#abortion fund


Staircase Wit

I was heartened that there were….maybe fifty anti-choice counter-protestors, absolute max, at the Texas state capitol today.

I’m using every ounce of loaded understatement to say that they were a much less festiveandwitty presence than the pro-bodily-autonomy folks were. (You feel what I’m saying? You feel me.)

When we were leaving, about 15 of them filed out in front of us. They all somberly got in a single mini bus.*

*(Pro tip: Don’t pick the political side where a significant proportion travel in one vehicle.)

Many of the Anti-s carried heart-shaped balloons. One guy’s balloon got tangled on the capitol fence, and he sheepishly went “uh huh…ha…uh…” while he hung back to untangle it.

We’re very clearly NOT ON THEIR TEAM, but we live in a polite society, so we averted our eyes and walked around him.

I wanted so badly to announce, “whoa, metaphor!”

But I did not.

The moral is, please support your friendlylocalabortion fund.
