#yoongi sm au


back to you. twelve.

! ׅ࣪ ✰︬ ࣪ ׅ ☺︎ ׅ ࣪ ♡ ⃝ ࣪ ׅ ᵎᵎ

an ⋮ a lot of confessions… half of them are just jokes obvs but did any of y’all ever see that coming?!?!?!? i think i made it kinda hard yet so obvious at least on hoseok’s side… who knows tho lol. thank you for being patient with me though, i’ve fallen behind on posting im sooooorrry. anyway, gimme ur thoughts? i love talking to y’all, y’all cool ash

taglist ⋮ @mizz-kraziii@aria-grace-scott@teenand1dstuff@wrmnssoul@missmadwoman@n4mina@bebebutbetter@dyaidk@heartsarecompatible@l7bangtan@jikooksgirl19@borahae-reads@taegijns@somelazysundays@kpopsimpstruggles@imissheroinbarbie@simpforyoongs@diestheticu@honey-boyyoongimain@miriamxsworld@as-hs-blog@tannies-luv@joshuaseyes@secretly-a-weeb@babycoffeefire@lynniac@ksooed@broken-glowsticks@tinyoonsblog@whitefoxgirl@readingfanfic-ly@90s-belladonna@squishyoonie@xx-sikki-nixx-xx@cruelsummer-s (if your user in a different color, i am unable to tag you.)

back to you.eleven.

! ׅ࣪ ✰︬ ࣪ ׅ ☺︎ ׅ ࣪ ♡ ⃝ ࣪ ׅ ᵎᵎ

an ⋮ hahahahah they are finally coming back together! also, i lowkey wanted to make this a little more angsty (and there will still be wtf moments) but you know what? fuck angst! fluff is where it’s at … i was also listening to cute songs so i physically couldn’t handle bad scenes… don’t judge me…

taglist ⋮ @mizz-kraziii@aria-grace-scott@teenand1dstuff@wrmnssoul@missmadwoman@n4mina@bebebutbetter@heartsarecompatible@l7bangtan@jikooksgirl19@borahae-reads@taegijns@somelazysundays@dyaidk@kpopsimpstruggles@imissheroinbarbie@simpforyoongs@diestheticu@honey-boyyoongimain@miriamxsworld@as-hs-blog@tannies-luv@joshuaseyes@secretly-a-weeb@babycoffeefire@lynniac@ksooed@broken-glowsticks@tinyoonsblog@whitefoxgirl@readingfanfic-ly@90s-belladonna@squishyoonie (if your user is in a different color, i am unable to tag you!)

back to you.ten.

! ׅ࣪ ✰︬ ࣪ ׅ ☺︎ ׅ ࣪ ♡ ⃝ ࣪ ׅ ᵎᵎ

taglist ⋮ @mizz-kraziii@aria-grace-scott@teenand1dstuff@wrmnssoul@missmadwoman@n4mina@bebebutbetter@dyaidk@heartsarecompatible@l7bangtan@jikooksgirl19@borahae-reads@taegijns@somelazysundays@kpopsimpstruggles@imissheroinbarbie@simpforyoongs@diestheticu@honey-boyyoongimain@miriamxsworld@as-hs-blog@tannies-luv@joshuaseyes@secretly-a-weeb@babycoffeefire@lynniac@ksooed@broken-glowsticks@tinyoonsblog@whitefoxgirl (if your user is a diff font, i am unable to tag you.)

The bar was sleek, a prim employee standing behind it, creating fruity drinks for a few girls giggling with a singer you recognized. The entire back wall was filled with bottles of the most expensive drinks known to mankind. Bottles of whiskey, tequila, vodka— every kind and it overwhelmed you, unsure of what is in your budget for the night.

“Would you like something to drink?” The sudden voice of the bartender makes you look up, straightening up your posture.

“I don’t suppose you have some soju?” It’s a half joke, and you’re glad he catches on.

“I don’t suppose you have some soju?” It’s a half joke, and you’re glad he catches on.

He chuckles softly, “the cheapest on the menu is the margarita.”

You let out a sigh of relief, “thank god. Could I get one of those?”

