

abusive fathers

international weapons dealing


cyber warfare

hostage taking

soul stealing

fighting to the death

underground religious cults

secret societies trying to take over the world

uncovering repressed memories of the ancient past

Japanese-German international relations

The Seto Kaiba Complex

navigating a fractured and confusing soul with the incomparable power of friendship and gentleness and The Heart Of The Cards <3

yamislittleangel55: king-atems-protector: nightfurylover31:yugipuzzleshipping: askyamiandyugi:You






You know, It’s really sad when you think about what really happened when Atem died.

Before Atem died, he told Seto to destroy the Millennium Pendant because his soul would be trapped inside. Atem used his name as the password to the lock that would seal Zorc in the Ring. Atem wanted to be sure that Zorc could never return, and so….

Atem would have to be gone as well.

Atem didn’t plan on coming back. Atem didn’t plan on someone repairing the Pendant and freeing his soul. Atem knew full well that if he does this, he is doomed to eternity alone in the dark. He’s someone who will not get a proper burial. Which means he will never go to heaven.

And still, he chose his own damnation. He damned himself so that the rest of humanity could be safe.

It’s especially painful when you think about the effect it had on his cousin Seto.

He told his best friend, the only family that he has left, to destroy an Item that contains his soul. He told Seto to strike every instance of his name out of history. To destroy his soul and forget about him. To knowingly take away any chance he’d have at salvation. At entering the Field of Reeds. He even made Seto king.

And Seto did what he was told. He shattered the Pendant to pieces. He scratched Atem’s name out of each and every record. He even scratched Atem’s name from the Tablet depicting their contest.

But Seto did something that really shows how he cared for his king.

Seto, instead of fully destroying the Pendant, instead places the Puzzle into a golden box, and then entombs it in what would have been Atem’s tomb.

He even carves a riddle on the box:

“Whosoever solves the Puzzle will be granted my dark knowledge and power.”

Maybe it was a little hope.

A subtle little hint to tip off someone in the future.

A quiet message telling them how to restore what he’d lost

Because maybe

Just maybe

If the Puzzle was repaired, Atem could be free. Atem could come home. Atem could go to Heaven and be with his family again.

#repost bc it’s always life #perfect post #atem #ygo


Can you imagine Seto’s expression when thousands of years later (time is an illusion) he sees his beloved cousin walking to them, and theres a rush of relief and that tiny bud of hope flourishes and Seto cant do anything but run to his cousin and wrap him in a tight hug, mumbling mostly to himself “I knew you would come home- I knewit.”

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3 slots, now until the 23rd! I’ll be selecting from requests based on my interest + will do multiple rounds when available.

Find more info as well as prices and the submission form Here! I’ll be contacting the first round on the 24th

yoyo0109: Millennium Itemyoyo0109: Millennium Itemyoyo0109: Millennium Item


Millennium Item

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gerard-guey:kur-apikaa:I feel like this pretty much summarizes the difference between the yugioh man



I feel like this pretty much summarizes the difference between the yugioh manga, japanese anime, and english dub

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Happy Valentine everyone ~  (っ˘з(˘⌣˘ ) ♡

Happy Valentine everyone ~  (っ˘з(˘⌣˘ ) ♡

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when the heart of the card responds to your trust just right

#does this make kaiba kuzco #is kaiba gonna build kaibaland on top of Yugi’s gameshop

#can we turn kaiba into a llama


#does kaiba dress in drag??

i hate you all

THIS JUST GETS BETTER AND BETTER. All I need is Grandpa as the guy who breaks Kaiba’s groove.

“You threw off my groove!”

“I’m sorry, but you’ve thrown off the CEO’s groove.”

What’s next… Bakura becoming a cat?

#omg would Marik’s shoulder devil be Yami Marik?

“Don’t listen to that guy. He’s trying to lead you down the path of righteousness.”

“I’m gonna lead you down the path that rocks!”

What would that make Joey???

#Rebecca should be the wife 

#Ok Ok but Kuriboh would totally be the little squirrel >w> 





Ok just go ahead and redraw the movie scene by scene

So, would the jaguars be Beast-type monsters or Dragon-types?

The Big 5 turning into animals

“Get them!”

“Hey, I’ve been turned into a penguin. Can I go home?”

“You’re excused.”

Instead of a giant trampoline, it’s magical cylinder.

“For the last time, we did not order a Magic Cylinder!”

“You know pal, you could have told me that before I set it up.”

