#astrology advice


Card Reading

Answers for @marisk

Hi, welcome back for your second card reading. Sit or lay down, wherever you feel most comfortable, and don’t hesitate to drink lots of water, to make sure you rinse out any old beliefs and connect with the new ones.

I asked my spirit guides and angels to help bring you guidance on whether you have chosen the right path in life? To let any messages that you need to hear come through. To help you stay strong in your own power and to rely on the guidance you receive, and to trust that it is for the highest and the best.

Dear Angels, do you have a message for this loving soul?

First came Silence and then came Sun.

Silence is a source of great strength. It is a reminder to not waste your words on people who deserve your silence. They want you to know that: “Sometimes the most powerful thing you can say is nothing at all.”

Know that the intention with this message not necessarily is for you to keep your words hidden away, but rather for you to find acceptance and peace in not relying upon the support of others, but finding strength in your own support towards your self and the dreams you have.

Sun is a source of light and warmth, but mostly life. There is a sun within every person. You are invited to cherish every sunset and turn your face to the sun and let the shadows fall behind you.

In this message I see that if you trust the universe and face the sun, you will see that the path you are on is right for you and all the old feelings, the shadows, are behind you.

I am being called to tell you that everything in this world is FOR YOU, and I want you to remember this. If you feel like the universe is against you, sit down, relax and take a deep breath. You can sit for 10 seconds or 10 minutes, time has nothing to say. Imagine this waterfall over your head, but instead of water it is bright white light pouring over you and filling you up all the way down to your feet, and just keep chanting the words: “I have trust, I have faith, it is for me.”

I asked the Spirit Animal Oracles for any advice they would have for you. Again the Wombat Spirit was here for you.

The Wombat Spirit reminds you that to truly be at home in the world, you need to find comfort in your own skin. Home sweet home is always available if you recognize that wellbeing is the truth of life. Right now you are in a beautiful place where you can hang up the coat of your identity and settle in to a true sense of home and wellbeing, understanding that all is well. Everything you do from this place rings true in harmony with the Spirit.

Could it be that you are not feeling comfortable in your own skin, thinking that the only way you can be with others is to hide under the protection of a mask or identity you created to protect yourself from getting hurt?

The Wombat Spirit arrives to nudge you to drop the false masks because it is not others who will hurt you now. It is you who are hurting yourself when you aren’t being authentic.

I really feel like this will resonate very well with you, please correct me if I’m wrong. But you have been hurting yourself more by doing something that was not meant for you. It did not come from a place of love and passion, but you have begun to feel the freedom to be yourself by changing your profession. Now you can begin to truly feel at home in your life, with your family and tribe. Acceptance is the key that will unlock your true home inside of you. With deep honesty and love of life, you can accept all your experience with judgement and be free from the stress of old habits and beliefs.

At last I asked the Starseed Oracles if they had any message for you to help you fully become free and trust the universe?

Star Family appears to tell you that you are part of a team of souls, and to call in support. At some stage, we were each a part of a soul cluster - a gathering of souls who broke away from one other to experience themselves individually. Those who are part of your soul cluster are part of your star family. You haven’t just experienced lifetimes together, but your souls were once actually one.

The Star Family appears because it is likely that you have met someone who is part of your star family, or you are about to. You know that someone is part of your star family when you feel like you know and remember them from the moment you meet. Instantly, they will feel familiar and comfortable. When you are with them you feel more yourself than with anyone else and time both passes quickly and stretches when being with them. The Star Family invites you to think about the people in your life.

You are being called to ask yourself: “Who do you think is from the same star family as you? Who do you feel is part of your star family? How can you call upon them for support?”

I hope this gave you some guidance on the path you’re currently on in your life. It seems to me that you have been on a crossroad, standing with one leg on each side. Either you could choose the easy way, the one you are kinda scared of, but it feels safe and sound at the same time, or you could choose the hard way, the one you are comfortable with, but the one where you will constantly stumble and struggle to stay on. “Why wouldn’t you choose the easy way? Why keep fighting a battle you are destined to lose, or loosing yourself in the win?”

I want you to rinse out all the beliefs that you have of always having to work harder, to never choose easy over difficult, and to keep climbing higher up the ladder. Instead I will install new codes and beliefs in you that says: “It is more than okay to work just enough to get by, to choose the easy way, and to stay where you are on the ladder or even jump off the ladder and create your own path in life.”

Love, Astrologyatlas

  • We may be difficult to understand, and to be around sometimes, but please don’t leave us, we are not very good at being alone.
  • It’s possible that we are attractive even when we do bad, but we’re so in touch with our personality and have so much to share, and we want people to see that and listen.
  • Our silence sometimes speaks louder than our voices can manage, and in times like these it can be difficult to know whether we just really need to be alone, or really long for someone to talk to and to be held.
  • We can easily be irritated, but we’re equally easy to please, so don’t give up on us, and just try to have a conversation with us, we always have something to say.
  • We are sensitive beings and we need someone to care for us and to help keep us down to Earth. We are aware of all the things above, and that’s why we are, so conscious about letting people into our hearts. Once we decide to give someone a chance, they are given a place in our hearts, and we trust that they won’t damage or hurt anything within the walls of our hearts. We love deeply and fully when giving our hearts away, but if we are mistreated, the key to our hearts will forever belong to someone else, someone worthy of our compassion.

This one is for all my Gemini’s who needed that confirmation, acknowledge and understanding. My loves, my angels, my soul sisters you are so loved, so so so loved by the universe and everything it has.


January 10th, 2020

Full Wolf Moon in Capricorn and Lunar Eclipse.

Meaning: The sensitive waters of Cancer. A lunar eclipse is a powerful full moon phase, but the emotional meaning of the January 2020 lunar eclipse revolves around moon-ruled themes such as home, family, and your inner foundation. We will never experience an eclipse like this one again. The sky is supercharged with celestial energies, and the tension building up toward Saturn’s meet-up with powerful Pluto.

