#yume nikki

minmocat:sluuuurp lol


sluuuurp lol

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little-king-john: My favorite story to come out of the internet lately: For those of you who don’t k


My favorite story to come out of the internet lately: For those of you who don’t know, for April Fool’s Day, Reddit launched this massive collaborative art project where you can place one pixel every five minutes on this massive canvas, so in order to do anything meaningful you have to work together collectively to make pixel art.

/r/YumeNikki decided to put the sprite of Madotsuki onto the canvas. Because of a lack of space, they decided to put it on the yellow stripe of the Swedish flag.

/r/Sweden, despite having no idea who Madotsuki is, absolutely fell in love with her, and have taken it upon themselves to fiercely defend her from any vandals. They even drew Pippi Longstocking next to her holding her hand. They’ve also made several visits to Yume Nikki’s sub and left friendly posts.

So that’s how a small community for a relatively unknown Japanese video game became best friends with the entire country of Sweden.

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zombiemollusk:tiny oreko color experiment it didn’t turn out as nice as i hoped but here you go


tiny oreko color experiment

it didn’t turn out as nice as i hoped but here you go

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pixel-horror: ゆめのなかで | By:めそ。@ついったー (twitter)Permission to upload this was given by the artist.Pleas


ゆめのなかで | By:めそ。@ついったー (twitter)

Permission to upload this was given by the artist.

Please support them by rating and bookmarking the original work

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[ID: A Yume Nikki fancomic. Madotsuki is shown walking down the checkered tile path. She looks up and is startled to see a Toriningen coming to chase her. She looks determined, then has a magical-girl-esque transformation sequence into her Traffic Light effect. She turns on her red light and shines it onto the Toriningen, freezing it in place. Madotsuki sighs with relief, and there is an awkward pause. Then she has an idea! Madotsuki starts tapping her feet to the beat of “Cha Cha Slide” by DJ Casper. She then follows the instructions of the song, making her light green or red to match, causing the Toriningen to follow suit. “To the left, take it back now y'all, one hop this time, one hop this time.” He says “Freeze!” and the view changes to focus on their faces. Then he says “Everybody clap your hands!” Madotsuki is nervous and sweaty, realizing that as a traffic light she does not have hands. Finally, she is shown floating in a black void, her disappointment and embarrassment clear. End ID.]

This. was funnier in my head…

me when i yume the nikki

[ID: 3 digital drawings of characters from Yume Nikki. Image 1: The bust of an aggressive toriningen with leaking purple eyes and a crazed smile against an orange background, her tongue snaking from her mouth. Image 2: A bust of Monoko in her five-armed form. She appears to be melting on one side, and has a distressed expression. The two visible arms have clenched fists, one of which is on her head. Image 3: A full body of Masada-sensei in his spaceship. He hovers over his piano with a curved, snakelike body. End ID].

 I got out for a while todayThought I would go see a movieSpent 90 minutes alone in the darkStill I

I got out for a while today
Thought I would go see a movie
Spent 90 minutes alone in the dark
Still I could feel your eyes bore into me

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Seccom Masada Kidcore Space Stimboardx / x / x - x / x / x - x / x / xSeccom Masada Kidcore Space Stimboardx / x / x - x / x / x - x / x / xSeccom Masada Kidcore Space Stimboardx / x / x - x / x / x - x / x / xSeccom Masada Kidcore Space Stimboardx / x / x - x / x / x - x / x / xSeccom Masada Kidcore Space Stimboardx / x / x - x / x / x - x / x / xSeccom Masada Kidcore Space Stimboardx / x / x - x / x / x - x / x / xSeccom Masada Kidcore Space Stimboardx / x / x - x / x / x - x / x / xSeccom Masada Kidcore Space Stimboardx / x / x - x / x / x - x / x / xSeccom Masada Kidcore Space Stimboardx / x / x - x / x / x - x / x / xSeccom Masada Kidcore Space Stimboardx / x / x - x / x / x - x / x / x

