#haikyuu girls


Y'all be taking about how cool Saeko was in the first episode, but can we talk about how this is actually her big bounce back for how she felt defeated by Shiratorizawa’s cheering squad?


‘ohmygodshe’ssoprettyi’mgonnafallovermyfeetanddieohmygoshwhatififallover?willshehateme?she’llprobablyhatemeforever-herfanswillkillmeforembarrassingher-ohmygodiamdeadiamactuallydead….[cut for length]’ 

“Hitoka-chan, are you alright?” 


Oh my gosh I am so sorry this took so long… I almost didn’t post it because I can’t. draw. girls to save my life… but I love kiyoyachi too much to not at least try. Thank you for the request @kyotheawesomeelfgirl, and again I’m so sorry! 

I have no doubt that this won’t be the last of my dancer series because I’ve loved drawing them so much (and I haven’t even drawn kagehina or tsukiyama which is basically sin) but I am closing requests on them for now because I’m super busy and have a bunch of other cool projects going that I really want to focus some time on! 

However, please feel free to drop by my inboxto suggest possible pairings for the future, tell me what you think of them, ask me about my projects or just freak out over Haikyuu in general… 


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