Good for: Letting go as opposed to starting something new. Full moons bring culminations and with a stellium of planets hovering over Capricorn, this will likely revolve around traditions.

Bad for: It can be a lot to take in and can result in a low energy level.

Cancer:Sensitive. Governed by Mother Moon, and the moon is a symbol of your inner world; it’s who you are when no one’s around.

Capricorn:Governed by serious Saturn, planet of limits and structures.

Emotional meaning: The moon will oppose the sun, Mercury, Saturn, and Pluto in Capricorn. It is a very powerful energy and the beginning of a brand-new chapter and energetic shift. Capricorn is equivalent to your physical foundation, and Saturn and Pluto are in the process of destroying those outdated ways of thinking. These energies will likely shed light on the areas you’ve mentally and spiritually outgrown. The most challenging part about this is, you may not feel ready to let go of whatever’s been weighing down on you. However, the universe is always working in your favor, so surrender to it and have faith.

What’s to come: The Saturn-Pluto conjunction on January 12th 2020.

Why I think that zodiac signs shouldn’t be taken THAT seriously

During my time on social media, checking out the zodiac community and deciding to be a part of it here on tumblr, I have noticed how astrology became a spicy topic as well as a “not-so-friendly” conversation starter. What I mean by this is that many times I have seen people online getting seriously offended by the topic or by the people who were “into” the topic. Contradicting opinions and “bad jokes”. And I have to say that this is one of the many reasons that pushed me towards becoming a little bit distant from this community, as well as from the topic in general. I can seriously hear people commenting “well you’re an Aquarius, what can you expect?!” and it kind of drives me nuts. Astrology is a fun and entertaining subject to debate and discover. It’s got a lot of little details that are so amusing, as well as the stereotypes that come along with it and it is, honestly, a shame that we are destroying it. First of all, because if we think rationally about it, it’s (surprisingly) way too general to describe us all, down to a T. Second of all, because, just like all “sciences”, it still needs to bloom. In my opinion, astrology can be a beautiful topic to discuss, as well as believe in, however, putting too much of our trust into it, basing our lives off of it, is nothing but toxic to us. Just like an aquintance you make while in school, the kind of person that’s fun to hang around with during the breaks, but also the kind of person who you recognize as being toxic. You wouldn’t want to be friends with her. You’d just sabotage yourself, right? So you just keep her as your aquintance and that’s that. She is Astrology. Too much of her can be toxic. It can seriously distort the way you see people and the angle that you look at life. It can push you towards constantly shamming yourself AND others. It can upset you (and others). I say that if you truly like the subject, if you’re truly passionate about it, it is definitely a good idea to surround yourself with it, look into it regularly and not hide that fact at all. However, just like anything else, too much of it can seriously harm you. Love it, cherish it and laugh about it. No matter how Karen sees your sun sign or judges your moon sign. Karen is a Virgo. She judges everyone. (See what I did here? We don’t want this, unless we know how to take humor with a grain of salt). And everything that I have mentioned is purely my opinion on the topic, as well as my experience with it. And honestly, I hope people will chill tf out a little because it used to be the place where I would go to when sh*t would just go down. Because astrology is fun. And it will always remain one of my interests and fascinations.

How I see the zodiac signs

Aries: The impatient person you meet while waiting in a row at the store, the bold colleague who’s not afraid to speak up, the friend who makes you laugh like crazy, the lover who makes you feel like you’re going loco

Taurus: The kind person who offers to help any stranger on the street, the colleague that always brings you coffee and tries to brighten up your day with the spicy yet amusing gossip, the friend who makes you eat all the junk food, the extremely passionate lover

Gemini: The oddly serious person on the bus who’s actually listening to funky music while their imagination looks as if it’s high on various substances, the colleague that everyone’s talking crap about but they’re actually quite nice and helping, the friend that’s always going to contradict you but who’s always going to be by your side no matter what, the shy and blushy lover with a wild side ;)

Cancer: The super energetic kid who’s running around in circles and saying “hello” to everybody, the colleague who brings food that everyone finds disgusting, the friend that gets you in trouble but offers you the most fun time ever, the lover who is also your best friend

Leo: The fancy person on the street that somehow manages to stumble and fall in front of everyone while they’re doing the “walk of glory”, the colleague who’s not afraid to punch you and call you stupid if they see that you’re attitude is not matching your value (which btw is very high), the friend who’s giving you the best advice & is boosting your confidence up every single time you’re talking to them, the lover that’s showing you off and praising you like a God (do not dare to NOT do the same to them, they’ll leave you the next second bby)

Virgo: The person who’s judging you hard when you walk into a high-end store, the colleague who’s judging you hard when they see you claiming that you’re the best in the company, the friend who’s judging you hard when they see how stupid you are when you’re calling/texting your ex, the lover who’s not able to judge you at all because when they’re in love you are perfect to them

Libra: The person who’s taking outfit pictures in a very beautiful spot in town, the colleague who’s trying their best to be liked by everyone and comes to all the parties, the friend who’s up to do the craziest sh*t with you because they want to have fun, the lover who would do anything for you because their feelings are so dang intense and all they want to do is keep you in their life forever, no matter what it takes!!!

Scorpio: The mean cashier at your local store (you know, the one with the poker face), the colleague who’s always fooling around because they want to spice up the atmosphere and have a little bit of fun, the friend who’s always going to laugh at you (so hopefully you don’t take everything seriously), the lover who’s up to go through anything for the one that they’re in love with

Sagittarius: That one person in s group of friends that’s the loudest and laughs like crazy on the street, the colleague who always seems to work the least but however manages to do all their tasks perfectly on time and with great quality, the friend who’s always covering you up when you’re doing something crazy, the lover who would shout at you and say that they’re leaving but would never do that because they would never be able to hurt what they love the most, as they have encountered pain and would never wish it to someone else

Capricorn: The snobby person in a restaurant who’s making the waitress feel bad about the food and service facilities, the colleague who’s actually not that serious and hides a secret bottle of wine in the cabinet for the moments when nobody’s watching, the friend who will give you extremely smart advice and will take you to all the beautiful places to have fun, the lover who will make you feel extra special, respected and cared for; they will literally treat you the way they treat themselves (or even better than that—and they love themselves…hard!!)