“Of course,” he sends you a kind smile. “Coming right up.” The man turns away, focusing on making your drink, letting your eyes continue to run about the place.

The walls of the place are a sleek dark brown, no indentation or scratch anywhere. There were a few pieces dangling down from the ceiling, creating such a glittery light that you found captivating. It was fairly quiet, only some individuals speaking to one another, a few laughs when the conversation turned funny. It was a pleasant place.

You’re turning your body back to the bartender when your eyes latch onto a familiar figure. Walking towards you is the man you had held so near and dear to your heart for so long. The man you had stalked on Twitter, smiling bright as you came across a selfie with his gummy or bored smile. He looked the same, besides the slight rocker aesthetic he had in high school. His hair wasn’t sticking out in every direction, rather, it sat at the top of his head, shiny and fluffy. He didn’t wear the dark eye makeup he wore either, face smooth and fresh.

But his eyes. They were the same. They creased up when he sent you a smile, like all those times you two hung out in your bedroom and he laughed at your silly antics. The times you stood across the student body, nervous to give a speech, and he managed to help you relax with that damned smile. The one you felt yourself melting under as he stood across from you.

“Yoongi.” Your own smile is bright as you pick yourself up off the chair. He doesn’t say anything, rather, his eyes are trailing about your face, trying to take you in. He doesn’t seem to believe it’s real either, overwhelming feelings from the past rushing at the both of you. It’s not resentment like you had thought it would be, it was nothing but happiness and excitement. Taking things into your own hands, you wrap your arms around his figure, his cold leather jacket pushed up against you.

He doesn’t hesitate wrapping his own arms around you, chin laying atop of your head, taking you in completely. “It’s been so long.” He mumbles, feeling his chest rumble with every word.

“It has.” Your voice is shaky, with nerves and slight fear. You feel absolutely insane for loving being in his hold. It was if the two of you weren’t parted for ten years, getting back to where you last were before it went wrong. It was unbelievable how much of a hold he still had on you.

You hesitantly pull away, sitting back down onto your seat as Yoongi takes the one right beside you.

“You look the same.” You begin. “You’re just missing that messy hairstyle and eyeliner.”

“That was a look,” he laughs, thinking back to his high school days. “My mom was so happy when I grew out of that phase.”

“It was cute.” You smile at him, grabbing the drink that had been placed for you. “Had all the girls swooning.”

He scoffs with a laugh, “you and I both know no one swooned over me. They were all scared of me.”

“Aw come on,” you tease. “They wouldn’t ask you out but they definitely looked for too long when you walked by.”

“Hmm, I’m not sure I believe you.”

“Why would I lie?”

“To stroke my ego?”

“I know, you know I don’t need to stroke anything, your ego is through the roof.”

He shakes his head, “me? Never.”

“Oh, really? Mr. Tongue Technology rapping about all the designer stuff he has.”

“Hey, I worked for that designer, you bet your ass I’m gonna rap about it.”

You can’t help but laugh at his childish demeanor. Despite the tough persona he put on, he was still the introverted Yoongi who liked stuffed bears on his bed and his mom to cut up his fruit.

When you first met him, he had cozied up to you almost immediately. Hoseok liked to joke that you’d end up dating in middle school, to which you both declined, blushing messes. Nevertheless, you two continued sticking to one another like glue — as did the others. It wasn’t until the summer going into freshman year that Hoseok’s premonition came true.

Thinking back, you weren’t even sure how it happened. One second, you were at camp, sitting at a bench with Yoongi during study hour. The next, you found your lips pressed to his. It was awkward, a stale kiss that barely had any passion, but the two of you learned together because soon after, your relationship was set. A true best friend to lovers trope that you liked to read growing up.

Only there wasn’t a happy ending. You didn’t end up together, time passed, heartbreaks healed and now, you were sitting at a bar, chatting about the happenings in each other’s lives. You weren’t married to him like you thought you would be at eighteen, you didn’t own a house with him, you didn’t have kids with him — you had nothing with him. Nothing but the hope of rekindling your many years of friendship.

Yoongi managed to convince you he’d pay for drinks, and scolded the bartender (who he’s friends with) for scaring you with the prices. In a more sarcastic way than snobby, he assured you it wouldn’t make a dent in his wallet. Hesitantly, you gave in, drinking the same expensive thing he did.

