#yagami raito


“May I ask you something, Ryuk?” he said quietly, his eyes still searching the flames.

“Don’t see why not.”

“Did you feel anything when he died?”

There was no response. Frowning, L turned to ask again, but the two shinigami were gone.

This Is How I Disappear by TzviaAriella [T, 25k]

“L feels - alone. It is an odd realisation, for L is always and has ever been alone, but he is aware suddenly of how vast the emptiness surrounding him is, how very lonely he is in his self-imposed exile.”

Perfectly Hollow by Silver Pards [T, 3k]

“He watches him tilting his chair back with the sun on his face, some trick of the light making his eyes gleam bright arterial red beneath his lashes”

12 Moves Sidewaysby Silver Pard [K+, 2k]

“Light waited for a long time for his real life to start, for something to fall out of the sky and make the world worth living in, living for, but it never happened. He looks out of the window now and wonders why it seems only he has to survive with the emptiness of life in his head.”

Perfectly Hollow by Silver Pard [T, 3k]