Aquarius: The stranger you go to because you need directions advice but they can’t hear you because they’re zoned out, the colleague who doesn’t talk that much but is always listening to every conversation, the friend who can brighten up your day with their silly behavior and high level of acceptance which will make you feel 100% comfortable with being yourself around them, the lover that’s super SUPER intense and even though it may be hard to believe it, they can be jealous and clingy (if they are truly in love)

Pisces: The person who is working as a mascot for a store and needs to wear a silly costume (which they actually like not gonna lie), the colleague who is up to date with all the gossiping, the super soft friend who will be 100% transparent and honest with you, will help you get out of the deep sh*t and will constantly be there for you when you need them, the lover who will give you freedom and will love you forever (legit, forever)

It’s been a while, my friends… But I’m an Aquarius so what can you expect ‍♀️

understanding their love language—zodiac signs—

aries: difficult yet natural and out of their control, when they feel love they try their best to keep their cool but you’ll oftentimes see them burst out the most random and aggressive things ever, because it’s overwhelming to hold it all in; they do those cute little things and expect you to fall head-over-heels for them

taurus: they’ll make an impression—put themselves in favourable situations that make them look good, show signs of generosity and friendliness and even show off some of their looks and skills—in order to get you to notice them; will try to act “not that interested” but low-key will have a jealousy outburst if someone else comes close to you

gemini: blabbering about the most little and weird things ever just so that they can hear your voice and be sure that they’ve got your attention on them; they make themselves remarkable through words more than actions—not that they won’t physically show interest, it’s just that they have a way of using words that’s super charming—

cancer: when attracted, they will pay extra attention to you, observe how you interact with others, how you talk under pressure or how you smile when you are happy (stalker-ish??) and will use these small observations as ways to compliment you in the most unique ways possible; just like taurus, they will try their best to come across as interesting, almost as if they are the spotlight; usually shy and distant, will let you approach them patiently, nurturing

leo: even though it’s hard to picture them as being sublte, especially because they are very expressive human beings, they do have some sort of finesse and are some of the smoothest people when sliding into your dms; they’ll somehow always be around you, possibly competing with you (can come off as arrogant if you, yourself, have a competitive nature) but overall, they’ll be sweet and transparent

libra: flirtatious by nature it’s quite hard to know for real if they have genuine feelings for you but if they dress extra fancy around you, giggle at most of your jokes and make an effort to basically force themselves into appearing uninterested and independent, they probably have the hots for you

scorpio: they stare and they stare hard, shamelessly and non-stop; they will devour your presence with their eyes and will observe how you react under their tension, they will note down your habits, your conversations with other people and how you walk, smile and look around you; basically stalkers; when approaching you they will use that stalking and come up with conversations based on mutual interests to see how much passion hides withing you but also to figure your mind out

sagittarius: they’ll be loud show-offs and will most likely use their friends as support to convince you that they are super cool and fun; will have mood swings but that’s because your presence in their lives makes them nervous; they have incredible charm and will 100% use it to lure you in especially when giving compliments or dropping flirtatious hints—can be touchy af AND CHEESY—

capricorn: they will try their best to initiate conversation with you; they’ll show interest and support in your own beliefs, goals and dreams and will want to lend you a helping hand if they can; not good at expressing how they feel but they will always be there for you if you’re in a bad place (will hug you)

aquarius: they’ll basically ignore you, not even look in your eyes and probably give you the impression that they hate you; in reality they are silently observing you and will strike random conversations about things that remind them of you (send you memes, songs etc); they will appear as they are friend zoning you but that’s actually how they show love

pisces: they will go out of their way to spend time with you and get to know the real you; will put a lot of effort in getting you to understand how much you mean to them; will text you a lot and ask how was your day


Aries: stop playing mind games, their intellect is more intimidating than their arrogance, start to value the little things in life more, won’t flirt with everything that moves

Taurus: will admit that they can be wrong sometimes, won’t feel the need to be appreciated by everyone else, see the luxury in simplicity

Gemini: won’t have as many friends, will take time for themselves ALONE, show more interest into “boring” stuff, will be brutally honest with no hesitation, will be melancholic, will just chill tf out a little bit more

Cancer: will stop hiding their strong emotions, will try to get out of their comfort zone more often, will do things for themselves more often, won’t try so hard to please everyone around them

Leo: will use their extravagance in small, intelligent doses to prove their points, will start ignoring people’s negativity and just focus on the beautiful side of life, will be more into kindness than grudges, will overall look so much more comfortable with their own lives

Virgo: will stop craving perfection from everyone, will accept other’s opinions, will be more expressive regarding their feelings and beliefs, will stop pretending nothing can touch their emotional side ever

Libra: will show more interest into less superficial areas of life, will start giving wise advice which might shock everyone, won’t bother to show people that they’re not as perfect as they seem to be, will sacrifice their own happiness and pleasures for those close to their hearts

Scorpio: will be more open to accept strangers in their lives, will stop hiding their imperfections as much as they can, will go out of their way to help people and show that they care dearly

Sagittarius: will think before they act, will tone down their hot temper, will show interest in people’s feelings, listen more than they talk, will start sharing advice they’ve learnt throughout their life adventures

Capricorn: will be less arrogant, give people the chance to be the bosses as well, stop trying to have control upon everything, will assume more risks, embrace their freedom with an open mind

Aquarius: will finally let themselves tied down to something/someone, will express their feelings freely, will be more spiritual and heart-oriented, will trust other people, will stop underestimating those around them

Pisces: will find the power to get out of their mind and enjoy reality, will be more grounded, will stop swimming away from their own problems, won’t put price on what others think of them

Questions I have for the Zodiac Signs (excuse the shade):

Aries: Why do you always pretend to not care when deep down you’re shattering? Why do you always play this “insensitive b*tch” game especially with those you claim to care about? Breaking their hearts with your hot & cold actions. Why is caring such a bad thing for you? Do you think that coldness and aloofness is not going to break your heart too, eventually?