Now, you’re 28 years old. You’re not the most lightweight, years of experience piling up, but the quality must have been amazing, the mood turning lighter the more the two of you drank. Your bodies drew closer to one another, laughing over another story of yours from New York and your previous coworkers. What seemed to get to you the most wasn’t how good he looked or how sweet his smile was (although they do play a hand.). It was how enthralled he was on you. He watched your lips move as you spoke fervently about something you found fascinating. He nods, telling you to keep going, eyes not leaving you once.

And you’re weak. You’re a weak, weak person for the guy you hadn’t wanted to let go in the first place. He was so sweet and he was the same Yoongi you knew and loved, only much more attentive. It was exactly what you wanted from him to begin with.

Perhaps it was also the fact that you hadn’t slept with anyone in such a long time, but god, you wanted him badly. And you had to be an idiot to miss the way he wanted you just as much.

It’s how the two of you ended up in his huge apartment, dragging each other’s clothes off as hastily as possible. Your lips connected once free, toppling onto his all too big of a bed. You only pull away when you pull on your own hair, a loud laugh coming from the two of you at the awkward moment. But it doesn’t deter you, rather, it fuels you further.

Heart full, laughing at any awkward exchange, you two share a night that could either make or break your shared futures.

! ׅ࣪ ✰︬ ࣪ ׅ ☺︎ ׅ ࣪ ♡ ⃝ ࣪ ׅ ᵎᵎ

an ⋮ i was going to write smut but im so frustrated with everything i write that i had to scrap it or i’d embarrass myself but thank you for reading! i know ppl sometimes read smau’s for the quick read which is why there will only be like a max of one of two written portions throughout the story! gimme ur thoughts! talking to u about my series motivates me a ton, so don’t be shy to talk to me! love u, take care, besitos!

back to you. nine.

! ׅ࣪ ✰︬ ࣪ ׅ ☺︎ ׅ ࣪ ♡ ⃝ ࣪ ׅ ᵎᵎ

an ⋮ hello, im super sorry this is late! life has been a little busying and i didn’t have much time to write, i apologize! but here it is! hearing y’all’s feedback motivates me a lot, so don’t be afraid to talk to me! and can we pls pretend those dms are tinder chats? i didn’t have a layout LMAO SORRY!!!

taglist ⋮ @mizz-kraziii@aria-grace-scott@teenand1dstuff@wrmnssoul@missmadwoman@n4mina@bebebutbetter@dyaidk@heartsarecompatible@l7bangtan@jikooksgirl19@borahae-reads@taegijns@somelazysundays@kpopsimpstruggles@imissheroinbarbie@simpforyoongs@diestheticu@honey-boyyoongimain@miriamxsworld@as-hs-blog@tannies-luv@joshuaseyes@secretly-a-weeb@babycoffeefire@lynniac@ksooed@broken-glowsticks@tinyoonsblog (different color means I am unable to tag you, sorry.)

! ׅ࣪ ✰︬ ࣪ ׅ ☺︎ ׅ ࣪ ♡ ⃝ ࣪ ׅ ᵎᵎ


bts masterlist|main masterlist

pairing: y/n x yoongi

summary: at night, yoongi tends to frequent cafés to get some work done. one night, he hears you sing, and his world is forever changed.

updates: pretty much every day

one - random stranger

two - a lot of inspiration

three - fix it

four - serial killer

five - original

six - a lot of questions

seven - bop

eight - dumb questions

nine - recording

ten - mp3

eleven - leaked my recording

twelve - babe

thirteen - back by unpopular demand

fourteen - protected

fifteen - everyone will love it

sixteen - who’s the girl?

seventeen - music is a gift

eighteen - crazy

nineteen - wbk I’m a genius

twenty - shit

twenty-one - let me in (TW: abuse)

twenty-two - moving in

twenty-three - worried

twenty-four - overthinking bullshit

twenty-five - Cuffed Energy™️

twenty-six - cheesy romcom character

twenty-seven - dohun

twenty-eight - I just want my life back

twenty-nine - the verdict

