

You suddenly wake up realizing that you have 늦잠을 잤어요. Oh no! What should you do!?

You quickly run into the shower and you turn on the shower. Once you get in you realize that 수압이 약해요, so you try and fiddle about with the shower head to see if it will pump out the water stronger.

When all of a sudden 수압이 세요. 수압이 너무 세요 so the water goes straight into your mouth. You slip and fall to bang your head against your glass shower wall.

As you recover you realise once again thay you need to get ready soon so you hold the shampoo and you start to 샴푸를 짜요 but nothing comes out!

Oh no!!! 샴푸 다 떨어졌어요!! So you try and find a quick subsitute for the shampoo

You try to 바디워시를 짜요 but 바디워시가 다 떨어졌어요.
바디클렌저를 짜요 but 바디클렌저가 다 떨어졌어요.

Oh this is not going well at all.

How can you 머리를 감아요 without any shampoo! AH 비누~
비누 solves everything right?.

So then you start to 비누칠을 해요.

And everything is fine… so you hope!


늦잠을 자다 - This is what happens if you miss your alarm clock. We all do it from time to time

수압이 약하다 - When your Shower pump is weak

수압이 세다 - When your shower pump is powerful

샴푸/바디워시/바디클렌저를 짜다 - So this is when you actually squeeze the bottle for it to come out

샴푸/바디워시/바디클렌저가 다 떨어지다 - If you squeeze it and nothing comes out then this is what it is called in Korean.

머리를 감아요 - putting your hands in your hear and then you scrub it with soap or water.

비누 - Soap

비누칠을 하다 - When you get the bar of soap and you scrub it around your face and your body