Seccom Masada Kidcore Space Stimboard


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Sabitsuki Flower AestheticSabitsuki Flower AestheticSabitsuki Flower AestheticSabitsuki Flower AestheticSabitsuki Flower AestheticSabitsuki Flower AestheticSabitsuki Flower AestheticSabitsuki Flower AestheticSabitsuki Flower Aesthetic

Sabitsuki Flower Aesthetic

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Happy 16th Birthday to Yume Nikki!!Happy 16th Birthday to Yume Nikki!!Happy 16th Birthday to Yume Nikki!!Happy 16th Birthday to Yume Nikki!!Happy 16th Birthday to Yume Nikki!!Happy 16th Birthday to Yume Nikki!!Happy 16th Birthday to Yume Nikki!!Happy 16th Birthday to Yume Nikki!!Happy 16th Birthday to Yume Nikki!!

Happy 16th Birthday to Yume Nikki!!

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i havent seen this done before so woo which rpgmaker horror game are you?

Yay! I got Mad Father! That one is my favorite!




Big wall of text incoming under the cut because there is a LOT to cover here, but we ask that first of allnone of you send hate,death threats, etc to the individual in question. It’s not constructive and will just give her cause to view herself as a victim. Simply block her accounts and move on. Hate is never okay, no matter how disgusting or horrible a person is. Please be the better person and spread awareness, not hate.

Call out culture is generally harmful but as the Jojo fanbase has a lot of young fans we felt we had to give a warning because this person is becoming genuinely dangerous. Preying on kids online ain’t cute. And although the Jojo fandom is her main space she is also a fan of Minecraft,Pokemon,RPG Horror(Yume Nikki,IB,.flow, etc) among others so even if you’re not into JJBA please keep an eye out!

A complete list of all known accounts of this person will be listed at the end of the post but it is safe to assume that she will abandon every single one of them by the time she sees this so please continue to be wary of anyone who seems suspicious just in case.

Oh, and if this person or any of her friends sees this and decides to come after anyone who contributed evidence/testimonies/etc then don’t even bother. We’ll know who you are and at the end of the day are you really willing to defend someone who hits on 14 year olds after being told to stop? Is THAT the hill you’re willing to die on?

And before you call us out for bullshit, we have proof. We have witnesses. And we have testimonies as stated above.

Keep reading


I don’t wanna edit the whole text post but an anonymous mutual has informed me she changed her blog name from torisshuuna to unastrish

Please be cautious if you stumble upon them

Update 2:

She’s deactivated all of her blogs. So there’s one victory! But our mutual friends are on edge because she may pop up again.

But fear not, we’re going to be around the clock gathering new names where ever she pops up. So be sure to track this post as I’ll be adding to it.

I won’t stand anything bad happening. Not after all of this.

But anyways, thank you for your continued support and make sure to spread this around. You all deserve to be safe in the fandom that has united us.

Much love.

Update 3:

Hhhhh sorry for the flood of updates today but now she changed her Twitter to @/ieroshimark

Block her if you can. Thanks.



Big wall of text incoming under the cut because there is a LOT to cover here, but we ask that first of allnone of you send hate,death threats, etc to the individual in question. It’s not constructive and will just give her cause to view herself as a victim. Simply block her accounts and move on. Hate is never okay, no matter how disgusting or horrible a person is. Please be the better person and spread awareness, not hate.

Call out culture is generally harmful but as the Jojo fanbase has a lot of young fans we felt we had to give a warning because this person is becoming genuinely dangerous. Preying on kids online ain’t cute. And although the Jojo fandom is her main space she is also a fan of Minecraft,Pokemon,RPG Horror(Yume Nikki,IB,.flow, etc) among others so even if you’re not into JJBA please keep an eye out!

A complete list of all known accounts of this person will be listed at the end of the post but it is safe to assume that she will abandon every single one of them by the time she sees this so please continue to be wary of anyone who seems suspicious just in case.