Taurus: How can you always forgive those who made you suffer so very deeply? Those who made you feel pathetic, not worthy enough, stupid and ordinary. How many times do you have to fall and tangle yourself in the web of their lies just because you’re afraid of being lonely? Afraid of not being liked. How many past mistakes does it take you in order to finally note down the lessons?


Gemini: Why do you always allow your feelings to mix up with your life choices, seeming as if you change your mind 10 times per minute? Why are you, deep down, so afraid that you’re going to end up alone and sad if you give up on toxic people? On people that don’t deserve you. How can someone so confident and bold be fooled this easily?


Cancer: Why do you always feel the need to fit in, to blend in with all these boring ass people and their stupid standards of beauty, intellect or humor. Why can’t you take a deep breath and just accept yourself, without feeling this powerful need to be liked by everyone. Without trying to be their kind of cool. Be your kind of cool. Can you do that?


Leo: Can you actually stop wanting to be right about everything all the time? Can you actually accept the fact that you do mistakes too, just like everyone else? Can you just sit down and finally admit that you’re suffering? That deep down you know you’re wrong and that shatters all your confidence? You’re not alone. And certainly not ridiculous for feeling down.


Virgo: Why do you stress so much over so little? Why do you always feel this enormous need to have control over everything? Perhaps you have self issues, a desire so strong for perfectionism that you just can’t accept life as it is sometimes. But do you think that stressing over building the perfect kingdom is going to make you happy? Do you actually think that power is going to last forever? Do you think that stressing is living? That perfect means happy? Just go with the f*cking flow and learn to embrace imperfection for God’s sake!!!


Libra: Does acting all nice and sweet actually make you a good person? Do you, for real, think that if you bathe people in compliments they’ll like you just like that? Is this what you do in order to gain people on your side in case one day you’ll fall and don’t want to be lonely? My dear, acting sweet isn’t going to get you through all the pain life has to offer. Learn to say no, learn to move on, learn to be lonely. Or perhaps you don’t want to? Maybe you’re too scared.


Scorpio: Does watching from a distance feel good? When all you want to do is just f*cking go for it? When you just feel the need to aproach that one person and talk, tell them everything you’re feeling, with no shame. Does it feel good to watch them being happy without you, just because you’re too proud of yourself to just admit that you’re not as perfect as you think? Do you actually think that you’re stronger than everyone else when, in reality, you run away from everything that makes you feel unsure of yourself? From everything that doesn’t fit into the imaginary patterns you drew all your life?


Sagittarius: Do you think people can’t actually see through your bullsh*t? That they can’t figure out when you’re truly happy and glowy and when you fake all the smiles and nice comments? You’re an honest person, most of the time. But that mind of yours, those feeling that you don’t pay much attention to, they eventually show. And when they show, all I want to know is: are you prepared to be alone? Misunderstood? Or do you expect all those people you kept second guessing to still stick around you?


Capricorn: Are you aware of your own rudeness when you start showing off that huge ego you’ve got? Are you that insecure that you can’t afford people judging you? Why do you constantly feel the need to put yourself into a light that only makes you perfect, showing people that you’re better than them? Why are you afraid to admit that you’re confused too. That you don’t know the answer to all the questions or problems. Why do you need to constantly approve yourself through the eyes of society?


Aquarius: How can you wake up every day, knowing how many terrible things stain your hands, without feeling any trace of regret? How can you, so suddenly and abruptly, throw away all your emotions when you feel threatened by others? Do you actually think you can run away forever from your own demons? From those emotions you tear away from your heart and pretend you have never felt them? Do you actually think that, in this way, people are going to stop hating? Stop trying to bing you down? Well, my dear, no. This world is f*cking cruel and I guess so are you.


Pisces: Does the “cool” etiquette feels good to posses? Does being two-faced, mean and trashy feels good? I gues it does, at least after you gain a statutus of popularity. After you’ve got yourself a bunch of people you can call friends, but secretly hate on. Why are you doing all of these things? What are you trying to prove? That you’re lovable? Kind? Sweet? My dear friend, you don’t have to shove this in everyone’s faces. You only have to feel it deep down. You don’t need lots of likes and lots of friends to prove yourself. Or do you?


It’s Christmas and I kind of feel bad for posting this because I know it may be plain and simple rude. I’m really sorry in case I’ve just ruined the vibe BUT I strongly belive that this EXCUSE THE SHADE series I came up with is actually kind of entertaining and can bring out the truth underneath the STEREOTYPES.

I’m an Aquarius and just called out bullshit on myself, hope I’ll fix my behaviour in 2019, haha ♒️ What’s your NY goal?

MERCURY rules our day to day expressions, logical and communication. Mercury also rules electronics — phones, cars, planes, computers, machines etc. When Mercury turns retrograde, forward movement in regards to these themes is less supported.

This is why you hear that you need to back up your phone and computer, and make sure to double check any issues with your mode of transport before traveling. This is also why it’s said to think twice, maybe three times before you speak.

Mercury Retrograde is a time to reassess, review and reevaluate out current circumstances.

•Why you should TOTALLY date the signs

Aries: They are the definition of adventure, passion and intellectual stimulation. Their humor has the power to light up any bad day. Never boring & always full of energy. Willing to get out the best in you.


Taurus: They will teach you the benefits of slow reveal and do that old fashioned thing of getting to know each other first before ripping clothes off. Gentle & thoughtful. Won’t let anyone judge you.


Gemini: Their imagination is fascinating, just like their overall personality. They are such good partners that time spent with them flies by without even realising. Spontaneous, adaptable & talentated conversationalists.


Cancer: They’ll actually listen and give a f*ck about everything you’re saying. Cancer brings a sense of connectedness to the dating table. Sentimental & deeply connected to their family & friends. Great at making you feel cared of.


