#yunho angst


ATEEZ Yunho: Better (oneshot)

Genre: angst, fluff, bestfriends to lovers au, non-idol au.

Pairing: Yunho x reader

Warnings: alcoholism/alcohol abuse, mentions of getting help professionally.


“Please stop,” you cried, reaching out to grab the bottle of alcohol from your bestfriend; he had just gotten home from a bar and was drinking again. Yunho was drinking at almost every hour of the day, not stopping at all even after he passed out multiple times. 

You really don’t know when and how your bestfriend started drinking way more than a person should, but at this point, you were sure this was alcoholism. You wanted to get him out of it, but nothing you did seemed to work out; he even refused to get help professionally, saying that he’s not gonna pay so much just to talk to someone about his problems. If he wasn’t drinking at a bar, he was drinking in his apartment and it was starting to scare you.

“Get lost,” Yunho spat, not allowing you to take the bottle away from him.

“Yunho, please, this is way too much! You’re going to pass out again!” You really wished he would talk to you about his problems; you both were bestfriends ever middle school and you knew everything about each other. You don’t know why Yunho suddenly stopped opening up to you.

“Just leave, Y/N,” he said in a cold tone, taking a sip of the alcohol.

“I’m not going any—”

“Just leave!” he yelled, making you flinch a little. “Leave me the fuck alone! Go run to that fucking asshole!”

Your eyes widened. “What? Who?”

He chuckled bitterly. “You think I don’t know that you slept with Jae?”

“Yunho, I’ve never even spoken to him!”

“Don’t fucking lie to me!” he yelled, throwing the bottle at the wall. You jumped at the sound of the glass shattering. “I saw you leaving with him at that party!”

You took a deep breath, trying to calm yourself down before you could calm him down. “Yunho, you’ve misunderstood! I left with Mingi, remember? You told him to drop me home! I—”

“Why am I not good enough for you? Why can’t you see how much I’m in love with you?” he mumbled, cutting you off, and you froze in place. Yunho sat down against the wall, staring at the space in front of him. “I can’t do well at my job. My friends ignore me most of the time. My family doesn’t bother contacting me. The woman I love doesn’t love me back. I only have alcohol.” So that’s what this was all about.

You kneeled beside your bestfriend, taking his face in your hands. He stared at you with his pain-filled eyes, causing your heart to ache. “Yunho, I didn’t know you fell in love with me. If I had known that, I would’ve told you that I feel the same way.”

He moved away from you. “I don’t want your pity, Y/N. Just leave me alone.”

“I love you, Yunho,” you confessed. “I’ve been in love with you for years. Why do you think I haven’t dated anyone?”

You reached out to hold his hands, but he pushed yours away harshly. “Leave me alone! I don’t give a fuck if you love me and I don’t need you in my life. I don’t want to see you ever again,” he said, slowly getting up from the floor. “So get out of my house. Now.”

You stood up from the floor, staring at him in disbelief. “Yun—” you paused. You were trying so hard to not cry, but you knew you would break down any second. You looked at his emotionless face before you nodded; you didn’t want to leave him in that state, but maybe he just needed to be alone right now.

You took your sling bag and pulled out a bottle of painkillers, knowing Yunho would need them in the morning. You left them on his dining table before you left.

It was pouring heavily outside, but you didn’t care. You walked in the rain with an aching heart and a mind filled with thoughts of Yunho.


You kept walking, eyes focused on the ground while your tears blended with the rain.

“Y/N!” Yunho grabbed your wrist, making you turn around. He was breathing heavily due to running after you. He cupped your cheeks, staring into your eyes. His eyes never left yours while took his leather jacket off, putting it over your head and then his own, shielding you both from the rain. You kept your eyes on the ground, but you could feel his eyes on you. You slowly looked up, noticing how there were only a few centimeters between you and him. Your eyes flickered between Yunho’s eyes and his lips, and he slowly leaned down, stopping at your parted lips, waiting for a few seconds to see if you would push him away. When you didn’t, he captured your lips with his own. Your hands moved down to grasp his shirt while you kissed him back; you’ve dreamed about kissing him for so many years.

Yunho pulled away after a while, resting his forehead against yours. “I’m sorry for behaving like an asshole,” he murmured. “When you walked out the door, I felt like my whole world was shattering.” You cupped his cheek, making him look at you. “I-I can’t lose you, Y/N,” he continued. “I love you you much. I know it’s hard to love me, to be with me… but please give me a chance. I can’t see you with someone else. I promise to become better for you. I swear I’ll become better.”