Oh, and if this person or any of her friends sees this and decides to come after anyone who contributed evidence/testimonies/etc then don’t even bother. We’ll know who you are and at the end of the day are you really willing to defend someone who hits on 14 year olds after being told to stop? Is THAT the hill you’re willing to die on?

And before you call us out for bullshit, we have proof. We have witnesses. And we have testimonies as stated above.

Keep reading


I don’t wanna edit the whole text post but an anonymous mutual has informed me she changed her blog name from torisshuuna to unastrish

Please be cautious if you stumble upon them

Update 2:

She’s deactivated all of her blogs. So there’s one victory! But our mutual friends are on edge because she may pop up again.

But fear not, we’re going to be around the clock gathering new names where ever she pops up. So be sure to track this post as I’ll be adding to it.

I won’t stand anything bad happening. Not after all of this.

But anyways, thank you for your continued support and make sure to spread this around. You all deserve to be safe in the fandom that has united us.

Much love.


Big wall of text incoming under the cut because there is a LOT to cover here, but we ask that first of allnone of you send hate,death threats, etc to the individual in question. It’s not constructive and will just give her cause to view herself as a victim. Simply block her accounts and move on. Hate is never okay, no matter how disgusting or horrible a person is. Please be the better person and spread awareness, not hate.

Call out culture is generally harmful but as the Jojo fanbase has a lot of young fans we felt we had to give a warning because this person is becoming genuinely dangerous. Preying on kids online ain’t cute. And although the Jojo fandom is her main space she is also a fan of Minecraft,Pokemon,RPG Horror(Yume Nikki,IB,.flow, etc) among others so even if you’re not into JJBA please keep an eye out!

A complete list of all known accounts of this person will be listed at the end of the post but it is safe to assume that she will abandon every single one of them by the time she sees this so please continue to be wary of anyone who seems suspicious just in case.

Oh, and if this person or any of her friends sees this and decides to come after anyone who contributed evidence/testimonies/etc then don’t even bother. We’ll know who you are and at the end of the day are you really willing to defend someone who hits on 14 year olds after being told to stop? Is THAT the hill you’re willing to die on?

And before you call us out for bullshit, we have proof. We have witnesses. And we have testimonies as stated above.

Keep reading


I don’t wanna edit the whole text post but an anonymous mutual has informed me she changed her blog name from torisshuuna to unastrish

Please be cautious if you stumble upon them

Big wall of text incoming under the cut because there is a LOT to cover here, but we ask that first of allnone of you send hate,death threats, etc to the individual in question. It’s not constructive and will just give her cause to view herself as a victim. Simply block her accounts and move on. Hate is never okay, no matter how disgusting or horrible a person is. Please be the better person and spread awareness, not hate.

Call out culture is generally harmful but as the Jojo fanbase has a lot of young fans we felt we had to give a warning because this person is becoming genuinely dangerous. Preying on kids online ain’t cute. And although the Jojo fandom is her main space she is also a fan of Minecraft,Pokemon,RPG Horror(Yume Nikki,IB,.flow, etc) among others so even if you’re not into JJBA please keep an eye out!

A complete list of all known accounts of this person will be listed at the end of the post but it is safe to assume that she will abandon every single one of them by the time she sees this so please continue to be wary of anyone who seems suspicious just in case.

Oh, and if this person or any of her friends sees this and decides to come after anyone who contributed evidence/testimonies/etc then don’t even bother. We’ll know who you are and at the end of the day are you really willing to defend someone who hits on 14 year olds after being told to stop? Is THAT the hill you’re willing to die on?

And before you call us out for bullshit, we have proof. We have witnesses. And we have testimonies as stated above.

All names of people involved are pseudonyms, a lot of them are underage so we wanna protect them from backlash. Screencaps will be given where possible but a large amount of this stuff happened through voice chat so there is no text record of it.

Tumblr user @/torisshuuna has a long ass record of being manipulative and acting predatory towards minors.

