

if I have any russian speaking followers, you might like my new SasuNaru fic.


or, you can just check out AO3 analog for post USSR countries.

They bought me a graphics tablet and after downloading the driver I immediately started drawing art! I’ll throw you a spoiler for further work :) This job will be a bit of a long and painstaking connection with my studies and my workload.

Surely everyone is relatively adequate about the Chinese AU Kkir. As you can see ‘Kashi has a completely different haircut, reminiscent of the more modern - Mullet. (Idk what prompted me to depict such a haircut for him, most likely it just suits him.) What about Iruka? He has a cute little collected hair bun - that makes him cute and ready to fight with Kakashi. About the fight… They don’t hate each other. Although there mb a bit of hate involved, but I’m trying to show their battle for love. Hate and love. “Hate cannot be drowned out by hatred. Only love can defeat her; this is ancient wisdom.” As for their clothes, which you will not see in part, Kakashi is logically from the Hatake clan with its coat of arms,Iruka will be from his own with his coat of arms, but I’m still working on this, because I didn’t quite understand his sign.


My digitizer is broken, so there will be banal sketches. :,(


Note:Kakashididn’t kill Iruka, he just couldn’t save him from dying.

I want you to know that I’m never leaving

‘Cause I’m Mrs. Snow, 'til death we’ll be freezing

Yeah, you are my home, my home for all seasons

So come on, let’s go…

Let’s go below zero and hide from the sun

I love you forever where we’ll have some fun

Yes, let’s hit the North Pole and live happily.♪

(Snowman - Sia)

I haven’t been here for a long time, well it’s all because of my studies.

this time a simple sketch. And very soon I will switch to a new styling of kkir’s and will post them.~