“I love you and that’s why I’m willing to try,” you replied honestly. “But you have to let me help you, Yunho. You’re drinking way too much, it scares me. I almost get a heart attack whenever you pass out. I can’t lose you, Yunho, you mean the whole world to me. Please, let me help you.” your voice cracked at the end, making Yunho realize just how much his actions affected you. He took a deep breath before nodding his head; he wanted to become better not only for you, but also for himself.

Yunho wrapped his jacket around you before he lifted you bridal-style, carrying you back to his apartment to show you just how much he loves you.

This is my story of my dream I had last night with Yunho.

The only warnings I can think of is (pregnancy) and thats it. so if its not a topic for you, you can ignore this. theres no sex scenes so its relatively safe

It’s my dream so it’s in my POV. also its not a fic. think of it as a friend venting about her dream.

I had a weird dream.

Me and Yunho were in the same academic institute (it seemed like a university) but the two of us were not friends nor were we in the same department. I was in the nursing department with art on the side. He didn’t know who I was but I, like everyone else, definitely knew who he was. Jung Yunho, the potentially best doctor in the makings. He was tall, smart, financially stable and good - looking. Rumours spread about him that he was also a nice fella. Instead of being surrounded by haters or people who were jealous of him, he was instead greeted with the brightest, happiest smile come morning of each class.

I knew many girls liked him and I was no different. I had a huge crush on him and I dare say I think I was his biggest admirer (basically any girl on the campus would think the same as I am). No one knew I had a crush on him besides my best-friend. Whenever I heard girls gushing over him, I had to pretend like I didn’t care, like I didn’t want to join them in the fun. Every single time, my best-friend would try to suppress in the laughter seeing my struggle.

One day, our school announced that our university was also participating in the friendly sports matches that comes around every few years between the neighbouring universities. The twist was that all the participating universities were to select their team randomly. And what do you know? Me, my best-friend and a few other students from different departments were selected. Oh, and Yunho was selected to.

As you could imagine, I, who had a crush on Yunho, was over the moon. I could not stop making up scenarios in my head, deluding myself that I was more than dust to him or that something more was possible with him. I mean, anyone would be. When I saw him with one of the professor’s daughter, that was when I knew I was in deep, deep trouble. I yearned to see that scenario again. If I wasn’t crying over the piles of nursing work, I was sleeping and If i wasn’t sleeping, I’d be crying to me, myself and I about that time. Yunho looked so good entertaining that child, like he was made for that. His eye smile and laughter that I could hear from across the field was addicting and I knew I had to hear it whenever I had the chance.

But there was a problem. I was an introvert who is extremely shy around people. The fact that I had a crackhead dickhead for a bestfriend was by a miracle that happened once in a blue moon; god never made that moon again. Sure I could ask god for another miracle but I was afraid of trying my luck by it … I also needed to pass nursing school so that was that. However if I had nothing to worry about (only if I was that smart kid), I would not hesitate to ask god for Yunho’s hand in marriage. I’m in the best age range to marry in my culture. 25 and no less than 30. According to my family that is. Not that it was cut throat but marrying this age would be nice. Also because my grandmother, and recently on track my own mother, have been pestering me about a boyfriend. Only once they asked about my non-existent boyfriend though. Because the next time the topic came up, apparently it was about my non - existing husband.

I had never dated in my life up to this point so I was somewhat looking forward to it too, so I wasn’t too opposed to the idea of marriage. However, since I fell for Yunho, I had not been able to keep my mind off of him. Every possible romantic scenario you could think of, it was with Yunho for me. I dare say I was already in love with him. Stupid to say, I know; considering that fact that I knew little of him. On a more personal level that is. I knew about him as much as the next girl who liked him for his looks and money only does.

Back to the games. The moment I knew Yunho and I were going to be teammates, I could not stop smiling. I made sure I smelled and looked good as best as I could. The games were going great. The atmosphere was great, it was healthy. We’d tease each other when one group lost but it was all light hearted. Everyone seemed to have a good time. Yunho was surprisingly very talented. Yunho seemed to be on the list of God’s favourite. It should be a crime to be good at pretty much everything. Now he was good in physical competitions too? So not fair.

