#yoongi x you




↳ Index [Chapter 02 - Matcha]

Warnings: none, Yoongi is just a cute lil weirdo and we love him :(


a/n: i just wanna say that i love the cat. also, yoongi :(


Levi spends most of his time inside. You give him countless opportunities to venture outside. You even installed his own door in the sunroom, leading into his own outside area. But Levi doesn’t really like to go outside without you. He would have to walk through the high grasses by the sunroom, then cross the gravel path and climb over the logs you put for him. The opportunities to get dirty are too many. So most of the time he stays inside, enjoying the sunshine from his rocking chair in the sunroom. It is his rocking chair and he merely allows you to sit in it, because he cares for you.

Now, even though he loves staying inside, that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t love going outside. He just has rules for it. You have to carry him until you have crossed the river and then you have to stay on the paths. That is when he really loves being outside, sniffing at everything he could find and watching the insects buzz past him.

It was a Sunday today. Your tea shop is closed on Sundays, just like every store in your little village. Sundays are your official cat walking days. Unless Levi doesn’t want to join you, then they are simply your walking days. But today Levi wanted to join you, meowing at your feet as you got ready until you picked him up and reached for his leash. “Let’s take a walk Levi, shall we?” you told him and left the house afterwards. “Careful now Levi”, you whispered to him as you passed by the Old House. And Levi narrowed his eyes. He had noticed how nervous you became around the Old House and he didn’t like it because it disturbed his precious morning sunbath.

It has been around three weeks ever since the man from the city, whose name is Min Yoongi, moved into the Old House. You could watch the grey van of the Jeons come to the house two more times. It has been a week ever since their last visit. Since then, a truck with new windows, two vans with grout and concrete and an exterminator came by the house. It seems that the city guy was hell bound on renovating the Old House.

As you passed by the Old House today, the building side was quiet and the city guy was nowhere to be seen.

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↳ Index [Chapter 02 - Matcha]

Warnings: none, Yoongi is just a cute lil weirdo and we love him :(


a/n: i just wanna say that i love the cat. also, yoongi :(


Levi spends most of his time inside. You give him countless opportunities to venture outside. You even installed his own door in the sunroom, leading into his own outside area. But Levi doesn’t really like to go outside without you. He would have to walk through the high grasses by the sunroom, then cross the gravel path and climb over the logs you put for him. The opportunities to get dirty are too many. So most of the time he stays inside, enjoying the sunshine from his rocking chair in the sunroom. It is his rocking chair and he merely allows you to sit in it, because he cares for you.

Now, even though he loves staying inside, that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t love going outside. He just has rules for it. You have to carry him until you have crossed the river and then you have to stay on the paths. That is when he really loves being outside, sniffing at everything he could find and watching the insects buzz past him.

It was a Sunday today. Your tea shop is closed on Sundays, just like every store in your little village. Sundays are your official cat walking days. Unless Levi doesn’t want to join you, then they are simply your walking days. But today Levi wanted to join you, meowing at your feet as you got ready until you picked him up and reached for his leash. “Let’s take a walk Levi, shall we?” you told him and left the house afterwards. “Careful now Levi”, you whispered to him as you passed by the Old House. And Levi narrowed his eyes. He had noticed how nervous you became around the Old House and he didn’t like it because it disturbed his precious morning sunbath.

It has been around three weeks ever since the man from the city, whose name is Min Yoongi, moved into the Old House. You could watch the grey van of the Jeons come to the house two more times. It has been a week ever since their last visit. Since then, a truck with new windows, two vans with grout and concrete and an exterminator came by the house. It seems that the city guy was hell bound on renovating the Old House.

As you passed by the Old House today, the building side was quiet and the city guy was nowhere to be seen.

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↳ Index [Chapter 02 - Matcha]

Warnings: none, Yoongi is just a cute lil weirdo and we love him :(


a/n: i just wanna say that i love the cat. also, yoongi :(


Levi spends most of his time inside. You give him countless opportunities to venture outside. You even installed his own door in the sunroom, leading into his own outside area. But Levi doesn’t really like to go outside without you. He would have to walk through the high grasses by the sunroom, then cross the gravel path and climb over the logs you put for him. The opportunities to get dirty are too many. So most of the time he stays inside, enjoying the sunshine from his rocking chair in the sunroom. It is his rocking chair and he merely allows you to sit in it, because he cares for you.

Now, even though he loves staying inside, that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t love going outside. He just has rules for it. You have to carry him until you have crossed the river and then you have to stay on the paths. That is when he really loves being outside, sniffing at everything he could find and watching the insects buzz past him.

It was a Sunday today. Your tea shop is closed on Sundays, just like every store in your little village. Sundays are your official cat walking days. Unless Levi doesn’t want to join you, then they are simply your walking days. But today Levi wanted to join you, meowing at your feet as you got ready until you picked him up and reached for his leash. “Let’s take a walk Levi, shall we?” you told him and left the house afterwards. “Careful now Levi”, you whispered to him as you passed by the Old House. And Levi narrowed his eyes. He had noticed how nervous you became around the Old House and he didn’t like it because it disturbed his precious morning sunbath.

It has been around three weeks ever since the man from the city, whose name is Min Yoongi, moved into the Old House. You could watch the grey van of the Jeons come to the house two more times. It has been a week ever since their last visit. Since then, a truck with new windows, two vans with grout and concrete and an exterminator came by the house. It seems that the city guy was hell bound on renovating the Old House.

As you passed by the Old House today, the building side was quiet and the city guy was nowhere to be seen.


That was an hour ago and you had long left the Old House behind. You are sitting under an old oak tree, enjoying the sunshine which breaks through the leaves. Levi is dozing on the bench beside you, resting his little head on his paws. Every so often you are stroking through his fur, making him purr contently each time.

“I should have brought some water with me. I’m so thirsty”, you tell him.

Levi’s left ear twitches.

“And we still need to walk all the way back home”, you groan.

It wakes Levi, who raises his head.

“Do you know what I would invent if I had all the resources in the world?”

Levi lowers his head again and closes his eyes.

“A flying chair, or no, better. A flying bed. I would just call it with my remote control and wait until it can pick me up.”

Levi purrs now that you are finally stroking his favourite spot right behind his ear.

“I bet we would be so successful with it. We could get rich Levi”, you look at him, “just imagine all the chicken I could buy you. Or all the plants I could put in the sunroom”, you sigh and lean back on the bench, “yes that would be great.”


Levi decides when you should leave by biting your hand and meowing afterwards. “Fine, geez. Let’s leave.”

He really likes walking with you, especially when you are on your way home again. He likes those walks more because he already knows the path and doesn’t get startled by unexpected surprises. And also because the path leads downhill. Levi, just as you, hates walking uphill.

Today however, he doesn’t like walking home, because despite all his calculations there was an unexpected surprise waiting for him in the form of a brown toy poodle.

“Behave Levi”, you tell him, picking him up. He is a well-behaved cat and would never attack dogs, but one can’t be careful enough. Especially when an unknown dog runs up to you.

Thankfully the brown poodle seems to be nothing but curious, wiggling its little butt and circling you.

“Hello little friend. I see that you are friendly too. Nice to meet you”, you say to the poodle.

The dog tilts its head at you, almost studying your face with its big, brown eyes. It waddles up to you to sniff you. Suddenly as if someone had pressed a button the little poodle starts jumping up your legs excitedly, barking and whimpering whilst wiggling its tail.

You had never seen a dog so excited to see you, not even Mickey greets you like that when you visit Hoseok’s place.

“Wow, hello to you too”, you laugh, squatting down to pet the little guy.

It basically jumps into your arms, licking your face, whilst whimpering. You chuckle, totally surprised to be greeted so heart-warmingly. If you didn’t know any better you would believe that this dog knows you, but that would be silly, you have never seen it in the neighbourhood before. Maybe it just really loves people. How cute.

“Holly! Hey, get off that lady! Holly come here!” a man, and the obvious owner, calls the little poodle, running up to you.

The poodle however doesn’t budge, still whimpering and wiggling in your arms, snuggling its little head into your chest.

“Holly come here! God, I’m so sorry ma'am. He isn’t normally like that”, the owner says.

“It’s totally fine. They are a sunshi-“, you stop talking, looking up at the owner.


Yoongi’s eyes are big, staring down at you in shock. His cheeks gain in colour, his eyes racing from side to side in nervousness.

“H-hello”, he stutters, giving you a little wave.

“Hello”, you answer, standing up.

“I’m sorry for my dog. He isn’t normally like that. I don’t know what has gotten into him.”

“It’s fine. Don’t worry about it”, you tell him all whilst Holly is still jumping up your legs, barking loudly.

“Holly stop it”, Yoongi says sternly, squatting down to pick up the overly excited poodle. The dog wiggles in his arms for a moment, clearly not wanting to leave your side, until he finally accepts his fate, resting his head on Yoongi’s arm.

“You can’t just go and lick strangers’ faces Holly. Not everyone likes that”, he tells his dog, speaking in a high-pitched voice whilst petting its head the entire time.

Holly barks quietly, moving its ears whilst staring up at Yoongi. If you didn’t know any better, you could think the dog was pouting at Yoongi.

“No talking back young man.”

Holly barks again.

“No pouting, this is serious. Yes this is serious”, Yoongi coos, hugging Holly closer to his chest.

This is the same man, who had watched you from the shadows like a creep? This can’t be him. It must be his clone or something or maybe you were wrong all along and he isn’t actually as big of a creep as you think him to be.

Yoongi’s eyes flit to you. He clears his throat awkwardly, blushing.

“I’m sorry. I forgot that I wasn’t alone for a moment”, he mumbles in a normal voice.

“It’s fine”, you smile, “I constantly talk to my cat too”, you tell him, pointing at Levi sitting by your feet.

“Oh, hello friend”, Yoongi’s high –pitched voice is back, “can I pet it?” he asks you in his normal voice.

“Sure, go ahead, he loves to be pet.”

Yoongi squats down, stretching out his hand for Levi to smell. Levi smells him intently. This is the moment of truth. Levi has the best seventh sense as far as people are concerned, if he doesn’t want to be pet by him then something must be wrong with him. Levi looks at him, meows once and then bumps his head with Yoongi’s hand. He is now officially Levi approved. How interesting. Perhaps he isn’t as creepy as you thought him to be.

“Yes, hello I am happy to see you too”, Yoongi chuckles, patting his head.

Yoongi stands up, grinning happily.

“You said it’s a he, right?”

“Yes he is. Levi and he is the best cat in the world.”

“Is he?” Yoongi smiles down at Levi, “your mommy thinks you are the best cat, did you hear that?”

You can’t help but giggle at the cute way he talks to Levi. Yoongi looks at you, scrunching his nose up before laughing as well.

“I did the weird voice again didn’t I?”

“Yeah, you did”, you giggle.

“Ah, embarrassing”, he murmurs, lowering his head.

“It’s fine, I do it too”, you reassure him, still smiling.

Yoongi sends you a quick look, cheeks pink and lips curled into a shy smile.

“Hey, uhm”, he scratches his neck, “uhm, I don’t wanna be creepy or anything, but were you on your way home?” he asks, too nervous to look into your eyes.

“Yeah? Why?”

“It’s just…I may have lost my way. I asked Holly to sniff out the way, but he is useless in that concern.”

You chuckle.

“Well then, if that’s so. Then sure, I can show you the way.”

“Oh? Oh, that’s great, you are my literal saviour”, Yoongi visibly relaxes, letting out a little sigh of relief, “I feel a thunderstorm coming and I was so scared that I wouldn’t be able to put away the cement before that.”

You look up at the grey sky. Dark clouds were gathering, taunting you like dark mountains in the sky. Just minutes ago the sun was shining down and now it looks like the apocalypse is near.

“Woah the weather’s so unpredictable here”, you mumble, quickening your steps just like Yoongi does.

You aren’t keen on getting struck by lighting and the two of you are currently the tallest things on the hill so that doesn’t really minimise your chances either.

“Right? I took a break from renovations to walk Holly and now look at the sky. It almost reminds me of mountains, very dark and taunting mountains, ready to release their avalanche of water on us”, he says, wrapping his yellow flannel tighter around his body.

A cold wind had started to howl, acting as the first indicator of the thunderstorm.

“I literally thought of the same thing”, you gasp, chuckling afterwards.

“You did? What a coincidence”, he chuckles, peeking at you shyly as he is scratching the tip of his nose.

The pathway winds past a tall and creaking oak tree, its bright green leaves writhing in the wind. It’s only minutes now and the two of you will be soaked in the rain. Will you be able to reach your homes before that? They are just past the next hill.

“Oh so that’s the path, I would have taken the wrong one again”, Yoongi mumbles.

“No, the other one leads into the mountains. That would have been a rocky road for you.”

“I see”, he chuckles shyly, “well, thank you for letting me know. I will remember it for next time.”

“It’s actually a really nice path to walk. It’s really popular with tourists as it leads right to the top of this mountain”, you say pointing at a faraway mountain plateau. Grey clouds are hiding it from your eyes right now.

“Ah, I see. I bet the view is great from up there.”

“It is. You can see the entire valley from up there. The climb is a little exhausting, but so worth it.”

“I see”, he says and nods his head, “that sounds nice. Maybe one day I will have to check it out for myself.”

“Yes, do that. I can really recommend it to you.”

He chuckles shyly and nods his head, “I will.”

The first houses of the village are starting. The pathways become a lot narrower. The wind is stronger as well, swirling around your legs and rising goosebumps on your skin.

“You seem to know your way around pretty well”, Yoongi says, sneaking a glance your way.

“I do. I’ve basically been walking all over those mountains by now, so I’m pretty familiar with the surroundings.”

“I see, honestly I can see why you moved here.”

You look at him.

“How do you know that I moved here? I never told you that.”

His eyebrows shoot up in surprise.

“I-I mean you, you aren’t really talking like someone born here. I, I figured that you must be from the city as well”, he stutters, “sorry that was literally so rude to assume. It’s just that we talk the same so I figured. Sorry.”

“Yeah, uhm”, you clear your throat, “you’re right. Damn and here I thought that I spent enough time here to sound like a local”, you murmur and laugh awkwardly.

“Sorry, it’s just you, uhm, say your Ls like me.”

“I do?”you sneak a glance at the blushing man, “gosh damn, so you really can’t shake the city, can you?”

He laughs, seemingly relaxing again. He scratches the side of his neck, “yeah, I guess.”

You chuckle.

“So how long have you been living here?”

“Around three years now? Bordering four.”

“Mhm, so quite a long time. That’s nice.”

You nod your head, “yeah it’s very nice. Life here is awesome.”

You don’t see it, but Yoongi smiles upon hearing your words.

“That’s good to hear”, he says quietly, calling your attention and in return making you turn your head to him.

“Sorry? I couldn’t understand you right now, the wind’s so loud.”

“I just…I just said that it’s good to hear that, uhm, life’s awesome here. Maybe I picked the right town.”

“You definitely did. You’ll love it here. The people here are so nice and always ready to help.”

Yoongi smiles and this time around, you see it.

“That’s good to hear”, he says and after one second of letting his eyes linger on your face, he turns his head away again, studying the passing scenery instead.

You do the same after picking up Levi, who just moments ago started protesting about getting his feet dirty. He can’t stand having to clean wet dirt from his feet. It tastes terrible and sticks to his fur way too vehemently.

“Did you move here alone?” Yoongi asks you then.

You sneak a glance his way. What a weird question.


“I mean if you are living together with your husband or boyfriend or friends or family. You know?”

“A husband?” you snort and chuckle, “no, I’m as single as a pringle.”

“I see”, he averts his gaze to the ground, “that’s cool. I’m single too.”

You knit your brows, studying his features. He is blushing vividly, lower lip trembling to stop a smile from creeping up. Is he interested in you? Is this creepy or not? You can’t really decide.

“That’s uhm…cool?” you say.

“Sorry”, Yoongi says instantly, “I don’t know why I just told you that. TMI, I know”, he laughs nervously, scratching the side of his neck again.

“No, it’s fine”, you assure him.

Maybe he is so weird because he is nervous. After all, he is trying to keep up small talk with a stranger and that is quite frankly something very nerve wrecking to do. Everyone is a little weird in such situations.

It isn’t that far home anymore. You can already see it, just down that road. The river is grey and wild as if it is expecting the thunderstorm already. The dark tiles of the Old House are shaking in the storm. From here you can even see the big hole in the back of the house. Yoongi had put a green tarp on it, securing it with wooden planks. And you can see your house shining through the restless branches of the willow trees, calling you to safety and warmth.

“How are the renovations going? I see you already put a tarp on the roof”, you ask Yoongi, looking at him.

“They are going, let’s just say it like that. I ripped out all the rotten floors already and insulated the walls, I’m going to repair the roof next, but I have to wait for the new tiles and beams to arrive until then I have to live with a big hole in my bedroom”, Yoongi chuckles, shaking his head, “thank god for the surprisingly warm nights or else I would probably freeze my butt off.”

“I see, that sounds like a lot of work.”

“Yes, but I don’t see it as such. I really like fixing things.”

“I see”, you have to chuckle at a memory, “you know, you’re something of a celebrity here because people can’t believe that someone was crazy enough to buy your place.”

“Really? Why?”

“Well, have you seen it?” you laugh, “it’s the most rundown house in the village and people have already been making bets of whether it will fall down during a storm or randomly collapse one night.”

Yoongi chuckles, “it’s actually not as bad as it seems. The evaluators said that the foundations and the framing are in very good condition and that most of the damage is on the surface.”

“Oh? So you did actually do your job before buying the old junkyard?” you joke, eliciting a shy laugh from him.

“Yes, I did. Almost two months the entire process took me, but now I’m finally here and ready to live.”

“That’s nice.”

Yoongi gives you a shy smile, blushing just slightly.

“Do you have furniture in there?” you ask him.

Yoongi nods his head, “not many though, but I have my trusty old sleeping bag, so I’m fine. I sold most of my furniture when I moved. It didn’t really fit the aesthetic I’m trying to go with. It was too modern for my taste.”

“But I saw the moving van a few times.”

“That was just to get my all my tools and building machines down here”, he pauses and sneaks a glance your way, “and my clothes too, of course. And some of the essentials like my couch and my piano and all of my memorabilia of course.”

“Okay, that makes sense.”

“And for the furniture, I’m planning on building my own”, he explains proudly, cheeks glowing.

“You can build furniture?” you can’t help but sound impressed.

“I mean”, he scratches his neck, looking away shyly, “I’m trying.”

“May I ask if you have some sort of training in renovating houses? You seem to know so much.”

“No uhm, I just really enjoy fixing stuff or building it with my own hands. Everything I know I taught myself.”

“Wow, impressive.”

“Thank you.”

Loud thunder grumbles above your heads at the same time as a bright bold of lightning strikes one of the mountains in the far distance. You both yelp up in surprise, groaning in annoyance when rain starts to fall down a moment later.

“Great, now my cement is going to be ruined”, Yoongi whines, shielding his face with his hand.

“You don’t have to wait for me, you can run if you want to”, you tell him, quickening your steps to catch up with him.

“No, it’s ruined either way. Ah crap”, Yoongi scoffs, “nevermind. It wasn’t that much anyway, I’ll just have to open a new bag then.”

“You sure it’s okay?”

“Yeah, don’t worry about it”, he sends you a quick smile, taking a step closer to you afterwards, “here, let’s share”, he offers, taking off his flannel to cover both of your heads with it.

“I-“, you look at him, cheeks heating up without you even wanting them to, “-thanks.”

He sends you a shy smile, humming.

The rain keeps pouring down on the two of you, soaking Yoongi’s flannel and every part of your bodies which aren’t covered by it.

You are going to take the longest and warmest shower once you are home, despite the safety of Yoongi’s flannel, you feel frozen.

Yoongi seems to feel the same, teeth clattering quietly and lips turning blue. He is just in a t-shirt after all, no wonder he is cold.

“By the way”, Yoongi begins, “I wanted to tell you last week already, but I didn’t get a chance to do so. Nothing major happened when you caused the short.”

“Really? What a relief, I was already waiting for you to send me a bill of like a million bucks”, you joke.

Yoongi chuckles, shaking his head, “it’s nothing major. The doorbell was just too old and when you pressed it, the wires kind of blew and that’s what caused the bypass. But I replaced it, so now if you want to visit me, it’s safe to ring.”

“So I won’t get electrocuted to death if I press it?”

He smiles and shakes his head.