She has a habit of acting generally shitty towards other people but then spinning the situation so that SHE is the victim and then seeks ass pats from her friends for it. Multiple ex-friends/acquaintances have stories and examples of times she has done this and she really doesn’t show any signs of stopping.

As if being a toxic wannabe-victim isn’t bad enough on its own though, she has targeted multiple people under the age of 18 with her romantic advances despite every single one of them telling her to back off and making their disinterest known.

One specific example of this involves a boy we’ll call Kyle. At the time most of this shit went down Kyle was only 17 years old, and torisshuuna (hereby referred to as Trish since that’s what she goes by now) was 21. They’d been friends for a few months before she started acting out and it is entirely possible that Kyle was 16 at the time of meeting her. A few months before going full predator Trish confessed to multiple people that she “used to” have a crush on Kyle but hadn’t pursued it due to his age and not being emotionally available. So, she was definitely aware of the power imbalance that this age gap would cause.

A few months later after breaking it off with her current romantic partner, Trish then went on to pursue Kyle because he had gotten rejected from another person and was thus emotionally open to dating. Except instead of making her feelings known like a regular person would by, I don’t know, simply confessing and getting an answer, she started with the classic manipulator tactics. She began to get violently angry over Kyle spending time with other people and at one point even screamed at a mutual friend over voice chat for daring to match Discord icons with him. Let the record show that Kyle and Trish weren’t even dating at this point, she just wanted to isolate him from everyone so she could have him to herself.

Kyle was super uncomfortable with the way Trish was acting and on multiple occasions made this clear to her, telling her to back off and cool off for a few days before talking to him again. But, of course, she didn’t listen and kept up with sending him messages anyway. No matter how many times he asked for space she wouldn’t give it.

Eventually she managed to pressure and manipulate him into accepting her feelings and so they began officially “dating” for a few days (during which Trish did nothing but sleep, but we digress). Kyle spoke to a number of friends during this time and he was visibly crestfallen and didn’t have his usual energy – he was not remotely happy with this arrangement.

After a short while he eventually managed to get through to her and they “separated” and went back to being “friends”. He tried to keep her at arm’s length during this time because he was too nice to spontaneously block her but Trish would still message him. During this time Kyle got together with another girl closer to his own age (we’ll call her Red) but they had to keep it on the downlow so that Trish wouldn’t explode at everyone. Here’s Kyle talking about his discomfort with Trish and wanting to leave.

But this is where it all gets even creepier. It turns out that Trish had a “secret” sideblog (now deleted) she dubbed her “love blog” wherein she vagued and vented about her feelings about Kyle, and it had existed for a good few months by this point. She still actively posted to it after their break up and while we sadly didn’t archive any of the posts multiple people read her posts and can vouch that it was disturbing on its own, nevermind when you know it’s about a minor. It read like a stereotypical delusional diary entry from a stalker in a horror movie. Despite Kyle making it clear he didn’t want to be with her she still posted on this blog about how they were going to be together one day and they were destined to be together. Here’s Kyle being told by Red that this blog exists.   

And you know what she did? She boasted about it and showed it off to multiple people, asking them to guess who it was about! She even showed it off to Red herself, even though she didn’t know that she and Kyle were now together. She really had no self-awareness whatsoever, she seemed to think all of her behaviour during this time was okay. Here’s a chatlog of Kyle and Red mentioning the “love blog”.   

This ordeal ended when Kyle finally had to start ghosting Trish and not acknowledging her or her messages at all. He had kinda exploded at her in anger one time to get through to her but this didn’t even work so he had to resort to this. Kyle was so affected by Trish’s bullshit that he actually effectively left the internet after this and hasn’t been online for five months at least partially out of fear of running into her again. All correspondence with him as had to be done through another person who knows him in person. His online presence is non-existent. Hope you’re happy Trish!