On the bright side of that, I got to see how attractive Yunho looked when he was concentrating. He was extremely attractive whenever he won a round but if I hadn’t looked closely, I wouldn’t have noticed. He stayed humbled but there was always an aura of charisma and competitiveness. It was hard to get close to him. Yunho seemed to be everyone’s favourite. He’d joke around with the rest of the team members and he looked good doing it. He always smiled when others looked his way.

And it wasn’t like I didn’t try. I tried as best as I could but every time I managed to call him, he would look at him with a bored expression. He didn’t look happy when I talked to him. If I praised him for doing good, he just give me a tight smile. It felt like Yunho was actively avoiding eye contact. I assumed that he didn’t like me at all and that he didn’t even want to be in the same space as me. At first I thought it was because I must’ve seemed like a creep; being so observant and all. But that doesn’t mean I was affected.

You see, I’m the kind of person who accepted if something went wrong or is not going well in myself and chucked it up to being either it was my fault or it wasn’t meant for me. I never held it over myself for long and proceeded with life. But seeing Yunho being indifferent with me hurt my feelings. I could’ve just asked him right? Right though keep in mind I am very shy around people, borderline afraid. So on the 3rd day of the games, I simply gave up. I had cried myself to sleep the night before that I woke up tired. I wasn’t like me. Sure I was afraid of people, but I made sure I didn’t bring the mood down. On the 3rd day however, I was not concerned about anyone but me.

My best-friend tried to cheer me up yet every single insult she attempted towards Yunho, I’d defend him against her words. It was almost automatic. My best-friend called me crazy and a loss cause. Anyways, I too tried my best to ignore my feelings for him. Even if Yunho was standing close to me, I’d just look to the ground or frantically look for something to do. I couldn’t help but remember how he smelt though. Good. Yunho smelled amazing, delectable actually. He wasn’t stinky. Sure you could smell sweat on him, but that was a given.

I came back home once the games ended (no surprise that we won thanks to Yunho majorly). I have a close relationship with my mother. I never talk to her about my personal girlish life, but she knew something was not ok with me. I told her I will allow the family to marry me off to someone worthy. I was glad that I prepared myself well because it came handy. My mother was excited to say the least. I faked a smile. Fake it till you make it, I believed for a lot of things.

School and classes continued as normal after the games ended and it served as good distraction. I managed to be awarded as best student for the season. It felt good. Things changed though. Since the games ended, my best-friend and I never really had lunch anywhere near the medical doctors department. I convinced my friend to find another favourite spot, one that didn’t overlook the specific walkway where Yunho often passed to get to his usual lab. We found a new place. It was nice. Our conversations could be anything but Yunho. We tried not to bring him up, even if I saw a glimpse of him.

It didn’t feel good. It was done on purpose. It wasn’t in my nature to stop liking him it seemed, but I was determined to. If he was going to look at me with disgust in his eyes, I deserve to move on, no? So moving on I tried. For the most part, it worked. Occasionally I’d smell what lingers of him when my professors asked me to drop by his department for small tasks yet I make nothing of it besides miss seeing him in the flesh with my very own 2 eyes.

My mother had gathered the entire family to plan out the weekend and by plan out the weekend she meant going on a 2 hour road trip to the neighbouring state to formally meet my future in-laws. It was nice of my mother to let us, me specifically, know about this plan of hers 24 hours before the trip including packing. Off we went to the state above us. I slept all the way. All the gushing my mother was pouring onto me made me sleepy.

My mother woke me up when we arrived. It was a luxurious hotel and I had no doubts my mother definitely unknowingly might have maxed out dad’s card in excitement for the finest of them all. And it wasn’t even the real wedding yet. Apparently whatever I decided to pack was not doing it for her, it was not going to workout she said. I went with the flow. Whatever she wanted me to try on, I did. In the end, I settled for an emerald coloured gown that was fitted. I thought I looked beautiful. I smiled genuinely when I looked at myself in the mirror.

I wasn’t nervous before coming here, but when I was stunned to the floor in front of the wooden door, I felt slightly uneasy. I wanted to turn back but I knew my mother wouldn’t let me. And I was correct to be nervous. Never in a million years would I imaged to see the one and only Jung Yunho sitting in the middle of the table, looking as dashing as ever in a suit. To my surprise, not as a sibling, but to my future fiancé.

