

簡単、安い、美味しい♪ 納豆好きならご存知の納豆ひき肉炒め丼♪ 材料/レシピ/作り方 ・納豆2〜3パック ・ひき肉130〜150グラムくらい ・長ネギ一本 ・水大匙1:めんつゆ大匙1の合わせだれ

Recipe for rice bowl of salmon, chicken and egg. 1) Minced chicken meat 150g Sugar spoon 2 2 tablespoons of soy sauce Sake or white wine 50cc Dissolve the mass. Stir over low heat. Keep small grains without lumps. 2) eggs Sugar, salt, a pinch. Stir the eggs over low heat. Keep small grains without lumps. 3) Bake the salmon and loosen it. 4) snow pea Bonito Dashi 150cc 1 tablespoon of white soy sauce Mirin spoon 1 In Japan, it is often used for lunch boxes. It looks beautiful and delicious ♪ 

 日本ではもうお馴染み♪ お弁当にも大活躍の鶏そぼろ、炒り卵、鮭ほぐしを合わせたうまうまどんぶり♪ 美味しい♪

Tuna is called “MAGURO” in Japanese. “ZUKE” means pickling in Japanese. Soak tuna sashimi in soy sauce sauce. This is a traditional method that has been used since ancient times when refrigeration and transportation were not developed. Quickly soak the tuna in hot water. Because the surface is heated, the osmotic pressure slows down. Soy sauce slowly penetrates. The color of the finished tuna is beautiful. This is a traditional Tokyo style. This is the job of a sushi chef in Tokyo. The skill of the craftsman appears in the taste. cool! Nagaimo-Japanese yam is very slippery and sticky. It is low in calories and contains vitamins, zinc, potassium and other healthy ingredients. It is said to have immunity against influenza. Very delicious and healthy ♪