“No, it’s safe to touch.”

“Good to know, thank you for telling me”, you chuckle.

He chuckles too with the tip of his nose turning rosy.

The wind has picked up immensely. You and him are holding the flannel together, clutching your pets to your chests in order to keep them safe. And while Holly seems to enjoy his time in his father’s arms, Levi is hissing at the rain for ruining his fur. That will take him at least three hours to clean. Oh how he hates the rain.

“I also wanted to tell you that the cookies you brought over were amazing”, Yoongi breaks the silence.

“You tried them?”

“I didn’t just try them, I ate all of them.”

“And you liked them?”

“Yes, very much so. I really like chocolate and nuts in cookies, but you probably know this already.”

“Huh? How should I know this?”

He blinks rapidly, cheeks heating up.

“I, I mean. Who doesn’t? It’s the number one thing one can put into cookies. At least I always bake my cookies that way. Chocolate and nuts and lots of sugar. Butter too, one can’t forget the butter", he explains and laughs nervously.

“Okay true, you got me there”, you agree.

“Where did you buy them? I need to get a few for the future.”

“From my tea shop. It’s just down by the pharmacy.”

“You own a tea shop?” Yoongi gasps and widens his eyes.

You nod your head, “yup and it’s the best in the village”, you say, smiling proudly.

Yoongi studies your features a moment longer before he scoffs and chuckles softly.

“I never thought that this is what you are doing”, he murmurs.

“Why? Do I not look like it?”

“I just- “, he clears his throat awkwardly, “- sorry if this was rude, but you don’t strike me as a tea maker or a cookie baker for that matter.”

“Wow”, you laugh, “as what do I strike you then?”

Yoongi squints his eyes at you and licks over his lips.

“Something with offices. A firm maybe?”

You laugh again.

“As a matter of fact, I worked in a bank a few years ago.”

“You did? Wow, look at me basically getting it right.”

He makes you laugh once again.

“Why did you quit?”

“Oh, that’s a far too long story for today”, you dismiss him.

“I have time. I can’t do anything in this bloody rain anyway.”

“No really, it’s too complicated”, you insist.

“Very well”, he smiles shyly, “another time then.”

You and him have reached the crossroad. While Yoongi needs to take the few meters up the road to get to his house, you need to take the opposite direction down the road and over the river. You and him stop, looking left and right before meeting each other’s gaze in the middle.

“Should I walk you home?” he offers.

“It’s just over the bridge.”

“That’s far enough for you to get wet.”

His gaze looks welcoming and sweet. You can’t find anything creepy in it. And he already knows where you lived either way, what bad could come out of him making sure that you stayed as dry as possible.

“Alright, if you insist.”

Yoongi nods his head and gives you a determined look. You think that it is a cute look because it makes his lips stick out in a pout. He steps closer then and fixes the flannel so you and Levi would get more of it.

“Let’s go”, he tells you almost shyly.

The river is angry under your feet as you cross it, loud and white from all the waves and swirls the rain rouses. Levi shifts in your grasp, digging his claws into your shirt. He will never forgive you if you dropped him right now. He would literally slash up every piece of furniture in your house as revenge.

“Your cat really doesn’t like rain, does he?” Yoongi asks.

You sneak a glance down at Levi and chuckle.

“No, he really hates it. It makes his fur all grubby”, you say and roll your eyes, “he’s such a big crybaby.”

Yoongi laughs and you feel yourself enjoying the sound of it. It was deep and calm just like his voice. And while you didn’t quite understand the reason for your liking of his laugh, you truly did and already missed it the moment he stopped laughing to sneak a glance your way instead.

“Holly likes the rain. He likes jumping into puddles”, he says and sighs dramatically, “he’s always so dirty afterwards.”

You chuckle, stomach tingling when this makes Yoongi laugh again.

“That’s adorable. Does he like baths too?”

“He’s alright with them. It depends on how tired his walk has gotten him. If he’s really spent then he just let’s them happen, if not then it’s utter chaos getting him clean.”

You chuckle.

“And Levi? Does he like baths?”

“He actually does?” you say and laugh, “I have no idea if my cat’s broken, but he never really complains when I have to bathe him.”

“Wow, that sounds so not at all like something a cat would like.”

“Yeah, right?” you agree, “it’s probably because he’s such a neat freak”, you joke, once again feeling tingly when this makes Yoongi laugh.

You probably would have continued joking with each other, hadn’t you arrived at your front door so abruptly.

“Oh?” you say and look up at your house, “we’re already here?”

Yoongi mirrors your stance and licks over his lips to wet them.

“Seems like it.”

“Very well then”, you turn to Yoongi, “thank you for keeping me dry.”

You and him look down at your mostly wet bodies.

“As best as possible at least”, you joke, earning yourself a shy chuckle from him.

“No worries”, he smiles, “thanks for showing me the way. I would probably still be wandering around in the mountains without you.”

You chuckle, “I’m glad I could help”, you say and smile.

The water has soaked his hair by now, making his honey blonde strands stick to his forehead.

“Hey, wait here for a little”, you tell him, unlocking your door and disappearing inside.

You set down Levi, who zooms away in an instant to warm himself next to the radiator and grab your umbrella, then you open the front door again to a shivering Yoongi.

“Here, take this. I know you don’t have long to go, but it’s better than getting completely soaked.”

Yoongi accepts the umbrella with a shy blush on his cheeks.

“Thank you”, he murmurs, eyes sparkling as he locks his gaze with yours.

It makes your heart skip a beat and your chest feel nervous. He looks really cute right now, which was something very weird to say about a stranger, who you have only talked to twice. But he looked cute, because his cheek were really round and his eyes so friendly.

“Don’t mention it”, you dismiss him and lower your gaze, “uhm either way. I’ll go now.”

“Okay”, he shifts from one foot to the other, “I had lots of fun today.”

You lift your gaze, eyes widening slightly at his words.

“You had fun?” you make sure that you have heard him right.

Yoongi smiles and nods his head.

“It was nice to talk to another human for a change. You know, I like talking to Holly, but one will grow tired of barks with time.”

“Oh yeah”, you agree with a chuckle, “I get that.”

You shift from one foot to the other, eyes glued to his delicate features.

“I had fun too”, you tell him.

His eyes light up in a shy smile.

“I’m glad you did”, he whispers.

Then he steps back and finally opens the umbrella. He twirls it twice, pulling it over his head afterwards. The colour matches with that of his soaked flannel.

“Thank you again”, he says, sneaking a glance up at the umbrella, “I’ll cherish it.”

“I want it back though.”

Yoongi chuckles and nods his head.

“I’ll return it, don’t worry”, he says and takes a few steps, “see you around ___.”

“See you.”

And with that he turns to stroll up the road and over the bridge. You watch him until he takes a sharp turn to the right and your weeping willow blocks him from your view.

You close the door with a funny feeling in your stomach.

“Why did I feel so comfortable with him?” you whisper, touching your chest. It was as if you had known him for years already.

Levi appears in the hallway then and meows loudly. And like that your attention shifts to your cat.

“What? Don’t tell me you are hungry already?”

Levi meows, turns and leads you to the kitchen with confidence in his walk.

“Fine, I’ll give you something. Geez, you are such a greedy cat.”


The rain continues until long into the next day. Luckily for you, you owned two umbrellas or else your walk to your tea shop would have been terribly wet this morning. Once you had put on your frog green rainboots and the matching raincoat, you left your cottage for a fun day of work. Like always you passed by the Old House, slowing down your steps in hopes of getting a sneaky glance at your peculiar yet sweet neighbour. You spot the bag of cement in an instant, it is resting under a family of trees and paints the grass around it in a dreary grey. Poor Yoongi, so he really wasn’t able to save it. You look at the windows then. In one of them light is shining. You wonder if this is the room he was currently in and if he was, what sort of work he was currently busy with. But because you were already running terribly late for work, you weren’t able to spend lots of time wondering about the possibilities of his renovations. So you continued your walk to your bakery with a certain bounce in your steps.

Hoseok was already inside. So was Jimin, judging by his bike seeking refuge under your canopy. They weren’t in the front of the bakery right now.

“Good morning guys!” you call out loudly as you enter the shop.

You leave your umbrella by the door and slip out of your rain clothes. You always keep a pair of spare slippers in the tea shop. The really comfortable kind, the ones shaped like a rabbit and with soft fake fur inside. They also made a little jingling sound as you walked, which was honestly the best thing about them.

It was really toasty inside. Hoseok must have turned the heater on. It was a nice feeling, one that left you sighing in relief. You hadn’t even noticed how frozen your limbs were. The radio is already turned on too, playing slow piano music. So Hoseok turned on your “playlist for rainy days”, it makes you smile because he knows all your traditions so well already.

From somewhere a steady buzz was coming too. It doesn’t make you wonder where or what, because you already know exactly what that sound was or where it was coming from for that matter.

“Good morning guys”, you enter the small but cozy backroom, meeting your two employees.

Hoseok is currently blow drying Jimin’s hair, making the latter whine in complaint because of his continuous tugging.

“Oh?” Hoseok turns, “good morning boss!” he exclaims loudly and bows more than ninety degrees, completely forgetting about the blowdryer in his hand and blowing the hot air directly into your face.

“Hoseok”, you laugh, shielding yourself.

“Mhm?” he lifts his head, “oh! I’m so sorry I completely forgot!” he hides the blowdryer behind his back, “sorry for that.”

“Hyuuung”, Jimin whines behind the two of you, squinting his eyes as the new position now makes the hot air blow into his face.

“Oops”, Hoseok gasps and points the blowdryer at the floor, “I didn’t see you there. Sorry Jiminie, you okay?”

“Yes I am”, Jimin pouts, “continue hyung, I don’t want to have half my hair still wet.”

“Yeah, yeah sure”, Hoseok stutters and continues what he had started.

You make yourself comfortable on the rocking chair in the meantime, watching them work.

“Isn’t today beautiful?” you ask them.

“It would be if I didn’t have to take my bike here all the way from the mountain”, Jimin says.

“I know I saw. That sucks. Where are your wet clothes?”

“Drying over the heater.”

You look over your shoulder. He was right. Jimin’s and Hoseok’s clothes are currently drying, tripping water on the floor.

“Thank god for the spare clothes, aye?”

“Seriously”, Hoseok agrees, “I took the vespa today and got soaked to the bones.”

“Mhm that sucks.”

You watch Hoseok gather Jimin’s now dry hair into a little bundle at the top and then secure it with a bright pink hair tie. It makes him laugh because he thinks that Jimin now looks like a sprout. Jimin in return pouts and whines.

“I met my neighbour again.”

Their eyes flit to you.

“The creepy one?” Hoseok squeaks, widening his eyes.

“Exactly that one. Although he wasn’t that creepy actually. We met on our walk and shared his flannel.”


“Yeah we got rained on and so he took off his flannel and we used it as a makeshift umbrella. He is actually really sweet.”

Jimin and Hoseok exchange a look.

“I mean it. He is a little weird, but he told me that he is kind of nervous and shy.”

Jimin and Hoseok exchange another look.

Jimin clicks his tongue and stands up from his chair.

“You’re weird”, he says, leaving the break room afterwards.

“Hey! Don’t judge me, I think it was a very sweet gesture and also he has a dog.”

“Okay he has a dog, that changes everything”, Hoseok says honestly, “only good people can have dogs.”

“Exactly what I am saying. Having a dog equals being a good person”, you agree.

Jimin snorts and laughs.

“You both are naïve idiots, you know that?”

You and Hoseok pout, crossing your arms at the same time.

“He used the baby voice Jimin.”

“He did?” Hoseok gasps, “see? Using baby voice equals being a good person.”

Jimin rolls his eyes.

“Fine, maybe he is a good person”, he gives up with a fond chuckle.

Your day at the teashop begins after that. Mrs Oh and her husband visit you like always, chatting you up about the strong rain today and how that will bring bad luck in autumn. Later the mayor comes around, wearing an umbrella hat like it was the most normal outfit choice, it earned him a loud-spoken compliment from Hoseok, who had almost dropped the mayor’s oolong from gawking too much. And around lunch break Miss Jang and Sooha come around, the little girl’s pants are already soaked in water, “it’s from all the puddle hopping she is doing” so her mother let you know. Hoseok, Jimin and you go to the old Choi for lunch, sharing your umbrella because neither of the guys brought their own and open the tea shop two hours later again, ready to welcome your afternoon guests.

There isn’t much traffic in the tea shop today. The rain became stronger in the afternoon and most tourists stayed in their hotels a few miles from here. You can’t blame them, only mad lads would wander around the mountains in such weather.

So to find something other to do than waiting, the three of you began sorting through every drawer to clean them thoroughly. Hoseok got tea herb drawer duty and you and Jimin got kitchen duty.

You are currently sorting through the many different kinds of herbs after Jimin called you over in panic to let you know that he was missing his ground cumin.

“I could have sworn it was there with the basil”, Jimin murmurs, emptying the basket a third time to begin reading the labels again.

“Maybe I put it with the sweet herbs when I cleaned?” you say, reaching for the second spice basket to sort through it.

“I hope we’ll find it. It will be a catastrophe if we don’t.”

You snort, putting down the glass filled with cinnamon.

“I don’t think people will taste the difference Jimin.”

“Oh trust me, they will. The bread is going to be ruined without it.”

“Fine I trust your judgement. You keep looking, I’ll see if Hoseok found it maybe.”

“Yeah do that, thank you boss”, Jimin murmurs absentmindedly as he is way too busy with reading the different labels.


Hoseok is chatting with a customer when you come out of the back. He must have been in the middle of cleaning out the drawer with the different kinds of black teas as the boxes are still on the counter.

“Good afternoon”, you greet the customer, making Hoseok turn around.

“Oh! Ma’am there you are. I was just about to get you”, he says.

“Get me? Why? Is there a problem?” you ask, ready to fight.

You don’t get rude customers often, maybe once or twice a month. But you are always ready to throw them out with a broom in your hands and some curse words on your lips. Maybe that is also the reason why you don’t get rude customers very often. Everyone in the village respected you and your broom fighting skills enough to not be rude to you and those few tourists, who do try to be rude to you or your employees get scared off enough that they won’t return.

Today’s rude customer however turns out to be the complete opposite of rude.


“Hey there”, Yoongi greets you with a shy smile. He was wearing a headband today, which he had pulled down all the way to his eyebrows and over his ears. It must be against the cold wind.

“Hey, wow what a surprise. What are you doing here?” you ask, claiming your spot next to Hoseok by the counter.

“I came here to return this”, he says and lifts his arm to present your yellow umbrella to you.

You take a look outside at the pouring rain.

“You picked out a good time for that, didn’t you?”

Yoongi blushes and lowers his eyes.

“Yeah, I know. Honest speaking, I was hoping to get something to eat and drink too. My stove is acting up because of the storm and I just need something warm.”

“Did you come by old the old Choi’s restaurant? He has the best soups out there. You’ll feel warm in no time”, you tell him.

“I did yeah, but it was stuffed. So I asked for the next food place and he sent me to your tea shop. What are the odds? I didn’t think that it would be your tea shop.”

“Well, we are the only tea shop and bakery in this village”, you grin, “but worry not, you came to the right place. We offer food too. Problem is that it’s only breakfast food.”

Yoongi grins shyly.

“That’s great. I-I’ll just sit by that table then?” he says, well asks, and points at the two seat table by the heater.

“Yup, make yourself comfortable. I’ll be with you shortly.”

You watch Yoongi waddle over to the table and sit down. He watches the rainfall, fumbling with his fingers nervously. Then you turn to Hoseok.

“Do you know this guy?” he asks you in a whisper.

“That’s the guy, who bought the Old House.”

“That’s him? The creep?” he gasps loudly.

“Sssh”, you shush him.


You both look over at Yoongi. He doesn’t seem to have heard you, still busy with watching the rain build puddles in front of your tea shop.

“He doesn’t look like a creep and he was really nice when he came in here. He even cleaned off his shoes”, Hoseok whispers, studying Yoongi from head to toe.

“He did?” you turn you and Hoseok around, “I don’t think he’s a creep either. Although it’s a little weird that he wants to return my umbrella when it’s pouring outside.”

“Right? That’s weird, but maybe he is just weird? You know there are people who are weird.”

“Are there?”

“Yeah like you remember that time Taehyung rode into town on a bull?”

“Okay yeah that was weird”, you say and laugh softly at the memory.

“Maybe he is that weird. You know? Taehyung weird, the type where you just live your life and don’t care what other people think?”

“Maybe he is that type of weird”, you agree and scratch your chin, “that’d be a cute kind of weird. I like people, who are like that.”

“Me too”, Hoseok agrees and grins, “you’re like that too.”

“Hey”, you nudge his tummy, “you go help Jimin find his ground cumin in the kitchen.”

“Jimin lost his cumin? Good riddance I found it with the white teas”, Hoseok exclaims and storms off to return the lost spice.

You make your way over to Yoongi with a menu in your hand.

“Hey there”, you greet him, making him raise his head.

“Hello”, he smiles, showing off his gums.

“There you go, our food menu. Do you know what you want to drink?”

“Uhm, do you have iced Americano?”

“We don’t, no. We’re a tea shop. We only sell tea.”

“Aaah I see”, he says and blushes, “I’m sorry that was rude.”

“It really wasn’t”, you assure him.

He blushes and lowers his eyes.

“How about I’ll give you a few minutes to make your decision and then I’ll come back?”

“Yes, okay do that. Thank you”, he says, nodding his head.

You clean the counter of the boxes of black tea in the meantime, sorting them all back in their drawer and closing said drawer afterwards. You send Yoongi a quick glance to see if he is finished. He seems like he was, he is looking at you with his lips slightly parted.


He nods his head, making his hair bounce up and down. You grab your pen and paper and hurry back to him.

“Sooo. What can I get you?”

“Uhm can I get the egg sandwich with bacon and a big cup of chai latte?” he says, dragging his fingers over the words of his order.

“Of course. Anything else?”

“No, uhm actually”, he squints his eyes and pouts, “yeah…can I get the strawberry rice cake too?”

“Yes, of course.”

He closes the menu.

“That’s it”, he lets you know.

“Alrighty, it will be with you shortly”, you say with a smile and take the menu to hurry to the kitchen.


Hoseok and Jimin are chatting vividly with each other.

“I’m not paying you to chit chat am I?”

Hoseok straightens his back.

“I’m sorry ma’am! I was just telling Jimin about the guy who bought the Old House” he exclaims, bowing ninety degrees.

It makes you laugh.

“Relax, I was only joking”, you assure him, “Jimin dear, prepare an egg sandwich with bacon please.”

“On it boss!” he says and hurries to the stove.

“Can I do something too?” Hoseok asks.

“Did you finish cleaning?”

He shakes his head, “I’ll go finish right away.”

“Thanks Hoseok, you’re a star.”

You in the meantime are busy with preparing Yoongi’s tea and plating the strawberry rice cake in a pretty manner. You bring both of them to him, feeling yourself burn up under his soft gaze.

“There we go. The sandwich will be with you shortly.”

“Don’t worry, I have time.”

“Yeah? How are renovations going?”

“Going”, he laughs nervously, “the rain is kind of making it impossible to work today because I spent the entire day stuffing leaks”, he sighs, “it was so exhausting.”

“I can imagine.”

“But my living room and sunroom are officially free of leaks now.”

“Oh that’s good to hear”, you say and give him a grin, one which he returns.

“And you? How is the tea shop going?”

“It’s going. We don’t get many customers when it rains, but that’s alright. We just use the time to clean.”

“Mhhm”, he nods his head, “cleaning’s important too.”

“That it is, yes.”

You and him fall silent then, making eye contact. It makes you nervous.

“Either way uhm”, you begin, “I’ll see if your sandwich is finished by now.”

“Mhm”, he hums and nods his head.


As a matter of fact the sandwich was finished and waiting to be served.

“So the Old House”, Jimin begins as he watches you come inside, “Hoseok told me that some young guy bought it?”

“Is this your not so subtle hint at asking me to take a look?” you ask him in a laugh.

“You saw right through me”, Jimin says and gets rid of his apron to follow you outside, “Hoseok told me that you know him?”

“I don’t, what lies is he spreading again? I just talked to him a little yesterday.”

“I see, I see. Good afternoon!” Jimin calls out, making Yoongi raise his head.

Yoongi smiles nervously and raises his hand to wave.

“Hello”, he says quietly, lowering his eyes a second later.

“I heard you purchased the Old House.”