Absolutely not, I was not having it one bit. At this point, it didn’t seem like I cared if I was causing a scene but I excused myself to the toilet. I collected myself, or i attempted to rather. I looked up to the ceiling to prevent the tears from falling. I spent 2 hours on that goddamn makeup chair against my will (sort of) and I was not going to ruin it, not in front on Yunho at least. I expected to see myself in the mirror, but I only saw Yunho standing at the entrance. I stepped back out of shock of course, asking him what he was doing there and he said his mother forced him out; something about fetching me or he was not going to eat lunch. So if it wasn’t for food, no one would check up on me.

I only nodded and walked passed him, coming back to the private room. Much of the talking was done between the parents. They got along very well, and a small part of me wished that me and Yunho got along too but Yunho was not going to let that happen. I don’t think we even spoke a word to each other then. By the end of the lunch date, both families decided it would be great if me and Yunho married. So I came back to the hotel as an engaged woman.

At the lunch date, me and Yunho agreed that the engagement shouldn’t be delayed for too long and that we should marry as soon as possible. I couldn’t come up with an excuse fast enough when asked why, thankfully Yunho could. He said that the both of us would be too busy to date as we were still in school and what not. It worked. Over the next few months (i’m assuming here) we meet each other when one family called the other over, often times it would be Yunho the one driving and me looking out the window. He was still tense, I could feel it and it made me sad. I was hurt. I kept asking myself what was so wrong about me. I was only met with silence.

The wedding day was only around the corner and the only thing left was doing the final fitting for my wedding dress. The actual wedding day come and it was nothing short of a royal extravagance. I gave only one condition before the marriage and it was that I was to wed with a wedding ceremony that was well in line and no parties. Some might call it boring though I liked it. And maybe Yunho did too. He only gruffed when I asked him about it.

What’s the highlight of a dream about romance if not the honeymoon phase, am i right? for most cases, yes. in this case of this particular dream however, that would be not a happy one. I was married to Jung Yunho at last, legally his wife. In many cultures including ours, it was tradition to consummate marriage on the first night of the wedding. So we did. My marriage to Yunho was my first ever relationship so you could imagine how small I felt. Yea sure I was scared but then morning came and if not for my own memory, I would have no recollection of it. Yunho was up bright and early everyday to start his day, usually without me. I got used to it. We talked here and there but there wasn’t much to say.

After roughly 4 months of marriage, my mother and mother in law came around to our house, giddy like little girls. I asked if everything was ok and was only met by my mother dropping a bag onto the table. Something heavy was definitely in it. To my surprise (and when I say surprised, I mean just downright gobsmacked by god) it was a baby monitoring machine. If my mother in law had not said what it was, I wouldn’t have known.

Eagerly, the 2 ladies quite literally forced me to lay down on my back as they fumbled around with the equipment. Naturally the nurse side of me questioned this dubious invention. I also wondered if Yunho knew about this but he probably wouldn’t even care if he knew. I had no energy to fight the 2 ladies so I allowed to be them. My mother and mother in law were excited to see if I was pregnant or not. I knew they always thought about having their grandkids soon.

Just in time, my ever wonderful husband Yunho came back and was also surprised at the sight of his mother. We sat down and we all agreed that having kids wouldn’t be bad. I liked kids and I thought I’d love being a mother. So of course, that night we had sex again. In that month, we slept together twice. I yearned to say ‘making love’ like they would describe it in the books but was there love between us? Not reciprocated at least.

3 weeks after the last time we had sex, Yunho surprised me by asking me to join him in the shower. I agreed. I found out Yunho liked showering with hot water just like I did. He didn’t speak for the first half of the time I showered with him, just me standing there facing the wall and Yunho washing my back. It was quiet. Until he asked me a question.

“are you pregnant?”

Yunho’s tone was not accusing, just genuinely curious. His voice was so low and a little raspy, he sounded like he was hopeful yet it was still gentle. I couldnt believe it, did he really just asked out of tge blue? No build up??

His left hand was on my waist and his right settled softly yet firmly on the small of my back. I hadn’t realise how he was holding me, but it was certainly very, very intimate.

it was also the time I realised, Yunho only ever spoke so much around me, with me if it was about pregnancy. I connected the dots right then and there. Yunho was only looking forward to the baby. He wanted to be a father. That’s why he seemed excited to talk about it. I asked him why he thought I was pregnant so soon. He thought I was since my mother and mother in law kept visiting too frequently. I asked him if he was hoping I’d be pregnant and he replied

“I’d be the happiest guy the world”

now tell me who wouldn’t melt? because I mentally did. I had goosebumps all over my body and I’m sure he felt it; because well … we were naked, showering together. It was even more intimate when Yunho absent mindedly gently pressed his right palm as if he was massaging me there.