Leo: This sign will remind you off a sense of occasion – how much fun it is to dress up and choose the perfect accessory to compliment the perfect outfit. They also have really big hearts of gold & are a great shoulder to cry on. Fabulously nice.


Virgo: They usually have a mindful aura. They can help you live a healthier life and also keep you inspired with their knowledge. Five star time managers Virgo will also teach you how to seamlessly fit a lot more into an average day without stress overload. Sort of mysterious.


Libra: They are carefree, fun people that just simply LIVE for a little romance. Cliche-ic or not, they will give you the exact amount of attention you need, without asking for anything in return. Their love can make them become completely selfless. Dreamy & peace makers.


Scorpio: They represent temptation in flesh and bones. Firey personality, they will make you pray for their presence in your life. Extremely passionate & possesive. The thrill is always there.


Sagittarius: They are the kind of people who aren’t afraid of showing affection in most weird ways possible. Blame it on their spontaneous character or on their free spirit. Open minded geniuses & super sweet when in love.


Capricorn: They’ll motivate and life you up. They typically reprezent the perfect partner as they will constantly try to inspire you and help you reach your goals. Relaxing presence & generous.


Aquarius: They are the eye-opener you’ve probably searched for for so long! They’ll challenge you to examine yourself, they’ll teach you how to love yourself and everyone around you. Great listeners & encouraging. Sometimes can be selfless.


Pisces: They can easily help you out by sharing their funky viewpoint upon life. They’ll talk about anything and everything and will always protect you, under any circumstances. Sensitive but not a fool. That one person who will never laugh at you if you cry at movies.

-zodiac males-

AnAries shook his head, a small smile curving his wet lips, as his eyes glanced in my direction. He leaned in closer, grabbing my palms which were covering my face. He, then, whispered in my ear, softly, “Don’t cover your face, I want to remember every single detail of it, always and forever”.

ATaurus was blocking my way out of the science lab, looking down at me with a serious, stern face. I raised a brow before he could pull me back into the, now, empty classroom. “I saw how he looked at you”, he whispered and a shiver bloomed up my spine as I gulped. “You are mine, only”, he continued as he placed a soft kiss on my forehead.

AGemini was laughing with a large group of tomboys, looking my way as I walked into the caffee. He quickly whispered something into a guy’s ear before he stormed off to me, a wide, childish grin decorating his face. “Hello, gorgeous, would you mind helping me win a bet?”, he held out his hand towards me, waiting for my response that seemed to never come out of my mouth.

ACancer knocked at my door, late at night, with a bag full of snaks in his right arm and a fresh flower in the other one. He looked up at me, his eyes glistening with what seemed like adoration and frustration, before he handed his gifts to me. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you I love you before this very moment”, he smiled softly, hiding away the saddness in his voice.

ALeo was approaching the conflict I found myself in a couple of minutes ago, and immediately pushed back the tall guy who was forcing me to give him my last pocket money. Leo scared him off almost instantly, with his dangerously agressive gaze and after that, turned around to hug me tight to his chest. “How dare he treat my queen like a peasant?”, he whispered, stroking my hair gently.

AVirgo hid his face behind his phone as I approached him to say hi. Giving me a warning look as I sat next to him on the bench, he finally realized I wasn’t going to leave so he put his phone away, staring deeply into my eyes. “Rude”, he scoffed but then entertwined his slender fingers with mine.

ALibra jumped on the bed, laughing loudly as he listened to me sing a very popular song that played in the background. After some time, he lifted me up on the bed, next to him, as we were both left breathless after so much laughter and simply looked at my trembling lips. “I’m going to kiss you until I’ll wake up on the moon”, he brushed my hair and, before I knew it, his lips crushed over mine.

AScorpio was staying behind my back, watching how my hand was moving over the paper that was now filled with all sorts of lines, creating a sketch. I looked over at him but his body seemed to jump as my eyes met his and, in just a matter of seconds, he crossed his arms over his chest and found his way out of the room, mumbling underneath his breath a frustrated “Damn, control yourself”.

ASagittarius spotted me in the crowd at the local fair and left his group of friends to come talk to me for a couple of seconds. As usual, he was making jokes and being a really good company and mate but something made me question the nervousness in his eyes and the way he always seemed to reach out for my hand but stopped as soon as he realized he was going to touch me. After some time, he laughed loudly and face palmed himself. “Jeez, you make me so nervous”, he giggled.

ACapricorn was showing me some good memes he found last night on tumblr, as well as he was rambling about a really important competition he totally ignored until the last moment. As he was scrolling through his phone, showing me the funny pictures, he stumbled across a picture of me. His breath nearly stopped but somehow, he managed to clear his throat and hide away his phone before his cheeks blushed SO hard. “Remember the meme about awkward moments?”, he chuckled nervously as I nodded, amuzed.

AnAquarius was lazily sipping his coffee as he texted someone, noticing with the corner of his eyes how I was glancing his way, hoping he’ll come say hi. As he threw his phone back into his backpack, sipping the last drop of coffee in his cup, he finally walked towards my table and pattet my shoulder, friendly. “Nice choice of clothing”, he winked at me before walking out of the coffee shop, leaving me confused and alone.

APisces was driving his car silently, listening to the radio, glancing from time to time my way without saying a word, regarding the pressure between our bodies. I tried to crack up a joke about the bright choice of colors I could notice inside of his charcoal black car but all he did was nodd and carefully grab my hand, placing it on his knee. “You should see the color of my bedsheets, then”, he smirked and watched how I blushed HARD.

I saw how popular these are so I decided to make my own version as I had no idea what to post next and I was dangerously close to socially disappearing again #aquariusproblems

My experience with each sign as FRIENDS (AQUARIUS):

ARIES:An emotional rollercoaster. With them I felt like when I was on the edge, suddenly, they pulled me back into the brutal reality where they would be next to me, encouraging me to do all the stupid stuff I’m afraid of because YOLOOO b*tch.

