

Today we will be looking at the expression 이건/그건 ~(동사)할 때 쓰는 것이다.

The title is there as it says so let me put some more examples.

이건 수업 메모를 적어낼 때 쓰는 공책이야/이예요

This note book is used for when I write down my class notes.

그건 화장실 청소할 때 쓰는 거야 /거예요.

That is used for when cleaning bathrooms

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저는 팬들에게 오랫동안 포스트, 문법과 어휘 강의 등을 올리지 않아서 사과하고 싶습니다. 최근에 한국어능력시험 몇 고대에 지원서를 보내려고 준비하고 있거든 Easy Korean Intermediate (이지코리안인터미디어트 / 쉬운 중급 한국어) 텀블러 블로그에서 새로운 콘텐츠를 업로드할 시간이 없었다는걸 고려해 보세요. 시간이 앞으로 더 받으면 다시 올리기 시작하겠습니다. 저는 바쁜 스케쥴이 있다는 걸 이해해 주셔서 감사하고 좋은 하루 되세요!

You just came back from a 노래방 and your are kind of drunk. You have all food and sauses from the food you orded in your head and you need to 머리를 감아요 really baddly.

You go into the bathroom and 샾푸를 덜어요, after that you 머리를 숙이고 감아요. But there is the sauce still remained so then you try again but only 머리를 물로 적셔요 . You scrub your hair so much that 거품이 났어요.

You once again 샾푸를 덜어요 because you like to rinse and repeat.
But this time 눈에 샴푸가 들어갔어요!

Such a bad day today right?

Once more you 머리를 물로 적셔요 and then 머리를 말려요. After you 머리를 말라요 you 두피를 마사지해요

As you go to sleep you realise that you did not 머리를 빗어요 but you don’t care.. you are drunk.

8 Vocab 머리를 감다- When you wash your hair. 삼푸를 덜다 - When you dispense your shampoo 머리를 숙이고 감다- When your lower your head to wash your hair 머리를 물로 적시다 - Wetting your hair with water 거품이 나다 - When bubbles come out 머리를 말리다 - when you are drying your hair 눈에 ___가/이 들어가다 - when something goes in your eyes.

You suddenly wake up realizing that you have 늦잠을 잤어요. Oh no! What should you do!?

You quickly run into the shower and you turn on the shower. Once you get in you realize that 수압이 약해요, so you try and fiddle about with the shower head to see if it will pump out the water stronger.

When all of a sudden 수압이 세요. 수압이 너무 세요 so the water goes straight into your mouth. You slip and fall to bang your head against your glass shower wall.

As you recover you realise once again thay you need to get ready soon so you hold the shampoo and you start to 샴푸를 짜요 but nothing comes out!

Oh no!!! 샴푸 다 떨어졌어요!! So you try and find a quick subsitute for the shampoo

You try to 바디워시를 짜요 but 바디워시가 다 떨어졌어요.
바디클렌저를 짜요 but 바디클렌저가 다 떨어졌어요.

Oh this is not going well at all.

How can you 머리를 감아요 without any shampoo! AH 비누~
비누 solves everything right?.

So then you start to 비누칠을 해요.

And everything is fine… so you hope!


늦잠을 자다 - This is what happens if you miss your alarm clock. We all do it from time to time

수압이 약하다 - When your Shower pump is weak

수압이 세다 - When your shower pump is powerful

샴푸/바디워시/바디클렌저를 짜다 - So this is when you actually squeeze the bottle for it to come out

샴푸/바디워시/바디클렌저가 다 떨어지다 - If you squeeze it and nothing comes out then this is what it is called in Korean.

머리를 감아요 - putting your hands in your hear and then you scrub it with soap or water.

비누 - Soap

비누칠을 하다 - When you get the bar of soap and you scrub it around your face and your body

In today’s Korean lesson we will be looking at the grammar phrase ‘It is pointless to…

You can say this in either three ways:

1) ~기에는 의미가 없다

2) ~는건 무의미하다.

3) ~도 소용이 없다

Let’s look at some example sentences

이대로 공부하다가는 다음주에 볼 시험을 불합격할텐데 지나치게 하기에는 의미가 없어요.

이대로 공부하다가는 다음주에 볼 시험을 불합격할텐데 지나치게 하는건 무의미해요. 

이대로 공부하다가는 다음주에 볼 시험을 불합격할텐데 지나치게 해도 소용이 없어요.

All saying: If you study like this you will fail anyway so there is no point in studying so effortly?

앞날의 일은 걱정해도 소용없다

앞날의 일은 걱정하는건 무의미해요

앞날의 일은 걱정하기에는 의미가 없어요.

All saying:  It’s pointless to worry about what lies ahead.

So this is a great thing to say when you are giving a speech if you are going to be working in a Korean business. 

Lets take a look at some examples.

저는 조만간 아시아 지역에서 영업을 시작하게 될 것을 알려 드리게 되어 기쁩니다.

I am pleased to announce that we will soon begin operating in Asia

저는 테리 레이가 생산 및 마케팅 전무이사를 맡게 된 것을 알리게 되어 아주 기쁩니다.

I am very pleased to announce that Terry Ray has taken  on the role of Executive Director of Production  and Marketing

존댓말 어휘: Formal Vocab

영업 - Business

조만간: Soon 

생산: Production

마케팅: Marketing

전무이사 : Executive director

을/를 맡다 (1): accept a role of / take on the role of.

맡다 also has other meanings but we will get on to that later


[Credit to Naver Dictonary]

IToday we are gonna look at one of the most used words in Korean. 

그대로 / 이대로/저대로.

