#no angst


that’s that. | jasonette

Word Count: +0.6k

summary: “on a scale of one to ten, how bad do you want to kill me right now?”

a/n: can’t believe i got this out so quick. even though it’s relatively short (compared to my usual 2k), i like this one a lot. as usual, the bolded text is a prompt from pinterest.


part 1

Jason cringed as he watched Marinette’s face go through a multitude of expression changes and finally land on one; a mix of anger and surprise (probably wondering how he managed to escape through the tiny vents of the building).

He had a feeling that this wasn’t going to end well for him, especially when Marinette strode up to him, inches away from his face.

Feeling his heartbeat speed up and palms growing sweaty, Jason cursed himself for developing his stupid crush on Marinette.

Even though he didn’t know anythingabout her at the time, in a few weeks, Jason had managed to develop a crush on Marinette, her somewhat sweet manner and overall badassness just drawing him in and doing thingsto him.

His crush was only further encouraged when he did a ‘little’ research on Marinette using the Justice League’s extensive databases.

After a little more in-depth research of history, it wasn’t hard to figure out why Marinette was at the League of Assassins.

Sorely regretting his decision to try and poke the answer out of Marinette before he left, Jason resigned himself to the fact that he would never meet Marinette again.

Or so he thought, the situation in front of him proving him wrong.

“So,” Jason said casually, leaning back a little. Marinette’s close proximity was being verydistracting. “On a scale of one to ten, how bad do you want to kill me right now?

Marinette shot him a smile; all teeth and nothinglike the girl she was in the pictures he found of her past (Jason wasn’t stalking her! He just happenedto find them and happenedto memorise them).

Right now,” Marinette trailed a slim finger over his arm, all the way to his chest. “I’m hovering somewhere in the high thirties.

Jason gulped for two reasons. One, well thatwasn’t good, and two, holy shit he never knew a finger could be so utterly distracting.

“Well,” he stuttered, cheeks darkening to a shade of red. “I didn’t-”

But,” Marinette interrupted him, hands looping around his neck now. “I didjust get you back, and to be honest, I don’t particularly want to lose you again. Do you know just how many nights of sleep I lost because of you?”

Jason opened his mouth to answer a verycautious answer, but, apparently, it was a rhetorical question because a few seconds later, Marinette tugged his face towards hers.

His lips found their place on hers, fitting together like they were two puzzle pieces.

For the first few seconds, Jason was frozen. Pinned against the wall, his hands were by his sides, not doing anything until his snapped back to his senses.

Turning the tables, Jason turned Marinette around so shewas pinned against the wall, and moving his lips against hers, Jason wrapped his hands around her waist tightly and possessively.

After a few minutes, air was becoming more and more a necessity that they both needed, but Jason was unwilling to let go, even for a gulp of air.

In fact, they would have gone right on kissing until they passed out, had Tim not barged in.

“Are you guys done?” he asked impatiently, eyes glued to his phone. “I have thingsto do and- oh my god, myeyes!”

He ran out of the room screaming and yelling about being “mentally scarred” and “never recovering” and Jason had a feeling that a lotof people were going to be asking him questions later.

But right now, that wasn’t his priority.

His priority was the girl in front of him, with sparkling blue eyes and a smugsmirk on her lips.

“So,” she said, teasingly. “That’s that.”

Jason groaned, already knowing that she somehow knewTim was coming and did nothing about it.

“I hate you,” he mumbled into her shoulder. “So much.”

Marinette smirked into his shoulder, again. “That’s not what I felt a few seconds ago.”

Sighing as he straightened himself, Jason wondered what the hellpossessed him to like a girl like Marinette.

Her amazing personality (and looks) were certainlynot worth this.

At least, that’s what he told himself in that moment.

Queer Club Surprise


For@aerica13 by DancingInTheSliverGlow

Rating: General Audience

Relationship: Yuuri Katsuki/Viktor Nikiforov, background Viktor Nikiforov & Makkachin, background Viktor Nikiforov & Chris

Characters: Yuuri Katsuki, Viktor Nikiforov, mention of Makkachin, mention of Chris


The door at the front of the class opens. A tall Russian man, probably in his late twenties walks in. He has ash blond hair that’s half in a messy bun and half spilling down his shoulders. He’s wearing a suit vest, dress shirt, dark jeans and a messenger bag. He’s definitely the professor.

Although it is strange, a Russian with a Japanese last name, Katsuki. Eileen mentally shrugs. She’s seen weirder things.

Eileen watches as the Russian looks at the front of the classroom, checks his phone and frowns. He climbs up to the third row and smiles. Eileen distantly notices that his lips are heart shaped. “Hi! Is this, Japanese 101?”

Eileen nods. “Yeah.”

The man smiles again and Eileen blinks. “Great! Mind if I sit next to you?”

Despite asking, the man barely waits for Eileen to nod before he slides behind her chair and sits in the empty one on her right. Huh. Guess he’s a student then.

i am. so tired. (three final papers down, one to go!) legend says it all: exhausted, relieved, choosing to smile despite it all. good luck to you, too!! you got this!!!

someone in my ao3 comments said they were sobbing and holding wind and legend in the palms of each of their hands and then this spontaneously manifested itself in my art program and now i, too, am sobbing

imagining they walk through a portal and end up on like a bookshelf and wind’s like “woah did we shrink like a minish” and legend gets all “it’s not shrinking… you can feel shrinking… i think we’re the same size as we usually are and this world is just… bigger than ours” and plot twist they are all teeny tiny and always have been it’s just that everything else is teeny tiny too so nobody noticed

(also to those looking for the hfwkadwm update today, i probably won’t get it out in time because this week was midterms, but next week is break so you’ll definitely have it soon!)

wow i’ve never drawn anything like this before in my entire life.

anyway i’m working on this other drawing project that’s taking forever but WHEN IT IS DONE y’all are jot ready for this

hi hello zelda ii temple sounds SO GOOD on cello anyway if u can play the cello you have a beautiful instrument, great taste, and so much of my respect.

SO@seekingseven IS THE COOLEST, RIGHT, AND WROTE ME THE BEST FIC EVER: https://archiveofourown.org/works/36444703

and then i loved it so much i did art of it. ily seeking!! (if you’re trash for the sky & legend ancestor dynamic like i am, this is the fic for you)

Head empty, thinking about Andrew planting fruit trees and bushes because Neil loves fruits and then Neil making sweets with the fruits because Andrew likes sweets.
