

After you have brushed your teeth, and had a shower you come back into your bedroom and start 침대를 정리해요 [정니해요], poor thing you are so tired you know that after you 침대를 정리해요, you then have to 커턴을 걷어요,이불을 개요, and 알림을 꺼요. Wow what a tough morning you have! but it is all okay cause you know you are going to have a wonderful day.

침대를 정리[정니]하다 - You do this make your bed neat and tidy

커턴을 걷다 - You do this to allow the sunlight to come through the window.

이불을 개다 - If you have any blankets you fold them to make them look neat.

알림을 끄다 - You do this to stop your alarm from making that annoying noise
