

  • We may be difficult to understand, and to be around sometimes, but please don’t leave us, we are not very good at being alone.
  • It’s possible that we are attractive even when we do bad, but we’re so in touch with our personality and have so much to share, and we want people to see that and listen.
  • Our silence sometimes speaks louder than our voices can manage, and in times like these it can be difficult to know whether we just really need to be alone, or really long for someone to talk to and to be held.
  • We can easily be irritated, but we’re equally easy to please, so don’t give up on us, and just try to have a conversation with us, we always have something to say.
  • We are sensitive beings and we need someone to care for us and to help keep us down to Earth. We are aware of all the things above, and that’s why we are, so conscious about letting people into our hearts. Once we decide to give someone a chance, they are given a place in our hearts, and we trust that they won’t damage or hurt anything within the walls of our hearts. We love deeply and fully when giving our hearts away, but if we are mistreated, the key to our hearts will forever belong to someone else, someone worthy of our compassion.

This one is for all my Gemini’s who needed that confirmation, acknowledge and understanding. My loves, my angels, my soul sisters you are so loved, so so so loved by the universe and everything it has.


Some things someone noticed about Gemini girls♊

Do you have Gemini brain or just an average human brain

Where all my Gemini babies at?♊