Yoongi clears his throat, tilting his head to the side in question.

“What’s that?”

“It’s the junkyard of a house you’re renovating.”

“Oh”, Yoongi looks to the ground, “I guess so.”

“How are renovations going?" 

Yoongi nods his head vigorously and gives Jimin a nervous smile. It doesn’t show his teeth but makes his cheeks puff out. 

"I see, that’s good to hear”, Jimin says loudly and gives him a thumbs-up. Then he turns to you. 

“Aaaw he is weird, that’s adorable”, Jimin coos quietly, looking at you.

“Don’t be rude, he’s still a customer”, you warn him.

Then you make your way over to Yoongi with his sandwich, putting it down in front of him.

“There we go, your egg sandwich with bacon.”

“Thank you”, he murmurs.

The tip of his nose is blushing.

“Don’t worry about Jimin. He’s very chatty.”

Yoongi looks up at you.

“Oh no, uhm, it’s fine.”

You give him a sweet smile, “alrighty then. Enjoy your meal.”

“Thank you.”

You turn to leave him.



“Hey uhm”, he begins and stands up, “I have something for you.”

“For me?”

“Yeah, uhm here.”

He presents a bouquet of flowers to you. They had been resting next to the umbrella the entire time.

“It’s a thank you present for letting me borrow your umbrella”, he explains with a deep red blush on his cheeks and nose.

“Gosh, that’s sweet. Thank you”, you say and accept them. Your heart is fluttering in that funny way again, just like it did yesterday when he offered to share his flannel.

You inspect the flowers.

“Wow, those are my favourites! How did you know?” you gasp with a sparkle in your eyes.

He grins sweetly.

“You strike me as a woman, who enjoys tulips so I went with my gut instinct.”

You sneak a glance at him and smile.

“Your gut instinct was totally right. You even got my favourite colour right.”

“Wow. Look at me nailing the flower buying”, he jokes and makes you laugh in the process.

“You did, thank you. I’ll put them in water right away.”

Yoongi sits down again and lowers his head to his food, eating it with a shy glow on his cheeks. You study him for a moment. What a peculiar guy he is. Sweet, yet really peculiar.

Hoseok and Jimin are wiggling their brows at you as you make your way back to the counter.

“Shush”, you hiss, rolling your eyes.

“Are you sure you don’t know him? He seems to know you pretty well”, Hoseok teases you.

“Shush, go back to your cleaning.”

Jimin snickers.

“And you rascal, go back to your bread. The Lees are coming over in an hour and expect three loafs.”

“Okay, okay, okay. I’m already off”, Jimin cackles and hurries back to the kitchen.


Yoongi spends the rest of the day in the tea shop, sitting by the window and watching the rain. He doesn’t really disturb you or try to talk to you. He just sits still and looks outside. At some points he was even that inconspicuous that you had to sneak a glance over at his spot to see if he was still there. He was, because every time you did, he quickly averted his gaze back outside and started blushing like crazy. Okay maybe he wasn’t just watching the rain, but apparently you as well. And for some unexplainable reason you found it more sweet than creepy.

Just like announced, the Lees arrived to obtain their three loafs of warm bread. And twenty minutes before closing, the mayor makes a surprise visit for an after work cherry white tea. You chat with him for a little, offering him the last slice of today’s raspberry pie for free because he is such a loyal customer. He thanks you with a delighted yelp and a clap into his hands, “and that is why you are the best bakery my dear Miss”, he laughs and takes a hearty bite of the sweet treat, “oh lovely as always.”

The mayor leaves five minutes after closing, promising you an extra five bucks the next time he comes over. One for every minute he kept you waiting. Then it was already time to close up.

“So that was a good day, wasn’t it guys”, you say, turning the sign from opentoclosed.

“Uuuh boss? What about him?” Jimin asks.

The three of you turn to the table by the heater where Yoongi is staring at you with big eyes.

“Is it time for me to go?” he asks shyly.

“Wait, you’ve been here the entire time?” Hoseok gasps.

Yoongi nods wordlessly.

“I didn’t even see him”, he whispers then speaks to Yoongi, “I didn’t even see you.”

“Yeah”, Yoongi laughs nervously, “I’m told that I’m kind of invisible”, he lowers his eyes and scratches the back of his head, “sorry, I’m just going to leave”, he whispers and stands up, gathering all his belongings messily. 

The three of you exchange a look. 

“Hey, do you want to walk home together with ___?” Jimin offers, who feels pity at the man.

Yoongi’s head snaps up, his widened eyes falling on you.

“I-I’ve already exhausted my stay here. I-it’s fine.”

“No hey, it’s fine. Let’s walk together. At least like that you can give me my umbrella”, you assure him.

“Okay”, he whispers and fumbles with the hem of his wind jacket.

“I’ll just put on my rain clothes and then we can go.”

Once changed, the four of you make your way outside. Jimin says his goodbye with a warm smile on his face, racing up the hills in the pouring rain with his eyes squinted together. You can hear the curses he lets out through every alleyway in the village. Some people even answer him with a “hey Mister Park don’t you want to come inside for a bit?” or a loud “Mister Park we have stew, wanna have some till the rain stops?” He dismisses them all with a friendly “thank you so much, but I have soup waiting at home!” before continuing his endless journey in the rain to his little mountain cottage.

It is Hoseok’s turn to leave next. Like always he bows way too deeply.

“See you tomorrow ma’am!”

“See you Hobi. You be careful with that Vespa of yours. I don’t want you speeding in the rain like that.”

“Yes ma’am! I’ll be careful ma’am!” he exclaims and nods obediently.

“Fine, go”, you laugh, “gosh you and your manners.”

Hoseok bows at you one last time then gets on his motor roller and speeds away far too quickly. You snort and shake your head.

“That rascal is going to hurt himself one day.”

“Is he always driving that recklessly?”

You have to be honest. You completely forgot about Yoongi’s presence next to you. You flinch and turn. Good god, it really is as if he was invisible.

“Yeah most of the time”, you tell him and laugh.

“That’s not good, he’ll hurt himself one day.”

“Right? Gosh I’m telling him all the time”, you sigh, “but enough chitter chatter, let’s get home”, you say and open your umbrella.

You step into the rain, enjoying the sound of it hitting your umbrella. You turn to Yoongi, who still seems a little unsure.

“Come on, I don’t want to walk back in darkness.”

He nods his head and obeys, opening his umbrella and stepping into the rain with you. Then you begin your walk, staying silent most of the time. There was just something about Yoongi, that made you feel like staying silent wouldn’t be uncomfortable. And you were right, the silence between you and him was so familiar that it was comfortable. Which was something very peculiar, considering you didn’t know him. Maybe it was the aura he had around him. Calmness and tranquillity. He keeps at least an arms length of distance the entire time, sneaking glances at you every now and then. To your surprise he is the one to actually break the silence after the second hill you crossed.

“The egg sandwich was very yummy.”

“Yeah?” you look at him instead of the puddles on the path, “I saw you enjoying it a lot.”

“I did”, he nods his head, “it was very good. The bacon was very crispy and the egg runny. Also the cheese was good.”

You smile, “thank you. I’ll tell Jimin about your liking of his sandwich.”

“Is Jimin the blonde man with the bike?”

“Yes, that’ Jimin. He is my baker slash cook and a total sweetheart. He lives in the mountains with his cats and also sells herbal oils and ointments in his freetime. Most of the herbs we use at the bakery are from his garden.”

“Ooh so he is like a witch?”

You laugh, making him blush.

“Actually now that you say it like that, he is like a witch isn’t he?”

“A-and the red haired guy?”

“That is Hoseok. My right hand man and the best oolong tea maker in the country. He lives in the neighbouring village with his dog Mickey.”

“Does he also grow herbs?”

“No”, you laugh again, “but he does collect stones.”

“So he is like a witch too? You know the kind that does magic with crystals?” Yoongi jokes, making you laugh.

“Damn, I think you’ve looked right through them”, you joke, earning yourself a shy chuckle from him.

Yoongi kicks an imaginary stone.

“I’m sorry for taking up so much space the entire day today.”


“Because of me your customers couldn’t sit by the heater. So I’m sorry.”

“Hey, no worries. I have many other tables too, besides you saw how abandoned the village was today. You didn’t take up space.”

“Okay that’s good to hear”, he says and lowers his head.

“Also. I’m happy that you enjoyed my tea shop so much that you wanted to stay for the entire day. It’s an honour really.”

Yoongi smiles, showing off his gums.

“You have a pretty tea shop.”

“Well thank you. Yes, it’s very pretty.”

“Did you buy it?”

“I did yes, the previous owner retired and I turned it into a tea shop which also sells baked goods. And just last year I was able to expand and finally build the outside pavilion I always wanted.”

“That’s cool, I’m happy for you.”

“Yeah”, you smile, “although I must say that my milk fridge is a piece of crap.”

“How’s that?”

“Oh well you know, it’s never keeping my milk cool. So I have to run all the way to my cooler room if I want to get milk.”

“Mhm I see, that sucks.”

“Yeah it does”, you say and chuckle, “that’s such a first world problem though, so don’t worry about it.”


You fall silent after that. You are so comfortable with him. It is so weird. You haven’t been that comfortable with anyone in a long time. Not even all your amazing friends you made in the village. You sneak a glance at Yoongi, who is busy staring at the puddles on the ground. Even now he radiates calmness, like a cat napping by a fire or the dancing of leaves in a summer’s breeze.

You sigh and turn to look at the path ahead of you. The rain has washed up dirt, forming a little stream down the grassy hills to the river. Poor flowers, they are going to be all squished under the water.

You arrive at Yoongi’s house a few moments later. You join him as he takes the path under his trees to his front door.

“Uhm”, he turns, “I don’t know if there is much to offer, but do you want to come inside?” he offers, scratching the back of his neck.

“No, it’s fine. I need to feed Levi before he plots eating my face in my sleep as revenge for keeping him waiting.”

Yoongi laughs and lowers his eyes.

“Okay then, uhm”, he closes the umbrella and hands it back to you. The little canopy is keeping him from becoming wet, “thank you so much for the umbrella and also the nice day. I had lots of fun.”

You smile, “I had fun too Yoongi. Also if you ever need an umbrella again let me know, I’m just over the river.”

“I will”, he says and clears his throat, “so uhm…goodbye for now?”

“Yup, see you around”, you tell him with a smile and turn to leave, “bye bye Yoongi!”

“Bye bye!” he calls after you, watching you skip down his garden path.


Hoseok circles you, moving to the melody of the funk song on the radio while you are using the broom as a makeshift microphone. Jimin, busy with toppling over in laughter, gives the two of you his occasional round of applause.

Today was a good day. You woke up with the sunlight on your face and with Levi cuddled to your side, ate a yummy breakfast and on your way to work you found a four-leaf clover. Said cloverleaf is resting in a little bowl of water next to the flowers Yoongi gave you two days ago.

“Park Jimin don’t just stand there and laugh, come over here”, Hoseok says, doing a little spin before dancing up to Jimin whilst wiggling his eyebrows.

“Why are you looking at me like you want to seduce me?” Jimin cackles, allowing Hoseok to take his.

“Maybe I am Jimin-ah”, Hoseok jokes.

Jimin laughs, which makes Hoseok laugh and in return makes you laugh.

The bell jingles.

Laughter stops, heads snap into the direction of the door.

“Good morning”, Yoongi says, carrying a toolbox.

Hoseok and Jimin stop dancing, holding onto each other as they look between you and Yoongi with bated breath.

“Oh hey uhm. What are you doing here? We’re not open yet”, you say, slightly out of breath from your early morning dance session.

Yoongi turns and looks at the sign.

“I did not see that I, I just s-saw you guys dancing inside so I, I thought you’re open”, he stutters with his cheeks beet red, “I-I’m sorry I’ll just go again." 

"No hey it’s fine”, you stop him in a laugh, “we’re going to open in ten either way. What do you want?”

“Uhm I, I came to fix your fridge. You, you told me about it”, he explains and lifts his toolbox.

“My fridge?” your brows shoot up in surprise, “you remembered that?”

He nods his head vigorously.

You can hear Jimin and Hoseok snicker behind you, it earns them a warning glare over your shoulder. Yoongi heard it too now really burning up in embarrassment.

“Sorry!” he blurts out, “that was very weird and you didn’t ask for my help, I’ll just leave.”

That earns Hoseok and Jimin another warning glare. They lower their heads in shame.

“No, hey, it’s alright. Come on, I’ll show it to you.”

He nods his head vigorously and waddles after you. Jimin and Hoseok follow too, keeping their distance as they watch the two of you with knowing smirks.

“So here it is, the bastard”, you say and kick the little fridge under the counter softly, “it cost me more tears than anything else.”

“Aw hey don’t cry I’m here now, I’m sure I can fix it”, Yoongi says in that calming voice of his and that sweet smile of his on his lips.

Yoongi squats down and furrows his brows, opening the fridge to check for the temperature.

“Mhhm you’re right, it’s not cooling.”

“Yeah right? Urgh I’m going insane.”

Yoongi looks up at you, “don’t worry I can fix it.”

“Really? Are you serious?”

“Mhm”, he nods his head and smiles softly.

“I – “ you clap excitedly, “thank you, thank you, thank you.”

Yoongi lowers his gaze shyly and scrunches his nose up, “no worries.”

You would have loved to keep Yoongi company a little longer if it wasn’t time for the tea shop to open. Jimin disappears in the kitchen to prepare his world famous breakfast rice cakes, but not before whispering into your ear that “the Yoongi dude is totally whipped for you.” which earned him yet another warning g

part twenty-five: gogurt style

Catch Fire

You can’t help but wonder what the hell is going on inside of the quiet angry guy’s head who’s always brooding under the big oak tree. Life isn’t kind, Yoongi knows that from first hand experience, but the curious girl who always watches him is.

[troubled!yoongi x curious!reader]



a/n: no this isn’t sponsored by panera lmao but Jin is definitely onto something about their mac ‘n cheese lmk what you thought and let’s chat about ur Panera orders (thanks for reading)

tag list:@kanekiluhan@loveyoongles@tereurrutia@hannahdinse8@xxxanimangxxx@yngiclit@lyndseygoregasmxo@seungcheoluwu@aizuwusho@chocochocomilksstuff@idrawyoongialot@whobuilthemoon@wild-starfish

part twenty-four: dashing reindeer

Catch Fire

You can’t help but wonder what the hell is going on inside of the quiet angry guy’s head who’s always brooding under the big oak tree. Life isn’t kind, Yoongi knows that from first hand experience, but the curious girl who always watches him is.

[troubled!yoongi x curious!reader]



a/n: sorry for taking a little longer than usual to update but I hope you enjoyed this one! thanks for reading!!

tag list:@kanekiluhan@loveyoongles@tereurrutia@hannahdinse8@xxxanimangxxx@yngiclit@lyndseygoregasmxo@seungcheoluwu@aizuwusho@chocochocomilksstuff@idrawyoongialot@whobuilthemoon@wild-starfish

part twenty-three: papa yoongi

Catch Fire

You can’t help but wonder what the hell is going on inside of the quiet angry guy’s head who’s always brooding under the big oak tree. Life isn’t kind, Yoongi knows that from first hand experience, but the curious girl who always watches him is.

[troubled!yoongi x curious!reader]



a/n: sorry for taking a while with this one, I had to get some school stuff started but I hope y’all enjoyed getting to see what yoongi and his dad are like (also it’s suppose to say “no touchy-feely stuff”) as always, thanks for reading!!

tag list:@kanekiluhan@loveyoongles@tereurrutia@hannahdinse8@xxxanimangxxx@yngiclit@lyndseygoregasmxo@seungcheoluwu@aizuwusho@chocochocomilksstuff@idrawyoongialot@whobuilthemoon

part twenty-two: clink clink bitch

Catch Fire

You can’t help but wonder what the hell is going on inside of the quiet angry guy’s head who’s always brooding under the big oak tree. Life isn’t kind, Yoongi knows that from first hand experience, but the curious girl who always watches him is.

[troubled!yoongi x curious!reader]



a/n: I wish that was an actual Escape Room room I did the heist one with my friends once and we failed lol but just imagine what the ufo room would be like anyway thanks for reading!!

tag list:@whobuilthemoon@kanekiluhan@loveyoongles@tereurrutia@hannahdinse8@xxxanimangxxx@yngiclit@lyndseygoregasmxo@seungcheoluwu@aizuwusho@chocochocomilksstuff@idrawyoongialot

part twenty-one: my feelings

Catch Fire

You can’t help but wonder what the hell is going on inside of the quiet angry guy’s head who’s always brooding under the big oak tree. Life isn’t kind, Yoongi knows that from first hand experience, but the curious girl who always watches him is.

[troubled!yoongi x curious!reader]



a/n: and now they finally get to be together! thank you for reading

tag list:@kanekiluhan@loveyoongles@tereurrutia@hannahdinse8@xxxanimangxxx@yngiclit@lyndseygoregasmxo@seungcheoluwu@aizuwusho@chocochocomilksstuff@idrawyoongialot@whobuilthemoon


Birthday Girl - MYG - 11

Part 11 - The Night Before

pairing: yoongi x reader

genre: one night stand, early relationship, noona, smut, angst

rating: M

word count: 7k

warnings: smut in the forms of fingering, penetrative sex (no condom), new position (I said it), so much OC introspection,

a/n: can we just thank@xjoonchildx for like, coaxing me through this. I struggled with the final main scene. I appreciate her help.@hobi-gif
is the beta of champions. and a thank you to@deoxyribonucleicacidworld&@sasseonefor the validation

my dear sweet sweet readers: can I just hug each of you? for your thoughtful words, and keyboard smashes? I just…my heart is very full.

if you like my writings, consider Patreon. supporters there get an early look at my stuff. :D

series list

part 1part 2part 3part 4part 5part 6part 7part 8part 9part 10


You are still debating on how many pairs of pants you need to pack when his text comes through.

:: about fifteen minutes away. i can uber?

Your heart speeds up (although when doesn’t it when he’s involved), but you text back.

:: That’s silly. I’ll be there to pick you up.

:: thx, jagi.

When you toss your phone back on your bed, your eyes drift toward the rather small pale pink and white shopping bag sitting in the corner near your dresser. You’d acquired it only a few days ago, and you still hadn’t taken it out of the bag.

The whole thing felt presumptuous (even more so if tonight went badly).

You grab your favorite sweatshirt and slip it over your head, too focused about packing to worry about what you might look like today.

It wasn’t like you didn’t have a million reasons to be nervous this evening or anything.

Things had seemed okay at the bookstore (which is now one of your favorite places in the city) between you and Yoongi, but the talk had yet to happen and this would be the last time you both had a chance to hash things out before you left tomorrow. For a month.

It could be a month with constant communication or a month of silence.

You weren’t even sure which one was the best choice.

Keep reading

Uggghhhhhhh my heart!



alternative title: Watermelon Suga Hi, lol

cover done by the lovely & talented, @kithtaehyung


Yoongi x Female Reader
Genre:Strangers to lovers, smut, romcom
Word count: 23k

Summary:Travelling alone to your dream destination had sounded like a good idea at the time. And you don’t regret doing it, of course not - you’re in Greece! The food! The sun! The smell of the sea! The white walls and blue chairs, the hills, the warm days and colder nights. A little company wouldn’t hurt, though. That’s how you end up talking to Min Yoongi, your next door neighbour with whom you practically share a balcony. He’s quiet, he barely leaves his room but when you reach out, he doesn’t push you away. That’s how your Greek adventure begins.

Warnings:It’s a slowburn&oneshot! Cursing, alcohol, drinking, explicit sex, unprotected sex, dirty talk. No strong dom/sub undertones, maybe a slight trace of soft dom Yoongi (barely there), public groping (m receiving, they’re on a balcony), oral sex (f receiving), fingering, mentions of oral (m receiving) & choking, creampie, teasing, edging (nothing extreme), doggy sex, dick riding, it’s not rough, just super sensual, hot and soft cause they have fattest crushes on one another

A/N: I owe a huge thank you to everyone over at @bangtansorciere​, for sprinting and encouraging me since day 1. I could write 10 paragraphs over how @btssmutgalore​ had helped me with this and just writing in general. Dee, if it weren’t for you, I would have given up on this a loooong time ago. You’re a saviour and I don’t know what I’d do without you. A super special thank you to @kithtaehyung​ for a lovely cover and just for encouraging me to not give up on this and reading bits and pieces every other day, just keeping me going. And last but certainly not least, @missgeniality​ I can never thank you enough for reading, editing and saving me from deleting this whole thing. Your help turned this into a readable story and I just… can’t thank you enough. 