Yunho told me the truth from his story. His father told him he would give over the hospital if he married. He didn’t agree because he wasn’t in love with anyone. Apparently he already knew me as his then potential future wife before the games. Girls came to him for money but he craved an actual family. He found out I too had a crush on him and assumed that I looked at him as nothing more than money and status. I told him he was wrong for not trying to make it work between us.

It did hurt my feelings that he wanted a baby more than me, but at least he isn’t rejecting me. I think he was slowly learning to accept it and more.

I asked him if he thought I was with a baby or not, he replied

“i hope so” with his left hand moving from my waist to the front of my tummy, rubbing circles around it. His right hand stayed the same. Please, its making me dizzy just thinking about it.

I asked Yunho if he would like me to be pregnant. It took a few seconds for him to respond. Until he pulled me hard against him without warning. He said

“fuck yes”


and yes that’s when I woke up. I’m mad at myself and my clock for waking me up during the highlight of the dream T___T


long time no talk nor write. i miss writing. i have 2 plots in mind

imagine her being sent as an undercover spy to kill mafia boss yunho but he knew all along who she really was. yet, he played dumb just because he wanted to spend time with her. no matter what she said to him when she found out he knew all along, no matter what she did, all yunho had was the way her face was beautifully decorated with her sweet smile. aka big scary mafia boss yunho but in reality biggest simp for her.

i have another story plot. however, its a pretty special plot so i might have to plan it properly before revealing it. T___T i have yet to start writing for Memories of Phoenix Flames T___T


Wildest Dreams (Taylor’s version) by Taylor Swift

Time stamp: 0:28 - 1:06 &, 2:20 - 2:52

ɢᴇɴʀᴇ: Social Media!AU, HighSchool!AU, non idols, angst, fluff, first love

ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: none

ᴅɪꜱᴄʟᴀɪᴍᴇʀ: this fanfic in no way represents any of the ateez members in any shape or form. This is purely fiction.

ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢꜱ: Fem!Reader x Yunho

⇢ Pairing: bf!Seonghwa x gn!Reader x bff!Yunho
⇢ Genre: Angst
 Warnings: Mention of anxiety attack, brief mention of relationship trauma
⇢ Word Count: 1,322
⇢ Synopsis: When you think things are going well, they are not.
⇢ A/N: Sometimes you just need to create to heal. Most times you just want a hug.

From the moment you step into the store, anyone can see your giddiness. You are excited about your secret plans for the night. You’ve been seeing Seonghwa for a few weeks now, and you want to surprise him with dinner. After making a joke that you can’t cook, you admitted you could, in fact, make at least one good dish. He was intrigued and expressed that he would love to try it. Therefore, you decided to treat him the night after that conversation took place. Needing ingredients, you dragged along your friend, Yunho. He happily agreed to come only after mentioning he’d still be salty that he doesn’t get to eat any of it. He can’t say no to you when you seem so ecstatic about it.

“So how was your date last night?” Yunho asks, watching you scan the shelves of food.

“It was so good. Seonghwa took me to this nice restaurant near his apartment,” You answer and briefly look over at your friend with wide, guilty eyes, “I felt bad ordering anything because everything was so expensive.”

“He clearly didn’t mind spending the money on you. He’s the one who took you there.”

“I know, but I still felt bad. Afterward, we went back to his apartment and continued watching that show we started last week.”

You finally settle on a jar of sauce and place it in your basket. Yunho follows you to another aisle as he continues to ask about your new relationship.

“How do you rate him on a scale from one to ten, compared to the other guys you’ve dated?”

You hum thoughtfully, looking off into space as you think. This new guy is nice, patient, funny, and supportive. He loves hearing you talk about your hobbies and interests and the sparkles in your eyes when you do. He reassures you that being yourself is all he wants, and you’re thankful you’ve found someone like that. Over the month of dating him, you don’t want to jump to conclusions, but you think he is the one.

“He’s a ten.”

“Wow, he must really treat you right,” Yunho smiles seeing you light up.

“Mhm,” you agree and continue looking for the right noodles.

But something stops you. Your phone rings in your pocket, and you quickly pull it out. It’s Seonghwa.

“Hello?” You chirp.