TAURUS:Safe. With their friendship in my hands, I felt nothing but understood. They have a really calming presence that drew me into their cozy arms where I could’ve cried my eyes out all day long without being judged. They are really encouraging.

GEMINI:Out of this galaxy. With them, by my side, I felt like I finally found my soulmate. They are the people I am usually drawn to and, not gonna lie, they are the best listeners and advice givers as they are so wise. Having the chance to dance around with them is a blessing. They’re funnier than a bear who dances Macarena???

CANCER:Saved. With them, I got to feel the experience of feeling truly saved, no matter how minor my problem was, they were there and they have helped me go through all of it’s stages without leaving my side.

LEO:Powerful. With their marvelous presence in my life, I have learned things that I thought were impossible. Listening to them was as comforting as smelling the perfume of confidence and optimism. They seemed to have the key to any closed door, the enthusiasm for any party and the trustworthy personality that any friend needs.

VIRGO:Crazy. With them in my life, I felt like we both got the chance to break out of our shells of comfort, together. They were always up to trying new things or feelings and sometimes their hidden adventurous side really caught me off-guard. They truly know the fact that real friends don’t let you do silly things alone.

LIBRA:In love. With them I felt love, not in the classic way with like kissing and other stuff, but in love with their personality and way of living life. Their soft, magnetic personality made me feel intrigued but their wisdom and fun, adventurous side is what made me stay. And when it comes to them, I don’t think anyone would ever want to leave once they get inside their heads and hearts.

SCORPIO:Intrigued. With them I felt like there was always something missing while solving the mystery of their personality. Once I found a piece from the puzzle, they were gone and only came back with another mysetery for me to solve. I felt their hands upon my mind and soul, trying so hard to control them. They made me shiver out of anxiety but I guess that’s why I kept playing with them. Out of curiosity.

SAGGITARIUS:Relatable. With them I felt like I was looking in the mirror while we were both talking. I have never met people as easy going as them. They easily opened my eyes when all I could see was the darkness that confusion was painting my reality in.

CAPRICORN:Intimidated. With them I felt intimidated by their intelligence and the arrogance they were using to prove people how smart they truly are. Their dark humor and harsh glances were giving me shivers but there was always something soft to them that made me wonder what they were hiding. And that soft thing was the only reason I have ever needed to stay.

AQUARIUS:Adrenaline. With them I felt like I was always competing, to see which one has better taste in clothes, music or boys. There was never a moment of pause from this silly game and after sometime I was starting to get tired of it. Even though they made me feel good and sometimes even understood, I can understand why it’s sometimes dangerous to put two Aquarius people, along with their crazy intellect, in the same room. The world is just about to get dominated by chaos.

PISCES:True. With them I felt like I finally found my other half in terms of friendship. We were both prone on doing stupid things together, falling in love at the same time, dancing on the street or stargazing. With them I felt close enough to spill all of my secrets and all of my dreams and I have never been judged. Instead, they did just the same. It felt like we were a perfect friendship match.


This post was requested by: @mentallydatinghemmoluke THANK YOU SO MUCH ✨


//How do you manage your anger according to your zodiac sign: //

ARIES: When an Aries gets mad, they tend to erupt just like a volcano, and anyone standing around them will get burned by their words. There is no middle ground with an Aries, as their emotions tend to get the best of them.

TAURUS: They usually keep their emotions to themselves, and can get passive aggressive if you rub them the wrong way. If you want to know if you’ve angered a Taurus, you’ll have to ask, because they won’t just admit that to you. They have a lot of pride in themselves, and don’t like it when people get under their skin so easily.

GEMINI: Geminis don’t generally have a bad temper, but if you get on their bad side, you’ll definitely know it. It takes a lot for them to muster up the energy for a confrontation, however, so you might get the silent treatment if you make a Gemini mad. You’ll probably have to make the first move if you want to made amends with a Gemini, because they have a tendency to avoid reconciliation and instead may just write you off.

CANCER: If you make them angry, they will just hide their feelings until they eventually blow up. Cancers are one of the most passive aggressive signs of them all, so if you cross them, you’ll have to chase after them just to get a response. They’ll go into recluse mode and hide inside their shell if you manage to penetrate their tough exterior

LEO: Leos have a hot temper, just like any fire sign would. However, Leos get over the issue just as quickly as they got mad over it, mostly because they have the attention span of a child. They’re angry one minute about something you said, but then the next minute, they’re chasing after a pretty butterfly they saw behind you. Leos actually manage their anger quite well as a fire sign, because they don’t allow their tempers to get in the way of their zest for life.

VIRGO: Virgos don’t really anger easily, and have one of the calmest dispositions of all the signs. They have an analytical, logical approach to emotions, and as such, don’t really allow them to overtake their lives. However, since Virgos don’t express emotions well, they do tend to hide how they feel at times just so they don’t burden others with their feelings.

LIBRA: As the peacekeeper of the zodiac, Libras don’t really like to let their anger get the best of them. Actually, they’d rather just move on from whatever made them angry in the first place, but this can lead to bottling up their feelings and holding grudges. They have a habit of using your past mistakes against you, and can grow resentful if an issue is swept under the rug.

SCORPIO: Scorpios can become hot-headed pretty easily, but they oftentimes won’t let you know it. Instead, they’ll plot revenge in their head, because they don’t like people toying with their emotions. Scorpios will retreat into their shell once angered, so you’ll have to let them cool off first before you try to make amends.

SAGITTARIUS: As the third fire sign in the zodiac, a Sagittarius will really let you have it if you make them mad. They don’t really know how to regulate their emotions, and believe in expressing them as much as possible. Sagittarians tend to explode when they get mad, and will bowl over anyone who stands in their way.

CAPRICORN: Capricorns, being an Earth sign, don’t tend to get mad very often. However, they also bottle up their feelings, and explode months later about every issue that they haven’t dealt with since. Capricorns secretly get frustrated about little things, but don’t like to express that as it makes them seem very child-like. When they do get mad, many people don’t know how to deal with their fiery temper.