New bed. And a new pillow - your neck can tell. You don’t feel the common confusion of waking up in a different place, because you know exactly where you are. It took you a connecting flight and an overly expensive cab ride for you to wake up here. Greece. 

Keep reading

Something sweet for your summer



pairings:Yoongi x Reader (I’m sorry, I swear I’m writing other things too) 

rating: 18+ / Mature / Explicit

c/w & themes: Comfort, fluff, angst, smut (grinding, oral, fingers, penetration, unprotected sex), referenced drug use, also, the words “palms are sweaty” are somewhere in here, have fun trying not to think “Mom’s spaghetti” when you read it.

genre: Comfort

word count: 6560 (read on ao3)

author’s note: Wrote this based on a really beautiful, sweet scene in the HBO show Betty. I highly, highly recommend you check it out. Dedicated to @mochilatae​ for being an incredible roomie, friend, inspiration, and guide; @purplehearts1996​ for writing a wonderful comfort fic for me when I was really in my feels; and @skyys-universe​ for always making everything softer, better, and happier. Thanks, ladies. Such a good time!



Yoongi’s lips taste like teriyaki. He probably had chicken for lunch. On the sweeter side. Not the place across the street from the studio. They’re a little heavy-handed on the soy sauce.

“Missed you,” he whines, his frame pinning you down to your bed. “Need you.”

“Need?” you ask, surprised at the word. You hadn’t been concerned. You never really are with him. He certainly didn’t seem upset when he called and asked if you were home. Maybe he, through the peephole, was a bit more eager than usual for the door to open. But when he saw you in nothing but your mauve, satin camisole and matching shorts, he looked like he always looks when he looks at you. Just… sure. Simply sure.

Keep reading

How to be in the Haze, too?!?!



pairings:yoongi x reader

rating:18+ / Mature / Explicit

synopsis:You and Yoongi live on the same floor in the same dorm. You walk home together after class. And you hang out all the time, in study groups, or just around campus. So, why hasn’t he seen your room yet?

genre: F2L, college!AU

word count: 10,412

content warnings: Loss of virginity, vanilla smut, oral sex, vaginal sex, handjob, fingering, cursing, thoughts about rough sex

taglist: @purpleheartsfortae@btseditsworld@greezenini@missbickerbocker@dearbambideer@helenazbmrskai@morti13

author’s note:Ahuge shoutout to Pandorable for her gentle nudges that lead to seismic revelations. I’m so, so grateful to you! (And if you haven’t read her stuff yet, you’re missing out…) ​


Written as part of @ficscafe​’s#FICSCAFE SCENARIO EVENT!

22) when they smile into kisses

This is my first submission as part of the network! Really excited to be sharing with all of you!


Jagged cement has given way to a tiny tendril of green. 

And in an attempt to protect it, Yoongi dashes his arm against your unfortunate stomach, which you have been trying to hide for the months that you’ve known him.

An embarrassed and gentle laugh chases the “sorry” that similarly collides into your nervous cough.

Both of you pause, eyes glancing. Each of you keep one foot, his left, and your right, on the lot, and one foot on the curb, his right shoe and your left shoe on either side of the tendril breaking free.

“It’s fine,” you mumble shyly, eyes downcast, forearms pinned to your belly.

“It’s just…” Yoongi looks hopelessly out at the rest of the lot that your path back from class leads you through. His eyes rove sadly over the idle bulldozers secured by temporary fences with torn, fluttering, black trash bag-like plastic inexplicably wrapping the first four feet from the ground up. Clearly, protecting the tendril is futile, but if Yoongi doesn’t at least try, then he wouldn’t be who he is.

And who is he? Can you even claim to “know” him?

Keep reading

Yes please


bts masterlist|main masterlist

pairing: y/n x yoongi

summary: at night, yoongi tends to frequent cafés to get some work done. one night, he hears you sing, and his world is forever changed.

updates: pretty much every day

one - random stranger

two - a lot of inspiration

three - fix it

four - serial killer

five - original

six - a lot of questions

seven - bop

eight - dumb questions

nine - recording

ten - mp3

eleven - leaked my recording

twelve - babe

thirteen - back by unpopular demand

fourteen - protected

fifteen - everyone will love it

sixteen - who’s the girl?

seventeen - music is a gift

eighteen - crazy

nineteen - wbk I’m a genius

twenty - shit

twenty-one - let me in (TW: abuse)

twenty-two - moving in

twenty-three - worried

twenty-four - overthinking bullshit

twenty-five - Cuffed Energy™️

twenty-six - cheesy romcom character

twenty-seven - dohun

twenty-eight - I just want my life back

twenty-nine - the verdict


back to you.eleven.

! ׅ࣪ ✰︬ ࣪ ׅ ☺︎ ׅ ࣪ ♡ ⃝ ࣪ ׅ ᵎᵎ

an ⋮ hahahahah they are finally coming back together! also, i lowkey wanted to make this a little more angsty (and there will still be wtf moments) but you know what? fuck angst! fluff is where it’s at … i was also listening to cute songs so i physically couldn’t handle bad scenes… don’t judge me…

taglist ⋮ @mizz-kraziii@aria-grace-scott@teenand1dstuff@wrmnssoul@missmadwoman@n4mina@bebebutbetter@heartsarecompatible@l7bangtan@jikooksgirl19@borahae-reads@taegijns@somelazysundays@dyaidk@kpopsimpstruggles@imissheroinbarbie@simpforyoongs@diestheticu@honey-boyyoongimain@miriamxsworld@as-hs-blog@tannies-luv@joshuaseyes@secretly-a-weeb@babycoffeefire@lynniac@ksooed@broken-glowsticks@tinyoonsblog@whitefoxgirl@readingfanfic-ly@90s-belladonna@squishyoonie (if your user is in a different color, i am unable to tag you!)

back to you.ten.

! ׅ࣪ ✰︬ ࣪ ׅ ☺︎ ׅ ࣪ ♡ ⃝ ࣪ ׅ ᵎᵎ

taglist ⋮ @mizz-kraziii@aria-grace-scott@teenand1dstuff@wrmnssoul@missmadwoman@n4mina@bebebutbetter@dyaidk@heartsarecompatible@l7bangtan@jikooksgirl19@borahae-reads@taegijns@somelazysundays@kpopsimpstruggles@imissheroinbarbie@simpforyoongs@diestheticu@honey-boyyoongimain@miriamxsworld@as-hs-blog@tannies-luv@joshuaseyes@secretly-a-weeb@babycoffeefire@lynniac@ksooed@broken-glowsticks@tinyoonsblog@whitefoxgirl (if your user is a diff font, i am unable to tag you.)

The bar was sleek, a prim employee standing behind it, creating fruity drinks for a few girls giggling with a singer you recognized. The entire back wall was filled with bottles of the most expensive drinks known to mankind. Bottles of whiskey, tequila, vodka— every kind and it overwhelmed you, unsure of what is in your budget for the night.

“Would you like something to drink?” The sudden voice of the bartender makes you look up, straightening up your posture.

“I don’t suppose you have some soju?” It’s a half joke, and you’re glad he catches on.

“I don’t suppose you have some soju?” It’s a half joke, and you’re glad he catches on.

He chuckles softly, “the cheapest on the menu is the margarita.”

You let out a sigh of relief, “thank god. Could I get one of those?”

“Of course,” he sends you a kind smile. “Coming right up.” The man turns away, focusing on making your drink, letting your eyes continue to run about the place.

The walls of the place are a sleek dark brown, no indentation or scratch anywhere. There were a few pieces dangling down from the ceiling, creating such a glittery light that you found captivating. It was fairly quiet, only some individuals speaking to one another, a few laughs when the conversation turned funny. It was a pleasant place.

You’re turning your body back to the bartender when your eyes latch onto a familiar figure. Walking towards you is the man you had held so near and dear to your heart for so long. The man you had stalked on Twitter, smiling bright as you came across a selfie with his gummy or bored smile. He looked the same, besides the slight rocker aesthetic he had in high school. His hair wasn’t sticking out in every direction, rather, it sat at the top of his head, shiny and fluffy. He didn’t wear the dark eye makeup he wore either, face smooth and fresh.

But his eyes. They were the same. They creased up when he sent you a smile, like all those times you two hung out in your bedroom and he laughed at your silly antics. The times you stood across the student body, nervous to give a speech, and he managed to help you relax with that damned smile. The one you felt yourself melting under as he stood across from you.

“Yoongi.” Your own smile is bright as you pick yourself up off the chair. He doesn’t say anything, rather, his eyes are trailing about your face, trying to take you in. He doesn’t seem to believe it’s real either, overwhelming feelings from the past rushing at the both of you. It’s not resentment like you had thought it would be, it was nothing but happiness and excitement. Taking things into your own hands, you wrap your arms around his figure, his cold leather jacket pushed up against you.

He doesn’t hesitate wrapping his own arms around you, chin laying atop of your head, taking you in completely. “It’s been so long.” He mumbles, feeling his chest rumble with every word.

“It has.” Your voice is shaky, with nerves and slight fear. You feel absolutely insane for loving being in his hold. It was if the two of you weren’t parted for ten years, getting back to where you last were before it went wrong. It was unbelievable how much of a hold he still had on you.

You hesitantly pull away, sitting back down onto your seat as Yoongi takes the one right beside you.

“You look the same.” You begin. “You’re just missing that messy hairstyle and eyeliner.”

“That was a look,” he laughs, thinking back to his high school days. “My mom was so happy when I grew out of that phase.”

“It was cute.” You smile at him, grabbing the drink that had been placed for you. “Had all the girls swooning.”

He scoffs with a laugh, “you and I both know no one swooned over me. They were all scared of me.”

“Aw come on,” you tease. “They wouldn’t ask you out but they definitely looked for too long when you walked by.”

“Hmm, I’m not sure I believe you.”

“Why would I lie?”

“To stroke my ego?”

“I know, you know I don’t need to stroke anything, your ego is through the roof.”

He shakes his head, “me? Never.”

“Oh, really? Mr. Tongue Technology rapping about all the designer stuff he has.”

“Hey, I worked for that designer, you bet your ass I’m gonna rap about it.”

You can’t help but laugh at his childish demeanor. Despite the tough persona he put on, he was still the introverted Yoongi who liked stuffed bears on his bed and his mom to cut up his fruit.

When you first met him, he had cozied up to you almost immediately. Hoseok liked to joke that you’d end up dating in middle school, to which you both declined, blushing messes. Nevertheless, you two continued sticking to one another like glue — as did the others. It wasn’t until the summer going into freshman year that Hoseok’s premonition came true.

Thinking back, you weren’t even sure how it happened. One second, you were at camp, sitting at a bench with Yoongi during study hour. The next, you found your lips pressed to his. It was awkward, a stale kiss that barely had any passion, but the two of you learned together because soon after, your relationship was set. A true best friend to lovers trope that you liked to read growing up.

Only there wasn’t a happy ending. You didn’t end up together, time passed, heartbreaks healed and now, you were sitting at a bar, chatting about the happenings in each other’s lives. You weren’t married to him like you thought you would be at eighteen, you didn’t own a house with him, you didn’t have kids with him — you had nothing with him. Nothing but the hope of rekindling your many years of friendship.

Yoongi managed to convince you he’d pay for drinks, and scolded the bartender (who he’s friends with) for scaring you with the prices. In a more sarcastic way than snobby, he assured you it wouldn’t make a dent in his wallet. Hesitantly, you gave in, drinking the same expensive thing he did.

Now, you’re 28 years old. You’re not the most lightweight, years of experience piling up, but the quality must have been amazing, the mood turning lighter the more the two of you drank. Your bodies drew closer to one another, laughing over another story of yours from New York and your previous coworkers. What seemed to get to you the most wasn’t how good he looked or how sweet his smile was (although they do play a hand.). It was how enthralled he was on you. He watched your lips move as you spoke fervently about something you found fascinating. He nods, telling you to keep going, eyes not leaving you once.

And you’re weak. You’re a weak, weak person for the guy you hadn’t wanted to let go in the first place. He was so sweet and he was the same Yoongi you knew and loved, only much more attentive. It was exactly what you wanted from him to begin with.

Perhaps it was also the fact that you hadn’t slept with anyone in such a long time, but god, you wanted him badly. And you had to be an idiot to miss the way he wanted you just as much.

It’s how the two of you ended up in his huge apartment, dragging each other’s clothes off as hastily as possible. Your lips connected once free, toppling onto his all too big of a bed. You only pull away when you pull on your own hair, a loud laugh coming from the two of you at the awkward moment. But it doesn’t deter you, rather, it fuels you further.

Heart full, laughing at any awkward exchange, you two share a night that could either make or break your shared futures.

! ׅ࣪ ✰︬ ࣪ ׅ ☺︎ ׅ ࣪ ♡ ⃝ ࣪ ׅ ᵎᵎ

an ⋮ i was going to write smut but im so frustrated with everything i write that i had to scrap it or i’d embarrass myself but thank you for reading! i know ppl sometimes read smau’s for the quick read which is why there will only be like a max of one of two written portions throughout the story! gimme ur thoughts! talking to u about my series motivates me a ton, so don’t be shy to talk to me! love u, take care, besitos!

back to you. nine.

! ׅ࣪ ✰︬ ࣪ ׅ ☺︎ ׅ ࣪ ♡ ⃝ ࣪ ׅ ᵎᵎ

an ⋮ hello, im super sorry this is late! life has been a little busying and i didn’t have much time to write, i apologize! but here it is! hearing y’all’s feedback motivates me a lot, so don’t be afraid to talk to me! and can we pls pretend those dms are tinder chats? i didn’t have a layout LMAO SORRY!!!

taglist ⋮ @mizz-kraziii@aria-grace-scott@teenand1dstuff@wrmnssoul@missmadwoman@n4mina@bebebutbetter@dyaidk@heartsarecompatible@l7bangtan@jikooksgirl19@borahae-reads@taegijns@somelazysundays@kpopsimpstruggles@imissheroinbarbie@simpforyoongs@diestheticu@honey-boyyoongimain@miriamxsworld@as-hs-blog@tannies-luv@joshuaseyes@secretly-a-weeb@babycoffeefire@lynniac@ksooed@broken-glowsticks@tinyoonsblog (different color means I am unable to tag you, sorry.)

! ׅ࣪ ✰︬ ࣪ ׅ ☺︎ ׅ ࣪ ♡ ⃝ ࣪ ׅ ᵎᵎ

love roulette, m | myg

pairing(s): yoongi x reader

summary: You get dragged into some dumbass shit thanks to your roommate and childhood best friend, Kim Seokjin. What is the Love Roulette you ask? Seven men put their names in a hat and six consenting women draw their names from said hat. You have to date them for three months. Social experiment, yeah? And the last nonconsenting woman? Why, that’s you!

warnings:rated M (18+) for language; friends-to-lovers; fluff / feels / a bit of a slow but sweet burn; agonizing over becoming an adult; smut (fem reader, f-receiving oral, fingering, nipple play, penetrative sex in Yoongi’s studio); non-idol!BTS - blond, music producer, bassist!Yoongi x noona!reader (yes, Yoongi’snoona and it is relevant to the story), ft best friend!Seokjin and a tinybit of Jungkook x reader (alsoplot relevant); OT7 scene at the end

yes, it’s SOWOOZOO Yoongi, Seokjin, and JK
there’s a bunch of BTS references, enjoy trying to catch them all

“I’m not doing this, Seokjin.”

“Wait, wait, hold on, what if I give you – this?”

You turned around to see Kim Seokjin reaching into his cardigan to pull out a fucking finger heart.

You gave him a look that promised you were about to break his fingers in two seconds.

He laughed awkwardly, quickly yanking his hands back into his jean pockets, honey blonde hair fluffing with the quick jerk of his head to back away from your murderous glare. Why were you friends with this lunatic again? Oh, right, because your dad went golfing with his dad every summer and left you two sitting under an awning with GameBoys, praying you two would get along with minimal supervision.

Also, they prayed you wouldn’t tell your mothers.

“Okay, what if I give you a hundred thousand won?”

Your eye twitched.

“Two hundred thousand.”


“Two hundred and I’ll draw out of your stupid hat.”

A muscle in his cheek twitched. “Fine… fine… You’re a fuckin’ loan shark.”

“You’re literally suggesting the stupidest shit of all time.”

The stupidest shit of all time was a cheap, crumpled, black felt top hat that your long-time friend Kim Seokjin produced from his room after he handed you the money from his wallet – dude was fucking loaded; you weren’t sure why he was being a brat about money that you were going to probably spend on buying snacks for his dumb ass, because he was also your roommate and he ate allthe snacks, including yours, hence why you would probably spend the money on him, because you would buy your own snacks and this rather large and broad-shouldered shit would sneak them when he thought you weren’t looking.


This party hat apparently contained the names of all the male friends in his friend group, who were either in unfulfilling relationships or wanted to be in relationships and thus came up with this stupid love roulette idea where the consenting girls they selected would pick the names and go on dates with the guys. Since Kim Seokjin’s life was a fucking K-drama, he put your ass on the list without asking you because you hadn’t responded to his text in two point five seconds.


You were too busy fucking a guy five years younger than you.

To be fair.

You didn’t knowhe was five years younger than you until you opened his wallet and stared at his driver’s license, and by that time you were taking the condom out of said wallet, so…


Anyhow, six consenting girls and one nonconsenting one.

Seokjin held the hat closed and squinted suspiciously at you.

“Close your eyes,” he barked childishly.

Your eye twitched.

“You have to follow the rules like everyone else!”

“Fucking shit…”

You closed your eyes and stuck your hand out. You heard him open the hat and place it under your hand. You felt around in the fabric, frowning.

“Seokjin, there’s one fucking piece of paper in here,” you growled in annoyance, opening your eyes and yanking your hand out of the hat, the single scrap of rolled-up paper in your palm.

He huffed. “You were the last one to pick. What did you expect?”

“You could have just told me the name!”

He scowled at you. “Of course not. You have to go through the ritual like everyone else.”

“… What the fuck is this, a cult?”

You grumbled and peeled the small piece of paper apart. There was some small, jagged handwriting in the center. You squinted at it.

SUGA? SUGA? The fuck?”

“Oh, that’s Yoongi.”

Min Yoongi.

“Why didn’t he just write Yoongi?”

Seokjin shrugged. “That’s his stage name when he’s producing stuff. Maybe he was trying to look cool.”

You knew Min Yoongi. Pale-skinned, usually dark-haired, and stone-faced with deadpan humor. He was the bassist in a band, but his primary work was producing music. He was also a rapper. And yeah, that was about all you knew, because you didn’t really hang around Seokjin and his friends for long, since they did not know the meaning of inside voices.

You frowned. “Wasn’t he dating that chick with the rich parents?”

Seokjin shrugged. “Does fucking without considering her feelings for him count as a dating?”

You rubbed your temples. “Why do you want me to go on a date with him?”

He pursed his full lips. “Well, I don’t, but rules are rules. It’s only for three months.”



“Hey, noona.”

You twitched.

“Hello, Yoongi.”

Well, this was fucking weird as shit.

You didn’t usually talk to Min Yoongi, at least not directly. It was typically in the middle of chatting with all of Seokjin’s friends. There wasn’t any need to use an honorific when they were only generally talking and not directly addressing you. And Yoongi didn’t really contribute much to the conversation when you were around. The younger ones did, and you were used to their rather noisy noonas, but you were not used to Yoongi’s deep, masculine, slightly husky noona.


This was fucking weird.

“What year were you born?” you asked. Maybe you weren’t his noona so he could stop calling you that.



Why were allof Seokjin’s friends younger than him? Sigh.

The waitress trotted up to your table, oblivious to the awkward air. “Are you ready to order?”

Yoongi looked up and you saw the instant fluster in her face as he raised his head. His bleach blond hair was pushed back with one spare lock fallen onto his forehead almost carelessly, black brows and piercing dark brown eyes adding intensity to his gaze as he redirected his attention from you to her.

“Just an iced Americano.”

He turned back to you and you saw the glimmer of his high cheekbones, well-kept skin leading to a pretty jawline. There was a small upturn to his upper lip, as If he was thinking, and you saw the slight flash of white teeth as he chewed on his lower lip. You looked away from him, trying not to stare too much, addressing the waitress instead.

“Ah… the peach white tea and coffee cake for me.”