“Hey, are you busy right now?” He asks, his voice not filled with the same glee.

Your eyes shift to Yunho, who is studying your face as it falls.

“No. Is something wrong?” You ask, heartbeat picking up.

“Um, I’ve been thinking about this all day, and this is a really hard decision for me to make. I don’t think this will work out.”

“What do you mean?”

“I don’t think we should keep seeing each other.”

You turn away from your friend as panic starts to hint in your voice, “Did I do something wrong? Is it me?”

“No, it’s nothing you did. It’s me. You are a beautiful, smart, and adorably silly person. Please, believe that. But I don’t think we share the same ideas.”

You try to suppress the sobs that are building up in your chest and clawing their way up your throat. Once a sniffle breaks your silence, Seonghwa sighs into the receiver.

“I really didn’t want to do this. I’m really sorry. I just don’t see a future with someone who isn’t on the same page as me.”

One of your hands comes up to cover your face while a quiet sob breaks through.

“I hate hearing you cry,” he says with a sniffle, “I wish I was there to hug you.”

Although he is breaking your heart, you really wish he was too.

You begin to ramble, “I’m sorry. Thank you for everything you’ve done for me. I really appreciate you giving me your time when I know you’re busy. I’m sorry.”

“Please, don’t be sorry. I really did enjoy hanging out with you and getting to know you. You’re such a sweet and cute person.”

You sit in silence save for your sniffs and attempts to stop crying. Your mind is blank. What is there to say? You don’t want to beg him to stay with you. You don’t want to be that crazy person who can’t let go. Only one word comes to mind.


“I’m really sorry,” he says.

“It’s fine. It’s okay. I understand.” You shake your head, mostly to convince yourself of your own words.

“There is someone out there for you; someone who will match your energy. You really are an amazing person.”

For a moment, the call is filled with sounds of you desperately holding back your tears.

“I won’t keep you any longer. You should go be with friends, so you’re not alone. Again, I’m really sorry.”

“It’s fine. Have a good night.”

The line is quiet. It kills you.

“Bye,” you manage before hanging up. Your body collapses until your knees are hugged to your chest. A gentle, large hand rests on your back and rubs up and down soothingly. A sob racks your body. Your hands curl tightly into fists.

“I’m so stupid,” you whisper.

“No, you’re not,” Yunho reassures you.

“He said he couldn’t see a future with me because we don’t believe the same things. Nothing seemed like an issue. We never argued over anything. I feel so stupid. I was so vulnerable in front of him and told him things I haven’t told anyone else. I’m so fucking stupid.”

A pair of arms wrap around you, your face burying into Yunho’s chest. The grocery store you’re in is long forgotten as you cry into his shirt.

“Why do I keep regretting being myself?”

“Don’t,” Yunho murmurs in your hair.

“Why can’t I finally have happiness? Why can’t anything ever go right for me?” You bawl, “I wanted to believe he was different from the others, but all he has done is prove he is just the same.”

“There is someone meant for you, and it isn’t him.”

“He said the same thing.”

Yunho’s body becomes frigid with guilt. There’s no way he could have known, and that’s just something people say to the brokenhearted. You don’t fault him for that.

“I had an anxiety attack last night when he wanted to do things. I told him about my fucking baggage. He was so understanding and sweet about it. He has been the only one to actually care about how I feel. I literally cried in front of him telling him my trauma. Who the fuck breaks up with someone after that?” Your sobs come harder, “When I left, he said he was grateful that I was comfortable enough with him to tell him those things. All he wanted was for me to be comfortable with him.”

“Then he’s just an asshole. If he can’t look past your differences and actually appreciate you, he isn’t worth your time. At least it ended before you grew even more attached,” Yunho says, his hand softly massaging your head.

“I just want to be happy.”

“You will be. I know you don’t want to hear this, but it will come in time.”

You don’t argue with him, mostly because you’ve become exhausted from crying. He lets you calm down in his arms. When you finally lean away, Yunho’s eyes flit around your flushed, puffy face. His nimble fingers brush back some of your hair.

“I guess we should put all this stuff back,” you say defeatedly, looking at your basket.

“We can still make it. I can appreciate your cooking more than he ever could.”

Tears flood your eyes again, and a small smile tugs at your lips. “Thank you…” you sigh, numbness being expelled from your body with the exhale, “My head hurts now.”

“We can get something for that,” Yunho says with a little laugh as he takes your hand to help you stand.