After this was over Trish asked Red if she still wanted to be friends, to which Red candidly responded that no she did not. This ended their direct interactions but sometime down the line Red accidentally approached Trish in VRChat without realizing it was her. Trish then left and went to Twitter to vague about Red, as shown here.    Note how she acts as though she was a victim of something, despite her being a literal fucking predator creep. We’ve no idea what she thinks Red did to her but we’re not even surprised she manipulated and lied to those around her to view her as the victim lol.

Red saw these tweets about her and responded to Trish, very politely asking her to not post such things about her. She even apologised (though she didn’t do anything wrong, really) and do you know how Trish responded? She deleted her Twitter account and changed all her usernames! Because she isn’t even capable of apologising for being rude about someone on social media! That’s just one example of her allergy to taking responsibility. Here’s Red’s apology here.   

She then had the audacity to accuse Red of stalking her (ironic given her treatment of Kyle) despite the fact that… she gave her public twitter URL to all her friends and hadn’t changed her username since falling out with Red? Because aggressively harassing a 17 year old is fine but viewing a public twitter account is an unforgivable crime.

BUT WAIT, THERE’S MORE! She wasn’t content enough with having manipulating a minor into dating her on her record, so she decided to start going even younger!

Recently a 14 year old (who we’ll call Wendy) came forward saying that Trish had been flirting with and generally harassing her and her friend Bebe (also 14) in VRChat. Bebe wasn’t comfortable with the way Trish was acting so asked if she was being serious with her advances, to which Trish confirmed she was. Sometime during this situation they told Trish that the two of them were underage but this didn’t stop her – she continued to act predatory. Bebe even stated that she already had a girlfriend but Trish’s response was reportedly a simple “I bet you don’t” and she kept up her attitude.

After finding no luck with Bebe Trish then focused on Wendy who promptly voted to kick her from the server. This wasn’t the end of it though, Trish kept popping back up on several more occasions in Wendy’s VRChat worlds to flirt with/attempt to seduce her friends (who are, reminder FOURTEEN YEARS OLD! And that Trish is a whole 21 years old!). It’s gotten to the point where Wendy is afraid to join or create public rooms/servers in the game just in case Trish shows up again. Testimony from Wendy can be read here. 

So, yeah. Trish, 21 years old, has attempted to prey upon MULTIPLE minors whilst being aware of their ages. I shouldn’t have to explain to anyone why 21 year olds shouldn’t be dating people who are legally children, but even if they were the same age as her she was still manipulative and toxic towards them anyway. 

But please remember this, if anything. If someone tells you to stop flirting with them, you fucking stop.

There are a lot of minor stories we didn’t cover in this write up that demonstrate Trish being a generally rude or awful person but the fact that she’s a predator should stand on its own; she’s a potential danger.

And Trish, if you’re reading this (which we know you will unfortunately):

Please,please get help. You’ve been toxic to so many people in the last year alone but targeting children is where we draw the line. You’re hurting so many people and don’t seem to care at all, whenever anyone calls you out on your bullshit you simply ollie out of your accounts and start afresh so you don’t have to take responsibility for your own actions. You have a victim complex and refuse to accept that you’re ever in the wrong. It’s not healthy.

Stop preying on kids online and deeply think about who you are and what you’ve done, all the people you’ve hurt. It doesn’t have to continue on like this but unless you accept all the awful shit you’ve done you’re never going to move forward. For the sake of the people around you please seek change.

If anyone else has been victim of Trish and wants to either share their story or tell us of a username we haven’t listed below then feel free to send us an ask! We’ll keep you anonymous and will use a fake name for you when necessary.

Also a small note, but something to consider. Although we are not kink shaming in any way, as we understand and respect that it is only fiction and it is not real. But regardless the ship she enjoys which consists of a child Jonathan Joestar and an adult vampire Dio is rather worrisome, and could be why she seems not to care about forcing herself onto minors.

Currently known accounts on all platforms: (again, do NOTsend hate or threats to any of them. Just block.)



@/lucy- - -steel




















Lucy Steel



Side note: The full album of screenshots can be found here. 