“Iced or hot?” the waitress piped cheerfully.

You pursed your lips and made eye contact. She nearly dropped her pen.

“Iced, please.”

“Y-Yes, right away!”

You frowned as she scurried away.

“What’s with her?” you muttered.

“You’re hot.”

Your eyes flickered back to Yoongi. Maybe you were hearing things. He was glancing at his phone screen, still chewing on his lower lip. He acted as if he said nothing at all. He clicked his tongue and put his phone face down on the table.

“Girl problems?” you asked out loud.

He chuckled. “Nope, just six nosy dudes.”

You could guess who.



Now what?

A quiet settled between you and him. You found yourself doing that bad habit of yours where you flicked your left thumb nail against the ring band you wore on your left middle finger. Absentmindedly, you switched to rubbing the pad of your thumb against it instead, not wanting to nick the sterling silver.

“That’s an interesting ring.”

You turned your hand, pulling it off to show him. It was a sizable onyx stone held by skeleton hands and the band was shaped to look like bones. “Seokjin gave it to me.” You slid it back on, raising your hand, eyebrow, and one side of your lips all at once. “I feel it adds a little extra punch when I do a certaingesture.”

Yoongi laughed, raspy and mirthful as you danced your fingers in the air. “Hyung doesn’t like that kind of stuff though,” he mused, referring to the rather spooky nature of the ring.

You shrugged. “Yeah, but I do, so he bought it for me in exchange for not painting the whole apartment black and putting up the goat head in the living room.”

He cocked a dark brow. “You have a goat head?”

You grinned. “Nah, but Seokjin thinks I do and that’s enough.” You pointed to your other two rings. “This one,” you started, referring to your right thumb. “Is called the Devil and as you can see it is a goat head. Seokjin also bought me this one as a replacement for my goat head,” you snickered, and then pointed to your right ring finger. “And this one is called the Fool.” It was a skull with a jester’s hat.

“Hyung gave you that one too?”

“Because I’m an idiot and I don’t know anything.”

Now Yoongi raised both eyebrows.

“Just kidding, I bought this one because Seokjin is an idiot and doesn’t know anything.”

You started laughing, shaking your head as you remembered telling Seokjin that you bought something to always remind yourself of your best friend and then his excitement promptly turning into immediate yelling as you showed him the ring.

He chased you around the apartment for fifteen minutes straight. Never caught you though, even with those long legs. You were far too nimble and clever to be caught by him.

“Told him it represented him. He was not pleased,” you managed to get out between your chortles, left hand over your mouth, your fingertips on your dimples that only peeked out when you were highly amused and Seokjin was highly amusing. You glanced at Yoongi and felt your laugh fall away a bit.

Fuck, he had a breathtakingsmile.

“Always a good idea to decorate pretty hands.”

Now your laughter actually died, heat rising to your neck.

Yoongi said it very casually, making the listener question if he was serious or not. In this case, the listener was you and you almost didn’t believe he said anything at all, but that smile turning into a smirk was telling you otherwise, showing off a flash of teeth and gums as the waitress bustled back with your drinks and your cake, interrupting the moment and your speechlessness.


“How was your date?”

Seokjin shrugged, nonchalantly, trying to seem casual. “Okay, I guess? I was flustered, she was flustered, my first words were ‘Your boobs?!’ and–”

You held up a hand. “Hold on a second, what?”

His ears promptly turned red. “Er, I had a good reason, there was white powder all over them…”

You blinked.

Seokjin blinked very fast.


He coughed abruptly, ears still bright red. “She said was it was flour, said she had been making breakfast, but I guess she forgot to brush it off, I don’t know–”

“Be honest. You thought it was cocaine.”

Seokjin did this thing where he most certainly did think something, but he wasn’t willing to say it out loud, so he just wiggled in place and made his hands dance while the tiny chunk of his fluffy honey blond hair flapped around in the sprout he had it in. His head looked like a golden apple.

“So, let me get this straight, instead of saying, you have something on your shirt, you said, your boobs?!”

He continued doing the wiggling hand dance.

“Mmm-hmmmmmmm…” you hummed.

Seokjin dropped his hands, quickly changing the subject. “What about you? How was Yoongi? Boring?”

You rubbed your thumb against the base of your left middle finger. “Hm, it was kind of nice. But we mostly talked about me. I asked about his work, but he didn’t seem to want to get into it.”

Your roommate puffed his cheeks. “Ah, yeah. He’s having a creative block, I think. He didn’t tell anyone, but he was being really crabby when he was hanging out with us and Hoseok got it out of him. I don’t think he likes admitting he’s stuck, hah.”

You recalled Jung Hoseok’s cheerful demeanor and heart-shaped smile. “Oh, huh. Hoseok does seem like the kind of guy that could talk to someone about that kind of thing.”

“I think that’s why Yoongi’s not really interested in relationships that much, because his head is somewhere else. I’m sorry that he’s not trying.”

You frowned, thinking back to that smile turning into a smirk.

“I don’t think that’s it…”


You tapped your finger against your cheek.

Seokjin stuck his head into your view from the right.

“Thinking about younger dudes again?”

Your eye twitched. You put a hand on his face and shoved him out of view.

He showed up on your left.

“Because you should stop fucking younger dudes if you’re going on dates with Yoongi.”

You placed a hand on his face again and pushed him away. “I’m not thinking about younger dudes, fuck off. I don’t have sex younger guys on purpose. It just happens.”

Seokjin popped his head above you and gave you a pair of huge, disbelieving eyeballs. You squinted angrily back. His eyebrow raised; brown orbs skeptical. You clicked your tongue at him and he retreated, settling down on the couch in front of you.

“Did Yoongi cancel on you again?”

You shrugged. “Said he was working on something and that he was sorry that we had to reschedule.”

Seokjin looked unconvinced again, but this time it wasn’t directed at you. “He should at least pretendto care,” he scowled.

You shrugged again. “I mean, maybe he doesn’t like me.”

“I don’t care whether he likes you or not, he agreed to this, so at least attend the damn dates!”

“Wow, very nice way to put it,” you replied dryly.

He waved a hand impatiently. “Besides, don’t be dumb, Yoongi has said before he would totally bang you.”

You raised an eyebrow.

Seokjin seemed to realize what he said and dropped his phone right on his dick.


You burst out laughing.

Your best friend wheezed, scrambling around to grab his phone before he gingerly rubbed his crotch, wincing as you continued laughing, you falling over on the armrest of the couch and clutching your sides as Seokjin snapped at you, voice rising to shrill rap levels.

“Yah, you think this is funny?! I could have died! I could be childless and all you’re doing is laughing at my pain, so mature of you, you insensitivejerk!”

You snorted and shook yourself free of your laughter, smirking widely. “Why would the topic of banging me ever come up in conversation with you guys?” you redirected, bringing him back to the reason of why he almost crushed his own nuts.

He made a pained squeak, eyes shifting. “Er, well, he was complaining about the whole thing in general, saying he didn’t really wanna date any of the girls we brought into the love roulette thing and then Taehyung made him pick one out of all of them, that if he had to close his eyes and fuck, which one, and Yoongi scoffed and said, that’s easy and I wouldn’t close my eyes.” Seokjin stuck his tongue out in distaste at the memory. “Never have I been more mortified hearing your name.”

Oh? Kim Taehyung would do something childish like that, forcing someone to choose on the spot. Still, it seemed Yoongi had chosen rather easily, or at least that’s what it sounded like. Seokjin fumbled around his phone and typed into it. Your phone pinged with his message.

“Here, just show up at his studio. Dude should at least spare an hour talking to you or something. Whatever he’s doing cannot be that important.”


The door unlocked with a beep and a shaggy blond head stuck out, blearily blinking at you.

“Huh? What are you doing here, noona?”

Please stop saying it like that. It is disturbing me for some reason. You waved your hands around, mimicking your annoying best friend.

“Something, something, uphold the integrity of the love roulette, my name is Kim Seokjin and you will listen to me or I will lock you out of this apartment and never let you back in, even though he’s the one who asked me to move in with him because he’s too cheap to pay the full rent on his own even if he is fully capable of it.”

You finished by flapping your arms and rolling your eyes.

“Anyway, I’m here now. We can just talk. I can’t go back until at least an hour has passed.”

You saw Min Yoongi chew on his lower lip. He was bare-faced, in a large gray t-shirt and black track pants with black sandals. “Ah…” he started before sighing. “I could take you somewhere nicer than–”

You waved a hand. “This is fine. I like watching people at work. Provides insight into their interests.”

He gave you a strange look and tilted his head. Then he backed up and held the door open for you with an apologetic smile.

“To be honest, I’m not really working.”

You stuck your head in the studio space and saw the pile of crumpled paper and a notepad with a pen, surrounded by empty coffee cups and torn open snacks, as if he had only sampled one from each and put them back down. There was a gray sofa next to the door that looked like it had seen many a comfy nap. The table on the other side of the room was quite large, holding a monitor, keyboard, and various other things that surely had to do with music, but you weren’t informed enough to know them. Amps shoved under the table and against the wall. Speakers and television above the monitor. But that’s not what got your attention.

It was the wall of bass.

Okay, it had guitars on it too, one acoustic, one electric, and two bass. Actually, there almost seemed to be a third, but there were no strings on it and it seemed to be purely made out of wood. You tilted your head, stepping inside to look at them, but Yoongi touched your arm.

“Ah, shoes off…”

“Oh, sorry.”

You reached down to unzip your boots and step out of them, hearing Yoongi close the door behind you. You looked up again and wandered off to the far wall, looking at the instruments. The cases for them were stacked neatly in the corner. The acoustic guitar was black. The electric was white, turned cream with age, the metal plate scratched with use. One bass was a dark amber color with a marbled texture. It was also a bit scratched. The other bass was pure black with hints of crimson inlaid into the wood grain, giving it a dark appearance. This one seemed newer.

“These three are recording ones,” Yoongi said softly behind you, pointing to the first three. He pointed to the black and red one. “Show one.”

You pointed to the wooden one on the floor. It had an interesting shape to it and it was quite large.

“This one?”

Yoongi let out a puff of air. “Supposed to be a custom make. But I don’t have the money for it right now to get it painted.” He clicked his tongue, seemingly disappointed about it.

You squatted down and tilted your head to inspect the details.

“I’ve never painted wood before,” you murmured. “Only canvases and paper. I guess a bass would be even more different than a décor piece, huh, considering it needs to be durable and stand up to constant use.”

“You’re interested in art? I thought you were a medical records clerk.”

You laughed, standing up and brushing off your long black-and-white check flannel shirt that you were wearing as a dress. “I am, to pay the bills, not because it’s my lifelong passion,” you replied, looking over the wall. “I’m interested in a lot of things. My problem is that I can’t maintain interest in things, so I try not to invest in them. I find that I feel satisfactory at the first results I get, so I never try to achieve more. It’s a bad habit.”

“Jack of all trades, master of none?”

You didn’t respond for a moment. Then you looked at him, blond, fluffy-haired Min Yoongi, watching you curiously like a cat with his pointed, dark brown eyes. Dedicated musician.

“I think I lack an interest in life in general,” you sighed, looking around the studio. “That’s why I like watching people enjoying their interests.”

Yoongi chuckled dryly, ending with a sigh and running his long fingers through his hair. “Right now, I wouldn’t say I’m enjoying my interests…” he mumbled, kicking aside a balled-up piece of paper. It hit your ankle, grazing your sock.

“Seokjin said you were experiencing a creative block.”

He scowled and went to the office chair, spinning it around and slumping down into it, his blond hair ruffling. You could sense his tiredness, although it didn’t seem purely physical. Yoongi looked past you, to the wall of instruments.

“Sometimes I wish I wasn’t interested in music.” He scoffed a little, glancing at you. “You think that’s stupid, huh? For me to spend all this money and time, only to sit on my ass for hours throwing paper around and wishing I didn’t want to do it.”

You shrugged, sitting down on the sofa. “I don’t really have an opinion.” You looked around you at the four walls and the frosted glass door. “I’m not really the kind of person to spend hours on something. I give up easily, which might be just as bad. The fact that you’ve even been here doing nothing is impressive to me.”

Yoongi raised his eyebrows disbelievingly.

You pointed to his instruments. “The fact that you even play bass is intriguing. It’s often overlooked as an instrument.”

He snorted, clearly annoyed. You paused before continuing, sensing that Yoongi was about to do something. He abruptly stood up and walked over to the wall, taking the amber bass off its hooks and came back, sitting back into his chair. He didn’t say anything to you, just started playing. You sat patiently and listened to the bassline of ‘Seven Nation Army’ by The White Stripes.

“That wasn’t played on a bass, Yoongi.”

His sharp eyes shot to yours, narrowing.

“That was played on a guitar tuned down an octave.”

He stopped, placing his palm over the strings. “What?” he hissed.

You shrugged. “Yeah.” You pointed to his keyboard. “And a lot of famous basslines are played on a keyboard or synth bass.”

Now, of course,” he snapped. “Charlie Puth’s ‘Attention’, Bruno Mar’s ‘24K Magic’–”

“Michael Jackson’s ‘Thriller’ and ‘Billie Jean’ as well.”


“I am not.”


“Where the hellhave you been? It’s been five hours!”

“Oh, hey Seokjin. Hold this for a second.”

Kim Seokjin made a face as you handed him a large heavy bag and you leaned over to pick up the thing wrapped in beige canvas fabric beside the door. His eyes widened as you hoisted the item and walked into the apartment with the wooden bass body.

“The fuck? Isn’t that Yoongi’s?” Seokjin blurted, kicking the door closed and following you.

“Yeah, he asked me to paint it.”

“You can paint?”

You placed the body on the kitchen table and took the bag from him, taking out the supplies inside. Wood sealer, sandpaper, gloves. You frowned, thinking.

“Apartment might smell weird for a couple days.”

“What… What is going on?” Seokjin sputtered, looking at the mess that you were slowly making as you laid everything out. “You suddenly paint guitars?”


“Okay,bass, but this doesn’t make any sense,” he cut in, smacking the table. “Yoongi barely trusts us to touch his instruments! Why… how could he trust you to paint that bass body that I know he spent months saving up for? You don’t know anything about stuff like this.”

You shrugged, pulling out your phone. “I can look at up.”

“Butwhywould he trust you?”

You paused, tilting your head. You furrowed your brow, thinking.

“I don’t know,” you finally admitted. “He just said to do it.”


“Why would you want to know these things?”

Yoongi was sitting beside you on the sofa after you had indeed proved to him of the famous but impostor basslines. You shoved your phone in your pocket and shrugged. “I like knowledge. I just don’t do much else outside of that,” you said with a soft chuckle, placing a hand on your cheek. “I’m too busy being dragged into Seokjin’s grand master plans and ideas, so I guess I just invest my time into people rather than a hobby.”


Yoongi’s eyes drifted to his desk.

“I don’t invest in people much. Just music.”

He let out a little puff of breath.

“People are disappointing.”

“Yeah, Seokjin’s kind of a fool, but he usually makes dinner, so I guess I have to compromise.”

Yoongi burst out in his raspy and deep laughter. “Hah, it’s funny when you talk down to hyung so nonchalantly, noona.”

You twitched a little at the honorific. Your eyes shifted and you caught his gaze, realizing he was watching you, smile dancing on his lips. You raised an eyebrow at his expression. The smile was slowly turning into a smirk.

“What?” you finally asked, breaking the silence.

Yoongi spoke frankly. “He told me you like fucking younger guys.”

Your eye twitched. “I don’t know they’re younger most of the time. I usually find out later,” you muttered, waving a hand.

“Hmm. Why? More vigorous?” he prodded.

You made a face. “What am I, a vampire sucking the life force out of youth? No.”

Yoongi leaned forward, pushing back half of his blond hair so he could look at you and raise his dark eyebrow, searching your face for the answer. “You’re attracted to immaturity?”

“Psh, if that was true, I would have dated Seokjin a long time ago.”

Yoongi nodded, placing his chin on the back of his left hand, that small smile still there, musing for a moment. He hummed, looking you up and down.


Those dark brown orbs examined you and, for some reason, you felt that he was about to hit the nail on the head. You weren’t sure how you knew. You just knew.

“Because you don’t want to feel that you’ve become an adult.”


You breathed out slowly, staring into those pensive, cat-like eyes.

“Hm,” you tutted, clicking your tongue. “It’s not that anything has changed since I graduated.” You stuck your tongue into your cheek, contemplating. “The same routine every day – work, hang out with Seokjin, sleep, work, hang out with Seokjin, sleep. All I did was replace school with work. At least school had finals and summer to break up the time. Now it feels like the time just runs together into a muddled puddle.”

You heard his presence shift beside you and you grasped that you had lost focus for a moment, snapping your head up to see Yoongi leaning forward, peering at you curiously. So close you could smell his scent, not cologne, but perhaps his laundry detergent. Or maybe it was just Yoongi, smelling a bit like a newly printed book and a little woodsy. Clean. He tilted his head. From here you could see how his pink lips were moisturized, but over-bitten, chewed at unconsciously. His fair skin seemed to glow along with his bleached hair, giving him an ethereal appearance.


The way he said it, husky and deep, was highly unsettling.

Mostly because you found yourself utterly speechless.

“You said you like watching people at work.”

He ticked his head, giving you an open-mouthed smirk.

“I think you gave me a good idea.”


You tilted your head, frowning.

“Do I have to sand it?”

“Ugh, it stinks!”

Seokjin walked past your and flipped open the window, sucking in a vat of air.


“Let’s move the table next to the window so I don’t get high off whatever the fuck you’re doing,” Seokjin complained, practically picking up the table on his own, and you panicked a little, grabbing the wood sealer and sandpaper before it could roll off. “Oof, heavy…”

“Be careful–”

“I am! What, you think I want to ruin your project? Hell no! Yoongi would torch my nuts off for messing with his bass and his fuckbuddy.”

You blinked at him as Seokjin set the table down, rolling out his broad shoulders.

“I haven’t slept with Yoongi.”

He jerked, honey blond hair flying. “What? You’re kidding me. You must’ve.”

You raised an eyebrow. “Huh? Why?”

Seokjin raised his hands, frowning. “Uh, because he’s actually in a good mood for once? Men are usually in a good mood when they’re getting laid.”

“Is that why you’ve been in a good mood lately?”

He blinked very rapidly.

You blinked back.


He coughed, exaggerated and dramatic. “What?”

“Did you sleep with ‘your boobs’?” you asked, very calmly and very matter-of-factly.

Seokjin did this thing where he did not want to respond to you, and instead wiggled in place and made his hands dance awkwardly. His ears were turning very red.

“Uh… hah…” you mused, clicking you tongue. “Was it nice?”

He coughed again.

“You dying?”

He waved a hand and squinted at you angrily. “Well, I ended up doing a lot of work, but she’s cute, so…”

“You like doing work.”

“I really do notwant to talk about that package you opened three years ago where you did indeed find out I like doing very specific kinds of work,” he hissed at you. “Do not bring that up again.”

You nonchalantly shrugged. “I wasn’t trying to. You did.”

Seokjin winced, realizing his mistake. “Ack…”

“I’m not judging you.”

“I know you’re not…”

“I didn’t sleep with Yoongi, mostly because he was showing me how he makes songs.”

Seokjin blinked rapidly, but this time in surprise. “What? Yoongi?” He placed a hand on his chin, frowning. “Wow, really? Yoongi doesn’t like showing his stuff until it’s done.”

“I wouldn’t know. He said I gave him a good idea.”

“Yah…” Your roommate looked impressed. “You got him out of his creative block? Just like that?”

“Well, before that we were arguing if ‘Thriller’ had a real bass playing the bassline, but it doesn’t, it’s a synth bass–”

“Do you speak Korean or what?” he teased.

You gave Seokjin a look between, choose to get your nuts kicked or run away.

He scurried into the kitchen with a hasty wave and you went back to Yoongi’s bass.


“I think you’re super hot.”

“I think the same about you.”


Min Yoongi smirked, ticking his aviator sunglasses down. You looked back at him, holding the can of dark blue lacquer paint. His blond hair was slicked back again, with a spare lock sticking out over his exposed forehead. That small smile was on those lips again.

“What?” you finally asked.

“I expected more of a reaction,” Yoongi hummed in that deep voice of his. “But I’m glad you responded the way you did. It’s better.”

You chuckled, picking up another can of a slightly lighter cobalt blue, but still dark. “Hm. I’ll admit I didn’t think you’d talk to me like a university kid.”