Think of 그대로 as 그렇게 ,이대로 as 이렇게, and 저대로 as 저렇게 They have the same meanings but 그대로, 이대로 are stating it as a form or a way.rather than being straight forward as 이렇게 그렇게, 저렇게 .

Let  us look at some sentences


한: 무서워하지 말고 있는 그대로말해.

영: Don;t be scared just say it as it is

한:  그냥 그들 그대로 내버려 둬

영: Please just leave the things as they are

한:  정말 네가 말한 그대로다.

영: It is just as you said.

한: 이 문장을 문자 그대로영역하시오 

영: Translate this sentence into English word for word.

Vocab using 그대로:

그냥 그대로 있다 - To remain as it is

문자 그대로 영역하다 [영어 +번역하다] - To translate in English word for word

문자 그대로 한역하다 - Translate into Korean word for word

문자 그대로 일역하다 - Translate into Japanese word for word.

있는 그대로 - As it is

이대로:  Like this / This way

한:그 문장은 이대로도 의미가 통한다

영:  The sentence does make sense even as itnow

한:이대로라면 만사가 끝장이다

영: If things go on like this, everything will be ruined

한:이대로 놔두면큰일나겠다

영:If we leave it like this, it will grow into a serious matter.

Vocab using 이대로:

이대로도: Even as it is

이대로라면 : If things are like this.

이대로 놔두면: If sm leaves it like this

만사: Everything

끝장이다 - Ruined

의미가 통한다 - To make sense

저대로:Like that/ That way/as it is

한: 저대로가 좋다

영:  I like that better as it is

한:  그 사건을 저대로두어서는 안 된다

영:  The matter cannot be allowed to stand as it is.

Vocab using 저대로:

저대로두어서는 안 된다 - not allowed to stand as it is

사건 : Matter

[Credits to Naver Dictionary, Daum Dictionary]

PS. What I mean by vocab using, is that it is just vocab used in the sentence it doesn’t have to go with 그대로,이대로,저대로

This speaks for itself I really don’t have to explain how to use it because it is quite simple.

ㄱ: 왜 지나치게 공부하고 있는건데? 넌 엄청 이상해~
ㄴ: 난 고대에 가고 싶어서 열심히 공부해야겠다.
ㄱ: 근데 그렇게 공부할 필요가 없잖아!
ㄴ: 내가 이렇게 계속 공부하다 보면 고대학에 들어갈 수 있을거야.

영어 해석

ㄱ: Why are you studying so intensely?
ㄴ: I want to get into Korea universities to I have to study hard.
ㄱ: but you don’t need to study like this!
ㄴ: if I continue to study like this then I will be able to get into Korea University

New vocab
고대학 - Korea university (반말)
지니치게 - Intensely


This one is used to explain the situation of something that you did in the past/will do later on/ or are doing/. it is similar to even though ( I don’t know what your reasons are ! X) )

제가 1년동안 한국에서 살기는 했지만 아직도 한국말을 잘 못해요
I have lived in Korea for a year but I still can’t speak korean .

서울 항공원 (비행기표) 는 비싸기는 하겠지만 살거에요
The plane ticket to seoul is expensive but I will buy it.

저는 한국 사람이기는 하지만 김치를 먹기 싫어요 I am korean but I hate to eat kimchi.

- 강태빈

How I study for TOPIK II Exam. 한국어능력시험II를 위해 공부하는법Hello guys so another blog post from me. I would f

How I study for TOPIK II Exam. 한국어능력시험II를 위해 공부하는법

Hello guys so another blog post from me. I would first of all say thank you so much for the support and I will be using this blog for my application for university this year, so please keep supporting me! Thanks you to you guys I will be able to study Korean language at university and go to Korea university.

Anyway, I am currently studying for TOPIK II exam, since I dropped computer science (My school told me to drop it because I study too much, apparently going home at 5pm and studying until 5am isn’t healthy) I decided to take up the TOPIK II exam to prove my language ability to the university. I am currently working with my Korean language tutor who is also my engineering tutor, to get a Level 4 on my TOPIK II exam. I have been studying alot and actually been using my own blog as a form of revision. 

In the picture above you see two books. On the left is the book that i got for my birthday from my girlfriend, its a brand new book from EBS and you can only get it in Korea. On the right you have the EBS Korean entrance examination(수능) Korean textbook that i got when i was in Korea. Even though I am not a native fluent speaker, it is still a good way to study Korean. Lets take a look inside.


Here we have the 수능 textbook. The textbook asks me to read the paragraph and answer the questions on the back. This paragraph is on technology because it says 기술 in Korean which also means technology (and also a skill). I would read it all once first, then read it again sentence by sentence highlighting words and phrases i don’t know. Since the TOPIK II is from intermediate to fluency, these phrases could come up in the exam! 


And then i answer the questions. Now i am only working for Level 4 but my teacher said we should always aim higher to be on the safe side, so that is why i am studying the 수능 textbooks. I also study Korean geography!

So after i answer these, I check in the answer book provided and i read the explanations. This requires me to use Naver dictionary app A LOT! 

There will be some questions I get right, and some that are wrong, what can i say?I am not fluent yet! :D


Above is now the TOPIK II Textbook! This has English translation so it is good for any level that are using TOPIK II.

Here it speaks for itself, I just write down the words i don;t know and answer the text questions.


Here is another 수능 textbook i study from, and it is Korean Geography which i mentioned earlier. 

This one is quite very difficult to understand. So this one I really have to study the vocab hard! tbh it hurts my head alot. I’m not studying for 수능 I am studying for Topik.


Here is what the questions look like in the book

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