sigh.

“Once Yuri’s done.”


Title: Slice Of Pawn

Prompt: Slice Of Life

AU: Pawns In Synchro AU (An AU where Yuri lives in the Synchro Dimension with Yugo.)

Summary: Yugo comes home late from work. 

Shippings: Pawnshipping (Yugo x Yuri)

“Alright, Yugo! You ready to head out?” Crow asked, poking his head into the garage where he found his coworker already packing up to go. Yugo nods with a yawn. 

“W-what time is it?" 

"Uhh…about 2 in the morning. You were working on that bike for hours.” Yugo rubbed his eyes sleepily. 

“…Had to finish it. Waited…too long." 

"I told you you would regret putting it off for so long.” Crow sighed, shaking his head. “Come on, buddy.” Crow patted his shoulder. “Let’s get you home.”

“Thanks Crow.” Yugo mumbles as he gets out of the car.

“No problem, Yugo. See ya tomorrow! Well…it technically is tomorrow so uhh…..see ya in a few hours!” Crow then drove off, leaving Yugo to walk up the pathway to his house alone. All along the porch was decorated with perfectly kept flowers of all different colors and sizes. If Yugo wasn’t so sleepy he would had stop to admire his boyfriend’s handiwork, but today he was just too tired to give it a second glance. 

Before he could even get his house key out the front door was already opening to reveal Yuri standing inside. Yugo was a bit confused on why he wasn’t asleep by now. He wasn’t even in his pajamas.

“Took you long enough.” Yuri muttered as Yugo walked in.  

“Y-Yuri, what are you-?”

“Couldn’t sleep, not that you seem to care.” Yuri shuts the door and locked it. “Honestly, I don’t know why you do this every week.” As Yugo was stumbling past their kitchen he caught the scent of food and immediately his stomach rumbles reminding him that his lunch break had been more than a few hours ago. “Oh, yes. While you and Crow were busy toying around in your little workshop I decided to make dinner.”

Yuri then usher Yugo into the kitchen and sat him at the table where a few seconds later a bowl and spoon were placed in front of him. It was soup, still warm too.

“Crow texted me before he dropped you off.” Yuri answer Yugo’s unvoiced question. “Knowing how you both work, I’m sure you haven’t eaten anything so you better eat all of it. I didn’t slave over a hot stove for nothing.” And with that Yuri exited the kitchen.

Taking the spoon Yugo downed the soup in less than five minutes, but it was delicious. With his stomach contently full Yugo placed his dishes in the sink before heading upstairs for some well needed rest. When he got to the bedroom he notice that Yuri wasn’t inside. 

A bit confused Yugo took off his boots and sets them to the side. He was about to go to the dresser when a hand on his shoulder stopped him.

“Oh no you don’t.” Yuri growled. “You are not getting into bed smelling like that.”

“Yuri, seriously…” Yugo whined.

“No way. You smell like you crawled out of a garbage dump. Bath. Now.” Knowing that there was no way around it and he was too tired to argue with Yuri anyway, Yugo went to the bathroom down the hall from their room. To his surprise, the light was already on in the bathroom. When he walked in his clothes had already been placed as well as a few towels, and the bathtub was already filled with hot water. “Hurry up and get in before it gets cold.” Yuri said from behind him. 

“T-thanks.” Yugo mumbles as he begins to undress. It was only until Yugo was completely undress did he realize that Yuri was also getting undress. “Uhh…Yuri?”


“W-what are you doing?”

“What does it look like? Taking a bath.” Yuri snorted, holding back a laugh. “What? Did you actually think I was going to wait for you to finish before I could take mine? Besides, you would probably accidentally drown yourself if I wasn’t here. Now come.” Yuri beckon Yugo to the tub. Again, too tired to object or complain, Yugo followed. 

Thankfully the square tub was large enough to fit both of them. As Yugo sat in the warm water, he relax for a brief moment allowing the water to wash away all the dirt and grim from today.

“What are you doing all the way over there?” Yugo looked over at his boyfriend, confused. He looked mildly insulted, like Yugo had just called him stupid.

“W-what?” Yuri held out his hand.

“Come here. Let me wash you.” Yugo tilted his head to side, not entire sure if he had heard Yuri right. This cause Yuri to roll his eyes before grabbing his arm and pulling him to his side of the tub. “It’s not like we haven’t bathe before." 

This was true. Taking showers together was something they had just started a few weeks ago. At first it was a bit awkward but eventually they both got used to it, however, they never washed each other before. They usually kept to their own space and did their own thing. This was entirely new. But Yugo trusted Yuri. 