Yoongi chuckled. “Isn’t that what you’re into? Younger men?”

“I could use these cans as a blunt weapon, you know.”

“Not if you find me super hot.”

That unsettling shiver travelled up your spine before he said it.


You stared at the ingredients of the can as if those chemical names meant jack shit to you. Slowly, you raised your head, removing your eyes from the blue paint and found dark brown orbs framed by blond strands and black brows watching you curiously like a cat. He had removed his sunglasses, holding them loosely in his hand. Your hands felt heavy even though you wore the same three rings every day. Your body felt hot even though you were wearing a floaty white shirtdress belted at the waist and white sneakers. The air conditioning was on at full blast in the store.

There was no reason to feel heavy and hot.

Yoongi leaned in and his forehead touched yours.

“I like this blue better,” he murmured softly, pointing to the other can in your other hand.

Your heart was beating so fucking fast.

“I need both,” you whispered softly, feeling the softness of his hair brushing your forehead. “I’m going to try to do a gradient effect. Black edges and blue center. When I build it up in layers, it will hopefully look more multi-dimensional.”

Yoongi’s eyebrows rose. “Oh?” You heard his smirk more than seeing it, your gaze caught in that reflective spark that suddenly appeared in his eyes. “I like that idea.” He wasn’t backing away, but he wasn’t trying to force you to stay in place. You could take a step back easily. Yoongi nudged you lightly with his forehead, and you felt it again, even before he said it in that raspy, soft, husky tone of his.

“Hey, noona.”

You swallowed hard.


You heard his small smile.

“I’m glad you’re maintaining interest in this little project I’ve given you.”

You thought that was it. You almost relaxed.

“And me.”

Then Yoongi closed his eyes and gently pressed his lips to yours.


“What happened next?” Seokjin asked excitedly, clutching his white alpaca plush and bouncing on the kitchen chair as you laid out the cans of paint, praying your idea wasn’t stupid as fuck or, rather, that you wouldn’t execute your idea stupid as fuck.

“Nothing,” you snapped. “We were in the middle of the store. What did you think we did, fuck?”

Seokjin shrugged, pursing his full lips in knowing doubt. “I mean you said you fucked that guy with the tattooed arm in the back of that bar.”

Your hands stopped moving, suddenly tense. “That was in the bathroom and it wasn’t that public.”

“You could sneak into the bathroom again. What was the bar guy’s name again?”

You cleared your throat. “I forget.”

“No, you didn’t, you bonehead,” Seokjin scowled, bonking you on the head with his alpaca. “You always remember every guy’s name because you stare at their driver’s license and that’s how you find out they’re younger than you.”

“I didn’t look this time.”

“Liar. You said before you opened his wallet.”

“His license wasn’t in it.”

Seokjin jerked his head back, raising his eyebrows so high they disappeared into his honey blond bangs. “Yeah, sure, he wouldn’t bring his ID to a bar. What do you think I am, an idiot?”

“A fool,” you corrected automatically, holding up your right ring finger.

Seokjin bonked you repeatedly on the head with his alpaca.


Your eyes shifted side to side quickly, avoiding his gaze.

He stopped, frowning.

“What? Do I know him or something?”

The doorbell rang.

Seokjin yelled over his shoulder. “It’s open!” He rolled his eyes, turning his attention back to you. “As if I don’t know you’re coming, Jungkook…”

Then he stopped moving, brown eyes widening like saucepans.

The door opened and a cheerful voice was heard, bounding in after kicking off his shoes.

“Hey! Are you ready to go bowling, hyung? I’m gonna kick your ass today once again!”

Seokjin was staring at you.

You were trying not to look at Seokjin.

Jeon Jungkook popped up next to you two, wearing a short-sleeved olive-green shirt and torn-up olive pants. Black-haired, tan skinned, chisel-jawed Jeon Jungkook with a bright smile that matched his eyes that was slowly turning into confusion. Vibrant and cute Jeon Jungkook who also happened to be five years younger than both you and Seokjin.

Oh, and also.

Had a right arm covered in tattoos.

Jungkook blinked quickly, looking from you to Seokjin, not understanding.


Seokjin was pretty forgetful. He only remembered details of conversations when he was in continuous chat, but afterward, he usually didn’t walk around trying to make connections and put two and two together. He just didn’t think life was a jigsaw puzzle he needed to assemble.

And, well, neither of you acted any differently after certain, er, events happened.



“I heard you fucked Jungkook at a public bar.”

Your eye twitched.

“Was it nice?”

You coughed, scratching your cheek. “Something like that.”

Min Yoongi leaned against his desk and smirked. “Oh. How interesting.”

You stuck your hands in the pockets your black denim jacket and sighed. “This was before the love roulette, thing, okay? And it was one time.”

“Yeah, but you knew who Jungkook was, so you already knew his age.”

You clicked your tongue, narrowing your eyes at that shaggy blond head of hair and amused smile. “So what? He’s an adult. I’m an adult.”

“So you admit you go for younger men on purpose.”

You pinched the bridge of your nose, wincing. “Yes, we established I have this weird dislike for being an adult even though I am one, thank you for reminding me.”

“It’s not that weird.”

You lowered your hand, rubbing your thumb against the base of your left middle finger, onto your silver ring. You looked down at Yoongi sitting at his recording studio desk, wearing an oversized black t-shirt and loose pants, chin resting on the back of his hand, elbow on the tabletop. He lowered his hand to drum on the table with his fingertips.

“I think you’re right. Being an adult sucks ass.”

You blinked slowly, thumb stilling.

“And fucking someone younger than you is completely reasonable, considering you’re incredibly hot.”

You weren’t sure if he was just saying complete horseshit or actually validating you in some strange manner. His face was just too neutral to tell. Still, Yoongi frowned and placed his palm on the surface of the desk, seemingly selecting his next words carefully.

“Thing is, I’m kind of pissed, honestly.”

He stood up and you raised your eyebrows as he cocked his chin, looking down at you now because of his height. Yoongi stuck his tongue in his cheek and narrowed his eyes.

“Jungkook? Just because he’s the youngest?” he asked, walking towards you and making you take a step back. He took another step and your backed up, his head tilting as he continued speaking in that deep, husky voice of his. His face is completely indifferent despite his words. “Or what? Because you find him sexy? Sexier than me?”

The back of your knees hit the sofa.

Yoongi stopped advancing.

That unsettling shiver shot right down your spine and you somehow already knew what was coming next.

“Or,” he purred. “Is it because he calls you noona?”

You didn’t say anything.

Mostly because you couldn’t.


“Hey, noona.”


Jeon Jungkook smiled against your lips, cradling your face in the bathroom stall like this was happening in his bedroom and not in the back of a bar.

“Did you know you shiver when I call you that?” he whispered in between kisses.

“Y… Yeah…”

His tongue traced your lower lip sensually, staring into your eyes. “Does it turn you on?”


He kissed you again, pressing his hard body into yours. “You know what turns me on?” he murmured, slowly unbuttoning the long black shirt you were wearing as a dress.


He leaned in, sliding his right hand into your shirt and your bra, squeezing your breast with his hand and pinching your nipple with two fingers as you gasped in his ear, his lips on yours.

“Knowing that you like it so much when I say it, noona.”


You found your teeth sinking into your lower lip, chewing slowly.

Yoongi reached up and teased it out, pressing his thumb into the fullness.

“Don’t do that,” he murmured. “It’s a bad habit.” He half-smiled. “I would know.”

It wasn’t justthe word. Honorifics were simply remained as honorifics if the person saying them wasn’t attractive to you. And even if they were, it usually depended on the tone and inflection of it. It needed to have that little edge of teasing without sounding arrogant or overbearing. And the voice saying it mattered. Deep. Slightly raspy. Husky.

Yoongi smirked, flashing the side of his teeth and gums.

“Hey, noona.”

You sucked in your cheek, narrowing your eyes. You had to force yourself to speak.


He ticked his head, blond strands curling around that glowing cheekbone.

“I asked him the kinds of things you liked,” Yoongi purred. “Wanna fuck?”


“You’re working so hard on it.”

You rubbed your shoulder, staring at the blue and black body of Yoongi’s bass. “I just want it to look almost like brushstrokes. I have this image in my head. Like a painting.”

Seokjin rubbed your other shoulder. “Still, I’ve never seen you work so hard on something. It’s not even yours. Is he paying you?”

You snorted. “Of course not. How can I charge him when I have zero experience?”

“Looks cool already though,” Seokjin said, poking your cheek. He smiled affectionately, taking the time to correct the loose strands of hair hanging over your face before going back to massaging your shoulder. “You are talented when you apply yourself.”

“Ah, shut up.”


“Heh, just kidding.”

Yoongi took a step back, shrugging casually, hands in his pockets.

You narrowed your eyes. “I’m not.”

Then you reached out and curved your arm around him, placing your hand in that light blond hair, and yanked Yoongi back, his scent back in your vicinity, like new book pages and fresh woods, clean and memorable, bringing his lips to your lips, your thumb on the base of your left middle finger, pressing into that silver band, and Yoongi’s lashes were lowering, leaning down to meet you, his whisper ghosting your lips.

“I’m still a younger man,” he teased.

You clicked your tongue, tangling your fingers in his hair.

“Shut up, Yoongi.”

And you kissed him, his smirk against your lips for only a half-second before he was kissing you back, and it made you breathless, simply breathless at the intensity of it, nothing like that quick softness at the store, but closer to a sudden euphoric rush, your thumb falling from your finger to instead encircle his waist and slide up against his back, pulling him to you and Yoongi was already matching you, his large hands on your waist and deft fingers dancing up your sides, tongue teasing the side of your mouth, making you chase it, chuckling as you growled, forcefully pulling his body to you, flipping open your jacket so it was his t-shirt to yours, two thin layers keeping you apart.

“Hey,” Yoongi murmured against your lips and you could tell the words about to come out his mouth were not going to be sexy ones. “Tell me what it means to be an adult.”

Your brow twitched. “It means for some dumbass reason I still want to fuck a guy who would rather ask philosophical questions than put his dick in me.”

He chuckled and you opened your eyes to his smirk as he pushed you down onto the sofa. “We can still talk about your plethora of wisdom while I’m fucking you.”

“I can’t say I wantan existential crisis while getting dicked,” you muttered irritably.

Yoongi’s fingers traced your chin, cocking an eyebrow, dark brown orbs glittering with amusement. “You sure you’re not going to have an identity crisis since I’m not youngenough for you?” he drawled, snickering.

“Oh, for fuck’ssake, Yoongi,” you growled, pushing your jacket off your shoulders. “I can’t even think when you use a simple ass honorific with me and no one I’ve ever encountered has ever done that to me in my entire life.”

You froze, realizing what you just admitted, your eyes widening and staring up at him, blond hair covering part of his dark brown eyes. Expression unreadable, still holding your chin loosely, shapely pink lips parting. Shit. Your pulse was racing against his fingertips, thundering in your ears.

Yoongi’s thumb slid up and pressed against your lower lip.

He exhaled deeply.

“I can’t…” he mumbled, leaning in. “Really think that well around you either, noona.”

You almost jumped as his lips pressed against yours, startled that Yoongi admitted anything at all, and clearly right to your face and not left ambiguous like every other time, although at the moment his lust was not even remotely ambiguous as his tongue slid between your lips, coaxing yours, his hands sliding down your large t-shirt, fingers grasping the hem and forcefully yanking up, groaning softly as he grabbed your thighs, squeezing hard, kissing you deeper before breaking apart, forehead to forehead, his blond hair feathering against your cheeks.

Fuck,” he hissed, clutching the softness and spreading them apart, kneading them strongly between his fingers. “Fuck, your legs are so fucking sexy. Fuck,” he continued, teeth sinking into his lower lip, looking down at them, watching the way his fingers sank into them, sending shivers up and down your spine as his nails dug into your skin, the plushness standing out between his long digits. “Fuck, I just want to shove my dick between then and get off like that.”

He let go and you gasped as he slapped his palms on the outside of your thighs and forcefully pushed them together, moaning at the sound of them hitting each other. His thumbs slid inward, following the line of your joined thighs.

“Right here, fuck…”

You wondered if he somehow forgot you were still there for a second before his eyes suddenly locked with yours, lower lip popping out from between his teeth.

“Gonna eat you out right now,” he whispered in that low, raspy tone.

“Oh, uh…”

That was about as coherent as you could get as he dropped to his knees and you hurried to yank down your panties, Yoongi taking over and pulling them down off your legs, tossing them onto the couch carelessly, scooping his hands under you to grab your ass and yank your heat to his face, already dripping for him, his satisfied sigh warming your inner thighs as he leaned in, open-mouthed smirk on his lips.

Dangerous eye contact.

“Can’t wait to make you feel good,” he purred, ticking an eyebrow.

You felt an embarrassing clench even before he said it, a little teasing and playful.


His pink tongue slid out and he lowered his head, rendering you breathless in seconds, not just from the lewd gesture but from the contact of tongue to your soaked pussy, licking up and down in long elegant strokes, oh, fuck, warm, soft, but also pressure, dipping into your slit and humming with pleasure from your muscles tightening. Your head tipped back as he slowly fucked you with his tongue, your hand naturally travelling up and pushing his blond hair away from his face, looking into those cat-like eyes, his black pupils expanding as he observed your reaction, somehow still seeing the smirk in those eyes. He angled your hips more to his face and leaned back a little, letting you watch his tongue slide in and out of you, not exactly deep but fucking hot as hell, and ten times better with his smug expression.

“Y… Yoongi, fuck…”

He chuckled and retreated his tongue, glossy from your juices and his saliva, raising an eyebrow.

“Let’s move to the main stage.”

You had maybe a second to appreciate Yoongi’s blond hair tangled in your fingers with his self-satisfied smirk and pink tongue covered in you before he dove in again, the wet muscle smacking your clit. You hissed a little, bucking your hips into his face, and his hands rose, grabbing your thighs and shoving them onto his shoulders, bobbing his head up and down, flicking his tongue against your clit and sucking, you finally getting the hint and pressing your thighs against his cheeks, rocking your hips into his face and he moaned into your core, pleased with your addition to his work, looking up at you through his lashes, throbs of ecstasy heightened by his scorching gaze, one of your hands in his blond locks and the other holding your shirt out of the way to see everything, your shoulder blades pressing into the back of the couch and your ass in his strong hands holding you in place, his skillful tongue and lips driving you insane.

“A—ah, Yoongi…!”

Fast, hard, tight, wet, shivers at his touch and the pressure, so close, so close, almost aching with need, and it was like Yoongi was listening to every hitch of your breath, every moan, chasing the ones that your made when the pleasure was the highest, until the pleasure was the only thing you could feel, eyes rolling back, hips rising into his face, squeezing his head with your thighs as you came with a sharp cry of his name, tense flinches sliding down your body and into his mouth, his tongue pressed flat to your clit to feel every strong pulse of your orgasm, his moan of your name trapped between your own legs.

The tension in your shoulders lessened and you fell back against the sofa, but Yoongi raised your ass even higher, dropping down to drink your cum, his contented hum vibrating through you and making you leak more onto his face, your gasps filling up his studio as he buried his tongue into your folds and sucked hard, your hips knocking into his chin and nearly falling over yourself.

Yoongi, however, remained firm with his grip.

“Okay, I get it, you’re fucking amazing at eating pussy, fuck…” you panted, releasing his hair and anchoring yourself, your ass literally in Yoongi’s hands now, trying not to tip over from the shaking pleasure. You caught his eye, narrowing yours as you noticed the gleam in them. “What?”

He raised his chin and your cheeks heated, seeing your juices glistening on his skin.

A different kind of glow, all right.

“You taste delicious,” he said, grinning.

“Well, I do, but when you say it like that, you sound like a vampire,” you muttered, looking away and wriggling out of his grasp. He helped lower you, but before you could reorient, Yoongi closed the distance, kissing you again, forcing you to taste yourself, stealing your breath and your senses, lured by a sweet and soft tongue, falling into the kiss that tasted like him and you, his hands pushing your shirt up, up, fingertips dancing over your skin to his melody, falling, falling, back into the couch, Yoongi towering over you, his hair like a gilded curtain shrouding your cheeks, breaking the kiss only to yank your shirt up and over your head before immediately returning, hungry and intense. You felt one of his hands slide under your bra and you reached up impatiently to unhook it and fling it aside, moaning into his mouth as he kneaded your breasts, running his fingertips over your hard nipple, smiling at your reactions.

“I like your sounds,” Yoongi chuckled, nipping at your lower lip. “Soft but impatient. So sexy.”


But before you could finish, you cut yourself off with a gasp, feeling his fingers slide down your stomach and rub light circles onto your throbbing clit, captured by his lips again. You raised your hips to his touch, but he was already doing it, two fingers sliding into you, inhaling in your exhale, his thumb stroking your clit as he slowly thrust in and out, his name whimpered into his mouth, Yoongi, fuck, and yours breathed into your mouth, just one more, I want to feel you in my hands, rolling your nipple between his fingers, your hiss for him to be rougher and his small smile against your lips.

His lips, trapping you in a heated kiss, his hand, pinching your nipple, the other hand, two fingers deep and his thumb coaxing your clit, fast and forceful, far too masterful with his hands, doing two things at once, playing you like his instrument, and with that thought you tipped over the edge, somewhat indignant with yourself that you just mentally compared yourself to Yoongi’s bass, but soon the pleasure was too much and the thoughts melted like butter, waves rushing up from your core, making you break away from Yoongi’s kiss and moan loudly, the lewd mix of your voice and the squelch of your orgasm pouring onto his palm soaked by the soundproofing, accented by Yoongi’s little huff of triumph, sighing as he felt your walls clench around his fingers powerfully.


“Right now, I think,” Yoongi mused.

You clicked your tongue as he grinned, slowly pulling his fingers out. He yanked his shirt over his head and you reached over to your jacket, only to feel Yoongi smack your thigh to get your attention. You stopped and shot him an annoyed look.


You caught the condom he threw at you. You raised your eyebrows, surprised that he had one prepared. Usually, you were the one who had to take charge of safe sex.

Yoongi snickered. “What? I’m old enough to take responsibility for my own dick.”

You scowled.

Until he yanked his pants and underwear down and you saw his very beautiful cock pop out.

“What are you looking so shocked for? You’re completely naked,” Yoongi chuckled, kicking his pants aside. “Why wouldn’t I be hard?”

“I… wasn’t really expecting you to have such an attractive dick.”

Now he raised his eyebrows and you felt you neck heat, realizing that you once again spoke before thinking. You almost looked away, but he smirked, just a flash of teeth and gums, light blond hair messy and wild, and you felt the anticipation rise within you again, staring deep into those dark brown cat-like eyes.

“So sorry that you can’t just sit here and stare at it, because I’m going to put it in you…”

You were already tearing open the condom, cheeks on fire, but still somehow very much wanting to hear it from anyway that deep, husky, masculine voice.


The age difference wasn’t even that much, but, fuck, did it do things to you.

It took no time at all, Yoongi taking the condom from you, rolling it down, one hand taking your leg and pressing it to his chest, his wordless question of, ready, and your glare of, put your fucking dick in me now, his irresistible smirk at your reaction, and both of you moaning deeply as he sank in, centimeter by hard centimeter, fuuuck, filling you up as you constricted around him, making him work for it, letting him feel it all, his other hand snaking up to cup one of your breasts, flicking your nipple, and you growled and rolled your hips into him, smacking into his crotch. Yoongi sucked in a breath, glaring through wispy strands of blond, but then his expression changed into one of slyness.


Yoongi leaned down slightly, your leg pressed to his abs and pecs, roughly tweaking your nipple, making you gasp with his touch and his expression.

“Fuck me back,” he ordered in a low snarl.

You clenched your jaw and slapped your hips up as he smacked his down, biting back your groan at the intensity, not fast but wholly satisfying, Yoongi playing with your nipples and gripping your thigh, thrusting into you at a steady pace, gaining depth and power from you meeting him, the loud slaps of skin to skin paired with the squish of your wetness, your breathing shallowing into pants, chasing it, chasing him, his melody and his passion, heavy and hot and wanton, so good, fuck, his cock was just so, so fucking good with the way he fitted into your tightness and it was made even better because you were giving back to him as much as he was giving to you, Yoongi’s eyes watching you and you watching his, lost in him and him lost in you, all because Kim Seokjin paid you two hundred thousand won to draw out of a crumpled party hat.

