
Domestic Victuuri (birthday breakfast in bed for Victor + a Christmas smooch) for @cookiekeko as par

Domestic Victuuri (birthday breakfast in bed for Victor + a Christmas smooch) for @cookiekeko as part of the @yoi5thanniversaryevent gift exchange! 

Merry Christmas and I hope you enjoy. ✨

Post link


When All’s Said and Done

Premise: In the middle of an argument with Yuri about their future, Viktor gets injured and ends up in a coma. Consumed with guilt (and the clarity only such events can bring a person) Yuri is slowly self destructs in grief when Chris comes to visit–long after everyone else has stopped coming. The two of them grow closer as they keep watch over Victor, and slowly fall in love and get together. But what are they supposed to do if (or rather, when) Victor wakes up?
**Written for @art-in-the-sunlight for the @yoi5thanniversaryevent gift exchange**

Words: 14,561 // 3 Chapters

Queer Club Surprise


For@aerica13 by DancingInTheSliverGlow

Rating: General Audience

Relationship: Yuuri Katsuki/Viktor Nikiforov, background Viktor Nikiforov & Makkachin, background Viktor Nikiforov & Chris

Characters: Yuuri Katsuki, Viktor Nikiforov, mention of Makkachin, mention of Chris


The door at the front of the class opens. A tall Russian man, probably in his late twenties walks in. He has ash blond hair that’s half in a messy bun and half spilling down his shoulders. He’s wearing a suit vest, dress shirt, dark jeans and a messenger bag. He’s definitely the professor.

Although it is strange, a Russian with a Japanese last name, Katsuki. Eileen mentally shrugs. She’s seen weirder things.

Eileen watches as the Russian looks at the front of the classroom, checks his phone and frowns. He climbs up to the third row and smiles. Eileen distantly notices that his lips are heart shaped. “Hi! Is this, Japanese 101?”

Eileen nods. “Yeah.”

The man smiles again and Eileen blinks. “Great! Mind if I sit next to you?”

Despite asking, the man barely waits for Eileen to nod before he slides behind her chair and sits in the empty one on her right. Huh. Guess he’s a student then.

Participants, be sure to check your emails! 

I’ve sent you the Google form for the final submission, so if you didn’t receive an email from me today please let me know asap!

YOI Fifth Anniversary Fanworks Exchange: Check-in is Closed!

Thank you to all participants who have checked in! You have about a month left to work on your gifts! 

If you missed check-in, please be sure to check your email and respond with the requested information within 48 hours!

An email regarding the upcoming check-in has been sent out to all participants!
