

Recipe for rice bowl of salmon, chicken and egg. 1) Minced chicken meat 150g Sugar spoon 2 2 tablespoons of soy sauce Sake or white wine 50cc Dissolve the mass. Stir over low heat. Keep small grains without lumps. 2) eggs Sugar, salt, a pinch. Stir the eggs over low heat. Keep small grains without lumps. 3) Bake the salmon and loosen it. 4) snow pea Bonito Dashi 150cc 1 tablespoon of white soy sauce Mirin spoon 1 In Japan, it is often used for lunch boxes. It looks beautiful and delicious ♪ 

 日本ではもうお馴染み♪ お弁当にも大活躍の鶏そぼろ、炒り卵、鮭ほぐしを合わせたうまうまどんぶり♪ 美味しい♪