Damn, Seokjin, it really is awesome to be your friend.

“I should thank hyung for his childhood best friend choices,” Yoongi chuckled, saying exactly what you were thinking.

You grinned. “Somehow I think he would be very proud to know we’re talking about him during sex.”

“Better him than philosophy questions according to you,” Yoongi teased, releasing your nipple and planting his hand on the sofa, leaning down to give you a swift kiss, practically bending you in half, quick but blissful, only to reposition himself above you, cocking his head, his voice a purring drawl.

“Think you’ve worked hard enough. Let me reward you.”

And then your hands flew to his shoulder and hair, gasping at his strength, holding on as he really began to fuck you, hard and fast and rough, the smacking sounds getting louder and deafened by the soundproofing so no one on the outside could hear, but inside it was a fucking porno, one of your legs hooked around Yoongi’s waist and the other on his shoulder, your nails digging into his shoulder and scalp, his smirk above you, blond bangs bouncing. The sofa was hitting the wall repeatedly, his cock burying deep inside you and your pussy squeezing his entire length, savoring it all, his labored breathing, his murmur of your name, the sound of him entering you over and over, wanting it, needing it, needing him, completely invested and not sure how to get out anymore, all because Yoongi was looking at you with too much lust, too much fondness, too much interest.


Your name coming from those lips just sounded so, so good, like your favorite song.

“You’re so fucking hot,” he panted.

Coming from someone much younger than you, it might have sounded disingenuous and insincere, but coming from Yoongi it sounded like the highest praise in the world, mostly because of the conviction behind his tone.

Then, the side of his lips quirked up.



You clenched your jaw, but it was too late, too fucking late because you toppled over the edge, tremors of pleasure shooting up from your core, leaving you lost for words and thoughts, nothing but the tumbling fall of orgasm overtaking you, squeezing your thighs around Yoongi’s body and your pussy around his cock, dripping all over his crotch and balls, the smell of sex heavy and sweet. Yoongi groaned, fingers sinking into your thigh and gripping it tight as he thrust into you once, twice, and a sharp hiss of your name, his stiff cock twitching and jerking inside you, spilling into the condom, matching your shivers of pleasure, struggling to catch his breath just like you.


“F… Fuck…”

You both panted heavily, staring at the ceiling, relishing in the aftershocks.

“Maybe we should have more philosophical discussions,” you mumbled through wispy pants. “Maybe then we’d be a lot more eloquent while fucking.”

Yoongi snickered, hugging your thigh affectionately.

“Whatever you want, noona.”

You eye twitched involuntarily.

“On second thought, shut up, Yoongi.”


“Working hard for your man?” your best friend teased as you bent over the now blue and black bass body, hair tied up and wearing a mask. The window was open and a warm twilight breeze was drifting in, sunlight orange and fading. You spoke without looking up.

“’Your boobs’ showed up looking for you.”

You heard Kim Seokjin scowl. “She has a name, you know.”

You recalled the name tag pinned onto a uniform that did indeed seem to contain some massive tits.

“Yeah, I don’t remember. Anyway, she asked me if you would rather go to that new cryptozoology exhibit or the arcade and I told her you don’t like arcades because you almost lost your nuts once at the air hockey table.”


You shrugged, deliberately forgetting about hitting the puck so hard that you nearly removed Seokjin’s ability to have children. “I told her to get the tickets and that you’ll meet her at the museum on Saturday at three in the afternoon.”

Your roommate coughed. “Well, I can go earlier, I’ll just–”

“No, you are not canceling your dentist appointment. I told her to be extra nice to you because you’re going to the dentist and you don’t want to be a liar, do you?”

You looked up and Seokjin is making a face that stated he very much wanted to be a liar.


“Also, I told her that she could stay the night, but I can always come back from Yoongi’s and interrupt you while you’re getting your dick sucked.”

Seokjin frowned and grumbled under his breath, shooting you an annoyed pout.

“You’re a big meanie, you know that? Of course, you do. Meanie.”

He shuffled away, but not without sticking his tongue out childishly before whipping his head around the corner.


“Damn, that’s the second sexist thing I’ve ever seen.”


A pause.

You made a face.

“Second? What’s the first?”

Min Yoongi smirked and raised an eyebrow, not replying.

You narrowed your eyes at him and turned back to the thing you had set on Yoongi’s studio sofa, partially unwrapped from the canvas fabric. The glossy bass body gleamed, now finished with the black border and dark cobalt center, mimicking brushstrokes like a painting, and you thinking of all the hours spent over these three months. It was weird, seeing it done.

“I’m sorry it took so long,” you mused, nodding to yourself. “Work, dates, sex.”

“I’m not complaining, noona.”

“Shut it.”

Yoongi ignored your snappish response and reached out to run his fingertips over the shine. “Damn. It’s going to look so fucking sick fully assembled.”

“Didn’t you say you found someone to do it?”

Yoongi grinned, removing his hand and pushing back his blond hair. “Mhm, and it’s much cheaper since it’s painted now.”

“Ah. That’s good.”


“You maintained interest in it.”

Your eyes traveled over the curve of the edge, remembering your panic when you found a bubble had formed, using hours and careful sanding to smooth your mistake out. “I did.”<

not allowed, interlude | 20220615

drabble: ‘not allowed’ series; fluff
pairing(s): est. poly relationship yoongi x reader x jungkook

You can’t plan everything in life, but there are some things, surely, that stay consistent - people that will always help face what comes. That’s what you are to Min Yoongi and Jeon Jungkook.

part i | part ii | part iii | part iv | part v | part vi | part vii | part viii | part ix | part x | part xi | part xii | part xiii

“Are you afraid?”

He smiled wryly. “I feel like I should be.”

You smiled back.

“But it’s hard to be when I see you.”

“Why’s that?” you asked him, tilting your head.

He did that thing with his expression, the playful narrowing of his eyes and the spark to his smile, the thing that was so subtle and yet so very him. For a moment, it was quiet, staring into those dark brown orbs and him into yours, a sudden reflection of all the time between you and him, all the different personas you had seen grow and change, SUGA of BTS, Agust D, Min Yoongi. He used to say he was envious of you for living a ‘normal’ life, but you reminded him that sometimes you had to hide in bushes or pretend you were HYBE staff, acting like a criminal undercover is not very normal, Yoongi, to which he responded with an annoyed squint, but that was life. There were all these normal things and then there were the abnormal, unique things that made each person an individual.

Yoongi happened to have a lot of abnormal, unique things that made him a very strong individual.

“I don’t think I’ve ever met someone so ready to do so many reckless things,” he chuckled.

You waved a finger. “That’s not true. You’ve met Jeon Jungkook.”

He laughed then, a familiar, lovely sound.

Time had moved fast and slow all at once. It felt as if you had only just met Yoongi and simultaneously known him all your life, so ingrained in your lifeline that it was hard to imagine not knowing him.

“You are the perfect companion to have a journey with,” he said softly.

You could see he meant it, and it was strange, the sheepishness you felt and slight awkwardness, all of it mirrored in his expression as well, because neither of you were very good at that kind of talk, maybe after a few drinks or over text or in the middle of the night when the edges of the world seemed a little hazy, during the darkest time right before the dawn where all possibilities were born. Most of the time you and him relied on gaze, on simply reading him and him reading you.

But sometimes.

Sometimes you needed to say it, because that made it all the more real.

“I’m been on this journey with you for a long time,” you said to him. “Would be a real shame if I chickened out now when we were just getting to another very good part.”

“Aren’t you mad at me for packing my schedule now?” he joked, tapping his glass.

“Not at all. Your English sucks,” you teased, even though secretly you thought his pronunciation was very impressive… and attractive. How could someone who claimed to not know English very well annunciate so beautifully? Surely, suspicious.

Surely, not allowed.

“Besides,” you exhaled, pouring him a little more despite his raised eyebrows. “I think it’s good. It reminds me of back then, when you worked so hard to be seen and now you’re working hard to see yourself. That’s important and I never want you to feel like you are being held down by me.” You nodded to yourself, thinking deeply about it. “Even I, too… there are many things I’m interested in, although not nearly as cool as your things.”

“You could join Pilates with me.”

“That’s true, your ass is definitely pop like trouble,” you replied. Respectfully.

“On second thought, I practice in the HYBE building, I don’t think we can.”

“Ah, that’s too bad.”

A silence like a comforting melody. You watched him and he noticed mid-sip, looking back.

“You guys are so cool. I’m glad to know you and the rest of the members.”

The edges of his jaw were getting flushed. You wondered if it was the alcohol or the flash of embarrassment. Stop that, those eyes said. You read him easily. There was magic in that, not being able to hide from each other, handing him the proverbial pen to write your story and him handing it back, an adventure among ink, a book in memories.

You grinned at Min Yoongi.

“Books are always more fun when there are twists and turns in different parts.”


“How many mattresses is too many mattresses?”

“One more than your heart desires.”

He grinned, the flash of white teeth and amusement etched around his bright eyes, the mole underneath his lower lip peeking out to play. “The hyungs say you’re a bad influence on me, noona. You always tell me to do whatever I want.”

You snickered. “Good thing you’re the idol, because I would probably drive HYBE bonkers.”

Jeon Jungkook tilted his head at you, playful and with all the mischief of the Golden Maknae. Shirtless and laying on his stomach, looking up at you curiously. There was a time where you thought he was very different from you, but lately you had been feeling it was the opposite, that actually there were all these qualities that you shared, consciously or unconsciously, and it was a desired problem to have, loving Jeon Jungkook too much.

“Why do you say that?” he questioned.

“Well, firstly I don’t think the company would enjoy my excessive swearing–”

Jungkook laughed. “We can edit that out!”

“Secondly, I don’t think HYBE would enjoy all the sneaky, half-nakey pictures I would want to take of you.”

His round, big peepers went wide. “You would do what?” he gasped dramatically, acting as if he couldn’t believe it even though you were prettysure there was a very interested sparkle dancing behind those shaking dark brown irises

You waved a hand, playing along. “I’m just sayingI could take some very artful photos for your IG, that’s all. We don’t have to expose any bits.” You bounced your eyebrows. “You seem to want to do that on your own.”

“Itold you, that was an accident!”

You placed your hands together in mock prayer and looked up to the ceiling. “Thank you for your hard work, button-nim.”

Jungkook shoved you lightheartedly and you laughed, rolling about in a ball for a moment. This. It was these moments, this time in a bottle, not the same as the years with Yoongi, but just as meaningful. A different kind of depth, a breathlessness that you savored, tipping your head and finding his lips, stopping time with softness and a hint of silver ring, and you realized that you, too, had changed, somehow an impossible to a possible, somehow a hope in a different universe becoming reality in this one, and that was so weird to think about that, years ago, young you would have never thought that you would taste the magic of Jeon Jungkook’s kiss.

There’s nothing like us.

Also, young you would be gagging at the thought of being this mushy but Jungkook did that to you, this was all his fault for being so earnest and wonderful to love. Surely, he must be stopped.

Surely, not allowed.

He grinned against your smile, unstoppable.

“I always feel better when I see your face.”

“Kind of hard to see it when you’re all up in my business.”

Jungkook closed one eye and brought the open one very close to yours, brushing your eyebrow with his eyelashes to be both annoying and cute. You licked his underlip mole and he backed up, laughing. It was short-lived though, his expression softening, looking down at you.

“I… I just always feel like I can do anything when I know you’re by my side,” he breathed, soft and light.

“That’s because you can do anything,” you chuckled, reaching up to tuck part of his black hair behind his ear. “You’re just a little lazy sometimes. I understand.”

Jungkook leaned against your palm and you stilled.

“I always think I can be better,” he sighed ruefully.

“Everyone can,” you murmured softly. “But imperfection is also perfection in its own way. Without it, you wouldn’t have the guts to run forward, right?”

That little roguish spark danced in his eyes. “You sound just like him.”

“You mean he sounds like me.” You stuck your tongue out, bantering with the absent Yoongi.

“Maybe you should write lyrics.”

“Definitely not.”

“Could be fun,” he nudged. “You have lots of cool things to say.”

“I have a whole lotta nonsense to say. That can be your job to make sense of it.”

“That’s plagiarism.”

“I’m not looking for royalties, I’m only looking for–” You abruptly cut yourself off.

Jungkook raised his eyebrows. A very Kim Seokjin-esque face. He did learn from his hyungs after all. You remained tight lipped. He wiggled his eyebrows, making them laugh at you.

For?” He dragged out the word, reaching out and dragging you to him.

“Yah, Jeon Jung–!”

drabbles masterpost | masterpost

seesaw (demo ver), m | myg

pairing(s): yoongi x reader

summary: Just you and Min Yoongi. Sitting in a car. Rain crashes down. The dark sky turns darker, giving way to the night. He asks you to listen to his sound.

warnings: rated M (18+) for language; friends-with-benefits; mild angst; using sex as a coping mechanism; mentions of past D/s smut (sub!Yoongi including forced orgasms, anal vibrator usage, choking); fluff honestlyromanticew; smut (fem reader, car sex in a rest stop parking lot, biting / scratching / marking teeny bit of Yoongi ass appreciation, nipple play, handjob, fingering, cumming onto your stomach, cum eating, f-receiving oral); non-idol!AU - long-black-haired, music producer!Yoongi

highly recommended to listen to seesaw (demo ver) while reading this, it makes everything so much better.



“It’s really coming down, huh.”


A bolt of white lightning cracked through the black sky, eating through the darkness, only to dissipate into the clap of thunder. It wasn’t fully dark yet but it seemed like it was with the heavy clouds swollen with nature’s tears. A torrential downpour, soaking anything and anyone underneath.

“Maybe you should pull over for a bit.”

“It’s not that bad.”

“You can barely see. It’s just a flash thunderstorm. Couple minutes and it’ll die down.”


He was reluctant to do so. You could tell by the furrow of his brow and the small sigh, but he relented, pulling into a rest stop. Filled up on gas, frowning under the awing with his hands shoved in his olive parka pockets. You caught his eye and he smiled a little, the curved line blurred through the glass covered in droplets.

You stuck your tongue out at him.

He raised an eyebrow.

You extended the muscle as far out as it would go, practically to the bottom of your chin.

Min Yoongi narrowed his eyes, unamused.

The pump clicked, indicating it was done. He turned and put it back. Pressed the final buttons to complete the transaction. Screwed the tank cap on and closed the cover, wringing his hand and flicking off the excess water. Yanked the car door open and scattered rain over his seat, falling down and snapping the door closed, one word under his breath.


“I like yours and you like mine. Equivalent exchange.”

“Ready to go?” he asked, ignoring your true statement.

“Just pull into the lot and we’ll wait a little.”

He did so, peering at the closed doors and dark lights of the diner next to the gas station. Clearly nobody there. The start of a zombie film, probably, except there were other cars getting gas and someone attempting to change their tire in the rain.

“Man, I would wait…” you muttered.

Yoongi shrugged. “Maybe they’re in a hurry.”

The sound of rain, falling down, down, down. It created a drumming rhythm with the thick, fat drops hitting the car roof and across the windows, blurring everything. Yoongi reached over and turned the key, turning the car off instead of leaving it on idle. It wasn’t too cold.

Just a lot of water.

Yoongi frowned, his long black hair looking damp and hanging by his eyes, staring up at the black clouds.

“Doesn’t look like it’s gonna let up.”

“Water doesn’t boil any faster if you’re staring at it.”

He turned his head to face you but you had already leaned in close, anticipating his annoyed expression. Flashed a smile. Gave him a quick kiss and Yoongi kept his face neutral, struggling not to react.

You gazed into his dark brown eyes, not saying anything.

The rain fell down, down, showering the world around you, and you listened to his breath. Slow, steady, his pink lips parted. Admiring all of him, every curve, line, even the stray strands of black hair slipping down, creating shadows over his cheekbones. The shape of his face, eyes, lips. The way the dark world made his face seem like it was glowing, the contrast making his fair skin stand out.

“At this rate, we don’t need to go see the ocean. It’s being dumped down on our heads.”

Yoongi half-smiled. “It’s pretty much the same thing, mhm.”

You wondered if he was afraid.

Searched his eyes and there was a distance there. Hah. On one hand, unsurprised. On another, slightly annoyed. You backed up, not wanting him to notice your observations. He shifted. You felt it in the air, his unease, his silence, his inward struggle, but you pretended not to notice, settling back into the passenger’s seat and watching the rain, leaving a small smile on your lips.

Rain or shine, push or pull, up or down, anything or everything.

You couldn’t wait forever, but you could wait a little longer.


You waited.

“Do you want to hear the latest track I composed? It’s only a rough draft. No lyrics yet.”

I’m sorry, he was going to say. But you were tired of hearing I’m sorry and Yoongi knew that. He was tired of saying it. But saying I’m sorry was a lot easier than saying I’ve figured out how to patch my torn-up heart.

You turned back to him, nodding.

“I want to listen to it.”

He looked back, looking for the lie, and you held his gaze, letting him see there was none. And now you could see it yourself, see that this wasn’t any old track that Yoongi wanted you to hear, his teeth gnawing at his lower lip, slowly reaching back to get his phone in his pocket. Taking his time. You noticed his hands, brushing them against his black pants and reaching over to turn the screen on. His lock screen was him with his dog sleeping on top of his chest. It had changed from the sunset landscape that he had for the longest time.

That sunset landscape photo that he had taken a long time ago, with someone else by his side.

Yoongi unlocked his phone with his thumbprint.

You looked away, not wanting to invade any longer. Chewed on your lower lip. Pushed your hopes down, because there was no reason to place stakes on uncertainties and assumptions. And besides, you too were playing around to some extent. Everything just for fun, for sport, not believing in anything.

He said he wasn’t that serious and you agreed to that.

It only became hard because you were beginning to think Yoongi was more than casual, more than a silent player, more than the shallow pool of emotions he let on. Just friends, but friends don’t know the way you taste. You thought you could wade through. There was no reason to get too deep into such a shallow pool of water.

The rain fell down, down.

You heard the sound of soft rain on greenery emitting from his phone speaker.




Friends don’t feel the things you let me feel.

Your eyes shifted and you found Yoongi leaning over to set his smartphone into the cupholder to aid the acoustics. Black hair hanging down, pulling his hand back and rubbing them together. Not quite looking at you, ticking his chin to his phone. Outside, the rain barreled down, but inside it was soft, slipping into piano notes and dreams, blending with the hum of crickets during a summer night, and you could see it, the shadow of Yoongi’s profile diligently leaning over the keyboard, working late to turn his emotions into music, bleeding them out to patch up his torn-up heart.

You listened to his words, each one trapped in the melancholy melody.

Piano, synth, strings.

Wishes, uncertainty, begging for decisiveness.

It faded out and then began to play again.

“I leave the default on loop,” Yoongi murmured, reaching forward. “Just to test the replay value of it. See if it’s catchy enough to listen to over and over.”

You stopped his hand, closing your fingers around his.

Cold in your warm hold.

“Let me listen again.”

The sky darkened, day rapidly slipping into night, but you didn’t pay attention, instead holding Yoongi’s hand and listening to this individual track. The storm only deepened it, the strike of light across the clouds and the harsh bass of thunder, and you held his hand, sliding your fingers down, your palm to the back of his hand, your fingertips caressing his, smiling as you felt the calluses caused by his guitar.

Yoongi didn’t pull his hand away.

He curled his fingers inward to cover yours, stealing your warmth.

You let him.

You weren’t a music producer like Yoongi. Just an avid listener and attentive to details, especially his. You listened to the song and to his body, humming with nervousness, trying not to show it, his hand still but his muscles on edge, and you turned your head, raising it, finding his movement mirroring yours, his long bangs sliding back and revealing those dark brown orbs.

Wary curiosity, afraid of what he might see.

You let go of his hand.

His breathing stilled; exhale trapped.

You reached up and tucked half of his black hair behind his right ear, the rest falling over his left eye. Pale skin from late nights, the shadows of insomnia in the form of dark circles. His olive jacket rumpled. White shirt underneath wrinkled. Simple black athletic pants in a half-assed attempt to look somewhat decent. Clean at least.

“What do you think?” Yoongi asked, his low voice turning his whisper into waning smoke.

He tried not to show his scars, but his music was giving him away.

You leaned forward and kissed him.