AQUARIUS: Aquarians don’t mind debating, but they really hate arguing with a passion. If you get mad, they’ll likely just walk away. They don’t really like to allow their emotions to run wild, and present a composed, even-keeled disposition at all times. If someone makes them angry, they really will just avoid them rather than addressing the problem.

PISCES: As a water sign, Pisces’ emotions run deep. So, their anger can get the best of them at times, but they won’t let you know that. Instead, they’ll deal with their emotions in the peace and quiet of their room, and will come talk to you when they’ve calmed down a bit. They do tend to hold grudges, but if you mean a lot to them, they’ll try their best to work things out.

What loving the zodiac signs is going to feel like:

♈️ARIES: Wild, but far from wrong. Destructive but far from hurtful. Unique but far from dangerous. Like living in the flames of a burning fire that dances between the thick sheets of darkness, with a force so invincible and so powerful. So divine you’ll feel like kissing God himself when you’re actually healing the Devil.

♉️TAURUS: Luxury exists only where there is hard-work and a colosal amount of passion driven by the madness that love is. And that madness, that drop of pure craziness it’s what keeps people glued to reality. Down to earth. Protected. Fought for. Wanted. You’ll literally feel the luxury behind these harmonious gifts and the effect of a powerful yet almost weithtless feeling of scented, amorous touch of kindness.

♊️GEMINI: A tailor is someone whose job is to repair, make or adjust clothes. But feeling the pinch of a needle going right through your veins, with an electricity so shocking, stitching all the holes in your soul with such a gentle touch, it’s not a tailor’s job anymore but a lovers. And stitich after stitch, you’ll finally realize why lovers are said to become one, in the end. Melted into a harmony so bright and melodious. Hopeful. Reborn. Happy. And most importantly, understood.

♋️CANCER: Like those golden mornings, scented by a sweet, innocent parfume, with birds chiriping in your ears. Like the touch of a light, silk fabric on your naked warm skin. Protected by the Gods. Adored by the angels. Carried by the soft hands of the refreshing wind and drunken by the thick liquid of happiness. Cared of.

♌️LEO: You know those afternoons you used to spend in the park with your friends,laughing and climbing on trees. Having a good time. Feeling youthful and totally unstoppable. This is a feeling only a special, curious and adventurous person can provide for somebody. And being able to be that somebody who can taste the sweet, savory fruit of childhood over and over again is truly a blessing.

♍️VIRGO: Empowered by an invincible force of intelligence is somekind of power anyone is looking for. And being able to feel it while laying down next to a warm body who provides comfort and security is not even called luck but more of a gift the Universe decided to prize you with. You’ll feel glorious. Like someone who won the trophy they waited for their entire lives. Thrilled by the soft happiness you found through the glasses of normality.

♎️LIBRA: Captive in the arms of absolute freedom is not captivity at all. You’ll feel harmony, beauty and pure rivers of love grow from within the core of your heart and soul, blooming shy grins on your lips while affection colors the pupils of your never ending passion for life. Fruitful. Perfect. Bathed into small, cold drops of rain, washing away all your sorrows.

♏️SCORPIO: Like in your everyday life, you’ll feel sparks of intimidation, anxiety or anger. But sparks fly, and flying they’ll slowly transform into glowing flames of passion. A passion so honest and so aggresive it will drive you insane. And losing sanity is, sometimes, a blessing. A harsh detachment from reality that is going to lead your way into a candle-lit cave where passion and errotic love collide, creating a sphere of perfection that can barely be described by words.

♐️SAGITTARIUS: A compliment can make someone blush, a joke can make someone laugh so hard their face might turn red and an adventure might color the entire universe and life conception of an individual in just a matter of a few minutes. With them, you’ll feel inspired, entertained and like an outcast living with your other half, far away in space while laughing at everyone and their pathetic, boring fates. You’ll feel special, somehow like that one perfect story-teller you always wanted to become when you would be fat and old.

♑️CAPRICORN: Being a black sheep is not always something bad and in this case, it is far from being a flaw. Standing out from the crowd while fitting into the patterns of such a hilariuos human being is absolutely extraordinary. You’ll feel like a lucky charm, carried around like something made by God’s hands. Precious. Watched by a knight in shining armor who is willing to sacrifice their perfect minds and blinding futures for a feeling as beautiful as this.

♒️AQUARIUS: Alice had to fall to get to Wonderland, but once she did so, she found herself in a world where everything and anything was possible. And falling IN LOVE with the out-of-the-ordinary, rebellious and revolutionary Aquarius won’t be far from what Alice experienced in Wonderland. You’ll truly feel like you’re broken from whatever the term of “ordinary” even means. Bathed in sweet dreams from head to toe with two arms as soft as the wings of a butterfly wrapped around your torso, drawing swirls of hope on your body and sticking amused grins on your lips. You’ll feel irreplaceable.

♓️PISCES: There’s nothing like a specific word to describe the euphoric perfection you’ll feel while loving this specific individual as it will be completely different from what you initially expected. But if I should compare it to something I would probably choose the expression “on cloud nine”. You’ll feel a unique energy, a calming breeze of fresh air in your life, the smell of new begginings and a precious state of happiness while drawning into the sweet nothings they whisper into your ear while your eyes are closed, dreaming of another world, another hope but never another love because there’s truly nothing more beautiful that the love they provide. Calming. Soft. Sweet. Truly incredible.


