#your faves love queue


Imagine staying up late, maybe because you want to, maybe because you need to, but no matter you’re up later than usual. Eventually you’re going to bed, but find your f/o still awake. They’re visibly tired and you ask why they’re not asleep yet. It may take some convincing, or maybe they just up and say it, but they tell you that they just can’t sleep without you by their side


Imagine you and your f/o learning a new hobby together. Who’s idea was it? What are you doing? Is this something you do together or just are both learning?


imagine holding your f/o while combing your fingers through their hair while humming softly in their ear after listening to them vent to you about their day.

I love getting new f/os (especially in different sources) cuz that gives me an excuse to make new s/is


  • taking care of them when they come home bloody and bruised
  • them usually being detached but opening up to you
  • them finding comfort in your touch, voice, and presence even
  • small flashes of a smile when they look towards you
  • you kissing their scars
  • them being tired of putting up an intimidating and powerful front and relaxing into you
  • them falling asleep laying against you, exhausted
  • them coming home late to find you asleep on the couch, having tried to wait up for them
  • them protecting you with their life
  • them having a hard time admitting they love you, and trying to go about it by simply showing you first
  • soft fleeting touches and wanton kisses before they leave, when they reassure you they will come back to you
  • you can see in their eyes just how much they adore you despite the exhausted, determined look on their face they always seem to have
  • helping them learn affection and how to be more comfortable in their emotions, something they aren’t familiar with
  • them loving u unconditionally and you returning it just as much!!!


imagine your f/o calming you down when you feel overwhelmed, distressed, or like things are too overwhelming and upsetting to bear. they’ll hold you and talk to you softly, or just remind you of their presence there, whatever helps you focus on them and soothe you. they’ll be there to help you through whatever’s causing you stress or sadness, no matter what. 


imagine taking a hot bath with your f/o on a cold day, just taking a moment to be close to them. maybe music’s playing while you both enjoy the calming steam and each other’s company, holding each other close while rain/snow falls outside.


What would you and your f/o contact names be in each other’s phones?


Villain!F/O: I don’t do “love” it’s only for fools





hey gang i’m thinking about scarred f/os…

you pull your f/o close, grabbing a container of soothing lotion/salve. your eyes narrow as you gingerly, lovingly spread it on your f/os scars and wounds. they sigh, the soothing effects calming them. maybe you stick your tongue out in concentration.

you catch your f/o staring, do they get flustered, and try to hide their face in their hands? do they smirk shamelessly? do they pull you close, taking the lotion out of your hands, and kiss you?

anyways i’m soft


Imagine you and your f/o sending each other memes even though you’re sitting right next to each other


self shippers - which ghibli movie would you and your f/o be?