#would baby kaiba have blue eyes white dragon plushies?

i hate all 126,000 of you

it just keeps getting better and better. 

Top quality content on my dash


Would the two guys playing a board game be playing Dungeon Dice Monsters?


“Hey Yugi, you just missed your relatives.”


“Yeah, we just sent them up to your house.”

#Kaiba lines up all the yugioh spinoff protags in a line looking for a rival

“Hate your hair. Your hair. And your hair. Annnnd…”


Lemme guess, you have a great personality.”

# And instead of a sewer crocodile it’s some sewer dragon thing..lol…


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king-thief:just a dude and his blue eyes white dragon


just a dude and his blue eyes white dragon

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fuck with me



commissioned by @nezumasa


with bonus omake! (also commissioned)

Keep reading

Melffy deck actually kicks butt so have a Melffy Puppy :)

Rabby’s up on that favorite stump again, looking all around the forest at all the fluffy friends! Do you like exploring, too? Good! Let’s go find more Melffy friends with Rabby! - Melffy Rabby flavour text.

Was looking through some yugioh cards in town. NOBODY TOLD ME ABOUT THESE CUTIES OMG???

Had some yugioh on the brain recently so I bashed out the dudes who I based my decks off of

They’re traditional doodles I smacked into digital so uh… spicy lineart.

yuboys will always have my heart

my 2 beautiful boys i love u sm i havent finished vrains yet but stop fighting pls iim

he baby

i wanna see this boy smile more hnnnnngh/


strategy studies

i watched a 2hr video about the yuigoh card meta between 2002-2005 and got sooooo much nostalgia for the anime just seeing all the cards


Kikouja Murakumo no Orochi | Mechanical Serpent Murakumo no Orochi

Level 8, DARK, Machine, ATK/DEF 2450

You can only use 1 effect of this card’s name per turn, and only once that turn.

(1)If this card is in your hand or GY (Quick Effect): You can banish 8 cards from the top of your Deck face-down; Special Summon this card.

(2) You can banish 3 cards from your Extra Deck face-down, then target 1 face-up monster on the field; destroy it.

RIRA-JP024ビック・バイパー T301 Vic Viper T301

Level 4 LIGHT Machine Effect Monster

ATK 1200

DEF 800

You can only use the (1) effect of this card’s name once per turn.

(1) When an attack is declared involving your face-up monster and an opponent’s monster, while this card is in your hand or GY: You can Special Summon this card, but banish it when it leaves the field.

(2)Other LIGHT Machine monsters you control gain 1200 ATK.

Note:Vic Viper T-301: Futuristic version of Vic Viper used in Gradius V. It’s known for it’s tiny hitbox and was capable of creating tears in the space-time continuum.

Coming out in Rising RampageonApril 13, 2019[OCG]

Aoi Zaizen / Blue angel (Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS)자이젠 아오이 / 블루엔젤 (유희왕 VRAINS)최근에 가장 마음에 드는 년이야. 너무 꼴려 씨불년.. Aoi Zaizen / Blue angel (Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS)자이젠 아오이 / 블루엔젤 (유희왕 VRAINS)최근에 가장 마음에 드는 년이야. 너무 꼴려 씨불년.. Aoi Zaizen / Blue angel (Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS)자이젠 아오이 / 블루엔젤 (유희왕 VRAINS)최근에 가장 마음에 드는 년이야. 너무 꼴려 씨불년.. Aoi Zaizen / Blue angel (Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS)자이젠 아오이 / 블루엔젤 (유희왕 VRAINS)최근에 가장 마음에 드는 년이야. 너무 꼴려 씨불년.. Aoi Zaizen / Blue angel (Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS)자이젠 아오이 / 블루엔젤 (유희왕 VRAINS)최근에 가장 마음에 드는 년이야. 너무 꼴려 씨불년.. Aoi Zaizen / Blue angel (Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS)자이젠 아오이 / 블루엔젤 (유희왕 VRAINS)최근에 가장 마음에 드는 년이야. 너무 꼴려 씨불년.. Aoi Zaizen / Blue angel (Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS)자이젠 아오이 / 블루엔젤 (유희왕 VRAINS)최근에 가장 마음에 드는 년이야. 너무 꼴려 씨불년..

Aoi Zaizen / Blue angel (Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS)

자이젠 아오이 / 블루엔젤 (유희왕 VRAINS)

최근에 가장 마음에 드는 년이야. 너무 꼴려 씨불년.. ㅎㅎㅎ

She is my favorite woman, recently

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