If he felt uncomfortable with anything, he just had to say the word and Yuri would stop. 

Yuri situated himself so that his stomach was just against Yugo’s back. He began to wash his hair, gently pouring warm water over his form. Once his hair was fully wet, Yuri took some shampoo and began to lather it into his hair. As Yuri’s nimble fingers message his scalp Yugo began to be lull by the motions. He didn’t help that Yuri was also humming a soft tune.

Everything in that moment just felt so right and perfect. He probably could fall asleep here if given the chance. 

"Close your eyes.” Yuri instructed before pouring water over his hair repeatedly until the shampoo was all washed out. 

“If you keep pampering me like this I’m probably going to fall sleep right here.” Yugo yawned as Yuri picked up a bar of soup and a rag. He smirked and lean down, placing a soft kiss on Yugo’s neck.

“Maybe that’s the idea…” He murmur before rubbing the soapy rag along the same spot. It was practically impossible for Yugo to keep his eyes open now as his boyfriend continue to pepper his body in soft kisses followed by gentle rubs of the rag.

Suddenly Yugo jerked up as a sharp pain in his left shoulder made him jump. He look back to see Yuri smirking at him like he had done nothing wrong.

“Y-Yuri! What the hell?!”


“Why did you bite me?! That hurt!” Yuri stood up from the water and stepped out

“It’s not my fault you fell asleep.” Yugo blinked. Had he? The water he was sitting in was starting to feel cold. Did he blank out for a few minutes? “Well? Are you going to sit there all night?” Yuri asks, already dressed. Yugo stood up and stepped out of the tub. Yuri took a dry towel and wrap it around him. “Get dressed and come to bed when you’re done.” Yuri kiss the spot where he had bit before leaving. Already Yugo missed his touch.

He quickly got dressed in his pajamas before draining the tub. With that done he headed back to bedroom where Yuri was already curled up under this sheets. In his sleepy haze, Yugo shuts off the lights and joins him in bed. Before laying down completely Yugo leaned over and pressed a warm kiss to Yuri’s lips.

“Love you.” Yugo murmur.

“Love you too, Pogo. Now get some sleep.” Yuri yawned. Smiling, Yugo wrapped am arm around Yuri’s waist, pulling him closer so that he could nuzzle into his neck. Tomorrow he definitely needed to do something extra nice for Yuri, but for now, it was definitely time for sleep.

He closed the blinds, cutting off his nosy neighbor’s view. 

-The Sarcastic Muse

Now, this prompt may be more outside of some people’s comfort zones than others (looking at fanfics here mkay) but even if this is something you’ve done before feel to indulge once more.

Think of your favorite story (book, movie, whatever). Got it? Now, write a scene with the main characters (and supporting characters for major kudos) as gender-swapped.

“Did I ever tell you about that time I started a cult?”


“Congratulations on finally graduating kindergarten.”

“I’m not going to audition for your attention.”

It’s the 15th, which means Music Shuffle! Put your music player on shuffle and write about the first song that plays.

Extra Challenge: Since we’re challenging ourselves to write outside our norms this month, try your music shuffle with a genre you don’t usually listen to. If you listen to a lot of classical music, listen to a bit of rap. If you’re into Metallica, maybe try a bit of country. Or vice versa. Pick a genre you normally wouldn’t be caught dead listening to and see what you can create from it.

Prompt 12

“I don’t get it,” Hero snapped, pulling away from Villain.

“What don’t you get?” Villain shot Hero that dopey, lopsided grin, though their eyes shone with a glint of uncertainty. 

Hero walked away, knowing that Villain would follow. “I can’t stand being touched,” they said. “My skin crawls whenever someone is even in close proximity.”

It took a moment for Hero to realize that Villain had stopped trailing behind them, but once they did they turned to face them. Villain’s smile had fallen. “I’m sorry,” Villain said. “I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”

“No, that’s not it. For some reason, you’re the exception. The contact isn’t… desirable necessarily. But I don’t feel that urge to escape. It feels normal, like touching an object instead of a person.”

“I can’t tell if that’s a compliment.”

“It is and it isn’t.”

“Hello old friend,” Villain said to Hero’s grave. “I miss you, I really do.”

Hero hooked their arm around Villain’s own and leaned their head on Villain’s shoulder. Villain smiled softly at their hero, unrecognizable from the outside in their civilian clothes. 

“But I think we traded those times for something better.” 
