#yamamoto taketora



Chapter 309 was such a blessing. Just look at this!


It feels so good to see Kenma hanging out with his fellow second years! He’s joking with Fukunaga and teasing Yamamoto. They’re friends.

Kuroo and Hinata are not Kenma’s only friends. I repeat, Kuroo and Hinata are not Kenma’s only friends.

This is so important. Please spread the word.

When Kuroo leaves the club, Kenma isn’t going to be some lost puppy with no reason to stay. He’s going to freaking rule the club with Yamamoto and Fukunaga. I seriously see any of them being either captain or vice-captain. And yes, Kenma as captain is a bit hopefull, but what if he gets his “moment” during this match? What if the Battle of the Garbage Dump is what gets him officially hooked up to volleyball? It’s starting to look like it already.

Also, Fukunaga. Just, Fukunaga. I adopted him the first time he talked (to say some dumb nonsense rhyme, by the way, like 80% of what he says. What’s not to love?) and never regretted it. He’s going to be Team Mom, you can’t argue with me on that. Stopping kitties quarrels while saying bad puns? That’s actually my mom in a nutshell. Plus, he’s effortlessy good at volleyball? And Yamamoto sees him as a healthy rival? My heart cannot take it. 

If anyone knows of any fics centered around Nekoma’s second years, I’ll take anything you throw at me. I want them bickering during practice. I want them spending time together outside of school and volleyball. I want study sessions. I want Kuroo crashing on their video games tournaments (he’s jealous but won’t say it). I want all the puns. I also want them to have deep conversations. I want Fukunaga opening up and being serious. I want them seeking each other for advice. I want Fukunaga and Yamamoto to find a significant other.  I want Kenma smiling and happy. And I’ll write it myself if I have to (time, where are you?)

Thank you for this, Furudate.

Kenma can’t game in peace during practice. 

Kenma can’t game in peace during practice. 

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