Lips to lips, inhaling softly. Stealing his breath, and he gasped involuntarily as your fingers traced his jaw, pulling him to you, sliding your tongue between his soft lips. Slow, finding his tongue, warm, glossing your fingertips over his cheek, passionate, layering the moment. Tongue, lips, touch. Breathe, sigh, tilt of your head. Deeper, detailed, varying pressure and lustful murmurs accented by falling rain and Yoongi’s melody purring below your bodies.

You felt his hand reach out and reach between the flaps of your oversized charcoal gray hoodie, clutching your dress, his long fingers curling into red plaid with buttons down the center, tracing the circle shape with his fingernail.

A beat to catch your breath, his taste lingering.

“Your sound,” you whispered between his lips and yours, faint in the dripping darkness, lashes lifting to see his half-lidded gaze back at you, both of you trapped in this buoyant bliss. “In all forms, speaks to me.”

His voice like faded stars, barely breathing and coursing with scars.

“What do you hear?” Yoongi asked.

The tips of his hair brushed against your cheek, his head leaning against yours and yours leaning against his, wishes, uncertainty, begging for decisiveness. A delicate shiver as your lips touched once more.

“Possibilities,” you breathed.

And neither of you could bear to discuss what that could mean, for then it would be too real and too revealing, wrapping yourself instead in his lips and the sound of rain, your hands on his chest and his on yours, kiss after kiss, the storm coming down, down, piano keys and trembling synth, tongues curling and his scent in your nose, pushing him and he pushed back, his hair against your face, shaking exhale that you drank with greed, running your fingers over his chest, only thin jersey fabric separating his nipples from your nails.

You toyed with them, savoring his swallowed moan.

Haunted by the up and down, the never-ending seesaw of not wanting to be the one that ruins it all, and when it came crashing down, Yoongi and his torn-up heart wandered into your path, looking for it to be ripped out so he didn’t have to feel anything anymore.

You assured him, I can do that.

You pushed his parka down his shoulders, splaying your hands over his collarbones as he undid the first button of your dress.

Everyone thought Min Yoongi didn’t feel anything. Thought he didn’t care, thought he didn’t have anything to say because he was so quiet, thought he was comfortable in his silence, but they just weren’t listening o his voice, because his voice wasn’t in words.

But in body.


Music notes.

He gasped into your mouth as you let one hand slide up into his hair, curling your fingers into the soft, thick waves of black, a comforting darkness, trailing your other hand down, following the rain, trickling your caress, soft lips and tilting your head to extend your tongue farther, thrusting into his mouth as his tongue pressed against yours, savoring your insistence, open-mouthed smirk pressed to your kiss.

The first, yeah, okay, wild and rough but no big deal, so the next time, be rougher, I know you can be, seemed out of character for him, but you obliged, grabbing his right arm and pressing it into the small of his back, pinning him down to  your mattress, your other hand in his hair, fistful of black locks as you slammed his face down into the sheets, his squirming hips in between your thighs, his hard, leaking cock smearing pre-cum all over your sheets as the anal vibrator assaulted his ass, pressed deep to hit the spot that ruined him the most. Lifted his head, pushed it back down. Took his breath away and gave it back, surfacing from suffering only to be thrown down into the inescapable pleasure once more until it was over.

I thought you were gonna fuck me.

That was way more frustrating and rougher, wasn’t it?

Yoongi clenched his jaw then, relenting in his mess of pooled cum soaked into your sheets.

You figured, that’s enough, he’s not gonna come back, but you were wrong.

It must have been a very bad night, because he was trying to hide the alcohol on his breath and shielding his torn-up heart with a tough exterior, what? I’m not thrown off because of last time. You’ll need to do more than that. It was bad to think of doing things like holding him and asking him what was wrong. He was using you as surely as you were using him, siting on his dick, rolling your hips defiantly slow, pussy clenching his entire length, keeping him at the cusp of pleasure with your hand around his neck.

Yoongi looked back at you then, glassy eyes and biting back his whimpers.

Wishing for help.

You looked back, wordless, helping him by shattering the memories with pain and pleasure, working him from above and then from below, ramming your hips up into his and constricting him with your tightness until his knees gave out and, even then, you smacked your hand into his heaving chest, holding him up and fucking him until he came.

Uncertainty as you held him then, him accidentally falling asleep in the middle of cleaning up.

You let him sleep, because it seemed like he hadn’t slept for days.

You didn’t push his hair out of his eyes though. This wasn’t that kind of moment. This wasn’t what he wanted. What he wanted was his torn-up heart to be ripped out, so you let him be, leaving the distance between you and him, leaving those faded stars for eyes, letting him go when he wanted to be let go, stumbling out your door with his apologies.

Stop with the I’m sorry. You don’t have to say that to me, you know.

Back and forth, push and pull, up and down.

Yeah… Okay. I get it.

Rain cascading down, and now Yoongi slipped his fingers into the space created by opened buttons, stroking your skin underneath, teasing you by flicking the band of your bra, chuckling as you bit his lower lip, sucking on it harshly to get your message across.

The next time. And the next. Each time, you held him a little closer, a little tighter, a little longer. Between clenched jaws and your hand over his mouth, those dark brown eyes like faded stars that seemed to flicker with brightness every time you pushed him to the edge, the countless barrage of sensations shattering old memories.

I started making music again.

They were few and far between, these types of conversations. Oh? That’s good. You are music.

Was does that mean?

Your relationship with music is precious, you had told him. You belong with music and music belongs with you.

You broke the kiss and yanked his head back by his hair, shooting his low moan up to the ceiling of the car, tasting the vibration with your tongue against his Adam’s apple, his cool fingers slipping under your bra, pushing it up and wrapping his fingers over the curve of your breasts, a fingertip on your nipple, pushing it in a circle. You pulled down the collar of his shirt, pressing your lips to the bone, licking the pocket in between connected muscle, soft on flesh, sharp on skin, alternating kisses and biting, sharp sucks to mark his delicate fairness.

This was his idea, driving to the ocean, staying for a couple days. Random shit like that, going here or there, fucking in remote places or semi-public places, whatever he was feeling, trying to convince you with his calm demeanor that he was feeling nothing.

Then you would touch him and listen to his body.

You used to think, it’ll be quick, it’s just a person, people get over people, but it was not people or a person Yoongi was trying to get over. You realized between kisses, between gasps, between moans.

He was running.

He pinched your nipple and you sucked in a breath. Moment of hesitation and Yoongi swooped in, his other hand in your hair and pulling your head back, the sting of pain while your fingers remained tangled, but he didn’t seem to care, his head dipping down, mirroring bites and kisses, running his tongue over your throbbing skin, blood pumping strong under his agile tongue. Rain pouring down, blending with piano and the sounds of visceral sensuality, catching the gasps in your throat as Yoongi rolled your nipple between the rough pads of his fingers, squeezing, rubbing, manipulating the angle of your head.

It was hard to run from yourself, but Yoongi had help in your touch.

His hand slipped from your hair and he pinched both nipples, tugging up and making you hiss.

“It’s awkward,” you got out between gritted teeth. “With the seats.”

He let go and nudged you even though you were already moving, climbing over the center.

“Nice ass.”

Yoongi smacked his palm on your ass cheek and squeezed, satisfied at the way his fingers sank into the softness. You snapped your hips to the side, falling into the backseat and glaring.

“Get yours back here.”

The side of his mouth was quirked upward and, even in the rain and the blurred lights of the gas station, you could see the arrogance in it, climbing over the center as he shed his jacket, throwing it into the driver’s seat. His phone continued playing the instrumental track continuously on loop, the sound filling up the car as the outside remained a sea of pelting rain.

You shrugged out of your hoodie, no longer cold in the heat that was you and Yoongi.

He lowered himself, halfway on top of you.

You pulled up his shirt, carefully untangling him from the confines in the tight space.

It was unfair to put expectations on something that was clear from the beginning, so you did not, but there were still those nights, humid nights accompanied by open windows, and you looked out, bed empty, wondering if he looked up into the darkness too during those late sessions in his studio, his hands poised on his keyboard, trapped in his emotions so he bled them out over the keys and into melodies.

You would place your hands on the windowsill, looking up at the moon, the playful mirror of the sun, toying with its rays even as the sun hid on the other side of the earth.

You wondered if Yoongi looked for that light too.

You knew it was bad to think it, but.

You and him.

It could be so good.

Wishes, uncertainty, but you pushed it all away, wondering when would be that last time you would hold that hand scarred by music, wondering about that heart torn-up by others abusing his kindness, letting him hide behind an unfeeling shell and harsh words. You weren’t bothered by it because you understood it. Instead, you focused your energy on each time being worthwhile, knowing it might be the last time.

But you saw it, the way music patched up his torn-up heart.

Yoongi leaned down, black hair ghosting over your temples. You tipped your chin up, blowing a thin, steady stream of breath into his open lips, sensing his shoulders stiffening, low moan bubbling in his chest. Piano, synth, strings. Your fingers trailing along the elastic waistband, tugging down, tangling his knees in his pants and his boxer briefs. Falling rain, whispering darkness, barely any cars now. He sucked in a tight breath, your fingers spreading over his ass, sinking your nails into his flesh and dragging down, down the sides of his thighs, blossoming pain and thin pink lines, barely visible in the low light.

It was an addictive melody.

Your crept your fingers back up, one by one, dancing on his skin. Stroking it over the curve, tracing his hip, v-line, waist, breathing in his staggering exhales. Dug your nails in again. Dragged down. Pain in his hitched breath, but refusing to jerk his hips forward, resistant to giving in.


A drifting, delicate soundwave of a whisper, calling him as much as it was intoxicating him, his erratic breathing exposing him despite his calm response.

“Touch my cock.”

His knees were ensnared by his pants and underwear.

You curved your hands inward, splaying them on the insides of his thighs.

“Not yet.”

You scratched him there too, harsh in the sensitive area, hearing Yoongi hiss and then an unwilling groan break out between gritted teeth, his knees hitting the backseat.

“F… Fuck…”

You pushed his clothes down more and he slid forward, his hard length hitting the inside of your thigh, smearing pre-cum onto your skin. His hand sank down between your bodies, unbuttoning more buttons, before attempting to slide his hand under the fabric.

You snatched his hand, stopping him.

“Unbutton it all.”

Yoongi growled, eyes flashing in the darkness, catching the blurred lights of the gas station, the reed-like synth murmuring through the cabin of the car. You shifted, moving your body horizontally, your head against the car window. Cocked your chin, still not letting go of his wrist.

He made a displeased noise.

You let him go and Yoongi unbuttoned the last three buttons.

Against the glass, you could hear the rain better. Softer now, steady. The lightning and thunder were long gone. You rolled your shoulders, tucking your bra under you and leaving your dress on the seat, lifting your hand to run your fingers through Yoongi’s hair again. Thick, soft waves of black, pushing it away from his face, sharp brows and dark eyes, his skin glistening in the blurs of low light.

You didn’t say anything.

The music continued, and Yoongi spoke to you.

Your name in his voice, weighted.

You smiled, listening to his sound.

You imagined him, illuminated by his computer monitor, furrowing his brows as he listened back to his creations. Each note a moment in his life, an exposé of his emotions. The melody the purple prose, contrasting his lyrics, candid, simple, clear.

You wondered what the words to this song were.

You pulled Yoongi down to you, into a maze of tongue and kisses, soft lips and gentle savagery, running your other hand down his torso, your nails against his chest. Past racing heartbeat, flicking his nipple and making him flinch, down his quivering core, feeling the heat rise, and you closed your fingers around him, his tremor slipping through your lips. Thick, hard, pulsing, working him slowly, rubbing your thumb along taut skin, hooking your index and middle finger, coiling the long length of your digits over his balls, constricting them.

Stroking his cock as you squeezed his balls.

He thrust his tongue into your mouth, fucking it.

The fingers of his left hand traced down your shoulder, his right holding him up. Sucking on his tongue and opening your eyes to his squeezed shut, his strong brows furrowed, his touch outlining your collarbones, the curve of your breast, stopping at your nipple and rubbing the hard nub, pinching it, flicking it, making your shallow breaths even shorter, his pace stuttering as you gripped him a little tighter, pumping him strongly.

His fingers let go, falling down, down.

You broke the kiss, turning your head to the side and releasing him from your hold for a split second. Drenched your hand in your own spit, tongue over fingers and in between them, a thick layer on your palm and you extended it back down, dripping onto his stiff cock, gripping him tight, two wet fingers around his balls.

“S-Shit…” he swore under his breath, swearing again as his fingers dipped in between your legs, feeling the slick and the mess.

“Put it on the head,” you murmured.

Yoongi didn’t even bother to refute you.

He coated his fingers all over with your pussy juices and lifted his hand, hissing in pleasure as he smeared the sweet stickiness over the head of his cock, previously neglected, but not anymore, his fingers now joining yours as you moved your hand up and down, teasing himself while you kept your steady pace.

His eyes flickered to yours.

You looked back, lifting a brow at half of his face covered by his hair.

The rain sang along with the melody echoing from the cupholder, blurred lights of the gas station catching his dark eyes, the car windows misted with heat and clinging droplets.

Yoongi watched your face as you jacked him off, slick and wet, squeezing his balls with every stroke, his own two fingers rubbing over the slit and along the underside of the head, breathing hard, lust thundering through his shoulders, flinching involuntarily at the overwhelming sensations. You didn’t stop, a bit faster, his head trembling a little, shaky pants, holding out for as long as he could, the muscles in his neck tense, the skin dotted with hickeys, your mark on him.

He removed his fingers from his cock and pushed them into your pussy.

You gasped, your stroke suddenly unexpectedly longer.

You stared into Yoongi’s eyes and not even the black curtain of hair could hide the fire in them, lit up by reflected light in the droplets of nature’s tears.

You raised your hips, rolling them into his thrusting fingers. A corner of his lips quirked upwards, the peek of white teeth and pink gums, inhale a struggle but driven by pleasure, bringing himself closer to your face, forcing you to remove your fingers from his balls and only focus on pumping him, directing the pressure at the base of the head. Ricocheting ecstasy shooting up your spine, to your head, to your breath sucked into his lungs, sparking oxygen into his blood rushing down to his throbbing cock coated in your spit and your juices, mixing onto your palm and fingers, sticky, slick, messy, listening to the wet, squelching sound of Yoongi’s fingers pushing into your dripping pussy.

Falling rain.

Piano and synth.

The rhythm of breathing, his sound just enough, hitched gasp to urge you to go faster, extended moan as your hand tightened, approving of the roughness, driving his fingers in, over and over, following the pace that you built through the haze of need, your right elbow holding you up as his left hand clutched the edge of the seat, the muscles from his neck, shoulder, and arm flexed, your name in a wanton hiss.

“Cum for me.”

You let out a puff of defiance.

“You first.”

Yoongi seemed amused at your response. Perhaps even expecting it, because you clenched your jaw as he slid another finger in, pushing your arm to move faster, more controlled, just under the head, and you could see his jaw was tense too, his forearm rippling with movement, building, building, layer on layer, scattered rain, crickets and strings, holding your breath as Yoongi held his, listening to the dirty noises blending with the rain and his own melody.

You pressed your hips up into his hand, all the way to his knuckles, and clenched around his three fingers.

Fuck, Yoongi…”

He screwed his eyes shut, swearing under his breath.

The waved crashed through you, igniting ripple across your torso and throb coursing through your hips as you came, hot, slick, pulsating around his fingers, uncontrollable shiver as his hips dipped and thick cum shot over your stomach, painting downwards, warmth cascading out onto your heated skin, covering you in his heady, strong scent, the head of his cock pressed to your abdomen, spreading it more. His black hair feathered over your shaking collarbones as he pressed his forehead to your shoulder, keeping his body hovering over yours. His pants washed over your neck, echoing in your ear.

Whisper of your name, husky and low, the sound melding with the rain.

You leaned your head against the window, cool to your heated scalp, gazing up at the black sky, the moon being the only break to the blackness, but today it couldn’t play with you, caged by sobbing clouds.

Each breath high, intense, the hum of pleasure slipping away slowly.

Yoongi lifted his head from your shoulder.

You didn’t look down yet, not really prepared for the cooling mess on your stomach.

Then you hissed and snapped your head down, seeing and feeling Yoongi’s tongue pressed to your skin, licking up the dripping trickles of milky white. He knew you were watching. A single blink and those dark brown orbs observed you under a shadow of black as he drank up his own orgasm.

You saw the twinkle of pleased amusement in those eyes despite him keeping his blank expression, tilting his head and running his tongue across your abdomen, leaving lines of tingling desire.


He lapped up the last bit, pressing his lips to your waist, wordless.

His words were each kiss, sprinkling them down your hips.

The strings thrilled with the falling rain and recorded crickets, fading out to the real rainfall.

His body slid down, slightly crammed in the small space, but you scooted up a little and then his mouth was on you, swirling tongue and dipping between your folds, your slick coating his lips, sweet vicious juices joining the salty strength of his orgasm. You felt him collect it into his mouth, painting your pussy with his tongue and grazing the tip over your engorged clit.

You whined and bit down on it, trying to shut it up.

Yoongi closed his lips around your clit and began a steady, firm pace, the previous orgasm compounding the sensation, your nerves singing with familiarity, craving that tongue and its precise movement, just rough enough to make your blood sing and those lips keeping you at the cusp of inescapable pleasure, his hands clutching your ass to support you to his mouth.

You moaned to the ceiling, leaking into his mouth in a twitching waterfall, painting your cum onto his chin. Grinding your hips to his face and throbbing against his still lips, wet muscle pressed flat to your quivering clit, the faint friction enough to prolong the high a little longer, a little stronger, a little death at the work of his masterful tongue.

Yoongi drank that up too, slowly and carefully.

The rain shimmered down, down.

He lowered you. Crawled back up, his breath a mix of you and him, and you breathed it in, savoring it.

“We’re still a couple hours from our destination,” Yoongi mumbled.

“Want me to drive?” you murmured.

“No. I’ll do it.”

You stared into his eyes. Yoongi reached up and pushed back his hair, a display of the stark contrast of his skin to the darkness. His black hair swooped to one side, tumbling down in a wave and cradling the left side of his face.

His eyes were clear, looking back into yours.

“You’re not alone, you know,” you reminded him softly.

He smiled faintly.

Steady and musical, the rain tapped against the car, blending with recorded crickets fading in and out.

“I know. I want you to be with me.”

You searched his eyes, looking for the familiar distance that he kept between you and him, but it wasn’t there. Washed away. You reached up and traced his jaw, remembering the familiar shape of his lips. The taste of many nights and honesty, clear in his intentions from day one. You said nothing, wondering if it was real, and Yoongi held your gaze, letting you see that it was.

You could hear it.

His words.

In his breath, in the melody he had created, in his touch as he mirrored your hold, grazing your cheekbone with callused fingertips marked by his guitar.

Piano, synth, strings.

Wishes, uncertainty, decisiveness.

You kissed him again, in the darkness, surrounded by rain and his music.




• Here are some of my favourite Yoongi fics. Go through these recs and find something to nourish yourself with. Show your support for these talented authors by leaving a comment and sharing feedback on their works. For posting their fics on the internet, each and every author listed here deserves a big warm hug. Thank you to each and every one of these authors for their efforts, we really appreciate your content •

[ Fluff | Angst | Smut ( minors dni.) ]

- one shots:

Thirstby@yoondles | S

Not Aroundby@aquagustd | S/A/F

golden hour by@alpacaparkaseok | F

cockwarmingby@rmverse | S

11:34pmby@taegisms | F

misfit toysby@whatifyoulivelikethat

yoongi fucking you with his suga rings on by@sourkoo | S

backburner christmas drabble by@yoonpobs | F/S

- series :

set me freeby@myooniverse | F/S/A 

you, among the othersbyinkofyoongi  | F/S/A (on wattpad)

the singularity theoryby@dovechim | S ft. Taehyung

does that make sense?by@floralseokjin | S/A 

aquiverby@floralseokjin | F/S/A  

undoby@yoonia | S/A

carouselby@yoonia | S/A 

need to knowby@aquagustd​ | F/S/A 

playing with fireby@houseofdemi-blog | F/S/A 

kiss it betterby@jeojahari | F/A 

somebody elseby@jeonqukie | S/A ft. Taehyung

playing with fireby@hollyxqx | S/A 

scary loveby@lysjeon | S/A

the equation of loveby@kookingtae  | F/S/A 

all too wellby@cupofteaguk | S/A 

MicroWaveby@btsmakesmehappy | F/S/A 

First loveby@clouditae | F/S/A  

sugar and spiceby@agustdjoon | F/S/A

stuckby@joonscypher | A 