Omg I finally post after socially disappearing

What your birth chart will teach you:

SUN: Why do I act and express myself the way I do

MOON: Why do I react and feel the way I do

ASCENDENT: Why do I see and meet the world the way I do

MERCURY: Why do I think and communicate the way I do

VENUS: Why do I express affection the way I do

MARS: Why do I express anger and passion the way I do

JUPITER: Where do I feel most confident and where do I push my luck

SATURN: Where do I feel most anxious and where do I need to realize authority

URANUS: Where do I rebel and innovate

NEPTUNE: Where do I lose touch with reality and how do I escape it

PLUTO: Where do I feel most powerless and how do I need to let go of ego to transform

MIDHEAVEN: What do I want to achieve and who do I want to become

DESCENDENT: What do I project on other people

What you see isn’t what you get:


•You see: Brashness, Egocentrism, Aggresion

•They feel: Pressured, Unequipped, In need of encouragement


•You see: Possessiveness, Materialism, Greed

•They feel: Safety fears, on quicksand, self conscious


•You see: Lies, Contradiction, Inconsistency

•They feel: Split memories, Rapidly changing needs, Uncertainity


•You see: Moods, volatility, hyper sensitivity

•They feel: Abandoned, rejected, responsible for you


•You see: Egocentrism, drama, crises

•They feel: Raw, heartbroken, scathingly self contemptuous


•You see: Containment, coldiness, pedantic

•They feel: Out of control, anxious, embarrassed


•You see: Temper, flirtation, fakery

•They feel: ill defined, overly dependant, paranoid


•You see: Manipulation, moods, grandiosity

•They feel: Damaged, wasted, controlled by unseen forces


•You see: Critique, Temper, Abruptness

•They feel: Homeless, flawed, uncharted


•You see: Forbidding, remote, rejecting

•They feel: ill fated, disliked, panic stricken


•You see: Distance, arrogance, recluse

•They feel: Isolated, hyper sensitive, destitute


•You see: Moodiness, Lies, Vagueness

•They feel: Undefined, unheared, chaotic

//Stop judging a book by it’s cover. Everyone has fears and frustrations. Be nice. Make people feel like people. Bring back humanity in this cruel world.//

Aries: forever my spontaneous buddy. we can do absolutely nothing yet say we had the most fun. lol your witty insults are the best though sometimes harsh. i love that you are so caring and will do anything to make your loved ones smile.

Taurus: you want to be friends with everyone and you are too concerned with being popular. I dont trust these kind of people but you are so funny when you are comfortable. you are the worst texter so i call you right away when i see you writing me back

Gemini: so damn loud. you have good advice. i always go to you when i need a good drag. you seem detached but somehow you are always sensitive about something. you are a loyal friend, we cry together and i love you so much. I hate that you clam up when youre upset but i understand what youre going through. Im a gemini, i do the same. But other people dont understand that so its better to communicate your negative feelings aswell

Cancer: its true, you are moody! but i love teasing you out of your bad mood. and it always works! we flirt constantly. well i do, you are straight forward about your feelings and flirting is too complex for you haha. but when you flirt, you flirt with your eyes and smile. wyddd stop!! nothing compares to your touch and kisses! ure very jealous and possesive though, but just holding your hand and only looking at you in a room full of people makes that all go away. you are the best lover i have ever had. because unlike me you dont live in your head and that makes me want to live in the moment with you

Leo: so freakin passionate! I love it. you are perfect because i can have deep conversations with you and still keep it light. you are a mixture of my two favorite signs: cancer and aquarius. youre charming and a go-getter but sometimes a little competitive. why? just like me you are always ready to go out and look for the next adventure

Virgo: you have the kindest heart! i love your love for animals, but youre a little sneaky sometimes and you dont even realize you start real problems between people. youre too afraid of new things, i feel accomplished when i get you out of your comfort zone every other blue moon. i respect your intellect although it differs from mine sometimes. i feel i understand you better than you understand me.

Libra: hah! you are my best friends! we can chat for hours and still not be done talking. we have great banter, lots of inside jokes and we even understand each others body language. we like to organize parties together, entertain people and win them over to our friend circle. we’re proud of each other and give that little push to go for our dreams. one annoying thing is that we try to please each other all the time.

Scorpio: we are always ready to start some drama. we will throw people a bone and watch them argue. then we’ll be standing in a corner looking at them and ask each other why we are so evil and laugh about it all night. we’re always joking until one of us insults the other, hell cracks open a little bit but we get over it in a second like it never happened. normally i dont talk about my private life but with you i spill it all. it took you a while to tell me about yourself and our friendship became really strong after that. i feel you love me more than my mom does hahah love you scorp!

Sagittarius: can you stop showing me funny videos, youre making my stomach hurt from laughing. haha the internet would be boring without you! you are shy at first and its hard to make eyecontact with you but oh boy once you come out of your shell.. i like shy boys but your fiery side makes me too sad. Your shade is real and hits hard. i wish you were more careful with your words because you cant take them back once youve said them and i hold grudges so bad combo there :(

Capricorn: how do you appear so calm and collected on the outside but are so damned nervous inside? i always feel capricorns’ nervousness. youre like an alligator; quiet and meticulous. working on your next master plan to win power over people. youd be the best puppet master! youre very concerned with status but i like you best when you are not because you know how to have fun. youre one of my kinkiest friends ;) ;) lol. I like that you are accepting of people and very forgiving. Youre always there for the people you REALLY REALLY REALLY care about and thats a small tight circle of people, im glad im one of them

Aquarius: where do I start? i admire your intellect. talking to you is like having sex for the first time! all aquarius i know are effortlessly handsome and pretty. how? you make me want to be a better person. people dont often see your sensitive side, but i know your feelings can get intense. one thing i dont like though is that with other people you live in your head and bottle everything up inside until you boil over and spew out of control with them. dont do that! You are so freakin perfect. oh and you have a hate-love relationship with my cancerian friends, whyyyy

Pisces: you are like real life dolls! you are angelic and innocent looking with always a mischievous smile on your face. But behind that cute bubbly energy there is a really nasty side to your personality. you can be awefully mean when you act on your impulse and unfortunately you do it often :( you like to sweep problems under the rug because talking about it gives you heartburn! But it makes you look like you are not self-aware even when you are. People think you are detached from reality and selfish, but I see you use escapism as a coping mechanism. you are very smart! you love to learn and give. what i love the most about you is that you are patience with me and you can feel my energy without mistaking it for what its not.
